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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward/Tier 1


Magnetic Deku

Izuku's quirk is a different form of his mother's. She was able to attract small objects to her like a magnet. Izuku's quirk seems to focus on magnetism as a whole. He can move metal, he can even temporarily magnetize objects, he even learns to float by creating his own field. 

Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/magnetic-deku-3-38059629 

Chapter 4 

The media was all over the Sludge Villain incident, it was no surprise with the Symbol of Peace involved. By the time he got home, his mother had heard about everything. "Oh, my baby!" She had been so worried. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" She began to ramble different questions all while tearing up.

"I'm fine mom really, I'm okay…" the villain was scary, but he wasn't worried about himself when he rushed in to rescue Bakugou. 

"Oh, my little hero!" She hugged him. He returned the embrace, a hug felt so good right now. "I called Mitsuki. She said Katsuki-chan made it home okay." She also thanked Izuku for saving her stubborn brat of a son.

Izuku breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good." 

"Izuku honey, I know you say you are okay, but is there anything you want to talk to me about?" She asked.

Izuku looked at the TV and saw the news was also talking about the drama after the sludge villain incident. Love Triangle Already Forming Between Future Heroes. They were speculating that Izuku had possibly rushed in to save his boyfriend. Though the back and forth seemed to claim otherwise. Someone had recorded the whole thing, Tetsutetsu's kiss and confession, Bakugou's confession, and Izuku fainting on the spot. 

It was so embarrassing, Izuku blushed. "Izuku I know you and Katsuki-chan practically grew up together, and you and Tetsutetsu-chan were getting close but I had no idea you boys were getting so serious!" 

"Neither did I…" he exclaimed. "I had no idea either of them felt that way about me. I don't know what to do." 

"I'll make some tea." She left Izuku alone with his thoughts, and even after she poured some tea the two sat in awkward silence. "Why don't we start with something small, do you like boys or girls?"

"Girls, boys, both? I don't know I hadn't really thought about it." She had a feeling, Izuku was so focused on training and studying to become a hero he didn't think of much else. Even when he watched movies or read comic books he was always taking notes. Her son didn't have many friends, he seemed so content focusing on his goals she didn't want to pry or push. Being supportive but realistic. "Kacchan I thought didn't even like me that much, he's often loud and mean so I had no idea. Tetsuchan is my friend, we've been growing close but I didn't know he felt that way." His head hit the table in an exasperated way. "I don't know what to do!" He began to mutter, and the silverware began to float towards him, along with loose change and other random metal objects around the house.

Her son was trying to process a lot right now and it seems he was still in a state of shock. "You'll need to evaluate your feelings and answer them honestly. You're a kind-hearted boy, you've always had a big heart, I know you will figure it out."

'All Might said something similar.' Izuku thought with a smile. He calmed down and used his powers to send the metal objects back in their proper places. 

"Know that whatever you decide, I'm still gonna love and support you." It was a weight he didn't know he was carrying off his shoulders. His mother could tell he had a lot on his mind, so she gave him a hug and a kiss and let him rest and think in his room. "We'll talk again sweetie, love you!"

"Love you too mom." He sighed as he crashed into bed. 


Tetsutetsu made it home and was greeted by his parents. Klang Tetsutetsu and Mercury Tetsutetsu, the dad was so proud of his son, for being a man and confessing his feelings as he did. Mercury was happy for him but felt maybe wasn't the best time for it considering the emotions were high and what Izuku had just been through. 

"It's good that you confessed your feelings but Izu-Chan might need time to process things. Don't go pushing him or you might lose him forever." 

"Don't worry about that blonde runt, you are twice the man he is!" Klang declared followed by a manly deep laugh. Mercury elbowed him.

"Whatever Izuku wants is what I want, I just want him to be happy." He didn't want to lose him no matter the cost. 

"That's my boy!" Klang was very proud of his son. Izuku was a good influence on the boy, and the two would make a phenomenal combo in the future. "But if Izuku does pick you how soon can I get grandkids?" He asked and promptly got knocked out and dragged away by his wife, leaving a stunned Tetsutetsu.


Katsuki received his own warm welcome at home. "Shut up, I'm fine damn it!" He snapped. 

His mother breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good, in that case…" Smack! She smacked him upside the head. "What were you thinking!?" 

"Oww don't hit me you old hag!" 

"Shut it, how could you spring that on Izu-Chan like that. For someone so smart you are really dumb." Katsuki grits his teeth and growled in anger. 

"Katsuki, springing something like on Izuku wasn't the best time to do it."

"I know!" He was just so riled up, and that extra showed up confessing to Izuku and kissing him like that, he lost control. 

"I'm surprised at you when I was your age when I fell in love with a great guy I pursued him with all my might!" Her husband blushed. It was true, she was very aggressive in her pursuit of love, a bit intimidating at first, but he soon found it endearing. "Don't come crying to me if Izuku goes off with someone else." 

"Shut up, I don't cry!"

"Katsuki, you've been in love with Izuku since you were kids, why would you wait so long?" His dad asked. Katsuki hated being embarrassed and talking about his feelings was 100% embarrassing.

"Because he's a coward," Mitsuki said and Katsuki snapped.

"Shut up, you old hag!" 

"Don't take that tone with me Katsuki Bakugou!" He gulped. "Watch yourself I know all about your secret stash of photos under your bed and that special item of yours. If you don't want Izuku to know, you better cram it and listen." 

He sat down on the couch and his mother sat across from him. "You aren't good with emotions boy, you blasted anyone who got near or even tried to flirt with Izuku. You didn't talk to him or explain anything to him, you just expected him to know and understand your signals. You are a possessive little shit, but you need to figure yourself out before you pursue Izuku or you will lose him, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself." She just dropped a heavy truth bomb on him. 

She stood up. "Quirk or no quirk, if you try to force Izuku into anything, I'll kick your ass and you'll be out of this house." She meant it to. She loved her son very much, too much to let him fall down the wrong path. He could be gay, straight, bi, whatever and she'd support him, but she knew her son had an inflated ego. Their society put a lot of emphasis on quirks, and her boy had a stupid awesome one. 

Mitsuki shuddered to think about how their relationship would be if Izuku had no quirk at all. In their superhuman society, inferior quirks and those quirkless were mocked and laughed at. Even those with quirks not made for hero work still mock those who are quirkless. With their society those with quirks were able to find work, as actors, effects specialists, electric quirk users found work at power plants, medical support, etc. 

The dependency of quirks was noted and was a concern for some, but others carried on their days unaware of the troubles that lurked in the shadows. Izuku was good for her son and helped him to be better, but that didn't give Bakugou a free pass. He still could be an arrogant little shit and tsundere about what he wanted. 

She didn't blame Izuku for his reaction, she knew her son too well for that. He probably expected Izuku to read his signals and understand them without a word. She wanted her son to walk the right path. 

Mitsuki got up and left her son with her words of wisdom and warning. Bakugou hated that she was right, he didn't handle the Deku situation well. He actually called him that cause it was short and cute just like him, but his tsundere came out and he gave a mean reason why. 

It was hard to admit when you're wrong, he spent most of his high school looking down on others. Which wasn't making him super popular, flashy quirk or not. He was good looking, smart, and powerful for that people forgave a lot, but tended to be superficial. He had some admirers for his looks, his brains, or his quirk, never the whole package. 

Izuku knew him the longest, saw his flaws and weaknesses, and didn't look down on him for it. He even called him out for being a jerk at times, which Bakugou respected and secretly was turned on by. His deepest fantasy was Izuku punishing him for being a bad boy and praising him when he was good. 

He didn't want to lose Izuku. 


The next few days for Bakugou and Tetsutetsu were torture. They were giving Izuku space to let him sort things out. Midoriya was doing research. His mother gave him permission to watch the sex lessons.

R-Rated heroes not only did hero work but also worked in the adult film industry. These sexy and erotic heroes started a series of educational videos. Porn was easy glossing over, training, prep, sometimes even foreplay. Some quirks made sex easy, super easy, but if you didn't have said quirks, training, or prep you had to put the work in. A guy with a rubber quirk could take giant dicks, multiple dicks, and fists easily because he was rubber, those that didn't have to prep and train their body to compensate. The body could do amazing things with the right training. 

So the R-Rated heroes got together and began doing in-depth and in detail, giving the ins and outs of straight sex, gay sex, lesbian sex, furry sex, hermaphrodite sex, so on and so forth. The world of quirks had granted people unique bodies with different needs, and these heroes wanted to offer every avenue and explore every possibility.

Their videos ranged from basic sex-ed videos with visual aids, Foreplay 101, Identifying and Training Erogenous Zones, Playing With Toys, Role Play, BDSM Do's and Don'ts, and so on. The world of quirks had made safe sex commonplace, STD's had all been wiped from the face of the earth. Most men didn't have to worry about cleaning as men with quirks broke down all food so their ass hole existed completely for mating. (Though those who are quirkless had to do the work to keep themselves clean inside and out for sex) Condoms were still circulated and used but mostly to prevent pregnancy. 

Izuku learned men could get pregnant due to some quirks in circulation. They made an artificial womb inside the body, creating an egg from the host's DNA, after some months and a c-section later bam little kid between two men. There were other ways including the use of the womb worm. 'Well guess this means mom can still have grandkids.' He thought. (Quirk advancement had created a huge leap in pregnancy tech. From quirks that allowed same-sex couples to have children of their own, to technology that granted similar like the Womb Worm and the Semen Snake: a strap on device that converted a woman's essence into semen.)

He started with the video Learning Your Sexuality. The video was certainly informative…

It started after an introduction to the video he'd be watching. Then the R-Rated heroes came out, there were four in total. They stripped off their clothing making Izuku blush. He wasn't used to even talking to girls let alone seeing them naked. The first two were pretty attractive while the other male and female were more unique. The second guy had both genitalia, while the second woman had a penis and balls instead of a pussy. 

Each person was allowed to flex and perform, with text saying please gauge your physical reaction. Initial reactions are not absolute proof please watch till the end of the video. He could see each of them as attractive, but the women didn't excite him the same way as the men did. Izuku recognized the first guy. 

R-18 Hero Chameleon he could turn invisible by camouflage, but since he couldn't change his clothes he had to be naked. His quirk had evolved to where he could mimic people as well. As his quirk allowed he could blend in anywhere. 

He was quite useful in these videos as he altered his skin color, body type, hair, and cock size. He was able to go from twink to be as muscular as All Might, his cock went from an inch to a mighty 14 incher. He also made his balls change in size before turning around, showing off the different styles of asses, from flat, toned, tight, plump, bubble, juicy, thick, and so on.

When the guys showed off and got turned on, it excited Izuku. When the women were up Izuku wilted, even the lady with a cock wasn't doing it for him, but the guy with both still excited him. (The main woman was the R-18 Hero Dazzle she had a glamor quirk, which worked like a magical girl transformation but she lost her clothes, no matter what she did or how she looked it didn't affect Izuku. The futanari woman was She Devil, her quirk Triple Threat tripled her strength which also shredded her clothes, it also could triple her dicks. The hermaphrodite man was known as Sweet Mask, he had a pheromone quirk that made guys horny and cum so hard they passed out.)

The video was 3 hours long, he got to watch the four masturbate in different ways. At the end of the video, there was a message stating whether you react or not, this is your normal. You did not have to like all or none. It offered other videos to explore based on your reactions.

Izuku selected Healthy Masturbation, Gay Sex 101, Are You A Banana...A Donut...or A Hot Dog?, Are You A Furry?, Kinks and You, Gospel of Foreplay, to name a few. He took lots of notes and did some self-exploration.

After a week of getting a crash course in the world of sex and pleasure Izuku's head was spinning. The more he learned the more questions he had. He had so many questions when he bumped into Katsuki one slipped out. "Kacchan...if we got together would you be my donut or are you a banana?"

Katsuki Bakugou….error 404...no response found...pulse rising…

His whole face went red, and his hands sparked. "Did my mom talk to you?!" He snapped. From the toy under Bakugou's bed, he was definitely a donut. 


To be continued… Group Discussion


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