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DBZ parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/saiyan-kai-2-34274598 

Chapter 3 Cumber Awakened

Cumber was a very tall and muscular man, his long black hair reached down to his thighs, his eyes were red, which wasn’t common of Saiyans. He wore a red sleeveless shirt with tattered blue baggy pants, his armor consisted of a mouth guard muzzle device, armbands, and boots. He had been sealed long ago by the Kais of old, his dark ki tainted all those around him. He had fought the first Saiyan god and had been weakened enough to be sealed away.

He had fallen into a deep slumber, sealed away untouched by time for ages. He was taken away from the Saiyan Homeworld, but since Kakarot had been brought here something had been stirring inside him. His senses were awakened and his mind was pulled from the frozen fog it was trapped in. Though he was conscious he couldn’t move or activate his ki. It was like one piece to the key he needed to be free.

Cumber could sense his kind, feeling them grow stronger over the years, but he couldn’t free himself just from sensing his fellow Saiyan alone. Thankfully Kibito had just brought Kakarot down to see him, coming face to face with another Saiyan in eons. He woke up fully, the crystal holding him cracking as his power began to grow. “What is happening?” Kibito gasped. “What did you do?” he accused.

“I didn’t do anything!” Kakarot snapped. He looked into Cumber’s eyes and reached out to him telepathically. ‘Please calm down Cumber, my name is Kakarot a Saiyan just like you!’ Kakarot felt his mind and it was like sinking in a deep dark void.

Kill!’ his power continued to rise. ‘Destroy!’ Kakarot actually felt a surge of fear. ‘Fight, Fight, Fight, Kill, Kill, Kill, Fight, Destroy, Kill, Kill, Kill!’ he was gonna kill them and he wasn’t gonna stop.

“How is this happening?”

Kakarot tried to read his mind to find an answer, but tearing through the storm of chaos that was his mind was difficult. ‘Was waiting for you...I know you...now...you...here!’ 

“He was waiting for me...he could sense me all this time...now that you brought me here he’s awake!”

Kibito was stunned but tried to contain the monster that was Cumber. He used his own God Ki to try and suppress Cumber and put him back to sleep. A foolish attempt as he lacked the power to do anything but hold Cumber back and keep the seal from breaking. “Darn it, Kakarot go get Shin, I’ll keep the Evil Saiyan sealed.” His power flared as he tried to keep the sealing crystal from breaking apart.

Kakarot turned away to go and get Shin, but he had opened up his mind to Cumber. “Gah!” he clutched his head as Cumber reached out.

“Kakarot!” Kibito called out. “Monster! By the Kai’s will be sealed!”

Set me free, we are Saiyans, you and I!’ 

‘No...you will destroy everything.’

“Kakarot what are you doing?” Kibito snapped.

This one does not understand your strength, I do, you feel it in your blood yes?’

He did, he could feel his Saiyan blood pumping, he wanted to fight Cumber, but he knew what unleashing the man would do. He would go from planet to planet killing everyone to sate his bloodlust, those that managed to survive would be tainted by his dark ki.

What is wrong with a bit of destruction, you know it is necessary!’ Kakarot had opened the door to his mind and Cumber could see his thoughts clear his day, everything the Kai’s taught him.

Kakarot shook his head. ‘You would disrupt the balance, I can feel it, you would bring chaos to the universe.’

Fool!’ Cumber’s power surged and more cracks in the crystal broke out, causing some of his evil ki to leak out. ‘We are Saiyans we exist to fight!’

‘Your own soul is twisted up, you’ve been corrupted by your own power. You need help!’ He felt something deeper in Cumber’s mind, but the storm in his head was becoming too much for him.

I need freedom!’ His power spike pushed the two back. ‘I will have it with or without you!’ 

Outside Cumber’s awakening was affecting the Kai Planet, the beautiful skies had turned dark, the calm winds had grown violent, and the ground was assaulted by quakes. “What is happening?” Shin’s eyes widened. “He wouldn’t...”

When Shin teleport to Cumber’s chamber, he was greeted to a terrifying sight. Cumber was awake, his dark ki was leaking through the cracks of the sealing crystal and Kakarot was being corrupted by the Dark Ki. He tried to resist but the darkness seeped into Kakarot’s heart and mind, driving him to madness and compelled him to act. Kibito was able to resist it thanks to being a kai, but he had a new problem. Kakarot attacked Kibito. “Come to your senses fool!”

“Raaahhh!” he fired strange dark ki blasts that didn’t match the clam blue his normal ki was. Kibito shielded himself from the blasts.

“Kibito what have you done?” Shin gasped. “Why did you bring Kakarot here?!” He tried to use Telekinesis to hold Kakarot down, but the Saiyan was going wild. To make matters worse sensing the stronger Kai forced Cumber to try and break the seal and escape. Shin had the power to seal him, if he didn’t escape now he’d be put back.

Shin had his hands full just trying to restrain Kakarot. It was becoming harder and harder to contain him as Kakarot’s skin turned blood red. “Kibito conjure the sacred water, heal him!”

Kibito hesitated, this hesitation allowed Kakarot time to break free. In his wild state and Cumber’s growing power had Kakarot attack the sealing crystal. “Shin...I’m sorry!” Kakarot shattered the sealing crystal freeing the Evil Saiyan. Even after eons of being sealed the Evil Saiyan’s power was great, and the scary thing was it would only grow as he recovered. This was the worst-case scenario, Kakarot had been tainted by the darkness and he hadn’t obtained the God Ki he would need to fight Cumber. A part of him hoped Kakarot would one day be the key to stopping the Saiyan, but today was not that day. Kakarot had lost his mind and was clashing with Cumber mindlessly. Cumber growled and fought Kakarot knocking him around and blocking his blows, even when he smashed the Saiyan into the ground, Kakarot came soaring back.

“We’ll discuss this later, I’ll fight Cumber, you take Kakarot and heal him with the sacred water. While I distract Cumber and keep him here, you must have Kakarot go through the ritual to awaken his God Ki.”

“But Shin...”

“No buts!” Shin snapped. “Look around you, this is what your jealousy of Kakarot has brought. Repent for your actions and save him!”

“Yes sir!” He was wrong he could see that now. Kakarot was resisting Cumber as much as he could, by the dark ki was tainting him now. He got Kakarot’s attention with a ki blast, and the raging Saiyan charged at him blindly, ignoring Shin completely.

“Evil Saiyan Cumber, I see you live up to your name!”

“Kai...you die!” he charged at Shin only for the Kai to teleport away. It didn’t stop Cumber from following him, blowing up his chamber and flying after Shin.

‘Hurry Kibito, I don’t know how long I can hold him off.’


Kibito summoned the Sacred Water, but he needed to get in close to use it. Kakarot wasn’t fighting like normal. ‘He’s like a wild animal.’ he gripped the bottle tight. ‘Kakarot I’m sorry, I will save you!’ he charged in to face up against the Saiyan.


Shin was facing off against Cumber, he wasn’t underestimating the Saiyan at all, he was keeping his distance. The Saiyan was fast, strong, and his ki was intense. “Revenge!” Cumber roared.

He didn’t have the time to build up the power he’d need to seal a creature like Cumber. He summoned blocks of Katchin and used them to hold Cumber off while blasting him with his Invisible Eye technique.


Kibito got his chance, Kakarot’s body wasn’t doing well from Cumber’s earlier abuse to it, despite the dark influence compelling him to fight his body was slowing down. He blasted Kakarot with a blast enough to stun him and he gave him the sacred water. It worked, the holy liquid purging the malevolence from the Saiyan. His wounds were heavy, he coughed up blood as he crumbled to the ground. “Ki...bito...”

“I’m here Kakarot, I got you!” he used his healing technique and restored the young man’s strength. He received a zenkai boost from the ordeal.

“Where are Shin and Cumber?”

“Fighting, we must hurry!” he brought Kakarot to the ritual site.

“What are we doing here? Shin needs our help!”

“I know that, but he ordered me to get you through the ritual, and this time I’m trusting him!” He was having a hard time, as his disciple and bodyguard, he wanted to be there for him. Kakarot could see how hard this was for him.

“Fine let’s do this and help him together.”

“Strip down and enter the sacred pool.” Kakarot obeyed removing his clothes and entered the sacred pool beneath a holy tree. He became fully submerged and Kibito started the ritual, chanting in the tongue of the Kai’s the tree responded, beams of light striking the water, causing rainbow ripples to dance along the water’s surface. The water changed from blue to green before becoming a purple color.

‘Hold on Shin...’


Shin wasn’t doing so great, he was running around the planet, trying to keep Cumber’s focus while keeping him away from the ritual site. Cumber’s evil was spreading like a plague, their once beautiful world had become a wasteland. “Die!” Shin erected a barrier around himself to block his attack only to get flung back from the force. Cumber followed up and continued to pummel Shin into the ground, his barrier started to crack.

“This is the destruction you’ll spread across the universe, I cannot allow it!” he burst his barrier and unleashed all the power he had to blast Cumber. The Evil Saiyan was pushed back, and while his shirt was burned away his body was protected by the dark ki.

“You will know pain!”Cumber began to wail on Shin, knocking him around, crushing his arms and his legs. “Now you die!”

Before he could strike a killing blow a beam of light shot up from somewhere on the planet. The warm light washed over the battlefield, dispelling the storm, calming the winds, and even healing the effects the dark ki had on the plant life. Cumber growled and went to kill Shin only to be blocked by a very naked Kakarot. He had a white aura around his body, which was shielding him from the effects of Cumber’s dark ki.

“Haa!” with one punch Kakarot shattered Cumber’s face mask and sending him flying back. “You won’t be killing anyone Cumber!” He took a fighting stance, showing not an ounce of shame.

To be continued
