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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 6


Chapter 4 Bondage and Caged

Benimaru stared at the little caged, forged from magisteel cluster, shaped perfectly to Rimuru’s exact instructions. Rimuru took the design from his homeland and modified it, this world had all kinds of fancy features, magic, and enchanted devices and items. Satoru had a thing for cages, bondage, and other such things but most of the people he met weren’t into anything so heavy. Tamura was the first person to accept his kinks fully, he was interested in being dominated and caged. He was actually wearing his cage when they met up on their date when he died protecting him. It was gonna be their first time together, and Satoru was finally gonna cash in his V card, but c'est la vie. He left behind the key so there was no issue there, but oh what could have been.

Rimuru wondered if he was tempting fate by giving Benimaru the cage, but he wanted Benimaru. He loved him, and he could see a desire to be dominated burning deeply behind his eyes. Great Sage told him there was a 95% chance of Benimaru accepting the cage. He hoped so…

The cage was modified, once placed onto Benimaru’s penis it would magically shift for his size, making it the perfect fit, no matter the size he’d become. Rimuru had to think long term with how monsters evolved it was possible Benimaru to grow bigger, shrink, expand, who knows.

He also gave it some extras, he could make it so Benimaru couldn’t get fully erect, the metal giving him a never-ending bite that would remind him that he’s owned. There was another setting thanks to the materials, Rimuru could allow his arousal, allowing his length to reach full mast. He’d then be locked in a constant state of arousal, unable to cum or get relief. Kaijin did warn him that this would make his balls grow bigger, but that was nothing a good milking couldn’t fix. Rimuru was fascinated because it was different forms of control, and given the time and place could increase the fun they could have.

It was the ideal cage, it had a magic stone seal in it that allowed the cage to have some magical effects. It’d respond to Rimuru’s magicules, and the stone looked like a cute little slime jewel. All Rimuru had to do was rub it and apply water and the cage would produce a slime that’d clean the cage, clean Benimaru’s penis, even go inside his penis to clean his pipe.

Rimuru could make it heat up, chill down, zap, even vibrate; he fucking loved magic. He could even add a layer to the cage, the metal could shift and plug his pipe. Benimaru’s safe word would also release the cage, but Rimuru made it so only he could put the cage back on. So Benimaru couldn’t use the safe word take off the cage, jerk off, and put it back on without Rimuru knowing.

Also as a bonus when worn in battle, changing pain into pleasure, and the more aroused he is the stronger he becomes. Though Rimuru didn’t tell him about this extra feature, he wanted it to be a surprise, plus not sway his decision to take the cage. He did inform him of the safe word feature.

Benimaru touched the cage, feeling the quality of the metal, the power that radiated off it. ‘Can I give up my manhood like this?’ his penis twitched.

He had jerked off, it felt nice and he could do it again. With the cage, the choice was no longer his. His penis twitched again.

If it was any other man, any other monster Benimaru wasn’t sure if he’d accept such a thing. Having his penis locked up, giving up control, most ogres/oni would never do such a thing. Serving a master or a lord had its limits, an ogre wouldn’t take abuse from their master for example. To give up rule over his mighty club...could he...would he…

Most monsters treated their rods as sacred tools, for they brought pleasure, life, signs of their desire. He wondered what his father would say if he had such a contraption on him. It was Souei’s words that brought him back to focus.

This was Rimuru Tempest, his lord, his lover, his master. He had opened up many doors for him and walked with him through said doors. It was just a glimpse of the possibilities that existed. He didn’t see the benefit of caging his sacred rod, but Rimuru did. His penis twitched.

He trusted Rimuru, he loved Rimuru, why doubt him now? He wanted to submit to Rimuru, this was just another layer of submission. His penis was hard as a rock, his cheeks burning red, and his heart was pounding. He took hold of the cage and got painfully aroused. This cage, it would bind him to Rimuru, twitch* it would be proof he was owned by the slime. Twitch*

So what if he couldn’t touch himself, that would be nothing compared to the pleasure Rimuru would bring him. He couldn’t see beyond the horizon, seeing events as they came, Rimuru watched the world from above. His creativity had him on a whole other level.

‘I want to be yours, I want to submit, this...this is the ultimate submission!’ he gulped and wiped his chin. He was feeling something primal, some force that was always a part of him that was just resting below the surface. It was something that Rimuru had awoken inside him and it was rising to the surface.

He trusted Rimuru with his people, his revenge, his loyalty, his body, and his heart so why not his manhood. He took hold of his hard cock and began to jerk off again. One last go for his sacred club before he surrendered to Rimuru completely.


Rimuru found Souei strung up and leaking. “So you’ve been peeping on us?” The bluenette blushed.

“I...” he shivered. “Did Benimaru tell you?”

“He didn’t, I’m not so blind.” Souei hung his head. It was actually Great Sage who told him.

“Please do not be angry with me Lord Rimuru I...”

“I’m not mad.” He traced Souei’s penis, making the oni gasp. “Tell me, who do you watch?”

“Lord?” He was confused, he didn’t know what was happening, he felt very horny and vulnerable.

“Is it Benimaru, me, both?” he palmed the monster’s dick.

“Both!” he moaned. He’s been in love with Benimaru since they were ogres, when he was placed as his retainer he felt guilty for having such desires. Rimuru had snuck his way into his heart, he had it on good authority that 90% of the oni had feelings for Rimuru. Shuna and Shion often fought over time with Rimuru, he didn’t have the heart to tell them it appeared Rimuru preferred males.

Catching the two fucking the first time, he was surprised he wasn’t jealous of Lord Rimuru but jealous of Benimaru. Such feelings were washed away but the sheer erotic sight of the duo mating. He was happy his prince had found happiness even if he was a bit envious. “You want Benimaru to be happy don’t you?” he squeezed Souei’s cock.

“Yes!” he moaned.

“You love him don’t you?” He blushed and nodded, only for the threads to tighten on him.

“Ahh!” he arched his back.

“Use your words!”

“Yes I love him, but it wasn’t proper and he belongs to Lord Rimuru.”

“He cares a lot about you, he may have a place in his heart for you too.”

“But he is your mate, you should kill me for gazing upon him the way I do, you should punish me for peeping!”

“Maybe, but I’m not gonna kill you. That may be the ogre way but its not my way.” He palmed Souei through his crotch, rubbing and squeezing and making Souei squirm. “Play your cards right and we’ll all be happy together, Benimaru, me, and you.”

Souei came and made a mess of his fundoshi. His eyes rolled up, and he shivered as his pent up semen ran down his legs. Rimuru released his hold on him and he slumped to the ground. “Go get cleaned up, I’ll be thinking of a fitting punishment for you later.”

“Yes sir!” he rushed off, and to his surprise, he was turned on. The thought of being punished by Rimuru excited him, Benimaru was too nice to punish him for peeping. His heart was pounding in his chest.


Benimaru found Rimuru, cage in his hand, cum splattered his pecs, abs, and crotch. “Lord Rimuru!” he moaned.

“What did you decide?” He knelt on the ground in a submissive pose and offered the cage to him.

“Please put it on me. I want to be caged!” Rimuru couldn’t help but grin. He took the cage and Benimaru presented himself, his soft penis collected, it twitched as the cage was slipped on. The magic stone glowed and the cage fit his penis perfectly, and a metal click was heard and he was locked. “My Lord!” he moaned.

Rimuru kissed Benimaru and the red head moaned. His penis twitched and tried to swell only for Benimaru to whimper as the cage gave him a pinch. He couldn’t get hard. “Nnnnhhh!”

“How’s it feel?”

“Tight...” he shivered. His rod looked kinda sexy all locked up and caged, swelling and trying to get hard only for the cage to hold him back.

“Too much?” he played with Benimaru’s balls.

“No it...it...feels...” he blushed and his smile grew bigger and bigger. “It feels good!” he shivered and he began to leak pre-cum. He wanted to say perfect but went for the simplest answer.

“Let’s head back we have things to discuss.”

“Yes master!” he moaned. With each step he took, he felt the weight of the cage, it was a constant reminder he was owned. He was positively throbbing. Rimuru was gonna educate him on the joys of cage play.

To be continued Safe Words and Milking


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