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Digimon Parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/stranded-lion-1-36302399 

Chapter 2

The park had a pond in the center of it, the water began to crackle with a weird energy as the northern lights appeared above the park. Tai and Matt could see it as they rushed towards the location. The water began to ripple almost violently as the portal from the digital world to the real world was formed. Tai and Matt arrived just in time to see the crest of courage appear in the water before...BOOM!

Water shot into the sky forming a pillar for a few seconds before it dispersed and Leomon stood in the pond in all his naked glory. “Leomon?!” the two boys gasped.

“Tai? Matt?” he blinked in surprise. The two stared at the antho lion Digimon's body, he was big, muscular, from his broad shoulders, thick arms and legs, beefy pecs and an 8 pack abs, down to his 11-inch dick and his massive balls. His tail swished behind him, he was naked, so...so naked! Both boys blushed and felt their manhoods stir to life at the very naked male. They couldn’t help but stare, and Leomon walked towards them forgetting he was naked.

The two lads couldn’t help themselves, seeing such a sexy beast of a man all wet, naked, and sexy, they are only human. Their cocks grew hard and pushed at the confines of their pants. This started a domino effect as the smell of their arousal danced along with the breeze, he gulped. The smell tickled his sensitive nose, the spicy, manly aroma. His heart began to beat a little faster and his manhood swelled. Seeing the impressive dick at its full length and arousal had the switchers aching inside. There was something so very sexy about the Digimon, the perfect combination of man and beast.

Leomon stared at their bulges for a bit, but then he noticed what they were starring at. He gasped and used both hands to cover himself. “I’m sorry!” he gasped, whipping around and giving the two a great look at his ass. That made them harder. For Matt seeing a guy shy or embarrassed really stroked his dom hard on, even though Leomon was bigger than him in more ways than one, he had a powerful urge to mess with the Digimon. Tai found it cute, but he wasn’t gonna lie, seeing the muscled Digimon’s plump ass, filled him with a desire to stuff him with cock and playfully smack his ass.

“You don’t have to be sorry, it's a natural reaction,” Tai said. “We aren’t much better.” he chuckled and palmed his length.

“We can’t talk like this, I think we should help each other out real quick and get out of here.” He gives Tai that look, who nods, and the two approach the stranded Digimon. Leomon wasn’t quite sure what Matt meant but soon found out as his cheeks were spread and Matt slipped a finger into his ass and grabbed him by the balls.

“What are you...ohhh!” Leomon moaned.

“He’s got such large hole,” Matt said and quickly added in a second finger. “Now that’s more like it!” he worked the twin digits in and out and Leomon moaned. He didn’t often play with his ass, he found it embarrassing, but as the human’s digits worked his hole he found it hard to complain. What’s more, Matt had a firm grip on his balls, giving them a squeeze and fondling his sack with his fingers. Leomon was not used to being manhandled, so he couldn’t help the growl that escaped him.

He calmed down though when he felt Tai’s hand, grip and grope his ass, his fingers dug into his toned ass, feeling up his juicy rear. “Tai!” His heart began to pound and his penis twitched in want. Tai was squeezing his butt so tight, fingers digging into his fabulous gluts. Caressing, squeezing, groping! It took everything Leomon had not to start purring.

“Let us give you a hand.” Tai took hold of his manhood and he nearly came right there. He was still sensitive from his orgasm before coming here, the fact Tai was touching him as he always dreamed only fueled his lust. “You got a really nice piece here!” His eyes went wide, as Tai squeezed his cock, before rolling up as pleasure coursed through his veins. “You got a nice ass too!” he playfully smacked it, making Leomon moan, and his ass tightens around Matt’s thrusting fingers. The blonde smirked and added a third digit. “You are leaking so much!” Tai teased his cock head a bit, driving the Digimon crazy. He then spread his pre-cum over his shaft, increasing the pace on his pumping. “Your cock is twitching like crazy!”

‘He’s attacking with words!’ Tai spoke so confidently, it sent shivers up and down Leomon’s spine and made his tail curl in delight. For a moment Leomon thought this had to be a dream, this was all too good to be true. When Tai smacked his ass again and he felt a mix of pain and pleasure, he knew this wasn’t a dream. His penis twitched as Matt stirred up his insides, twisting and thrusting his fingers and making the Digimon drool. Matt didn’t talk much, focused on toying with the guy’s balls and ass, gleefully watching Leomon’s expressions twist with lust and pleasure.

He couldn’t help himself but surrender to the pleasure and chase the building orgasm with all his might. Matt and Tai were surprised to see Leomon start to play with his nipples, grinning to see the guy’s more lustful side. “You gonna cum big guy?”

“Y-yes!” Leomon moaned.

“You gonna cum for us?” Matt jabbed his sweet spot and Leomon’s whole body shook.

“Yes, yes I’m cumming!” he roared, and his dick lurched, expanding as he shot spurt after spurt of thick digital monster cream into the air. Matt dug the spike home, giving Leomon a prostate massage while Tai pumped him through his release. Their combined efforts milked the man of a few extra spurts and making the muscled arms and legs feel like jelly. He panted heavily, riding the high of an orgasm far superior to anything he’s achieved by his own hand. The joy of anal orgasms and prostate stimulation, getting milked, his balls were overjoyed.

Both boys were still hard, but Leomon’s roar had brought attention. “We gotta move!” Tai and Matt removed their shirts and tied them together, creating a makeshift loincloth for the guy. They had to help Leomon walk for a bit until he got the feeling back in his legs. They made it out of the park just in time as some adults showed up looking for the source of the roar. Leomon got to relax on the couch, as Tai tried to open a portal back to the digital world.

“How did this happen?” Matt asked.

“I don’t know, I was just bathing and suddenly I was here.” Matt crossed his arms.

“Just bathing?” he raised a brow and Leomon blushed.

Tai sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry Leomon, there doesn’t appear to be an active portal.”

“All the new DigiDestined are off at camp, they won’t be back for a couple of weeks.”

“I’m sorry to be any trouble,” he rubbed the back of his head.

“It’s no trouble, you can stay here with me until the others come back, and we can send you home.” Since his family knew about Digimon they didn’t have to hide him.

“Thank you, Tai.”

“Tai’s parents are gonna be gone for a while, so we have time to relax and hang out.”

“I see, what do you two do when you normally hang out?” the two grinned.

Zippers were pulled and shorts and underwear were dropped. Leomon gulped at the sight of the fully naked young men, his cock tenting the shirt loincloth he was wearing. “We aren’t shy around here.”

“Nothing beats relaxing in the buff. What do you say Leomon?” Matt asked. The blonde had a feeling the Digimon had the hots for Tai, couldn’t blame him really. He didn’t mind sharing, knowing if Leomon joined the fold he’d be a lot of fun to play with.

Leomon gulped and licked his chops, Tai and Matt were still horny, the smell of their cocks and arousal made him drool. They were so close, he could faintly smell the faint scent of cum on both boys. ‘So they have that kind of relationship?’ he was surprised, but their open actions and what happened at the park made him think that there was more going on here than he could see. This stirred up a storm of curiosity.

He was stranded, no idea how he got here, he wasn’t able to go home any time soon, and he landed in the care of his dream crush and his boyfriend. He grinned, and removed the makeshift loincloth and returning to his naked state, he got down on his knees to service the two boys.

To be continued


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