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Bleach parody: Tier 1

Hey guys still alive, just struggling this week has been extra stressful and my health issues still not improving. Trying to cleanse a bit stay tuned and we'll be back on track

Soul Fragments

when Aizen defected from Soul Society he had taken the Hogyoku. It’s power even in its dormant state had shaken Soul Society and caused a disturbance. Aizen sensed this, but decided to let it be, it’d serve as a good distraction as he built his arrancar army. Muramasa a zanpakuto spirit who had lost his master, starts a rebellion, but in the end he’s betrayed by the master he served so loyally. Broken and shattered he feels his life fading away, when someone calls out for him.  

Chapter 1  

After Aizen’s betrayal every soul reaper was tasked with getting stronger. Aizen had declared war, on the living world and Soul Society. Ichigo was dealing with some issues as his inner hollow was becoming difficult to control. He met up with the Vizards, shinigami with hollow powers, and worked to tame his inner hollow. It was an intense process, but he succeeded.  

Some Soul Reapers had come to the living world, as a first guard in case Aizen decided to invade early. They spent their time training and trying to communicate with their zanpakuto to try and get stronger. It wasn’t easy, the zanpakuto and their shinigami tended to have different ideals, and some butted heads over little things.  

While they were away, the Zanpakuto Spirit Muramasa made his move.  

He awakened the Zanpakuto of the Captains and the Lieutenants and caused a rebellion. Ichigo, Renji, Rukia, Rangiku, Toshiro, Ikkaku, and Yumechika went to Soul Society to try and quell the rebellion, but their Zanpakuto were turned on them to. With Muramasa “liberating” the zanpakuto it left the shinigami unable to use their sword’s powers.  

Muramasa even got control over Ichigo’s Zangetsu, but his hollow power manifested to protect him. Attempts to control Ichigo’s hollow power proved useless, so Muramasa tried to kill him. Ichigo blocked his strike. “You...why would you save me, I thought you’d enjoy being rid of me...”  

“Ichigo Kurosaki, why would you defend this hollow?”  

“I don’t care if he is a hollow, he’s part of me. I’m not gonna let you do what you want with him.”  

“Tch, saying sappy stuff like that, don’t think that makes me happy, you fool!” His hollow snapped.  

“Shut up!” Ichigo smacked him. “Stop thinking I don’t care about you. I rejected you before, I know that was wrong now. I’m not rejecting you anymore got it!” His hollow blushed.  

Muramasa felt a surge of jealousy as he watched the two. “Oi Muramasa, get out of my Inner World. I didn’t invite you so get lost!” The zanpakuto spirit was shocked as he was pushed out.  

Together with Shirosaki Ichigo defeated Old Man Zangetsu, and got him to return to his soul.  


Muramasa’s power had caused a lot of discourse in Soul Society. Zanpakuto spirits were causing chaos, the fear of destroying the zanpakuto meant losing one’s powers forever, and somehow Muramasa had managed to capture the Head Captain.  

Though all was not as it appeared. After Renji defeated his Zabimaru, they revealed that they didn’t actually hate Renji, like they declared. Yes they wanted him to be stronger, but they loved their master and wanted him to grow. Muramasa manipulated their thoughts and forced the confrontation.  

Toshiro’s zanpakuto Hyorinmaru was very much the case. He didn’t dislike his master or have reason to rebel, so Muramasa made him forget who his master was. If no discord existed Muramasa could create them, taking small or petty grievances and amplifying them ten fold. He was quite the powerful Zanpakuto spirit, but what was his goal?

Things got even worse when Byakuya Kuchiki seemingly betrayed Soul Society. Joining Muramasa’s side and aiding the zanpakuto in their rebellion.   


For a zanpakuto good at illusions, deceptions, mirages, they should have been prepared. Muramasa hadn’t captured Yamamoto, the old man had gone into a trance like state to shield his mind from Muramasa’s influence. He needed someone powerful to break the barrier. Ichigo had the power once hollowfied, uniting the power of Shirosaki and Zangetsu the barrier broke and Muramasa got what he wanted.  

“He’s after his master Koga, he now know where he’s located and how to break his seal.”  

“What?!” Ichigo gasped. “But he told me he had killed his master.”

“I do not know what he’s planning, but I do know if he reunites with Koga, Aizen won’t be the only threat we have to face.”  

Ichigo felt guilty for falling for Muramasa’s trap and did everything he could to help stop him, but he was too late. Koga Kuchiki was awakened from his seal, his body aged and ragged, but his spiritual pressure was still immense.   

“Master Koga, you are finally free. I’ve waited for this day for so long.” Muramasa approached Koga.

“Mura...masa...” Koga stabbed him with the broken blade of Muramasa.  

“Koga...why?” he crumpled to the ground.  

“Why? Because you betrayed me. I never would have been sealed had you come when I called.” he began to stomp on Muramasa.  

“You called for me? I never heard it. Koga I swear if I heard you...even a whisper I’d have rushed to your side. I was waiting for you for so long. Please Koga...forgive me...”  

“Forgive you?” he smirked. “Why should I forgive a mere tool.” he broke Muramasa’s zanpakuto causing the spirit great pain.  

“Stop it!” Ichigo snapped.  

“Why? Why do you care? He’s but a zanpakuto spirit a tool, he belongs to me. Who cares if I break a faulty tool?” he dropped the broken sword, and Muramasa cried. “My power is limitless, I’m the great one not you. You just had to obey me and you couldn’t even do that.” He picked up one of the sealing swords used to seal him. “This blade is as good as any.”  

“You are sick!” Ichigo snapped.  

Before Koga could kill Muramasa, Byakuya stepped in. He had deceived everyone for this moment. Koga Kuchiki was a dishonor to his family, and as Clan Head he was responsible for him. He had bested his zanpakuto from the start and freed him from Muramasa’s control. In order to deceive the deceiver he had to deceive his friends and comrades. Byakuya fought Koga and managed to kill him.  

Ichigo picked up Muramasa’s broken blade and in a flash he saw it all. Koga was blinded by his own power, he had chance after chance to realize what he was lacking but instead he chose the path of revenge. He fell down a dark path and Muramasa tried to stop him, Koga stopped listening to him, and soon his voice stopped reaching him.  

It was Koga’s own fault that Muramasa stopped hearing him, his actions led to the deaths of many, that led to him being sealed, he tried to fill a void he had inside himself with power which just left him emptier and emptier. He became blind to his own power.  

Ichigo witnessed Muramasa’s memories, and felt the sorrow that had been eating away at the spirit all this time. ‘Can we help him, is there nothing we can do?’ Ichigo tried to pour his reiatsu into the zanpakuto to mend the broken blade.  

Kisuke had taught him that zanpakuto could be repaired through reiatsu. He tried to repair Muramasa, but with Koga’s death Muramasa wouldn’t last much longer. ‘This isn’t right, Muramasa cared for and loved Koga, he never betrayed him.’  

Muramasa felt Ichigo trying to repair his zanpakuto. Ichigo’s power was great, overflowing and warm. “Stop it...don’t try to save me...I’m nothing...a tool without his master...”  

“Shut up!” Ichigo roared pouring more power into the zanpakuto. “You aren’t a tool damn it, you are a spirit with heart, a mind, and feelings. If Koga couldn’t see that than he’s the fool!”  

“It’s too late...Koga is gone...soon I’ll be to...” Muramasa cried tears of blood. His blade cracked, it was true…

“Damn it...”  

‘There might be a way Ichigo.’ Zangetsu said.  

‘Invite him into your inner world. It may be the only way to save him.’ Shirosaki said. ‘Though it’s gonna hurt.’

“Muramasa come to me!” Ichigo called out. “Whisper Muramasa!” He called before stabbing himself with the broken blade. The spirit’s eyes widened as Ichigo invited him into his inner world. He was drawn in and was met by his inner spirits.  

“We are only doing this because the King wants to save you.”  

“You better repay Ichigo’s kindness ten fold!” Zangetsu warned.  

Shirosaki absorbed the hollow power from Muramasa, and Zangetsu manipulated his reiatsu severing his link to Koga. Muramasa’s clothing dissolved, leaving him very much naked. “I’m alive...but how...”   

“You aren’t alive yet fool, if you leave this place you’ll revert back to an Asauchi.”  

“But I can’t stay here forever...can I?”

“If you wish to stay, you must submit yourself to the King.” Ichigo appeared behind him, shocked at the sight of the naked spirit. It was a hard choice, he had lived for so long for Koga and his ambitions, its why Koga’s words cut so deeply, even more than the stab wound he gave. Even if he didn’t choose Ichigo, he’d find a new master one day, but he wouldn’t be him anymore.  

He had seen Ichigo’s mind and memories when he had pulled Zangetsu free. The boy knew pain and loss, weakness, and defeat. He chose not to forget it, and push forward getting stronger so he wouldn’t lose anyone else. No matter what Koga was gone and there was no bringing him back, but he was getting a second chance.  

Muramasa prostrated himself before Ichigo. “I submit to you, Ichigo Kurosaki!” A black shinigami robe covered Muramasa’s body, he lost his longer nails, but over all his physical form didn’t change. His sword appeared at Ichigo’s waist. He wasn’t fading away anymore, he had been absorbed into Ichigo’s warm soul.  

To be continued


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