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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Patreon reward

Chapter 18  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-18-38973986 

Chapter 19 Lord Gabiru versus the Slime Lord

Rimuru wasn’t upset about missing out on some oni seed, he had a feeling he’d get another chance sooner or later. Great Sage helped organize his new skills. Thanks to his new subspecies of slime he was able to make a high-quality antidote along with his high-quality healing potion. He didn’t plan to use the poison skills much, he was still a bit traumatized after using Poison Breath that melted something and turned it into a disgusting glob. Acid-Based skills were a lot more powerful there wouldn’t even be bones left, Venom based skills didn’t dissolve anything instead poisoning the victim and the air, Corrosive and Dissolve skills didn’t harm the physical form but instead destroyed armor and clothing.

Thanks to Great Sage he was able to unlock some other skills. Venom Dragon Breath, Corrosive Flame; a green flame that destroys nonliving things, and because he had unlocked the Green Flame and knew ice magic he was able to unlock the Blue Flame Ice Fire, flames so cold they burned and could freeze things. Great Sage was also able to unlock a new skill from Corrosive Mist and Dissolve Touch, Crimson Mist a technique that would destroy armor, clothing, weapons, even ones infused by magic.

He was gonna play with Kaijin today but it seems his mate was quite busy. He and Kurobee were bonding over smith skills, Kaijin knew the dwarf way to make weapons and Kurobee knew the ogre way to make weapons, they were comparing and contrasting notes and discussing ways to combine them to make even greater weapons and armor. It was good for the village, but Rimuru felt stuck he didn’t have a way out. ‘It is nice to see Kaijin so happy.’

Kaijin was such a hard worker, it was good he had someone to share his passion. ‘Even if I have no idea what they are talking about.’ The two were diving deep, a novice in smithing like Rimuru couldn’t follow it at all.

Kurobee wasn’t the only oni that was bonding with the dwarves. Shuna was making special clothing and even had talents for weaving magic thread and enchanting items. The clothing they’d be able to produce will have higher quality, be both durable and breathe. Shuna had gained the unique skill Analyst, so she was able to identify very useful plants in the area. Kaijin even built her a machine to assist her in her work. The dwarf brothers had gotten pretty close with her, sharing a love of the arts, clothing, or armor.

Rimuru had been stuck for two hours, without anyway of getting a word in or finding a way to excuse himself. The two were discussing how different temperatures can cause different effects. Kurobee’s unique skill Forge gave him a deep insight and instinct when it came to smithing. “Smithing is truly very interesting isn’t it Rimuru-sama?” Kurobee asked him.

“Heh heh...” he began to sweat.

“Rimuru-sama!” Rigurd called.

‘Nice timing!’ he thought. “What’s up my guy?”

“There is some activity that needs your attention.”

“Got it,” Rimuru takes human form. “I can handle this. Try not to work too hard okay?” Rimuru kissed Kaijin’s cheek, the dwarf chuckled while Kurobee blushed at the sight.

“I’ll try, all work and no play...or something like that.”

“We’ll play soon.” Rimuru left with Rigurd.

“Would Rimuru play...with a guy like me?” Kurobee thought out loud, his face going red. Kaijin’s grin grew massive as he stroked his chin.

“Interested in Lord Rimuru ehh?”

“Well I mean, he’s so strong and great, and his aura is so warm and inviting.” he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I wasn’t very popular in our village, so I had long since given up on finding a mate.”

“I know how you feel, Rimuru lets me go at my own pace, and while we share different interests I love him very much. Our Lord has a harem building so if you want to have a chance, you’d be best to ask him yourself.” he slapped the man’s back. “But I could put in a good word for ya nonetheless.”

“Thank you Kaijin.”


“Are you sure there is another village around here?” Gabiru was getting impatient, the more time he had alone with his thoughts. “Search the Forest of Jura, visit every monster village and settlement you can find and ask for Cooperation, he said.” Gabiru shook his head. “Father is a legend among our people for being such a great warrior in the past, he’s so overly cautious now it's like he’s become a coward in his old age. Even if we do defeat the orcs this is gonna stain the lizardmen tribe’s glory.”

“Lord Gabiru when will you become the leader?”

“Hm?” he looked at his companions. “Don’t be disrespectful, as strong as I am, my father is stronger still. It’s why his actions confuse me so!”

“Ehh, I dunno, with how strong Lord Gabiru is I don’t think he’d lose to the Chief even in his prime.” the other two nodded.

“Lord Gabiru is someone that has received a name.” the blue lizardman spoke.

“Even your spear technique is said to have transcended his.” the green lizardman spoke.

“You are the strongest warrior we have if you aren’t the next leader who else could it be?” the tan lizardman spoke.

The trio stared at him in anticipation. ‘Is it possible that...I’m really that awesome!’

“Father is quite old, I shall show him and everyone my ability to become the new leader.” he struck a proud pose. “I’ll let my father retire peacefully, by dealing with the orc army. I’ll crush the invading forces and prove my greatness!”

“That’s great!” - Green

“So Cool!” - Tan

“That is nature’s way.” - Blue

They began to chant for Gabiru who struck a bunch of poses, even his steed was clapping. Poor guy was getting a swelled head which was dangerous. “Once I’m chief I think I’ll start looking for a few brides.” he looked at his men and winked at them causing them to swoon.

The applause was cut short. “It seems we are being watched, we must be close to a village after all.” They moved towards Rimuru’s village.


Souei had returned with the scouts. “The Lizardmen messenger is approaching.” He had a small group with him.

“Lord Rimuru may we accompany you. I’d like to hear their motives too.” Benimaru said. Hakurou and Shion were with him, with Souei in the group it might be intimidating but they had come with a small army themselves.

“Sure it’s alright, we still don’t know if they are friend or foe.” They approached the gate, Rigurd, Riguru, Benimaru, Shion, Souei, and Hakurou, Ranga was with them though he was inside Rimuru’s shadow. Riguru held Rimuru in slime form.

The small group was met with a procession of drums as they approached. The soldiers then began to do hit the ground with the spears increasing the procession. Gabiru rode in. ‘Talk about a dramatic entrance.’

With a single hand gesture, he silenced his men. Gabiru jumped and did a flip and landed and as he struck a pose he was greeted by a form of spotlights using very reflective shields. “Hello there fellow monsters, I am Gabiru of the Lizardmen, you all shall serve under me and consider it a great honor!”

‘What?!’ His men began to applaud and cheer for him.

The blue lizardman stepped forward. “Pay close attention, and remember this honorable face. This is Lord Gabiru, the next leader of the Lizardmen, and is this world’s strongest warrior!”

‘Talk about a hype-man.’

“You may bow!” Gabiru was soaking in the applause, but the reaction wasn’t as warm on Rimuru’s side.

Shion was radiating an aura that screamed death. Benimaru, Souei, and Hakurou looked annoyed. Rigurd was insulted, as the Goblin Leader of this village, he should be shown as much respect as Gabiru’s father. Riguru while technically the prince, he was more insulted because of how Gabiru was looking down on them all. ‘So this is what Lord Rimuru meant about not looking down on others, such arrogance, I wanna punch him!’ he was trying to keep his anger in check but Rimuru could feel it through their bond.

‘This guy must be a delusional idiot!’ Rimuru thought.

“Ahem,” Rigurd cleared his throat. “Sir Gabiru was it, your request for us to serve under you is a bit sudden is it not?”

Gabiru sighed. “Must I spell it out for you. You must have heard the rumors by now.”


“My people have discovered an Orc army, it is on the move. If they aren’t stopped they will wipe out all of the Great Forest of Jura.”

‘So he does know about the Orc problem, but how much does he know?’

“Not to worry, I the great Lord Gabiru will protect you. It is prudent for you to work under me so that I can protect you weaklings!” he struck another pose. “Serve me and you weaklings will have nothing to fear.”


“I am strong!” he declared, but as he got a closer look at every one. “Much stronger...than you...” he went back to his men. “Yeah, I’m not seeing any goblins.”

“Was that his sales pitch for the other goblin villages?” Rimuru sighed. He remembered how the goblins in this village first reacted to him, so it probably worked. “If the Orcs are invading teaming up with the Lizardmen might be a good idea, although...I’m not really sure I trust Gabiru as an ally, he seems kinda dumb.”

“He’s also quite arrogant,” Riguru said.

“He called us weaklings...repeatedly!” Benimaru was losing his patience with this one.

“I’m told there are those of you who have tamed Direwolves. I will make those of you who have, officers in my army!” he gave them a look. “Bring them to me.”

Benimaru smiled at Rimuru, looking so handsome and adorable. “Can I kill him?”

Rimuru couldn’t help himself. “Sure!”

Benimaru smirked and began cracking his knuckles to prepare for the beat down he was about to give this fool. “Wait, stop, stop!” Riguru watched with a bit of a smile, wanting to see Benimaru teach him a lesson. ‘Darn it, he got me with his hotness gotta be careful of that.’ Rimuru thought.

The slime sighed. ‘What one should really fear is not a competent enemy but an incompetent ally.’

“Actually we didn’t exactly tame the Direwolves, we befriended them. I did it.”

“A slime did that? Please don’t make such jokes.” Gabiru’s men laughed. “As if a lowly slime could manage such a thing.”

“I’m gonna kill him!” Riguru growled.

“Easy!” Rimuru wasn’t finding it hard not to shoot this messenger.

“Ranga...” His shadow extended.

“Yes, master!” Ranga came out in full wolf form. He had heard everything and unleashed Menace! The lizardmen backed off and cowered in fear, all of them except Gabiru.

“Wait, was he always so big?” Benimaru asked.

“This is his true size in wolf form, it's much better for intimidating people, you know?” He wanted to keep his werewolf form under wraps, for now, his smaller size made living in the village easier.

Rimuru noticed that Gabiru wasn’t intimidated. ‘Does he actually have some skill and backbone?’

“I will hear your request as my master orders it, speak!”

“My you have such a glorious figure.” Gabiru praised. “But for you “master” to be just a slime is unfitting.”

‘What?’ Rimuru thought.

“What?!” Ranga and Riguru gasped. ‘How dare he insult my mate!’

“I have heard of some species of slime able to deceive and control people.”

‘Is that true?’ he asked Great Sage.

Answer: While normal slimes are considered mindless and small fries there are some subspecies that can be quite dangerous such as the Brain Slime, Parasite Slime, Mimic Slime, and even a Hypno Slime, most slimes are killed or eaten before they can evolve. Most claims that these monsters exist are deemed as tall tales.

“Allow me to defeat the small fry that’s controlling sire!”

“He’s so cool!”

“Let us see your battle Lord Gabiru!”

“So handsome and awesome!”

“Gabiru, Gabiru, Gabiru, Gabiru, Gabiru, Gabiru, Gabiru!” the other men chanted.

Ranga was ready to rip Gabiru to pieces. “Hold on Ranga. He wants to fight me, huh, let’s humor him. I wanna see this guy’s strength.” Rimuru hopped out of Riguru’s arms and transformed into a human.

“Whoa!” Gabiru began checking Rimuru out. “You...you can turn into a human, that’s not possible for a lowly slime!”

“You fool, Lord Rimuru isn’t just a slime, he is a Slime Lord!” Rimuru smirked.

“A Slime Lord? I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“Gabiru is it, as leader of this village I accept your challenge.”

“I don’t care what kind of slime you are, there is no way a lowly slime can defeat me.” Gabiru charged at Rimuru. He thrust a spear at Rimuru who dodged it. ‘He’s fast!’

“Try this slime! Rapid Tempo Assault!” the barrage of high-speed thrusts were blocked by a finger. Rimuru could have dodged but instead chose to block. “What?!” Rimuru dissolved his spear using the slime skill Dissolve Touch. Spears were one kind of weapon dissolve touch could work on depending on the materials it was made out of.

“You can beat him Lord Gabiru!”

“Get him Lord Gabiru!” They tossed him a new spear.

“I’ll show you slime, this is the power of the lizardmen!” he attacked Rimuru but when he dodged his attack with the spear, Gabiru twisted and tried to strike Rimuru with his tail.

Lizardmen martial arts combined their fangs, claws, and even their tails to fight, the use of spears was a deceptive tactic tricking their enemy into thinking they couldn’t fight in close range. Rimuru took the hit using Liquid Body, making it look like Gabiru cut him in two.

His men cheered but everyone else didn’t look shocked or concerned. Hakurou chuckled. ‘Very clever, he’s using slime skills to avoid taking damage while being able to gauge his opponent while keeping his other skills. The lizardman is too overconfident.’ Rimuru was hiding his aura sure, but if Gabiru simply used magic sense he’d be able to tell just how strong Rimuru was.

Rimuru reformed with ease turning cheers into dropped jaws. “You slimes sure are tricky, I’ll give you that. Tornado!” he spun the spear creating a surge of wind before thrusting the spear forward and launching a tornado at Rimuru.

The attack hit, but Rimuru’s slime body may have not been affected by the attack Gabiru’s attack destroyed Rimuru’s clothing leaving him very much naked. Benimaru got a nosebleed seeing the human slime in all his naked glory including his assets. Even Souei couldn’t help but stare as well. Ranga’s tail wagged at the sight, while Riguru and Rigurd blushed and grinned at the sight of their lord.

Gabiru blushed at the sight of Rimuru’s endowments. ‘Oh wow!’ he blushed as he got hard.

“Oh man, and I liked that outfit! I’ve seen enough.” Rimuru’s nudity didn’t phase him and he charged at Gabiru. A credit to the lizardman he did try to attack Rimuru when he got close but Rimuru shifted out of the way and got in super close.

‘Oh fuck he smells so good!’

“Crimson Mist!” He blasted a red mist at Gabiru, the attack causing his weapon, his armor, even his clothes. Gabiru gasped as he was completely exposed, his twin cocks on full display jutting from his sheath.

On reflex, Gabiru moved to cover himself using his hands and tail, which gave Rimuru an opening to knock the now naked lizard boy out. The lizardmen collected him. “We’ll be back!”

“We won’t forget this!” they ran off.

“I’ll need to ask Shuna for more durable clothing.” he turned and Benimaru and Souei shielded their crotches. “Souei, I have a job for you!”

“Yes sir!”

“I want you to act as a messenger and go speak to the leader of the lizardmen.”

To be continued


Damion Andrew

Don't mess with Rimuru Tempest baby!