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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/patreon reward

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/spellbook-of-1-30697903 

Chapter 2 Magical Experimentation

Ash was so excited, he could read the book. The book or the feather or some combo of the two had answered his wish. The book changing ownership, becoming his. He promised he’d take good care of the book and do his best to learn all the secrets it had in store.

His new ability Magic Sight allowed him to use his aura to enhance his eyesight, the first trait of this new ability was the ability to read the ancient text. According to the book, he could train his eyes to unlock different abilities and skills. Ash wanted to learn and grow stronger and thinking learning these skills bit by bit would strengthen his aura and allow him to do more. “Aura exists in all things, it is one’s life force, though the name has changed the source always remains the same.” The spellbook had more than just spells to learn, it held notes and knowledge that stroked the young boy’s mind. “Each pokemon type has their own unique aura, a fire type’s aura is different than a water type’s aura, humans have a universal aura that identifies them as human, but by looking deeper you can see different patterns and colors that are unique about the individual. While humans can harness aura and use it there is only one known Pokemon line to be able to do the same Riolu and Lucario. Though it is theorized that it is through Aura pokemon can learn new skills. So people and pokemon are linked through aura.”

The people of Pokemopolis had taken this theory and developed ways to harness aura to perform what some might call magic, harnessing the three known cores of magic the ability to create, to change, and to destroy. The Rainbow Feather had given him the keys to change his life for the better, he had put the work in and had been rewarded, he just needed to do it again.


He started with the Chapter of Eyes, focusing on the first set of spells as they seemed the most important. As he used the spells over and over it got easier and the book seemed to let him know when he could move onto the next one like the two were linked.

“Scan!” Ash’s eyes glowed blue, through this technique he was able to read auras, he could also detect and track auras. He could see a Pokemon’s ability, their moves, and overall power level. The brighter the aura the happier the being, the darker the aura the angrier the being.

“Scope!” His eyes glowed green, his sight was enhanced, seeing farther than normal, seeing in the dark, he could also concentrate and magnify his gaze seeing small items close up and blown up.

“Astral!” His eyes glowed red, this skill lets him see through illusions and the invisible, so he was actually able to meet some ghost pokemon. He could see into a person’s soul by looking them in the eye.

“Ray!” His eyes glowed orange, this allowed him to see through physical objects, clothes, walls, etc. This little ability would come in handy later.

He had mastered four of the seven eye techniques described in the book. There was the Eye of Hypnosis, but that ability was a bit too much to master at his current level, it would turn his eyes into a yellow color, there was also the Eye of the Future, a power that would allow him to see into the future, but Ash didn’t care for spoilers, if he knew what was gonna happen it’d ruin the fun. One he did want to learn sooner or later was the Amore technique, it allowed the user to see something called the love meter, it allowed one to see how much love or affection someone had, it also had a side effect of boosting one’s affection towards the user if they looked one in the eye if the person had no affection for the user it did nothing.

The book seemed to respect Ash’s wishes guiding him to other spells he could learn.

Mastering the eye techniques he did had worked his aura muscles, so he believed he was ready to try some of the other spells from the book. He had made attempts in the past but the spells simply failed and left Ash drained and unable to move for a bit. The book might have been trying to help him, taking his wishes into account as if the book was learning from him as well as he from the book. Now he was feeling more confident, and he didn’t waste much time, he looked for spells that would help him on his upcoming Pokemon journey. “Any suggestions?” he asked and the book began to turn its pages.

According to the book, Pokemon had very unique bodies, they break down all food and convert it into energy. This gave them many benefits, one being that their ass holes existed only for mating purposes. “Aura Body!” he cast, his aura was directed internally and Ash’s body glowed.

His aura worked through his cells allowing him to evolve and become superhuman. Now he only needed four hours of sleep a day, and he could convert food into energy which he can use to fuel his magic. He had a bad habit of sleeping in and missing out on things, like how he missed out on an event with Professor Oak was leading. (Not meeting Go or Chloe in the process.)

Now with his new Aura Body, he hoped that wouldn’t be a problem in the future. His next spell was Aura Bonds, a spell that allowed the user to place invisible restraints of aura on themselves or others when worn it slowed the person or pokemon down but it greatly boosted their growth. He thought it was interesting as he saw an ad on tv for a similar item called a Macho Brace. ‘Could the recipe or idea traveled across the ages and it was made through science?’

He couldn’t be sure but he used Aura Bonds on himself, to train his body and strengthen his vessel. Ash wanted to explore the vast pokemon world, so he needed to be as tough as a pokemon to explore it. His classmates had no idea the restraints on him, they just thought the loser Ash Ketchum sucked at gym, not realizing the Aura Bonds were stimulating his muscles making him deceptively strong. His growing body was stimulated allowing him to build lean and mean muscle. He had a swimmer’s body but with the strength of a Machoke, maybe even a Machamp.

Aura Shield and Aura Barrier, he thought they’d be good for protecting his pokemon and himself in dangerous situations. Aura Walk allowed Ash to make the intangible tangible through his aura, this meant he could walk on air or water by infusing his aura into air or water particles and make them solid. It took a lot of focus, use too weak aura his footholds break use too much aura and he’ll get launched like a rocket. but over the years he got it down. Aura Flight wasn’t so easy, and it wasn’t a spell he had mastered even upon graduating from Pokemon school. Aura Warp was an in case of emergency type of spell as it could only warp him to places he could see or he was familiarized with, and it wasn’t something he could do without consequences. Warping drained all of his strength and that was just himself if he had to warp

As Ash went through puberty he took interest in some of the racier spells in the book, seeing uses in them that may or may not have been the intended purpose. Not to say there wasn’t a chapter or two about lewder spells. No matter the era perverts gonna work their magic, even Ash had to respect that.


Ash had a rival in Pokemon school, Gary Oak, the two had practically grown up together. Gary loved to brag about him being Oak’s grandson, and flaunted his Pokemon knowledge. He could be a jerk, pushing Ash’s buttons now and then but Ash couldn’t help having a little crush on Gary.

Gary was arrogant, and his good looks and developing body didn’t stunt his ego over the years. He took care of himself, making it so he could maintain perfection, as he put it, but he didn’t exert himself as Ash did. Even Ash had to admit Gary was handsome and had a nice body if he wasn’t such a jerk at times Ash would have fallen for him harder.

He wasn’t like some of the girls or guys at school who saw him just as a pretty face or for his status, Ash evaluated him on Gary’s own merits. He did care for pokemon and was a good battler when he used test pokemon. For his good points, and despite his flaws, Ash carried a small torch for the young Oak. He just had a way of coming off as a know it all and turned what he knew to make someone else feel small or stupid, which did stomp on the flames of love a bit.

Like in the locker rooms, Gary had the biggest cock around at a solid 6 inches with a pretty nice girth, Ash had the second biggest at 5 inches. Despite the seemingly small difference in size between them Gary loved to flaunt his nudity and try to make Ash feel like less of a man. This didn’t work as Ash knew something Gary didn’t, he was a grower. Though they were close in size when soft, Gary was a shower, what you see is what you get, he might have gotten a touch thicker when hard expanding his mighty oak as it were, but Ash was bigger than him when hard. His cock dipped down before rising up reaching double its original length.

Gary’s prodding reminded Ash of a passage in the spellbook, it seems there was a whole chapter around penises. He had ignored it before but now...maybe it was worth studying. Once he got home he got the book out and it began to flip through the pages till it landed on the chapter he was looking for. “You’ve read my mind, thank you!” Indeed quite the assortment of spells involving one’s cock, they ranged from temporary to permanent, there was even a spell to mimic the cock of a pocket monster. Aura Enhancement, a spell of enchantment one that tapped into the latent potential of an individual.

Ash’s body was still growing so he decided to give it a try. “Aura Enhancement!” His cock pulsed in his hand. “Whoa!” before his eyes Ash’s soft cock began to extend, lengthening in his hand and reaching his length of 10 inches. “Cool, I must be a shower now, I can’t wait to show Gary, bet he’ll eat his words.” he pumped his length and felt his loins stir.

To his surprise...no...he wasn’t a shower, he was still a grower. As his arousal flared Ash’s cock began to swell dipping down and doubling in size, reaching new lengths at 20 inches! “Oh wow, oh wow!” he gripped his cock with both hands and began to work his long shaft.

He imagined the look on Gary’s face if he could see him now, ohh it was good! He played with his cock, working it faster and faster until his orgasm tipped and his cock erupted like a volcano and shower Ash in semen. It seemed the spell put some oomf oomf in his balls as well. Not only did he get a boost in size, but stamina as well as he was still hard even after the intense orgasm.

Ash would take care of this by conjuring up a sex toy and sucking himself off. Thrusting the toy in and out of his ass while sucking and working his length, he was so big he didn’t have to be super flexible even though he was. He was able to suck down five inches of his twenty-inch monster. “Mmm!” His orgasm surged and he drank his cum, it was a weird taste to him but it’d have a strong taste his partners would enjoy. “Man this is quite the cock, but maybe I’m a little too big, can any guy really take this monster?” he wondered out loud.

The spellbook answered his question by flipping its pages and landing on another of the lewd chapters. “Ohh, Oh I see, very interesting.”


Ash had no problem walking the locker room naked, not really flaunting he just didn’t have a sense of shame in his body, and didn’t see why others were either. He was certainly turning a few heads after his “little” Enhancement.

Gary came walking in, as usual, dick swaying to a fro. “Well if it isn’t little Ashy...” Ash turned and Gary’s jaw dropped. “Not so little...”

“I had a growth spurt,” Ash explained. He didn’t get hard, Gary was stunned on his soft and original hard size alone. Gary was silent, and he couldn’t stop staring. Ash was waiting for an apology, some praise, but Gary just had to be Gary. He laughed…

“Haha, what a loser, your dick is too big now, hahaha, enjoy that useless decoration between your legs Ashy.” Funny how things can turn, with a few words from Gary those that were once in awe of Ash’s large manhood now laughed at him for it.

Ash carried on with his life, not letting their laughter bother him, he knew the truth and that was all that mattered. His cock wasn’t a useless decoration it was an impressive piece, a monster of a cock that would be respected one day. His new size didn’t bother him, his underwear was a bit snug in the crotch now, but oh well.

Despite Gary’s words, seeing Ash’s impressive rod did have an effect on him. Gary was flaunting in the locker rooms as much, in fact, he would often be the first to turn in. Ash got curious so he decided to see what he was up to, thankfully he had just the right spell for the job. “Ray!” his eyes turned orange and he peered through the walls of the locker room and he spotted Gary doing something he couldn’t believe.

Gary...Gary mother fucking Oak...was masturbating. Not super strange, all boys their age did it, some guys and gals had already lost their virginity, they had matured and had more mature interests. No, what was surprising was how Gary was masturbating, he had a pair of underwear pressed to his face, his nose buried in that crotch and he was sniffing, inhaling the manly musk that was deep in those fibers.

‘Those are my underwear!’ Ash thought. ‘Does Gary have a crush on me?’

To be continued...Aura Break

Gary Oak has a thing for Ash, quite the news on the eve of their graduation from Pokemon School. Ash decides to use some new spells and show Gary his cock isn’t a useless decoration.


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