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Danny Phantom parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Skulker’s Mistake

Skulker goes after an ancient creature in the ghost zone, hoping by using it he can bring down Danny Phantom. Danny gets grabbed by the creature, and is forever changed. Thanks to his ghost powers he’s able to hide his new tail, but he can’t repress his new desires. Cock Tail Cock Hugger Macro Hyper Danny/Harem

Chapter 1  

Skulker was the Ghost Zone’s greatest hunter, or at least he used to be, since battling Danny Phantom and being bested time and time again he’s been considered a joke. The secret about his intimidating form simply being a robot exoskeleton hasn’t helped his credibility. No matter what upgrades he got, no matter what technology he interfaced with he still hadn’t beat Danny and the boy was just getting stronger and stronger.  

To make matters worse he’d been made a pawn of stronger ghosts time after time and it wasn’t getting him anywhere. Ghosts were slowly beginning to lose fear of him. Even the Box Ghost wasn’t taking him seriously anymore. Countless ghosts were taking the risk and dabbling in dangerous forces, Vlad went after the treasures of the Ghost King, the Box Ghost messed with Pandora’s Box, Ember tried to harness the power of a cursed song from the dawn of time, even Danny messed with the Ghost Knight’s sword. The ghost zone was a strange and mysterious place, even some of the oldest ghosts didn’t know the full depth of it. There were rumors, legends, and the like some were true some were just ghost stories, ironically told by actual ghosts.  

He went through a few of his old trophies recalling an ancient creature said to be found in the Ghost Zone. These creatures were said to be so dangerous it’d be disastrous to disturb them. Skulker didn’t care anymore, if they were that dangerous than they’d be the perfect hunting beast to set on Danny.  

Skulker searched through some of the darkest and most dangerous areas of the Ghost Zones. It was called the Realm of Nightmares, as these ancient terrors were the stuff nightmares are made from. Most of these ancient powers were retired and just wanted peace and quiet, but just because they were retired didn’t mean they weren’t extremely dangerous.  

These ghosts had their time to shine in the old days, and even got a kick out of terrifying the humans, but times changed. So with it the fears of the era changed, but it was a testament of their power that they were still remembered in the nightmares of man.  

Not even a hunter like Skulker was foolish enough to mess with them, but one special creature had his targets locked on. ‘Just you wait welp, you’ve humiliated me for the last time, this creature won’t only best you it’ll give you a taste of humiliation like you’ve never seen before!’ he chuckled.

His target was known by many names, from different languages, to ancient tongues, and even named to be a specific species all its own. Legends say some worshiped this creature while others feared it. Though an attempt was made to purge this creature from the living world it simply made its new nest in the bowls of the Ghost Zone, laying dormant and untouched.  

‘According to the legend, these Breeder Crabs hatch from eggs and latch onto a sacrifice forever changing them.’ Skulker smirked. ‘From what I heard these sacrifices ended up creatures of humiliation and lust, slaves to pleasure and craving stimulation. I’ll reduce you from a warrior to a beast and the best part is you’ll thank me for it!’ he chuckled.  

Skulker made his way to the den of these beasts. The area was dark and damp, and there was a weird form of ectoplasm lining the walls. “Some place...” he scanned for any signs of life but something was interfering with his technology. “No matter I just need to find an egg, store it, and drop it off at the welp’s home.” he chuckled.  

He searched around for a bit but wasn’t finding anything. “Was the legend of the breeder crabs a hoax?” he pondered. “Maybe this is just some abandoned ghost zone.”  

Skulker tried every scan and scope he had but something was off. “Maybe something is here after all, if its powerful enough to hide from my scopes.” With so much strange ectoplasm around there had to be some ghost around.  

He kept exploring deeper not realizing the danger he was getting into. He soon reached a pit of darkness, he activated his suit making it glow as he entered a deeper cavern. All at once his sensors responded. “What the hell?” he was suddenly surrounded, enemies on all sides. “The hell is going on?”  

Skulker shot out a few flares, these lit up the room and there were eggs...lots and lots of eggs! Before Skulker could act a strange creature jumped and latched onto his face. The armored ghost chuckled.  

“Sorry but that won’t work on me.” even as the creature tightened his hold on him. Suddenly his suit released a powerful electric shock forcing the creature off him. He blasted the creature and reduced it to nothing.  

An egg opened up and another creature jumped at him only for Skulker to shoot it down. “These are the ancient creature? What a joke, you aren’t so tough. Still...” he captured one of the eggs. “I got what I needed!”  

He turned on the booster jets launching into the air and out of the pit. What Skulker didn’t know there was something down there, something that made those eggs, and a creature far more dangerous. It lurked in the shadows and was watching, it was not pleased!


Skulker kept the egg in an advanced ghost container similar to the one he had once trapped Danny in, it kept the powers of the creature sealed and allowed it to remain dormant for the ride through the ghost zone.  

He made it to the human world and zoomed towards the Fenton home. It was late and the family was down for a well deserved rest safely protected under the Fenton Shield, an ecto energy repellent ghost shield that repelled even the most powerful of ghosts. Skulker had his way in though, using a jammer to knock out the shield for 10 minutes, more than enough time for him to slip in.  

Skulker turned invisible/intangible and phased right through the walls and into Danny’s room. He chuckled and set the box down containing the egg, and activated a time for it to open. ‘Five minutes should do the trick.’ he opened the window and left the room.  

Danny’s ghost sense triggered causing him to awaken shivering from the cold. He saw his window was open, so half asleep walked over and shut it before getting back in bed, not noticing the little present Skulker left in his room. He got comfortable in his sheets before falling back to sleep.  

Skulker used some fancy high tech goggles. “Just you wait ghost child soon your life will become a whole lot more troublesome and my entertainment will increase.” his alarm went off and the box freed the egg inside.  

The change in temperature had an effect, it began to sweat and alter the state of the room. Every few seconds the egg seemed to spritz something in the air, making the room warmer. Danny began to toss and turn in his sleep and ended up kicking off his blanket and was exposed in his night shirt and boxers.  

A strange form of ectoplasm began to secrete from the egg turning Danny’s room into the perfect condition for prey. An aroma filled the air and with every breath Danny took, he began to get hotter. His dreams changing to something more lewd.  

His penis stirred, bulging his underwear until it became a full tent. Danny drooled as his deepest darkest fantasies began to play out. “Mmmm,” he moaned softly just as the egg opened fully. The breeder crab crawled out of the egg scurrying across the floor towards Danny’s bed.  

Skulker expected it to go for the face like the ones in the pit did to him, but no. This breeder crab had another target in mind, and Danny’s clothes provided no barrier or protection. One touch from the crab and the underwear turned intangible and fell through his bed and the floor.  

Danny hissed as his cock met the altered air, only to moan as with each passing second he felt good. The creature latched onto his crotch, it’s long spider like limbs stretching around his waist and gripping tightly to his rear, it’s lower legs went between his thighs, the grip on his butt cheeks caused his hole to become exposed and twitch.  

The creature’s body secreted a resin that eradicated Danny’s pubes leaving him perfectly smooth. It’s tail ran along the length of his cock, small pads underneath massaging his length to have it reach it’s maximum arousal. Danny felt strange, and he was slowly being pulled awake, only to get jolted awake by a very strange sensation.  

At the end of the creature’s tail was a cock-like stinger that was aimed right at his piss slit. With one sudden thrust Danny’s cock was penetrated and plugged all at once. “Ahhh...” he jolted up, eyes blown wide as his penis started getting fucked. The creature retracted its stinger only for it to shoot forward reaching a little deeper each time. “What the hell?!” Danny cursed.

He tried to grab the creature and pull it off but it’s hold on him was too great. Each tug just made the creature squeeze his butt cheeks, making him gasp and moan. “I’m going gho-aaahhhh!” He tried to transform but it didn’t work.  

His ghost powers were full on the fritz, no ecto energy, no ghostly wail, no intangibility, he was basically human so long as the creature had him dead to rights. His penis twitched and pulsed, the underside bulging as the stinger slid deeper and deeper. “It’s fucking my coc-aaaahhh!” he began to drool.  

Danny’s 7 inch penis was twitching and pulsing as he got the sounding of his life. The stinger was creating a friction in his rod making his cock want to explode. He wanted to cum but couldn’t, his balls began to itch the need to cum scratching at his mind.  

He panted and moaned, fisting his bed sheets as the stinger fucked his cock, inch by inch until his full length was penetrated. “Ahhh!” his toes curled as he had a dry orgasm.  

The creature came, a strange substance getting pumped into him. Much like when he entered the ghost portal and had ghost essence merge with his dna, this goo getting pumped into him non stop was merging with him. His eyes rolled up as his balls started to grow. “Nnnnhhh!”  

His nuts had tripled in size was the first step of the change. Soon his rod began to grow and expand, the little pads massaging his length. “Whoa!” he gained girth and length, his once modest length doubled in size. A mighty 14 inch rod was now towering from his crotch, the creature’s body extending to compensate.  

The groping to his ass and the special fluid caused Danny’s ass to grow plumper and thicker for balance. He felt a tingling above his ass, and his balls got bigger one final time as a long phallic tail grew. Danny was so high on pleasure the fact he just grew a tail didn’t even register.  

His exposed hole was the target for the phallic appendage as his tail curled and the tip rubbed his puckered entrance. The special pre-cum that leaked from the cock tail worked as the ultimate lube a combo of ectoplasm, pre-cum, and something else.  

Danny moaned as his cock tail plunged into his ass, claiming his anal cherry for himself. His eyes glowed as his pupils turned into hearts. The creature finished with its work retracted its stinger and faded away. “Ohh!” Danny grabbed his huge rod and began to jerk off as his cock tail plunged into ass rocking back and forth as he worked his length.  

His cock and tail were linked, his balls having grown massive to produce semen for both. With his cock tail creating a mouth watering friction in his ass, his tight rear squeezing his new appendage lovingly, and working his penis it didn’t take long for the virgin to cum.  

The giant balls lurched and his cock erupted and showered himself with semen while the cock tail pumped a huge amount inside him. Danny passed out from the experience while Skulker busted a gut.  

“This is better than I could have dreamed, I’m gonna get more of those eggs and use them as my hunting beasts, no matter how powerful a ghost is they’ll fall to their power!”  

To be continued…

Skulker returns to the pit, only to find a much stronger creature waiting for him. His greatest dream is turned into a nightmare!  



Yummeh~ 🤤 I especially liked the new balls touch, that was mouth-wateringly good. 🥰 No matter how many times I see it, the breeding and transformation never gets old. 😉