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One Piece parody: Tier 1

AN: An idea I've had for awhile, and couldn't shake no matter how hard I tried, so been working on this for the last few days. Turned out to be a longer project than I thought. 


Siren of the Sea

It wasn’t every day one met a mermaid, at least one that is a pirate. In the East Blue lived a Siren fresh on his journey to become King of the Pirates but he runs across a strange ship with three arrogant princes, who’ve been made into weapons. They picked a fight with Luffy, but while he could just end them, he decides to save them.

Chapter 1

Vinsmoke Judge was a king without a country, and he spent many years trying to get his ancestor’s country back. Though despite not having a land to call home, he did hold a royal title which meant he was allowed to attend the Reverie. He did have a Kingdom of sorts, a kingdom of science. His technological advancements were impressive, he had even worked with some of the best and some of the most insane scientists, Vegapunk for the former and Caeser Clown for the later.

He sought to gain power by any means necessary if you were not a benefit towards his goal, you were a liability. He went as far as planning to experiment on his own children to gain more power. He wanted the perfect soldiers, ones who lacked chivalry, compassion, and kindness, seeing these things as a weakness. He intended to make his children believe they were perfect, flawless, superior, but made sure they were absolutely loyal to their father.

While he didn’t get to his first child soon enough, he did modify his daughter after she was born, she was a beta test of sorts to see what he could do. He modified her, made her loyal, enhanced her strength and durability, and unlocked her special power by manipulating her Lineage Factor. With the tests successful he knew he had to act sooner if he wanted the perfect soldiers he had to get them in the womb.

His wife Sora was against this, not wanting her children to be turned into monsters. Judge didn’t care, so long as those monsters won wars, that’s all he wanted. The experiment was carried out against Sora’s will, but she had been around Judge long enough to pick up a thing or two. She may not have been a genius like him, to properly mix the chemicals to ensure her life, but it wasn’t her life she was trying to save. ‘For my sons!’ she thought before taking the concoction she had mixed.

Judge was a hypocritical man, though he despised such weak emotions, he loved Sora, though he showed it poorly. He kept her in the dark about why he wanted kids in the first place, believing that as the Germa’s Queen she should want this too. Sora realized her mistake too late, the man she loved was gone, driven by a lust for power, a goal to return to former glory, and a drive to use anyone and everyone to make that happen.

He made her comfortable and made sure she wasn’t able to try something like this again. Her sons were born and taken from her. Sora’s health was failing, thanks to the medicine she took, and she had no idea if it worked, that is until Sanji visited her…


Judge was a man who looked down on others, only respecting strength if you weren’t of noble birth. In his mind royalty was meant to be served, not to serve others. With his sons and his daughter modified, he believed he had the perfect family. Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, Sanji, and Yonji, they were his heirs, and would bring victory for the germa!

At first, it appeared Sora’s interference was in vain, but slowly it was revealed that one of his children wasn’t like the others...one of his children was normal! In his mind, this meant he was a failure. Through a series of events he tried to remove said failure from his life, while he couldn’t bring himself to kill Sanji, he did lock him away, placing a mask on so he wouldn’t have to see his face. He was kept alive but locked away, out of sight out of mind.

Things only got worse for Sanji, to the point Reiju helped him escape. The saddest part was his father caught him trying to get the key to the iron mask, and he didn’t care. He let Sanji go, even admitting that while he wanted Sanji dead he couldn’t do it himself. “You may go, just do me a favor Sanji, as your father, never reveal you are my child.” It was heartbreaking. While he did a mission in the East Blue Sanji escaped.

Judge didn’t care, he already had faked Sanji’s death for his people when he locked him up. As far as he was concerned the failure was dead. Now he could focus on his prides and joy, Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji. They developed their armored skin exoskeleton, increased healing ability, enhanced strength, super speed, and tapping into their own unique element. Reiju got the 0 Raid Suit and had the power of Poison Pink, capable of unleashing, absorbing, and eating poison at will. Ichiji had the 1 Raid Suit and had the power of Sparking Red; able to unleash light energy and use it as a weapon. Niji has the 2 Raid Suit and had the power of Dengeki Blue, and had the power of electricity. Yonji had the 4 Raid Suit and had the power of the Winch Green, he could take in the air around him to increase his muscles and strength.

They had become fine warriors, those he trusted to lead missions. Even as children they were defeating some of his adult soldiers. He continued their training, watching as they grew stronger and stronger. One failure out of 5 he could live with those odds, little did he know what Sora did, affected the other boys. The side effects showing up at weird moments, but Judge was too arrogant to notice. He thought they had their emotions suppressed, but they enjoyed jokes, had lustful desires, even took enjoyment out of battle.

This was just the surface, Sora’s actions were just needing the right catalyst to free them from their shells.

-x-Several Years Later -x-

Judge had received a job in the East Blue, he didn’t really care for that sea as it was one of the weakest of the four. The money offered was quite a hefty sum. His forces were tied up with another mission though. “Father, allow us to handle this mission.” He looked at his sons, who had grown into fine young soldiers.

“We can go and wipe out the enemy swiftly and return with the hefty payment.”

“Very well, you three can go, take a ship and a stock of clone soldiers. Bring victory for the Germa!”

“Yes!” the trio said in unison. Reiju watched them go. Their ships were very special as their kingdom was on the back of giant snails. Their ships were able to travel the Red Line and invade any sea at any time, though they were overwhelmed by the power of the North Blue considered the strongest of the four seas.

They were given two weeks to complete the mission since it was the East Blue the weakest of the seas. The brothers believed they’d get it done in one.


They weren’t kidding, the mission was so easy it was boring. The trio of brothers finished the mission in just a few short days. It took them longer to just cross the Red Line. The resistance was a joke, the royals of this island were in big trouble if these weaklings were such a problem. It seems they were overtaxing their people to line their pockets, no wonder they were able to pay such a hefty amount.

“Father will be pleased, should we head back?”

“So soon, let’s have some real fun.” The two looked to Yonji. “Nothing too crazy, but we can find a place to drink, have some fun for a few days and be back well within Father’s time frame.”

Ichiji wasn’t so sure. “It would be nice to celebrate our victory, Father does it often enough.”

Ichiji chuckled. “Why not, this job was so boring we could use some excitement.” After they left, the Royals fell to ruin, as the Revolutionary Army came in and put an end to their corruption. They even gave medical treatment to the resistance forces that the Germa had crushed.

As the princes and their clone army looked for a place to party, the stumbled across something that would change their lives forever. Ichiji was the first to hear it, a soft melody out on the open sea. “Can you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Niji and Yonji pulled back their headphones and at first, they didn’t hear anything. “I don’t hear any...”

“Ahh~ah~ah~ahh~” Singing, they heard singing. The most beautiful melody they had ever heard.

“Turn towards the music, follow it!” Ichiji ordered and the men were quick to obey. The song was so haunting, so lovely, they had to find the source. They had no idea what to expect but the last thing they expected was to find a mermaid!


An honest to goodness mermaid!


More like merman upon closer inspection.


Didn’t seem to stop the hearts from forming in their eyes, and their blood rushing south and swelled their manhoods. Their special Raid Suits couldn’t hide their arousals their manhoods tenting their respective garments. The merman noticed their arrival but didn’t stop singing.

Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji couldn’t help but listen, drawn in by the melody, and they started to feel things, things they didn’t understand. The raven-haired beauty was quite a sight, he seemingly was naked except for a straw hat he had hanging around his neck. He was thin but built, with a toned stomach and firm pecs. His merman tail had red scales with pink fins, and he had pointy ears.

The merman ended his song, and the princes blinked. The new emotions they were feeling freaked them out, so they pushed them down, and went into full Royal Arrogance mode. “Hey, merman why don’t you come party with us?” Yonji hooted and hollered.

“We’ll show you a good time!” Niji said and palmed his obvious bulge.

“We need some proper entertainment,” Ichiji said. The trio laughed, but the merman didn’t respond. The brothers looked at each other. “Do you think he can’t understand us?”

“Well he is part fish, maybe he has the brain of one.” his brothers chuckled.

“Maybe we should just capture him, we can keep him as a pet,” Yonji said.

The merman heard this and gave the brothers an adorable smile, the kind that made them blush, their hearts skip a beat. They wanted the mysterious merman even more. He took a breath. “ZAAAAAAHHHHH!” He let loose a hypersonic blast from his mouth, it was so condensed it was almost like a beam.

Thanks to their Raid Suits they survived, but they were shaken and disoriented. Even those not caught up in the initial blast were shaken up. “You lot are very rude!” His voice pierced the ringing in their ears. “You don’t even bother asking my name or introduce yourselves. Then you have the nerve to insult me, I would have given a pass, but then you want to capture me?” he crossed his arms.

The princes got up and recovered from the merman’s attack. Their men gathered around and aimed their guns at him. “Hold off he’s ours!” Niji growled the men obeyed.

“Just a moment!” Ichiji adjusted his glasses. “You have a point, I’m Ichiji Vinsmoke first prince of the Germa Kingdom.” he put on the charm. His brothers followed suit.

“Niji Vinsmoke the second prince of the Germa Kingdom.” the blue-haired boy gave a royal bow.

“Yonji Vinsmoke the fourth prince of the Germa Kingdom.” the green-haired male shot him a wink.

“Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy.” He smiled again, and the princes swooned, only to mentally slap themselves.

“Why don’t you join us for some tea, and we can apologize for our rude behavior?” Ichiji wasn’t playing nice for no reason, he wanted the merman on their ship.

“No thanks, you guys are still planning to catch me,” he did some merman combat and tossed some water onto them, drenching them. “I’m gonna go, catch me if you can!” he dove into the sea.

The boys were flustered, wet, and horny, so they clearly were not thinking clearly. “Breathers!” they got some devices that would allow them to breathe underwater. The soldiers were against them chasing after the merman, but thanks to Judge’s programming, they didn’t head the warning. Once fitted they shot into the water using the built-in jets in their suits. Even with their scientific advancements, they were chasing a merman in the sea. It is said no one can match a mermaid/merman’s speed in the sea, this was true.

Every time they got close, Luffy would spin out of their grasp and swim further away. The princes soon got caught up in the thrill of the chase, actually having fun as they chased after Luffy. They didn’t know what Luffy was, he was a special kind of merman, while able to use merman combat, he also had a unique power akin to his species.

Luffy was a Siren, merfolk with a powerful voice, a siren can use it as a weapon. His kind was hunted as their songs often lured sailors, seemingly to their death, but the legends couldn’t scratch the surface. Their voices were more than just hypnotic or powerful, they could inspire, invoke powerful emotions, give strength, heal wounds, even effect nature itself. Yes in the ancient times the Siren’s didn’t know of their power and when they sang, did lure sailors in, who was so distracted by their voices ended up crashing their ship.

Not to say Siren’s weren’t mischievous, but they were labeled a threat, not even the celestial dragons wanted to mess with, so instead, they sought their destruction.

The game seemingly came to a close as Luffy swam towards an undersea cave. The princes followed him in and lost sight of him, but did find air. “Where did he go?”

“How did we lose him?”

“I don’t like this...” Yonji brought up and was grabbed by Ichiji.

“Don’t tell me your scared of a little fish.” Yonji glared at him.

“I’m not scared of anything!” They started to hear singing again. “He’s here! Let’s find him.” A big mistake.

This was Luffy’s playground, a place picked by him for its uniqueness. It’s network of caves and tunnels not only provided great places to hide and explore, but it also allowed him to use his voice super effectively. As Luffy’s melody echoed through the tunnels the Vinsmoke princes were falling under his spell, deeper and deeper until they were walking right where Luffy wanted them.

They found a bubbling pool of water, a hot spring created by Luffy. “It’s time for your bath, please remove your clothes and get inside the pool.” They heard Luffy speak, and the words sank in and couldn’t be denied. They deactivated their Raid Suits, and in a reverse transformation that Luffy found cool, they ended up in their birthday suits!

The canisters were left behind, as each prince got into the pool, moaning as the warm water caressed their bodies. They sank down until even their shoulders were underwater. “Song of Ice and Snow!” Luffy changed the song he was singing, and his voice conjured chilling winds, the water in the air turning to snow.

His winter melody turned the pool of water to solid ice trapping the Vinsmokes. They couldn’t move an inch, trapped naked in frozen water. The ice to their most private of places snapped them out of their siren daze. “Crap!” the trio gasped.

Not to be too careful Luffy was armed with a gun. “Looks like you guys are the ones captured.”

To his shock, the boys laughed. Luffy pointed the gun at them, planning to shoot if they tried anything. “Looks like you got us!”

“Yep we are totally screwed.” they laughed.

“What are you up to?” he cocked the gun.

“Nothing, if you plan to kill us go ahead if you don’t our father will.” Ichiji laughed.

“Yeah, he hates failure. We’ll end up just like Sanji.”

“You got our raid suits, us locked tight, I can’t even feel my body to activate my power.” Niji points out. “We are completely at your mercy.”

“You got us good, now just kill us!” Luffy was stunned, he’s never met anyone so casual about giving up on life like this. It was like they had no hope, no will to survive. They accepted death so easily it was sad.

“I’m not gonna kill you,” Luffy put the gun away. “I’m gonna help you.” He didn’t know what was wrong with them, but if emotion was what they lacked… “Emotion Medley!” Luffy began to sing, an assortment of different tunes and pitches each one able to draw out emotion, each emotion, and the whole medley takes one on an emotional roller-coaster. Positive emotions, negative emotions, even neutral emotions, Luffy had the princes feeling all of them.

This was the catalyst they needed, their modifications had sealed their emotions, to make them perfect soldiers. Their mother’s efforts had put a few cracks in that dam but now it was burst. The Medley also let them experience an emotion without it overwhelming them, moving onto the next one. Round and round they went, and they could feel, they felt great things, things that hurt, but it was theirs to feel.

With their emotions free they were able to understand things, what their father did to them, what they did to others, and worst yet what they did to Sanji. The mechanical shades, their version of the rose-colored glasses were off. They could see the world much clearer now. Their father was a bastard, who used them, broke them emotionally, who robbed them of a childhood and a connection with their mother. They had been monsters, but this melody had set their souls free. Thanks to compassion they could see how arrogant and cruel they were and wanted to change.

Luffy sang for them for hours, till his Siren pipes were strained, but it was worth it. Luffy freed them from the ice, using the last of his voice to heat the water, turning it back into a hot spring. The princes were in tears, they understood, they could feel, they had a lot to atone for, and they could start with the person who saved their souls.

“Thank you!” they said and got out of the pool to bow, not a royal bow, a full prostrate bow heads to the ground. “Please forgive us!” they said in unison. Luffy patted their heads, a sign that they were forgiven. The Siren could see it wasn’t completely their fault, but what now? They relaxed in the bath together this time, waiting for Luffy’s voice to recover so they could have a proper talk on what to do next.

To be continued...From Princes to Pirates!


ZooFan 123

Huh cool story idea and it’s great to see you still having the need to write story without our request! Can’t wait to see what gets posted next!


yeah some ideas refuse to just wait, they force themselves to the front of my mind and refuse to back down. As for the requests i try to balance things out a bit when i don't feel well i tend to do what i can just to stay active

ZooFan 123

Yeah that must be rough with what seem to be daily updates you must get tried often. Which make me very appreciative for all the hard work you do! But surly you must have some all ready written stories we haven’t seen on this site down? Why not post a couple of them to give yourself a break when you can. This is for the benefit of everyone of course because a burnt out writer is one whose works suffers. And probably makes you stress out too which I personally don’t want.


well plus since i'm still suffering from an injury i'm in constant pain its hard to focus, plus dealing with irl stuff its hard yes, but not impossible. My schedule may break but i still want to get something out. Like the test fics they can be done any month, but rewards and commissions i try to get those done as my priority but getting sick last week through me off and i still tried to get stuff done. especially the streaming thing, my desktop computer is not comfortable to sit at because of my injury, so streaming and trying to work at the desktop can be overwhelming, my pain spikes, making my blood pressure spike, and that causes other issues, it can be hard so even if its a chill stream just trying to relax, i'm still in pain, i'm just in pain while working on my laptop or phone while trying to enjoy some company

ZooFan 123

Dang sounds really rough and I’m sorry for your situation that your in now. But, looking on the bright side of things may be hard but can help a person. To me though it just sounds like you need more time to recover so what you should do is just blast through all the commissions and suggested story’s on your list and after that post old archive stuff in your files so you can have some breathing room to heal more. Also with the money we’re supporting you with try to save up for a new chair they’ll be better for you! 😁👍


there's no saving up i'm afraid my medical bills are rough, i have to work hard to keep the support up, so i can pay the medical bills and my insurance. Also i've tried cushions chairs support padding and braces nothing helps. I hurt sitting standing and lying down until a doctor finds out what's wrong or establishes a treatment i'm stuck

ZooFan 123

Well drat, well hopefully you’ll attract more fans willing to support you with patreon but until than you still got my support! 👍