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My Hero parody: Tier 1: Phone Fic

Magnetic Deku

Izuku's quirk is a different form of his mother's. She was able to attract small objects to her like a magnet. Izuku's quirk seems to focus on magnetism as a whole. He can move metal, he can even temporarily magnetize objects, he even learns to float by creating his own field. 

Chapter 2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/34784845

Chapter 3 Old Feelings

Izuku was having a heck of a day, what was going to be a normal day was interrupted by a sludge villain attack, meeting All Might and learning his secret, finding out the Symbol of Peace's days were numbered. It was terrible, but then finding out your childhood friend was attacked by the villain and nearly taken over, Izuku charged in without thinking to save him. 

His actions inspired All Might to act going beyond his limitations to take out the villain once and for all. It was amazing! Izuku's quirk was praised, but he was scolded for acting recklessly. The icing on the weirdest day possible was when his friend Tetsutetsu showed up and confessed his love for him and kissed him. It had his mind racing a mile a minute and he needed some time to process everything that was happening. 


The Sludge villain wasn't powerful by any means, but if he had one thing going for him it was the home field advantage. The sewers were like his playground, with his slimy body he could dive into pipes and slip away from All Might. He knew he wasn't powerful enough to stop the Symbol of Peace, so he was trying to buy time until he could find a meat suit he could escape in. 

He didn't know it but this was the perfect tactic against All Might. The Symbol of Peace was injured, having taken a wound so devastating he could only do hero work a few hours a day. He had been chasing the villain for hours, and he was running out of time. 

Just as he was about to call for backup, he heard a cry for help. It was Izuku, the sludge villain had attacked him, to try and take over his body. Izuku knew the rules so he used his quirk to try and escape the villain and call the police. The villain grabbed him and broke his phone. 

'Shit!' All Might felt blood running down his chin, he was out of time. He jumped in to save Izuku but his injury caused a slight delay in his attack allowing the sludge villain to cast aside his own head so while his body took the full force of All Might's attack. All Might rushed to try and collect the villain, but in his haste he failed to notice the head slip away and escape. 

All Night's body was giving off a lot of steam. Just as he collected the villain he didn't have enough time to get away, reverting from his muscled form to his civilian form right before Izuku's eyes. "Wahh All Might are okay?"

Izuku learned All Might's true form and secret. It didn't matter to him, he still thought All Might was amazing. "Even though you were injured you are still fighting with a smile on your face, for us…" he bowed. "Thank you so much, All Might!" 

Toshinori smiled at Izuku. He thought the villain was captured, so he talked to Izuku a bit and even signed his hero notebook. A skim told Toshinori that Izuku was a fanboy and really loved heroes, but his ability to analyze quirks was impressive. "If you keep working hard, I think you'll make a fine hero one day!" He gave Izuku a thumbs up. 

Izuku felt his heart soar. "Thank you so much! I'll do my best!" 

Little did they know the sludge villain had slipped away, absorbing the nastiness of the sewers to reconstitute himself. Thanks to his quirk most of his organs were restorable, so long as his brain was intact he was good as gold. He could absorb sludge to make his body grow, his body would always reconstitute and return to normal. 

In truth his quirk was the ultimate pollution absorber, if he had chosen a nobler path, he could have been a good guy. Cleaned up the sewers by absorbing the sludge and breaking it down. Instead he saw his power used for criminal purposes. After regenerating his body he went after another meat suit. He had no idea All Might was out of time and couldn't chase after him. 

He heard a fiery young man talking about someone named Deku, he liked the kid's fire and sprung out to nab him. Bakugou tried to fight back but his quirk had no effect on the sludge monster, but caused fires and made it harder for heroes to help. 

Izuku and All Might heard the explosions and ended up coming to the scene. The bottles of sludge in his pockets had grown cold, a sign they were no longer connected to the sludge villain. 'He tricked me! Damn it, I was a fool. I need more time to recover.' 

Heroes tried to arrive and help, but their quirks weren't compatible against the villain and since he had a hostage it made things harder. Because of the explosions fires started, so it was a race to stop the flames and protect the civilians.

The villain planned to use Bakugou's quirk to take down All Might. While so many stood and watched helplessly Izuku charged forward. Tearing through the crowd and right into danger. "You again!?"


Izuku used his quirk to draw metal objects and launched them at the villain. Distracting him and forcing him off Katsuki enough for him to breathe. Izuku got in close enough to touch Katsuki's clothing. 

"Get lost you pest!" He backhanded Izuku, sending him flying back. Izuku, bleeding from the nose, smirked and brought his hands together. He had magnetized Bakugou's clothing, using his quirk he was able to pull Katsuki free using the clothes on his back.

The Sludge villain burned up the excess sludge and started shrinking back down to normal size. Izuku's attempts had forced his body to speed up the process to reconstitute himself. "I've had enough you two die!" 

"SMASH!" All Might was back having recovered enough to turn back into his buff form. With one punch he bested the sludge villain and changed the air pressure causing it to rain. 

The adrenaline and rush were coming down right as Tetsutetsu showed up.


Izuku ran through everything that led up to this moment and he was still shocked as hell. His brain was scorching trying to process it all and Tetsutetsu was still kissing him. The kiss was nice, a bit rough, but not bad. He wanted to kiss back but he was just so stunned. 

The kiss left Izuku panting and trembling. Tetsutetsu was also short of breath, blushing, and waiting for Izuku's response. Before Izuku could collect himself, explosions went off. "What do you think you are doing Deku?!" 

"Kacchan?!" Izuku gasped. 

"Oi weird hair, who the hell do you think you are kissing him!" Katsuki snapped. "Deku is mine, keep your hands off him!"

"WHAT?!" Izuku gasped. Tetsutetsu crossed his arms.

"So you are the famous Kacchan, Izuku told me a lot about you, he thinks you're amazing." Katsuki smirked. "I think you are just a bully jerk with anger issues!" 

Boom! "What'd you say!" 

"You heard me!" Tetsutetsu ironed up looking ready to fight. "As a man I won't back down. I love Izuku and even if he doesn't love me back I'll accept it with no regrets." 

"You bastard!" Katsuki also looked ready to fight. 

Izuku looked between the two. 'What is going on, I'm so confused why are these two about to fight?' He didn't understand. "Guys don't fight, this isn't the time or the place." 

"I'll admit I wanted to slug you after some of the things you've put him through!" He punched his fists together making a metal clang and sparks come off. 

"I'll admit I wanted to kill you for putting your lips on him. You damn extra!"

"Why are you fighting, this is bad!" They weren't alone, people were watching, though they had been focused on All Might, but this was getting out of hand. He used his powers to keep them apart, since Katsuki's clothes were still magnetized. He couldn't have them fighting and causing more of a scene. "Kacchan, why are you so angry? I didn't think you liked me?"

"Gah!" His jaw dropped, before he started trembling in rage. "YOU MORON!" he snapped and Izuku eeped. 

"You damn nerd...all this time...and you had no idea? You made me fall in love with you and you had no idea!!" Bakugou was so loud Izuku flinched on reflex. "Do you have any idea how many shitty extras I've blasted for flirting with you?" Tetsutetsu kinda understood that. "You were the only one who cared about me, even if I didn't know I wanted it. Then you became my rival and stood in the same ring as me, and I began to see you, really see you!" He was trembling. 

Izuku never saw Katsuki like this. "Damn nerd...I...I...I'm in love with you!" 

Izuku Midoriya fainted from the shock. 


"Hey…" he felt someone patting his face. "Hey, Young Midoriya…" Izuku's eyes widened as he came face to face with All Might. 

"Whoa All Might!" He looked around and they had moved. "Where are Tetsuchan and Kacchan?" 

"Those young men, I sent them home. You seem to be quite popular, young man!" He returned to his civilian form. 

"I had no idea they felt that way. What am I gonna do?" He blushed and quickly buried his face in his hands. All Might put a hand on his shoulder. 

"I think you are a good hearted young man. I'm sure you are gonna make the right decision." Izuku had a lot to think about, he had to look back and reevaluate some old feelings. He had some research to do as well….

To be continued


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