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One Piece parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/clock-clock-1-37391110 

Chapter 2

The clock swings forward, finding Pedro in a very intimate position. The jaguar mink was naked and panting standing before an equally naked Luffy. The boy’s legs were spread wide, his hole twitching in want, his cock and nipples were hard with arousal, skin flushed, eyes heavy with want. ‘Is this really happening, this can’t be happening.’ He gulped and licked his lips. The smell of arousal and sex was heavy in the air, fueling Pedro’s lust. ‘This young man is...amazing!’ he lined up his think mink dick at his hole.

Pedro was well endowed, in length and girth, but as a jaguar mink, he had some fleshy barbs along the upper half of his length. It might have intimidated most humans, but not Luffy. Pedro ran his hands over Luffy’s firm body, years of training carved his flesh into fine muscle. Minks rather liked humans, they saw no difference between them and humans, though having less fur for some minks was rather appealing. Pedro was realizing he fell into such a category as he cuddled, nuzzled, licked, and nipped every inch of skin Luffy allowed him.

It all started out so innocent at first, just normal minkship, but Luffy let Pedro explore him in ways that made the feline mink purr. Luffy took to mink culture quite well, even returning his garchus. As attractive and lovely Luffy was his personality and character really sucked Pedro in. ‘Hard to believe just two years have passed between us.’ the tip of his cock rubbed against Luffy’s hole, making the boy moan and push against him.

“Pedro, don’t tease...” his heart skipped a beat.

“Yes Captain!” he purred and covered Luffy’s body with his own, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together. He sank inside Luffy’s tight sheath. The guy moaned, his insides clamping down onto Pedro’s heavy cock, squeezing his hand as the two shared in pleasure.

-x-The Clock Hands Swing Back 2 Years-x-

Luffy took Pedro to his base so the two could relax and talk. Luffy didn’t have much, he lived off the land, hunted, trained, while now and then stopping by the bandit's hideout. “Did you eat a devil fruit to do that electricity trick?”

“This?” he brought out a cigarette and used his electro to light it. “Is electro, all minks can use it, we are born fighters.” He explained how children and even the elderly were capable fighters, using Electro came as naturally as breathing.

“That’s so cool!” His eyes sparkled.

“How were you able to avoid the attackers, it was like you knew the attacks were coming?”

“I did, thanks to my Observation Haki.” Luffy tilted his head in confusion. “Haki is a power that allows the user to utilize their own spirit for various purposes.” he tried to explain the uses of this haki, sensing one’s energy, predicting their actions, and he even heard of masters able to use it to predict the future.

“So it’s a mystery power!”

“It might be easier if I show you-gara,” He gave Luffy his machete and put a blindfold on. “Go at it.” Luffy nodded, he could tell Pedro was serious about this, so he didn’t waste time with pointless questions. “Swing from the right...” Pedro said before dodging his swing. “Swing from the left...” again he dodged it surprising Luffy.

“Whoa!” he grinned and began to cut loose, but Pedro dodged his attacks predicting every swing and dodging them. On the last swing, Pedro used Armament Haki and blocked the blade with his bare hand sending Luffy flying back. “What was that?” Pedro removed his blindfold.

“Another form of haki, Armament Haki.” He covered his body with a protective coating of his spirit, allowing him to block the blade. Pedro explained it could be used as both a shield and a weapon.

“You minks are amazing, Electro and Haki, that’s so cool!”

Pedro chuckled. “Electro might be a mink specialty, but all living beings in the world are capable of learning haki.”

“You mean I could learn it too?” Pedro nodded. “Can you teach me?”

“I certainly can, of the three types of haki, I have the ability to use two. You-gara are pretty strong, you should be able to learn the basics in a few years.” Luffy grinned. He had a few years to train before becoming a pirate so that suited him just fine. “Shanks-gara can use all three forms of haki.” He explained what he knew of the Conquerors Haki, but it wasn’t something he could teach beyond the theory.

“Amazing,” Luffy bowed his head in thanks. “I’ll do my best to learn!” he clapped his hands together. “Please teach me Pedro-sensei!”

“I shall, as thanks for helping me and saving my life, it is the least I could do.” Luffy frowned and touched his cheek moving his hair to the side to reveal his still lost eye.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t heal this.” Pedro nuzzled his hand.

“Don’t be, I sacrificed this to survive, it was through this I was able to live and meet you.”

So their lessons began, Pedro was a seasoned teacher, having trained young minks how to control their Sulong form, trained them in the ways of the sword, and trained in haki. Pedro didn’t pull any punches.

He noticed Luffy used a pipe-like staff as a weapon, but the weapon didn’t suit him. Luffy said it was the weapon his brothers used. “Still, you were so cool with a sword!” Pedro has sparred with Luffy with different styles of swords, though he was a practitioner of one sword style, he showed Luffy how the type of blade, from the length, weight, and style one’s swordplay had to adapt.

“Shall I teach you?” he touched Luffy’s hands. “With some training, I think you could make a fine swordsman.”

“You are the best Pedro, garchu!” he kissed the furry male on the cheek. The mink’s heart fluttered and he licked Luffy’s cheek in kind. The swordsman training took more time, so Luffy used his Clock-Clock power to give them more time to train. Pedro was impressed with his drive to get stronger, Luffy would go as far as to train in private the clock human loved to surprise Pedro with the skills he developed when he was in Hyper Time.

The two ate, trained, sparred, hunted, bathed, and even shared a bed together. Luffy enjoyed it since Ace left he’d been lonely. “It’s nice having someone to cuddle with.”

“That it is!” he embraced Luffy and fell asleep with the clock human in his arms.


It was impressive how Luffy took to things. He thought it’d take at least two years for Luffy to get the basics of haki down, but the boy managed to do it in just a year and a half. His swordsman skills were also impressive, he used a unique two-sword style using one long sword and one short sword. He even learned to apply his devil fruit to his sword skills.

Though their attraction for each other was growing, stolen glances, lingering touches, the joy of being around the other. Heaven help the fools that tried to hurt either of them, cause if people thought Pedro looked scary, you should see him when he’s angry! When a pirate used a form of catnip-like poison to stun Pedro, the rage Luffy held was scary and to Pedro exciting.

After the first year, Luffy’s talk of the future and excitement for setting sail soon left Pedro uneasy. He couldn’t place why even a guy as smart and tough as Pedro had the occasional dumb moment. The obvious solution to his unease was simply go with Luffy and join his crew. Luffy often asked him about his plans for the future and Pedro just didn’t have an answer, he was just so happy with the now.

Luffy may have given him back his years, but the experience had changed him. It was hard to look to the future when you didn’t have one. Pedro didn’t think Luffy wanted him on his crew or want him in that special way. It took him a year and a half to realize his growing feelings for Luffy. He did realize it though…

It was during a sparring match where Luffy had bested him, and the clock boy pinned him to the ground. The two were panting from the intense sparring match, but having the boy on top of him had Pedro excited. He marveled at Luffy’s strength and growth. The smile the boy gave him made his heart flutter. ‘Oh fuck!’

He realized too late, the more time he spent with Luffy the more he had fallen for him. Now he was in deep, too deep.

Being a healthy adult male, he found time to satisfy his lustful urges, especially during the full moon. Even minks who couldn’t transform during the full moon could feel it’s presence and it affected him, especially being a carnivore class mink. For Pedro, it made him randy.

He often spent full moon nights satisfying his lustful urges, happy Luffy was such a heavy sleeper. Now that he realized his feelings the clock human Luffy was slipping into his mind during these times, increasing his enjoyment, and intensifying his orgasms. He wanted to be with Luffy so bad!

As their last six months together were drawing to a close, Pedro was growing more and more sullen. It was weird, he was stronger now, training with Luffy and in hyper time had allowed him to increase his own skills in the process. If he ventured out on his own again he’d be better prepared. Still...the thought of sailing without Luffy made him feel like he had a rock in his stomach.

Too bad for him Luffy noticed, thanks to his observation haki training and being the kind of person he was Luffy cared about people’s feelings. “Pedro is everything okay?”

“Yes...of course, why do you-gara ask?”

“You seem down, in low spirits.” he paused, before pouncing on Pedro. “Garchu!” he kissed his cheek.

Pedro trembled but couldn’t help but smile. “Garchu!” he licked the boy’s cheek. “Maybe, I’m feeling a bit out of it. I think I’m running out of things to teach you, you’ve grown so strong.” he ruffled his hair.

“Do you need to do that weird ritual?”

“What ritual?” he raised a brow at him.

“The one where your penis gets all hard, and you touch it until white stuff comes out?” Pedro’s jaw dropped, his whole face getting red.

“How do you know about that?!”

“I woke up once and you weren’t in bed, so I went looking for you. I thought it was some kind of special mink ritual.”

‘Does he not know about sex?’ Luffy shifted nervously.

“But seeing you like that got me all stiff too, and it reminded me of a magazine I found in the bandit’s place once.” It seemed he had something else to teach Luffy. “Is that something I can do to?” He had asked Makino once, but she got embarrassed and told him that was naughty stuff he didn’t need to know it.

He had to teach Luffy about the birds and the bees, he explained how mating works, sex, and masturbation. As a mink same-sex pairs were common so Pedro gave Luffy a higher tier sex education. Luffy learned the ins and outs, and Pedro knew Luffy enough to keep the boy’s interest to let the lessons sink in. He didn’t expect anything from it, but a pirate needed to know the basics of things, and Pedro did his best to educate him.

“Luffy, you are gonna be a great pirate,” he told the boy while he was sleeping.

-x-The clock hands move towards Luffy’s departure date-x-

Luffy was amazed, Pedro taught him so much, it opened his eyes to things around him. Things about Pedro...and things about himself…

The two were having lunch together when Luffy brought up Pedro’s least favorite topic, his sail date. “Just one more month and I’ll be starting my pirate journey.” He had saved up plenty of money and had even bought a temporary ship, he planned on getting a bigger one, but there wasn’t anything other than fishing-esk boats available. “Have you given any thoughts about what you want to do?”

“I have been focused on training you-gara...” Not a lie in the slightest. Luffy pouted at that.

“You have a dream don’t you?”

“I do, I want to see the dawn of the new world, it was my goal for a long time.” he hadn’t lost that dream, but there was something else he wanted more right in front of him. Oddly that felt the more impossible dream.

“Is that all you want?” Luffy was suddenly in front of him. He gulped and his hands balled into fists.

‘What am I doing? I’ve always chased after my goals.’

“There is something I want,” Luffy said. “I want you...”

“What?” his brain shut down, his heart was racing so fast he could hear it pounding in his ears. ‘Did he just say…?’

“I want you to join my crew, will you become my nakama?”

“Yes...” he answered so quickly it made his head spin.

Luffy pounced on him. “Yay!” he hugged him. “I wanted you to be on my crew so bad, you are so strong, smart, and cool, so very very interesting. I didn’t think you’d do it since I’m just a rookie without a ship, you even have a bounty on your head.”

“None of that matters...Luffy...I want to join your-gara crew, I think sailing with you-gara I’ll see the Dawn of the New World!” This was good, a weight was lifted off his chest. Luffy wanted him on his crew, wanted to sail with him. They didn’t have to part ways, even if Luffy didn’t want him in that way, this was still good, he’d be happy with this.

“So let’s chase our dreams together, I’m gonna become the King of the Pirates and obtain the ultimate freedom!”

“I’m gonna sail with you and learn more about the world, and to see the Dawn of the new world!” he smiled.

Luffy cupped his cheeks and surprising Pedro yet again kissed him on the lips. Pedro’s arms wrapped around Luffy on reflex, growling into the kiss as his blood rushed south. “Luffy?”

He pulled away and smiled, his cheeks red with a blush. “I knew it...Pedro wants to do naughty things with me.” the mink gasped as Luffy rubbed against his confined arousal. He stuttered the boy’s name his mind on the fritz, so he wasn’t prepared for when Luffy leaned in close to whisper. “I’m glad…because I want to do naughty things with Pedro too.”

The walls broke, all the reasons Pedro told himself not to pursue a relationship with Luffy crumbled. He kissed Luffy hungrily, and the kiss was returned with equal passion.


They didn’t jump into bed right away, though they did start sleeping naked with each other. Luffy found it more freeing and Pedro was so warm and fuzzy it felt so nice to hug him naked. It started with heavy petting, Pedro took things slowly as much as he could, but sometimes Luffy took control and he couldn’t deny his captain.

Luffy was a bottom but commanded the position as he would as captain. He didn’t see bottoming as something of weakness or anything to be ashamed of, he liked what he liked so why deny it since he wasn’t hurting anyone.

The clock hands land on the night before Luffy’s departure, where Luffy has asked Pedro to claim his virginity. Pedro obeyed and spent the night pleasuring his captain until his sword was sheathed inside him. Luffy scratched at his back while doing no damage because of the fur it made Pedro hornier.

His pace was slow, the fleshy barbs of his cock scratching at Luffy’s insides and making the human cry out in pleasure. They went at it for hours, though outside of Luffy’s power it was only minutes. It seems Luffy has been preparing for this too, thinking of ways of using his power in the bedroom.

After the two came and became spent, Luffy reversed their time, restoring their stamina. They did it over and over again trying different sex positions, but the memories of each event remained. Pedro fucked him doggy style, missionary, side saddle, against a tree, standing up, sitting down, and even Luffy got a turn at the reigns riding Pedro till he was satisfied.

Luffy’s stamina was drained, using his powers on top of everything else, soon he was too exhausted to move, but his spirit was still willing. Pedro took care of him, giving him a cat bath, using his tongue to clean every inch of him. “Hehe, that tickles, your tongue feels really good.”

“Your-gara milk is delicious, I can’t help myself.” As a feline mink, he had a small kink for man milk, and Luffy’s was thick, rich, and oh so tasty. After the tongue bath, Pedro slurped on his cock for a bit and milked the boy of a few more orgasms. “Amazing!” he purred.

“Oh yeah!” Luffy cuddled with Pedro. “Do you think I can do this with my other nakama?”

“Some, not everyone may have the same tastes as you-gara.” Minks weren’t shy about having multiple partners, Pedro wasn’t a virgin when he took Luffy’s, he topped and bottomed on Zou, but after Zepo died he hadn’t bottomed since. Luffy didn’t have much interest in topping, the thought didn’t arouse him as much.

“You won’t get jealous?”

“Not at all, but if anyone tries to hurt you-gara, I’ll slit their throats!” he was serious.

“That won’t happen I’m strong!” Luffy flexed his muscles a bit. Pedro wasn’t worried about physically, emotional hurt and mental hurt can be harder to defend against. Pedro simply sighed and smiled.

“That you are.” Luffy rambled off about their future, and Pedro hugged Luffy just a bit tighter, overflowing with happiness. After a snack and a bit of rest, they spent the rest of the night and early morning mating normally, Luffy’s powers being exhausted. It was one hell of a way to christen their voyage.

To be continued...


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