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Seven Deadly Sins: Tier 1

 Demon Knights
Meliodas is one of the strongest holy knights in the kingdom, he has a whole swarm of those wanting to work and train under him. Some who desire him so much they make a contract with him, taking his seed and becoming demon knights. Tier 1 Meliodas/Ban/Gil/Howzer/Harem
Chapter 1 The Most Popular Knight
The Kingdom of Liones had become of the strongest kingdoms in the land of Britannia. Each Kingdom had their own armies of holy knights, of various skills and powers. Among them being, Liones, Danafor, Edinburgh, and Camelot.
The Holy Knight system was a simple one. The top was the Great Holy Knights, Assistant Great Holy Knight, Cardinal, the Holy Knights, and Apprentice Holy Knights. Each Holy Knight is given a rank, Diamond Rank, Platinum Rank, Sapphire Rank, Ruby Rank, Emerald Rank, and Crystal Rank.
Liones had a surplus of Holy Knights, they even had sub classes, The Weird Fangs, Dawn Roar, and the Pleiades of the Azure Sky.
To become a Holy Knight was the dream of many a youth, of both noble and commoner stations. Despite their being peace among the clans, there was still evil in the world. No one was race to blame for the wicked actions of one, or a group, as even a few members of the Goddess clan could be twisted fucks.
One of the most popular knights in Liones was actually not one of the three Great Holy Knights. While Zaratras, Hendrickson, and Dreyfus were quite powerful and respected, but the most popular Knight was Meliodas.
The young appearing blonde was actually the oldest knight in the kingdom, being well over 3000 years old. His power surpassed all three Grand Holy Knights Combined, however Meliodas was happy with his status as a Holy Knight: Diamond Rank.
He spent his time training the young knights, passing on his wisdom, and teaching them how to fight. It was unanimous decision to have him train the new recruits especially with his sacred treasure. The Demon Sword Lostvayne, a curved short sword with a dragoon tattoo emblem in its hilt, it has five holes along the sharp blade. It’s ability Physical Clone, allows him to make up to four clones of himself. These clones were of course weaker than the original Meliodas, 1 clone being half his power, but the clones made it so he could train multiple trainees at once. He practiced and showed them swordsmanship, doing sparring matches even. Even going as far as working with them on their magic, with his specific set of skills he could handle being attacked with magic of all kinds.
Meliodas’ magic or ability was known as Full Counter. This power let the user reflect attacks aimed at them back at an enemy, but with more than double the power. It was useful for dealing with enemies with higher magical power, the stronger the opponent the better Meliodas could handle them. He could also use Counter Vanish, completely dispelling a magic attack, instead of reflecting it. Plus his body was quite durable, he often just took magic attacks without countering at all, this lead to Meliodas losing his training clothes.
His training garments being destroyed by magic, causing nosebleeds from the pure hearted knights and trainees, at the sight of his naked body. There was another reason why he was so popular…he was hot! Despite his youthful appearance his body looked like it was sculpted perfectly from marble. Not an ounce of body fat on him, mouth watering muscles from his pecs, down his 6 pack abs. His strong arms and legs weren’t jacked like some of the other more bara knights, but that didn’t stop him from jumping higher than a giant was tall and being able to pick a fully adult man and send him flying with a flick of his finger.
Though one piece of him, made him the envy, and wet dream of many men. Meliodas’ soft 13 incher, the mighty man meat was a beast when it’s soft but when it was fully erect…oh my! His family jewels were equally large, no doubt full of his plentiful seed. His massive size, many knights often believed his piece was just a useless decoration, but they learned this was not the case. When hard he was even larger, and he had stamina to burn.
If and when properly motivated, he could fuck a man for seven days straight, not many could handle his size, stamina, endurance, or his creativity. He often left men thinking the same thought. ‘He isn’t human, he can’t be!’
He was not human, in fact Meliodas was a high class demon. In a twist of fate when demons were created they were in a way both blessed and cursed with more than one hurt. The intention being that they would love more passionately, and would feel more. This was true but true of other things as well, they lusted more than other races, they craved power more than other races, they coveted more than the other races.
Lesser demons had two hearts, modified demons had three to four hearts, elemental demons had five hearts, upper demons had seven, and rumor had it the demon king himself had ten. Depending on the number of hearts, determined how balanced a demon was. Meliodas was well rounded, his hyper sex drive not withstanding.
His desires were odd, Zaratras believed Meliodas was simply waiting, waiting for what he didn’t know. “What could he possibly be wanting?” Dreyfus asked him.
“Like I said, I don’t know.” the three great holy knights were having a friendly drink.
“The king has offered the title of Great Holy Knight to him and he’s turned it down. He’s popular with both the citizens, the knights, and the new recruits.” he says and takes a drink.
“It’s true, even my son talks about him a lot. Father, training with Meliodas was so great today. Father, who’s stronger you or Meliodas? Meliodas-sama is so funny.” he downed his ale.
“He’s good with our boys, my son has gotten a lot stronger since being under his care.” Dreyfus says.
“Aye, that they are, and I want my son to grow strong.” they clink their cups and drink.
“Perhaps he’s waiting for something, or someone.” Hendrickson speaks surprising the two.
“Hendrickson…don’t tell me you wanna hook up with Meliodas?” the silver haired male blushed, and tried to his his face in his drink. The other two knights took that as a yes, yes he did. In truth the thought of Meliodas x Hendrickson shifted to them in place of the white haired male. ‘I wonder if I could handle Meliodas in bed?’ was the shared thought between them.
“Hahahaha, so where is Meliodas?”
“The King has him on a mission.” Zaratras says.
“What mission?” Dreyfus asks.
“Well it seems the man who burned down the Fairy King’s Forest, and murdered the guardian of the Fountain of Youth, is locked up in a prison.”
“What?!” Hendrickson gasped. “How has that man not been executed?”
“Oh believe me, they tried. The man has a rap sheet a mile long on top of his recent crimes. Bandit Ban, considered a skilled thief in his own right, he was executed the day of his capture, and he lived.”
“That means…”
“Yes, he has become immortal after drinking the Fountain of Youth.”
Undead Ban sat in a cell, a bored and sad expression on his face. His pale blue hair had grown wild and unkempt. He heard footsteps approaching and voices. ‘Another execution? Whatever…doesn’t matter.’ he thinks.
“I’d like to speak to the convict please.” he says walking down the dark tunnel to the cells. He had several knights around him.
“Meliodas-sama, this man is Undead Ban, he’s dangerous. We’ve tried to execute him 33 times.”
“And nothing’s stuck huh?” he says.
“Do you think you can kill him?”
“Dunno, but before all that I wanna look him in the eye.” They reached his cell and the guards opened the many locks. Before the last one…
“Oi, if you are here for another execution, just do it here, I’m tired of being dragged out.” he says, sounding bored.
“Please be careful Meliodas-sama!” they opened the door and let Meliodas in.
“Huh a kid?” Ban questioned. He had no chains, and was bare ass naked. He reached down and scratched his thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch. “Beat it, this is no place for children.”
Meliodas was unphased by his nudity. “So you are Undead Ban, there’s a lot of nasty rumors about you, ya know?”
“Tch, why would a kid like you care?” he puts his hands behind his head.
“I have to wonder, if those rumors are true.” Meliodas stares at him, and Ban is surprised. No one cared about him, he was charged for a crime he didn’t commit, he knew that but no one else did.
“You must be naive, didn’t you hear, I burned the Fairy Forest to the ground and I killed…” he got cut off.
“You do not have the eyes of a killer.” Ban stares at Meliodas in shock. “You have the eyes of a fighter, a survivor, I’ve looked into the eyes of those who enjoy killing, you don’t have those eyes.”
“It’s my fault…” Ban found himself saying. “It’s my fault what happened, happened…” he stands up. “If you are here to kill me, give it your best shot and get it over with!”
“Actually, I was thinking of getting you out of here, for good.” Ban couldn’t help but laugh. He sits back down, clutching his abs.
“Man I haven’t had a good laugh in a long time. Thanks for that kid, now get lost I’m not leaving.”
“I could take you by force you know, I’ve decided I’d like you to join me.” Ban smirked.
“Ohh you think you can beat me, you gonna regret it, I don’t intend to hold back just because you are a kid.”
Wham! Boom!
Next thing Ban knew he was staring at the open sky, a hole was left from where he was sent flying through it. ‘So strong!’ he felt his heart flutter, his blood pump, and his dick swell. He hadn’t felt this excited in forever.
Meliodas came out. “Looks like I got you to come outside after all?” Ban got up, ignoring his arousal he went after Meliodas again. The young appearing blonde proceeded to whoop Ban’s ass.
Their fight filled Ban with excitement. Every blow sending waves through his pleasure starved body. ‘I’m so wet!’ Ben thinks happily, his dick weeping pre like mad. He found his climax when Meliodas dropped him into a crater, dropped is a loose word, more like made the crater with his body.
Ban’s back arched and he came hard, spraying his load from his hefty balls, all over himself. His wounds healed quickly, and Ban licked his cum splattered lips. “You’ve got skills, but you can get a lot stronger. So what do you say Undead Ban?” He offered his hand to him. “Wanna join me?”
The bluenette grinned, and took his hand. “Sounds good to me!” This excitement this thrill, these sensations, even before he became immortal he hadn’t felt like this.
Meliodas smiled back and pulled Ban into a kiss. The bandit moaned, and quickly kissed back. Their kiss deepened and so began a duel of tongues. After a heavy make out session and Ban’s second climax, the two sat down.
“Ban, I need you to tell me, after this day you never have to talk about it again.” Ban leaned against him. “What happened? What really happened to the Fairy King’s Forest?”
“You’ll think I’m weak, but I’ll tell you. What really happened that day…”
To be continued
Chapter 2 Ifrit 


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