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My Hero parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

 Chapter 12 

Chapter 13 Class 1-A Aizawa the Omega Terror

Bakugou showed amazing patience, giving Izuku space as he recovered from the exam. “How’d you get those injuries nerd?” Katsuki growled.

“I was experimenting with a new fragrance, to boost my strength and well one thing led to another, it may have worked too well.” He chuckled nervously. Bakugou glared at him twitching angrily. ‘Is Kacchan gonna yell?’

The blonde stomped over to him and pulled him into a hug. “Don’t be so reckless damn it!” He sniffled. Katsuki hugged him so tight so he couldn’t see him cry. “Damn nerd!” he growled.

‘Kacchan must have been so scared when he heard I was in the Medical Office.’ He let Katsuki be a little selfish as an apology and planned to do something special for Kirishima and Ojiro. The other two were just so happy he was okay. Izuku could tell they had been worried too.

Everyone was so happy Kirishima, Katsuki, and Ojiro, all got into UA. Katsuki had gotten the highest score out of his mates via Villain Points, getting 98 points. He was shocked when Izuku had claimed the top spot in the applicants though, with Rescue Points. Midnight was even impressed. “To think your score would have been even higher had they not used robot villains.” Izuku had gained points for every rescue and assist he made, him taking on the 0 Pointer to protect the other applicants gave him a huge boost at the end.

Katsuki didn’t see it as a loss for him, it just meant he had to be better. In a real-world battle situation, all four of them could have battled villains and brought them down. Izuku’s quirk may not work on robots, so he took on the support role he needed in that situation. Katsuki was very proud of his lover. “Good work nerd!”

“You are awesome Midoirya!” Ojiro hugged him.

“So manly!”

“Thanks, you guys did great too.” Izuku grinned. They got to enjoy some much-needed cuddle time. Kirishima had gotten 70 Villain Points and 10 Rescue Points. Ojiro had gotten 60 Villain Points and 20 Rescue Points. Combined with their written scores they had gotten into UA with flying colors.

“You still could have done better!” Katsuki growled.


As their first day of school drew closer, they had to discuss the elephant in the room. Some alphas had taken interest in Izuku, the results of the exam were only gonna increase Izuku’s appeal. Mezo Shoji’s challenge letter arrived in the mail, along with a few others. “Let’s see, Mezo Shoji, so he approached you guys?” He didn’t recall the name from the mating request letters.

“Yeah, he was very polite,” Kirishima said.

They gave him the rundown of how they met. “He seems like a decent guy.” They didn’t want to distract Midoriya before his exam after all.

“I don’t like it, I still think the guy is a coward for not sending his official letter in the first place.”

“Well, he doesn’t want to fight or take me away from you guys. He did save me during the exam and took me to the Medical Office. Maybe we should meet him.” Shoji was tall, strong, and had a rather interesting quirk Dupli Arms. It had Izuku curious why he wasn’t already mated.

Shoji wasn’t the only person sending a challenge letter. “Just let me roast this trash!”

“It’s not that simple Kacchan if I don’t respond to these letters the right way, it could end badly.” Some of the letters were to Izuku allowing him to accept or reject them as he saw fit, the others were to Izuku’s alphas challenging them for Izuku.

“It’s okay if I slaughter these bastards right?” Katsuki chuckled darkly.

“I mean I get his aggression, but seriously dark bro!” Kirishima said. Since Izuku had two alphas they had to both be defeated for Izuku to be taken away from the pack.

“We also need to find a beta for Kirishima.” The red head blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

“You don’t have to worry about me, I am looking for a manly beta to be my mate, one who’ll treat Izuku with respect!”

“Aww, that’s so sweet!” Izuku kissed him on the cheek.

“Still think you should let me roast these losers, anyone who tries to take you away is dead meat!” Bakugou’s hands sparked.

“We have thirty days to respond to these letters, besides our first day of school is coming up, let’s not spoil it by fighting,” Izuku said, making Bakugou huff, giving a gruff. “Whatever!” Izuku kissed him on the cheek. The Omega did like this side of the blonde alpha, even if his protective side could be just as explosive as his quirk.

Izuku didn’t want anything to ruin their first day of school...if he only knew…


UA was a grand academy, having the majority departments, consisting of Math, Science, Foreign Languages, History, Gym, along with several other subjects students could choose to fill out their courses.

Depending on an applicants’ scores determined what special classes one got into. Class A and B were a part of the Hero Course. Class C, D, and E were a part of General Education. Class F, G, and H were for the Department of Support. Last but not least Classes I, J, and K were for the Department of Management.

Class A and B were given Hero Lessons, classes to teach these up and coming heroes Quirk Training, Combat Training, and Rescue Training. Holding a position in the hero classes didn’t mean one could relax, at any time you could be demoted, and a student through good grades or achievements could claim one of those seats, just as a student could lose their seat for poor grades, indecent actions, etc.

The school took hero work seriously, and heroes had to work hard to stand tall in this world. So UA prepared its students for that, and no teacher was tougher on his students than Shota Aizawa!

‘This isn’t good, Izuku has that man as his homeroom teacher.’ Midnight got her hands on the school roster. ‘He’s the hardest to please. Be careful Izuku that man doesn’t hold back!’


Izuku, Katsuki, Eijirou, and Ojiro all walked to school together. “This is so exciting!” Izuku was nerding out about the history of UA and all the Pro Heroes that have graduated from here. “Man you really know your stuff!” Kirishima praised, making Izuku blush.

“Hehe, well I really like heroes!” he blushed and scratched the back of his head.

‘So cute!’

Bakugou twitched. “Get behind us Deku!” he growled.

“Kacchan?” Kirishima also stood in front of him.

“Well well, if it isn’t the omega slut!” Monoma stepped out as the group passed through the gate.

“You again!” Izuku gasped. “What is your problem?”

“You got a death wish asshole!” Bakugou growled.

“He must have, insulting our omega right in front of us!” Kirishima hardened his arms punched his fists.

“I’m just speaking the truth, an omega having multiple alphas, either you guys are bad in bed or he’s a total slut!”


“Deku...” Bakugou and Kirishima blushed crimson, both happy for the praise and a little embarrassed at the declaration. Now there were quite a few eyes on them.

Monoma laughed. “Then that means you are just a slutty omega.” he walked off. Bakugou wanted to kill him and Kirishima had to hold him back.

“It’s our first day try not to get expelled!”

Izuku hugged Ojiro’s tail for comfort. “Guys...am I a slut?”

“No!” the three said in unison.

“Don’t listen to that jerk he’s just jealous because he doesn’t have you.”

“Hm...” He ran his fingers through his tail fur. It was a habit, forming in the omega, hugging Ojiro’s tail when he was nervous or uncomfortable.

“Don’t go listening to trash like that got it. Even if you can be perverted and wild in your heat, that’s not why you have multiple alphas, its because we love you and want to be with you got that!”

“Wow, Bakugou you can be really sweet at times!”

“Shut up I’m always sweet!” Even Ojiro had to laugh at that. “You got something to say Tail Ass?!”

“Nothing Alpha.” Ojiro and Izuku give a kiss to Katsuki’s cheeks making the blonde alpha’s whole face go red.

“I just hope that guy isn’t in our class. I don’t know if I can handle it.” Izuku rubbed Ojiro’s tail some more to calm down.


Thankfully he wasn’t, but there were several familiar faces in Class 1 A. “Izuku Midoriya!” Tenya Iida rushed towards him and greeted him in a very traditional matter.

“Oh yes hi...”

“I’m glad to see you are doing well. Your actions during the exam have deeply moved me, and showed me that I have much to work on.” His body moved as he spoke, he was a very physical person. “You are truly an impressive omega!”

Izuku blushed. “Umm thank you...”

“I wanted to talk to you after the exam, but didn’t get the chance.” he adjusted his glasses. “You see I was very focused on my studies and have yet to take a beta or an omega as a mate.” Tenya Iida came from a good background, a wealthy family with a legacy as heroes, he went to elite schools and had a solid quirk.

“You got some balls talking to my mate so blatantly in front of me. I’m gonna enjoy crushing you.”

“I had heard Izuku had mates but didn’t think he’d mate with someone so violent. Are you really trying to be a hero?”

“Tch!” Bakugou huffed.

“While alphas can be aggressive, that is no reason to lack manners!”

‘Iida-san doesn’t seem like a bad person.’ Izuku thought. For an alpha he had a regal scent, so he had amazing control over his pheromones.

“I’m aware that Midoriya-kun has other mates, he picked you because he loves you. If you were abusing him then I would challenge you even if it meant my death!” His pressure suddenly changed.

‘Not bad!’ Bakugou smirked.

‘So manly!’ Kirishima thought.

“But that doesn’t seem to be the case.” He bowed politely. “If you would be willing I would like the chance to join your pack?” A courting proposal.

“I wouldn’t be opposed to courting.”

“Yeah whatever, but you gotta prove yourself to the pack got it!” Bakugou snapped.

“Yes!” Iida saluted.

‘This guy is so stiff, will he fit in with this lot?’ Ojiro thought.

“It seems you are quite popular Midoriya.”

“Ah, Shoji!” Izuku was surprised to see him. The masked man spoke using his quirk creating mouths at the end of his tentacles. “Thank you for helping me during the exam!”

“I did so gladly. Did your mates relay my offer?”

“They did, I had a few questions and Kacchan would like me to test you.”

“If it means I have a chance. I’m willing to face any trial.”

“My my, I don’t get what’s so special, he seems like a normal omega to me.”

“Eeeeee!” A tiny guy suddenly groped Midoriya’s butt.

“His ass is about a B.” He sniffed Midoriya. “His pheromones are at least a b. He may have some muscle, but that means he lacks the softness of other omegas, minus points.”

“Knock it off!” Kirishima tried to hit him, Ojiro tried to strike him with his tail.

“You are dead!” Bakugou growled.

“Don’t flatter yourself, I have no interest in such an omega.” Minoru Mineta, his quirk Pop Off, sub sex Alpha. His dream is to have a harem of betas and omegas with him as the only alpha. “But if you ever wanna ditch these losers and join my harem I can find a place for you.” Mineta talks a big game but he doesn’t have a single beta or omega. “You can even bring the blonde beta, he’s a bit plain looking but his ass is an A.”

“I’m gonna kill him!” Katsuki cracked his knuckles.

“I’ll join you!” even Kirishima was fuming.

Mineta was smacked by a surprise tongue. “Mineta-kun, don’t cause trouble!” Tsuyu approached them. “Please forgive this shameless pervert, he’s gonna get himself into trouble one day.” Tsuyu Asui Alpha, thanks to their quirk Frog they can choose to be male or female at will but their sub sex remains the same.

“Pheromone Boy!” Ochoco charged in and hugged Izuku. “This is Tsuyu Asui, they sent me a letter the day after the exam. We haven’t mated yet but we are courting!”

Tsuyu blushed and chuckled. “Call me Tsu.”

“You found an alpha!” Izuku was so happy for her.

“It seems you’ve been busy too, you got two more alphas vying for your attention. Or should I say three?”

“Hmm?” Someone tapped Izuku’s shoulder. “Oh, it’s you.”

Koda waved at him, he began to sign/mime. “Thank you for saving me.”

“Who’s this weirdo?”

“Kacchan be nice, I helped him out during the exam!”

Koda wrote his name on the board. Koji Koda + Nice to meet you. “You don’t talk much do you?” Koda shook his head, he’s quite shy. He drew a heart in the air and pointed at Izuku.

“An alpha of few words, but he sure knows what he wants.”

“Damn extras, you better be ready to prove yourselves!”

“Why are you all so noisy!?” the group tensed and turned around to see Aizawa, radiating an intimidating aura. “Take your seats now damn it!”

It was time for attendance. “Yuga Aoyama?”

“Here, sparkling!” Yuga Aoyama a beta male.

“Mina Ashido?”

“Present!” She was an alpha.

“Tsuyu Asui?”

“I’m here sir!” They were suddenly a girl now.

“Tenya Iida?”

“Yes sir!” He stood up from his desk and bowed.

“Ochako Uraraka?”


“Mashirao Ojiro?”

“I’m here!”

“Denki Kaminari?”

“Yo!” The blonde beta raised his hand. He looked over at Izuku and shot him a wink.

“Eijiro Kirishima?”

“Here sir!”

“Koji Koda?” He raised his hand but didn’t say anything. Aizawa nodded in acknowledgment. “Mezo Shoji?”

“I’m here!”

“Kyoka Jiro?”

“Present.” The girl was a beta.

“Hanta Sero?”

“I’m here!” Sero was also a beta.

“Fumikage Tokoyami?”

“Here!” Tokoyami was an alpha.

“Shoto Todoroki?”

‘Todoroki as in the son of the Pro Hero Endeavor?’

The male raised his hand. “I’m here.” This young man was wearing a scent blocker so no one could tell what he was.

“Toru Hagakure?”

“Here here here, I’m here!” She was quite loud, but given her quirk, she had to be.

“Katsuki Bakugou?”


“Izuku Midoirya?”

“Here sensei!”

“Minoru Mineta?” No response. “Mineta?” Again no response. “Hmm...oi!”

Mineta was sitting behind Izuku and the little perv was being creepy. “Oh, I’m here!” The brat got bound by Aizawa’s scarf.

“Momo Yaoyorozu?”

“I’m here!”

“I recognize that scarf. He’s Eraser Head, he’s a hero that works in the shadows and has a quirk that can erase others’ quirks!” he gushed. The man was an omega and went the longest without taking a mate. “He was given the nickname Omega Terror!” Aizawa just sighed.

“So we have 10 Alphas, 7 Betas, and 3 Omegas.” He said. “Well not that you’ve all introduced yourselves, get ready you’ll be competing against each other.” He told them to get dressed for the gym and meet him outside.

“Sir...won’t we be late for the assembly?”

“You won’t be having your assembly. You are gonna be tested in how you use your quirks. The student who comes in last will be expelled.”


To be continued... Show off Test And and Expulsion


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