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Hey guys, a sudden change has forced me to make some major decisions, I didn't want to post this yesterday as I didn't want you guys thinking this is a joke, when this is very serious; You may have noticed some fics popping up on this site, many of these are older fics, I'm not doing this to overwhelm you guys, but this is something that has to happen because of servage. 

I had a fic site, where i posted stories, but because of servage that site was down for a year which caused an imbalance of what was posted and to where. Well I tried to pay to keep that site up for the fans and a few other fic writers but they screwed up again and guys they wasted so many hours of my time over this nonsense I was done. The fic site is being shut down for now. I need to find another place and a new format to post fics to.

Thing is, lot of my fics do not have a hard copy. So I'm trying to upload and repost them to sites to get them backed up and saved. Now this is a lot of work but I'm using this to 1. get some fics set to patreon customers who may not know of their existence. 2. catalog older fics to see what needs updating, fixing, and reduxing. 3. Getting a fresh start

I'll be tagging some of these older posts appropriately, so do enjoy them and know if I am posting them here, then that means they are available for the Update please reward. If they aren't getting posted here it means they'll be going under the redux process. 


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