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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1


Red X

Both Ash and Gary started in trainer school, each with a Pokémon from their families. With these new Pokémon, they take the school by storm and are ready to get their first Pokémon.

Chap 1 Normal Gifts

Ash and Gary are rivals, they have been since they were kids. It all started when they received eggs when they went to a pokemon trainer school. Ash got his egg from his father, while Gary got his from his grandfather. Their eggs hatched and Ash got a Meowth while Gary got Eevee, of course, Gary thought his Pokemon was superior.

“All your dad could get you was that weak little Meowth, while I got this rare Eevee.” He laughed and walked off with his normal type. What Gary didn’t know Meowth was born with a rare egg move Hypnosis! (In omega ruby and alpha sapphire you kind find Persian with the move Hypnosis. I know this because I caught two of them.)

Ash kept this move a secret from Gary, and the two battled almost every week. The boys were 16 when they graduated from Pokémon Academy. It was time for their final match, as much as Gary hated to admit it but Ash had beaten him almost as much. In 99 fights, Gary had 50 wins and Ash had 49, this would be their last chance to battle before they got their new Pokémon and started their journeys, and Gary wanted a landslide.

“Well, Ash this will be our last chance to battle.”

“Yeah and I’m gonna win!”

“If you’re so sure why not make it interesting?”

“What do you mean?”

“A bet baka, how about when I win you have to suck my cock.” The raven blushed at his words.

“Wh-what!?” the raven gasped. 

“You scared?” he said palming his crotch.

“No, I’m not, let’s do this Meowth.” His feline partner nodded and rushed out onto the field. Ash didn’t keep him in his PokéBall it was much more fun to pal around.

Gary called his Eevee out and the rumble began. At school, there were plenty of Move Tutors so Ash helped Meowth get a pretty balanced move set.

“Don’t forget what you have to do when you lose. I know all your moves Ash, Scratch, Fury Swipes, Icy Wind and Shock Wave.”

Ash held back a smirk, Meowth learned Shock Wave to replace Scratch, Gary had no idea about Hypnosis it was their ace in the hole.

Meowth – Limber: Moves – Hypnosis, Fury Swipes, Icy Wind, Shock Wave


Eevee – Adaptability: Moves – Quick Attack, Swift, Dig, Headbutt

Using Dig he avoided Icy Wind and Shock Wave, and his normal type moves were strong. “Ha just give up Ashy-boy it’s gonna be 51 to 49.”

“I don’t think so, Meowth use Hypnosis!” 

“What Hypnosis!?” he had sent Eevee in for a Headbutt and he got hit by the glowing eyes of Meowth. He froze and fell into a deep sleep. Meowth let loose a barrage of Fury Swipes, Icy Wind and Shock Wave and Eevee was knocked out.

“Looks like I win this round Gary, time to pay up.”

Gary returned Eevee and he laughed. “I lost the battle but not the war; we are tied 50 to 50. Once you truly beat me I’ll pay up.”

“What?!” the boy snapped. “You are just copping out on the wager you made!” Meowth agreed.

“A tie is a tie Ashy-boy.”

“I don’t think so, Meowth use Hypnosis!” his Pokémon obeyed and hypnotized Gary, the male’s eyes glazed over. “Time to keep your promise Gary.” he undid his pants and freed his massive 8-inch penis, which was semi-hard.

Gary obeyed and got on his knees in front of him, coming face to face with Ash’s semi-erect manhood. Before the sucking began, Ash wanted a little payback for Gary trying to slide out of his deal. He held the base of his cock and began slapping his face with his cock.

To his surprise, Gary moaned at the treatment. “Now suck my cock!” the brunette obeyed and took Ash’s cock into his mouth and began sucking. “Ohh that’s good!” he worked his shaft with his tongue, as he sucked on him.

He sucked him all the way down to the root, burying his nose in Ash’s pubes. He moaned around his length. “Wow, you’re really enjoying this.” He brought his foot to Gary’s crotch where a prominent bulge remained.

Gary moaned around his penis, the friction to his cock felt really good. “Meowth, use Fury Swipes.” His Pokémon obeyed and used his claws to shred Gary’s clothing, the brunette pulled off Ash’s cock with a gasp as his body became exposed.

A small semblance of his mind had his hands going to cover his now exposed 6-inch dick. Gary now kneeled in a pile of tattered clothes, naked, horny and completely under Ash’s control. “Show me how much you love my cock Gary, play with your ass and cock while you blow me.”

The brunette moaned as he obeyed, his right hand left his crotch and reached back to finger his hole, while his hand pumped his penis. He went back to sucking Ash’s stiff cock, moaning around his impressive manhood.

Ash finally gave in and came shooting the first four spurts into his mouth, he pulled his cock out and splatted semen all over Gary’s face.

Gary moaned and came blowing his load all over the ground. “Nice, now you are gonna dream of this every night, but you won’t cum from it. You’ll wake up with the need to play with your ass and cock, all while craving my cock!” Gary nodded his head. “Oh, and one more thing, Meowth,” his Pokémon nodded and he used his claws to shave Gary’s crotch leaving him smooth and hairless. “…now run a lap around Pallet Town and return home, you’ll finish the cum off your face and you won’t remember being hypnotized.”

He nodded and began to run around town, his dick bouncing around and cum splattering his face. He followed the orders and Ash sighed happily as he heard the surprise gasps from people in town. “That should teach him right Meowth?”

Meowth agreed and then started to glow. “What?” he gasped as Meowth evolved into Persian. “You evolved, awesome!!” he hugged his new Pokémon. He even learned a new move Slash, replacing Fury Swipes.

The next day Ash was supposed to get his new Pokémon, but he was so excited he slept in. Gary, however, didn’t, thanks to the hypnosis command, his potential wet dream woke him up, and after playing with himself he went and got his starter Pokémon. He bumped into Ash, who had raced there in his pajamas; Gary blushed seeding the bulge in those tight shorts. “Late as always Ashy-boy? Keep this up and you’ll never beat me.”

“Stuff it, Gary, once I get my starter Pokémon I’ll be a better trainer than you.” His Persian agreed, with him. He was surprised to see Meowth had evolved, but after all their battles guess it was about time. Ash and Persian bolted past Gary and raced up the hill to Oak’s lab.

 Ash eventually made it but by the time he made it all of the three main starters were gone. He didn’t go away empty-handed receiving a very temperamental Pikachu. He tried to give him a peace offering by letting him stay outside his ball, but this did very little.

He got some clothes and a backpack from his mom, and he headed towards the edge of Pallet Town. 

To be continued



Great so far. :9