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Miraculous parody: patreon reward/tier 1

 Chapter 4  https://www.patreon.com/posts/34789365 

Chapter 5 We Are Heroes

Adrien felt the power of Plagg wash over him, fill him, transforming him into something else, something new. His clothes vanished in a swirl of dark energy, his ears became furry and feline, his nails lengthened, and a black furry cat tail sprang from the base his spine. He got a treasure trail, his pubic hair growing, and thickening. His tiny tool began to respond, lengthening and expanding, Adrien could only moan as his cock gained more length and girth until he reached 14 inches.

His muscles became more defined, his fencing and model training enhanced and amplified. He soon was adorned with black leather, a top that showed off his abs, so tight you could see his nipples and the muscle curve of his pecs. Adrien was gifted with a pair of skin-tight black booty shorts, that clung to him like a second skin, his ass jiggled a bit. Dark gloves covered his hands, and black boots covered his feet. Black fur covered his arms and legs, from the ankle to the knee, and from the wrist to his elbow. His last article of clothing was a mask, his eyes turning green and his pupils cat-like.

“Would you look at me!” Adrien gasped in delight, checking himself out. “I mean, wow, wow, wow!” he stretched and twisted, flexing his muscles.

Marin was looking, watching the very sexy kitty stretch and pose, bending over and arching his back. He was sticking his plump booty in the air, the bulge of his cock and balls, shifting as he moved. Marin couldn’t help but blush, Adrien was quite good looking, but his new form was dripping with sexiness and sex appeal.

“I’m so big, I’ve never felt so strong.” he palmed himself. His tail swished.

“Adrien...” the male turned to Mister Bug, he looked at his monster companion and his pupils dilated. “We have a job to do.”

Adrien couldn’t help himself, he leaned into Mister Bug and purred. “You can count on me!” He felt such strong emotion, his arousal was amplified. His sense of smell was stronger so he could smell Mister Bug’s manly musk. ‘Ohh!’ he shivered, feeling his blood rush south.

“Adrien!” Mister Bug gasped, as the blonde humped against him.

“I feel weird, good weird, and you smell so good!” he nuzzled his pecs.

‘The monster instincts must be too much for him.’ he was getting a bit dizzy too, Adrien also smelled very nice, he smelled almost spicy. Their crotches were pressed together, hardening bulges rubbing. The friction between their suits was causing sparks, magical sparks, spreading heat through their bodies. “Adrien, Adrien, Adrien!”

“Yes, my lord!” he purred.

“Forgive me,” using his lower hands he playfully slapped the Neko boy’s butt.

“Ahh!” They were both aroused, their cocks stretching out their suits, Marin was huge his grower cock dwarfing Adrien’s shower. He blinked, and his mind came down from La-La land. “I’m sorry I just got so excited and...” he froze, seeing Mister Bug’s massive 20-inch dick. “Oh wow!”

Marin snapped his fingers. “Stay with me kitty!” Adrien shook his head. “I’m not mad, becoming a master it amplifies sensations, feelings, draws out our instincts. We have to keep our minds!”


A loud crash was heard in the distance. “Fight monsters now, play later!”

“Later?” Adrien purred.

The two went out to face the stone creatures, the situation helped calmed their arousals. “I think I need a name, how does Chat Noir sound?”

“Sounds good to me Chat Noir, let’s go!” On the way, Marin filled Chat in on his powers and warned him about using it too soon. “We need to catch the Akuma.”


The police were struggling to deal with the army of stone creatures. They were just as powerful and durable as the original Stoneheart, only lacking the ability to grow in size. Fighting them, however, wouldn’t put an end to this, they needed to get the original Akuma.

Stoneheart had Mylene and was taking her to one of the romantic places in Paris. “No one is gonna take you away from me!”

“Please Ivan you are scaring me!”

“You don’t need to be scared, I have an army, I have power, no one will ever separate us again!”

“Ivan...no...” she didn’t understand. While Stoneheart made his way to the Eiffel Tower, Mister Bug and Chat Noir were rushing around the city. Stoneheart’s army had grown too massive even with the two of them, the fighting would be endless. The two together could bring down one soldier, but with more joining the fray, and any they stop easily getting free, they were being overrun.

Adrien was trying too hard and possibly showing off which was causing problems. He lost his weapon, his staff, and got captured by some of the stone creatures. “Kitty kitty!” the creatures chuckled.

“Mister Bug some help!” Mister Bug got his staff back and Chat Noir was able to escape. Thanks to his magical yo-yo they were able to learn where Stoneheart was heading.

“There’s the source, let’s move!” Bringing down the source was the fastest way to saving the people and the soldiers.

“I’m with you!” They took to the rooftops, the stone soldiers may be big and strong but they weren’t too fast. They had been busy as bees, collecting those who had wronged Ivan, having captured both Kim and Chloe, and were holding them hostage along with Mylene.


Mister Bug and Chat Noir arrived on the scene. “Get back, no entry!” The policeman yelled.

“We are here to help!” Mister Bug said.

“You were on the web, you supposedly fought this monster before and made everything worse.”

“It was my first day, I know what to do now.”

“Cut him some slack, we got this, we can help!”

“Who the heck are you?”

“Chat Noir, at my lord’s service.”

“Great another freak. I’ve had enough of this, you and that monster are coming downtown,” he called for his men who surrounded Mister Bug and Chat Noir.

“Stop we are here to help!” Mister Bug pleaded while Chat hissed and opted to shield Mister Bug from any gunfire.

“Now is not the time!” The mayor snapped. “Release my daughter at once!” He turned back to shout at Stoneheart.

“You want her you can have her!” he nodded to one of his soldiers. With a sinister chuckle, the soldier lifted her up and threw her.

“AAAAHHHHHH!” she began to cry and scream, praying that if she lived she’d be nice.


“On it!” Chat Noir flipped and caught Chloe before she could go splat.

“I didn’t promise!” she said.

“What?” she ran into her father’s arms.

“You so good at catching, catch him!” Kim was thrown next, the boy cried out in terror, but he was saved by Mister Bug.

“You okay?” Kim blushed.

“Y-Yeah, thanks.”

“Men open fire!” the police chief shouted.

“Wait stop, you know that won’t help!”

“Stand aside, you may have saved those kids, but as far as I’m concerned once that freak is taken care of, you freaks will be brought in too.” he glared at the two.

“We aren’t freaks!” Chat growled.

“How do we know you aren’t working for that creature, you let him get away once?” His words hurt Marin, feeding into his own doubts.

“He’s right, if I had done better, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“Don’t say that!” Chat touched his hands. “I screwed up earlier too, you were alone. Together we can be heroes!”

“We are heroes!” Marin smiled.

“That’s right, you saved my life!” Kim said. “Twice in fact. I shouldn’t have been so mean to Ivan. This was all my fault, I started it.” he sulked. He had his own issues, he didn’t mean to tease Ivan, he was having his own romantic crisis and seeing Ivan’s love letter he acted badly.

“We’ll save them.”

Stoneheart began coughing, and coughing, before a whole nasty swarm of Akuma came out. Stoneheart was drained from the violent expulsion and fell back. The swarm took the form of a face. “People of Paris, listen carefully, I am Hawkmoth!”


“You two are not worthy of the powers you hold. Surrender your miraculous to me, and I’ll spare this city. Do not burden these poor people with your foolishness. If you don’t I will not stop till I take them from you!”

“You are the cause of this Hawkmoth!” Chat Noire growled.

Mister Bug clapped. “Nice try Hawkmoth, we all know who the villain is here, and it's not us.” Mister Bug approached. “Without you, none of these innocent people would be turned into villains. Our powers may be similar, but we intend to use our powers for good. No matter how long it takes, we will find you and you’ll be the one handing over your miraculous!”

He charged forward and dual-wielded his yo-yos releasing their magic. “Time to de-evilize!” the yo-yos glowed and he struck the swarm.

Hawkmoth cried out in pain! The swarm was slurped up by the yo-yos and purified. Chat Noir watched in amazement.

“Let me make this promise to you, no matter who may threaten your safety. Mister Bug and Chat Noir will be there to protect you!” he released the swarm of now white butterflies. His message was televised, and the spirits were lifted.

“Wow...I think I’m in love!” Chat said.

“Damn it...that is the problem with young fools, thinking they're being heroic, but you are only delaying the inevitable.” He recharged Stoneheart and the fight was on. The two monsters were able to push Stoneheart back, they were running low on time as Stoneheart’s army was swarming the tower.

Mister Bug used his lucky charm, and got a parachute, “I got a plan!” they tripped him up and thanks to Chat got to his Akuma.

“No more evil-doing for you little Akuma!” He caught the butterfly this time using his magic. Chat saved Ivan and Mister Bug saved Mylene, using the parachute of all things. “Bye-bye little butterfly!” He used the miraculous ladybugs and fixed all the damage that was done restoring people and buildings to the rightful place. “This is miraculous!”

“This is only the beginning, you may have won this battle, but I’ll win the war!” He desired their powers, those with the power of the monsters can make their wish come true.


With the battle over the police dispersed. The captain wasn’t happy, but they did save them, so he was giving them a pass for now.

Ivan and Mylene had a lot to talk about, he was a rocker so when he tried to sing his song it was through heavy metal music. When she read the lyrics of the song she found them to be very sweet. “I’m sorry I scared you, I’ll try to be more gentle.” She hugged him, and Ivan blushed.

“They really make a cute couple, a perfect match.”

“Just like us,” Adrien said without thinking. “I mean uh...” his ring beeped.

“We gotta go, take care, everyone!” Mister Bug held Chat Noire and bugged out, zipping away. Chat smiled and leaned against him.


Kim apologized for what he did to Ivan before. “Sorry man, at least you are brave enough to do something for someone you love.” he rubbed the back of his head.

“You have a crush on someone to?”

“Yeah, I just...don’t know what to do about it.” the two made up, but Kim was tight-lipped on who he had a crush on.

To be continued...Monster Lust


ZooFan 123

Glad to see an update and hope your at least doing a little bit better


Was gonna do an update later, but yeah a bit, took a lot of days but doing better now