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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1/patreon reward

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/cursed-rod-of-2-28008410  

Chapter 3 Breaking Ice Orange Flame

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE CAN’T HAVE SEX ANYMORE!?” To say Gray didn’t take the news was an understatement.

“Gray, my cock is hurting you, it’s cursed, and when we have sex it's transferring the curse to you.”

“Bullshit!” he hissed. He shifted from anger to desperate. “Whatever I did wrong I’m sorry, please...please don’t leave me!”

“I’m not leaving you, Gray, we just can’t have sex for a while, at least until we figure out what’s going on.”

“I don’t see the problem with a boyfriend enjoying having sex with his boyfriend!” he was back to angry.

“Now Gray, there is more than being boyfriends than just sex. If that’s all your relationship is then maybe it's better if you two break up.” Makarov said, and Gray paled.

“What...you can’t...that’s not what I...” Makarov gave him a stern look.

“I don’t think this is Gray’s fault, these mood swings I’ve seen it happen before, its why I got worried.”

“Natsu, I told you I’m fine. Even if there was some curse, we can beat it together.” Natsu wanted to believe him, but he felt something was off.

“You are definitely cursed.” the old woman said. “I collected some of your magic power, and it's been tainted by a foreign power. Now For me to study it you two need to keep your hands off each other for a week.”

“Then what?” Gray snapped, only to tense as the woman whipped around glaring at him.

“If you two ever want to have sex again, you do well to watch your tongue boy. This is why I can’t stand humans!” They behave return in a week, and she checks his magic again and depending on if there is a change they could go from there.

“I don’t like this, I love you, and I want to be with you. Why can’t you believe me?” Gray was getting upset now.

“Gray, I love you, I love you so much it hurts to see you hurting. Please, love...let’s get through this together.” Natsu’s honest concern reached Gray, and he nodded his head.

“A week will go by fast, you’ll see.” Makarov patted his back.

“Make it two weeks.” The woman snapped.

“What?!” Natsu and Gray gasped in unison.

“The naked one wants to give me attitude, its two weeks, want to go for three?” she raised one eyebrow. Gray quickly apologized.

“Ahem, well two weeks will go by in a flash.”

“You try giving up the best sex you’ve ever head.”

“Gray, its the only sex we’ve ever had.” Gray groaned.

Though Gray agreed to this, under protest, it didn’t take long for things to get weird. No sex meant NO SEX, this included kissing, heavy petting, blow jobs, hand jobs, foot jobs, pec jobs, hotdogging, frotting, Gray had a long list. Even their partnership was temporarily severed, only because Gray couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

They still went on dates but within the city limits, they also could train and work out together but again under Makarov’s watchful eye. His concerns were warranted as Gray’s nudist streak was ramped up to an 11, normally Gray was at least shocked to lose his clothes, but lately, he was letting it all hang out. He used every trick in his playbook to try and get Natsu hot and bothered.

The ice wizard was a walking temptation, and he was making the situation they were in, a lot harder. Natsu was holding fast to his convictions though. Even when Gray would purposely get caught in their spars so he could rub up on him, even when Gray snuck into his shower to fool around, even when Gray strut around naked...damn it this was hell for Natsu. They couldn’t even have dinner together without Gray trying something, the ice wizard knew how to play footsie, to say the least.

Natsu knew it wasn’t his fault, but damn it all! Gray also found ways of getting Natsu to catch him in the act of masturbating. He would sneak into Natsu’s room and find any article of clothing and inhale Natsu’s manly aroma and play with himself. Gray even created a massive ice dildo to try and ease the ache he had deep inside. ‘It’s not the same!’ he mentally groaned, yes he came, but he wanted the real thing.

He could ride the dildo for hours, but he wanted Natsu, not a toy, not someone else. He could toy with his nips while dropping it like it was hot, but it couldn’t match the feel of Natsu’s hot hands giving him pleasure.

When Natsu caught him the spike in arousal was obvious. “Natsu...need you...” he dispelled the dildo and showed his gaping, hungry hole.

“Go home, Gray!” Natsu growled.

“Please...just a little...I can help too!” Natsu’s eyes remained serious. “I’ll top!”

“Out!” Natsu snapped, the ice wizard was sent home.

He was missing more than just the sex, his bed never felt so cold. ‘Natsu!’ he hugged himself.

Gray tried to go on missions away from Natsu, but while he finished the missions his desire for Natsu only increased. He missed the pinkette terribly. You almost felt sorry for the bandits, dark wizards, and the like as Gray took out his frustrations on them.

After a week Gray felt like he was losing his mind! His cock entered a near permanently erect state, his arousal feeding on his magic. This left Gray unable to go on missions, so he was mostly hanging around the guild. You could find him sitting at the bar, wearing only a pair of boxers, with an obvious bulge from his arousal.

“Yo Natsu, what’s up with Gray?” Alzack asked.

“He has to take a small break from missions. It should only be a few more days.”

“Everything okay with you two?”

“Y-yeah...things have just been difficult.”

“Well if you need someone to watch your back, you can always call on me,” Alzack said, and suddenly a wall of ice shot up between them.

“Get away from him!” Gray was fuming.

“What the hell man!?” Alzack gasped.

“Gray, what are you doing?!” Natsu snapped.

“Don’t think I’m gonna let someone else move in on you!” Natsu was shocked, Gray wasn’t the jealous type. He had even told Gray about his belief in harem mating, the ice wizard had accepted it, but wanted to build their relationship up before bringing someone else in. Natsu was okay with that, happy that he met someone who understood his beliefs and feelings. “Back off mini magnum!”

Alzack blushed. “Have you lost your mind?”

“Come off it, I see how you look at my boyfriend!” Alzack’s blush grew, and he looked from Gray to Natsu.

“I umm I haven’t...I didn’t...I don’t...” Natsu was surprised, he thought Alzack had a thing for Bisca.

“Gray, you aren’t acting like a proper man. Cool your head!” Elfman butted in.

“Don’t butt in, I no sooner trust Natsu with Alzack than you!”

“M-Me?” Elfman gasped. Natsu hadn’t seen Elfman flustered like this in a long time. Could Gray be right, did Elfman and Alzack have feelings for him? He shook his head, he couldn’t think about that now.

“Gray enough.” Natsu used Purple Flare and created some hands to grab the ice wizard.

“Ahhh!” Gray moaned, arching his back and cumming into his underwear. Natsu’s eyes widened. The crotch of his underwear was completely soaked and his essence ran down his legs.

Natsu took Gray into the back room. “What is the matter with you?”

“I don’t know!” he panted. “I...Am I really cursed?”

Natsu nodded. “We’ll figure it out, just a few more days, ‘kay?” Gray nodded.

Easier said than done. Gray did apologize to Elfman and Alzack, and Natsu walked him home.

Gray’s lust and sensitivity were making him crazy. He was plagued with thoughts, so many thoughts. He couldn’t stop thinking about Natsu fucking Elfman and Alzack, to make matters worse, instead of pissing him off it was turning him on. He didn’t know what made him so jealous before, he wanted to see the others come undone just like him. The thought of seeing Natsu’s cock wreck their holes, bulge their bodies and ruin them for other men had Gray hornier than he had been in days, and that was saying something. (AN: Note Gray is still seeing Natsu only as a top, this is another side effect of the curse.) It didn’t stop there, he started to imagine Natsu with other guys in the guild, Macao, Laxus, Freed, Bickslow, Guildarts, Loke, it didn’t seem to matter.

He jerked off for a full day, thinking about various men getting wrecked by Natsu, but it still wasn’t enough. No matter how many times he came, he was still hard! To say nothing of the growing fire in his belly, his insides were getting too hot to handle. Twelve days of no sex and Gray Fullbuster snapped.


Natsu had no idea Gray was so far gone. If he did he would have placed some defenses to prevent what was about to happen. Waking up naked, arms and legs bound by ice, with his boyfriend on top of him. “Morning babe!” Gray rubbed his ass against the 24 inch monster of a cock.

“G-Gray!” Natsu gasped. “Stop, we can’t do this!”

“Why not, you’re hard, and I’m horny!” he moaned, he rubbed his cock against Natsu, loving the heat and skinship. “It’s so hot, I need you inside me, to make me feel whole again!” Natsu could feel the heat radiating off Gray’s ass hole. “It hurts, but you can make me feel good!” he groped Natsu’s pecs.

“Gray, I’m warning you, we are so close. Just try to hang in there a bit longer.”

“How can you say that when you are this hard?” he rubbed his ass against his massive shaft. “Don’t you want me?”

“I do, but that’s not the point. If we fuck now it’ll put everything we went through to waste.” he continued to struggle.

“Don’t care, need you inside me!” the look on Gray’s face was one Natsu hadn’t seen before, it was like a weird fusion of lust and drunk. He was gone, too far gone to listen to reason.

‘Gray...my love...you have pushed me to create two of my flames, and now you have pushed me to create my third.’ An orange flame appeared in Natsu’s hand.

“You wouldn’t hurt me, would you love?”

“No...I wouldn’t...Orange Flare!” he released the orange flame, and it struck Gray. The ice wizard, couldn’t keep his eyes open as the flames burned away his consciousness, sending him into a deep slumber. “Good night, love...” Natsu had to take his time to melt Gray’s ice without hurting him.

With the Orange Flare, the remaining days passed with ease. If Gray got too out of hand he was put to sleep with the orange flame. ‘I just pray Porlyusica-san has some answers.’

To be continued...



I don't know why but this reminds me of a horny Juvia


Gray's mind isn't stable because of the curse, once they figure out the curse he'll return to being more stable but right now the curse plus the withdrawals is causing him to go nuts