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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 4  https://www.patreon.com/posts/backlash-chapter-32567603 

Chapter 5 Six Years Later, Ben’s Vacation

Kevin missed Ben, the years may have been good to him, he worked out, kept in shape, got to work on cars now and then until he joined Auto-Shop. All the cool cars he could work on couldn’t distract him for long, he missed his four-armed buddy like a dog missed his master. He didn’t care about the implications of that analogy it was true. Ben did come back to earth, but his Earth time wasn’t long and usually around holidays. Not many holidays either, aliens found human holidays interesting but rarely acknowledged them, unless they suited their own tastes. So it was family time, and Kevin often had to deal with his own family stuff. Things were better on the family front, he reconnected with his mom, he was doing okay in school, got into some trouble now and then. Didn’t change the fact he missed Ben.

He tried to write a letter but felt that it was too cheesy even for him. He actually made Ben a mixtape and gave it to Ben’s family for him around Christmas. Gwen dropped off his gift to Kevin after he went back into space. It was an alien toolset, Kevin was so happy. Kevin built a communicator but wasn’t sure about giving the other half to Ben. If he did, it would be weird, they’d have to talk. Talk about stuff that Kevin wasn’t sure he was ready to talk about.

Yes, he was being a coward, but in the end, it didn’t matter as when he did try to give the communicator to Ben it was confiscated. The Plumber Academy was an isolated facility, so access to communicators and the extranet was prohibited. Public calls could be made but they were monitored heavily. Kevin did want to talk to Ben, but the things he wanted to say he didn’t want others listening in on. He found ways to distract himself, lifting weights, learning about alien tech, the before mentioned mechanic work, he even took up a sport; joining the baseball team, trying to be on his best behavior, and with Cash and JT trying his patience that was quite the chore. He was called a ruffian and troublemaker, but while the two pains in his ass tried to get him in trouble, he was pretty good at getting out of trouble.


He also did his research into gay sex, learning the ins and outs, and he got some toys to experiment with. They varied in shape and size, some buzzed, some rotated and gyrated, some kept his ass stretched. Kevin wondered what Ben might say, seeing him use his toys, his mind came up with several different heated scenarios. He had saved up to buy a dildo one just about Ben’s size, the raven-haired teen had seen them enough over the summer.

Kevin used it to train his ass every day and then got a vibe to train his hole further. Ben could stuff him with both dicks, such an opportunity crossed his mind often. The porn he browsed for research purposes showed him double penetration was possible, it just took time and preparation.

Over 6 years while his ass had not tasted a real cock, it had been well used, well trained, and one of the sources of Kevin’s pleasure. His nipples were another source, puberty, and his experimentation had turned the buds into erogenous zones. Ben was the source of every dream and fantasy he had, while he did find other guys attractive his heart belonged to Ben.

He thought maybe he was fooling himself, he remembered Ben’s words, but it had been 6 years. Ben said he wasn’t as dense as Gwen believed, did that mean he knew? Did Ben know his feelings and was okay with them? The thought made his heart flutter.

Even if Ben meant, what he thinks he meant, it had been so long. If Ben had feelings for him would he still have them? Least he stopped having nightmares about Ben finding out that Kevin liked him, and left him disgusted. Though he did have the occasional nightmare that Ben dumps him and gets with Cash and JT, oh yeah, the two had it rough on those days. (Especially when the coach had them playing dodgeball)

Guess he’d find out soon enough. Ben was coming home on a vacation, all his hard work, his long hours of studying, training, was paying off and he was getting a 3-week vacation.

As the day came ever closer, Kevin’s been double stuffing his hole in his excitement. “Ben!” he wanted the boy so bad, he wanted his first time to be with him. He had two vibes buzzing away at his ass, one hand pumping his cock, the other toying with a nipple. “Ahh, ah ah ahh oh fuck!” he moaned as he came, his cum shooting hard and hitting his face, neck, pecs, abs, the last of his orgasm spilling all over his crotch and pumping hand. “Ben...I love you!” he said and closed his eyes, basking in the orgasmic waves for a bit before he got a shower.


Ben was arriving today, and Kevin couldn’t shake the nerves he was having, he changed his clothes three times, showered twice, and jerked off once; not in that order. He ended up going with comfortable, a black t-shirt and some baggy jeans, with some briefs.

Gwen was needing a ride to pick up Ben and Max at the site. Since Kevin had the car and wanted to see Ben he volunteered. “You excited to see Ben?”

“No...Yes...” She gave him a look.

“You still like him don’t you?”

‘You have no idea.’ he thought. “Can you drop it?”

“I guess you won’t care that Ben told me he met someone at the academy?”

“What?!” Kevin gasped.

“Ha, you do still love him!” Kevin blushed and gripped his steering wheel tight.

“That was playing dirty.”

“Consider it payback, you’d think you’d be more honest. You’ve been pining for my cousin all this time.”

“I have NOT been pining!” Gwen stared at him.

“You’ve totally been pining.”

“Why can’t you just drop it?”

“Because I’ve not seen my cousin or you much these past few years. A few holidays now and then, not a lot of time to catch up.”

“We’ve both been busy, Miss Karate Champion!”

“That means if you break my cousin’s heart I can and will kick your ass.”

‘I’m hoping he doesn’t break mine.’ he thinks. They pull up to the site and wait for the transport ship to arrive. Gwen catches Kevin, messing with his hair in the mirror. ‘This is fine, you are just seeing your friend and secret crush after some years apart, what’s the worst that can happen?’

The ship arrived and the door opened. Ben and Max stepped out, the four-armed stud carrying all their bags at once. ‘Oh no he’s hot!’ Kevin’s jaw dropped if he was a cartoon wolf his tongue would be rolling out, his eyes bulging out of his head.

If you thought puberty had done Kevin well, oh boy! Ben was drop-dead gorgeous, his time in space and his plumber training had given him a body, a BODY! He was as tall as Kevin now, maybe a half an inch shorter, but now Gwen was the shortest in the group. His once lithe soccer player body was super fit, he was thicker, broad shoulders, muscles just waiting to dance with a flex or two. Kevin may have had bigger pecs, but Ben was sporting tighter more formed abs, and with how tight his suit was it was leaving nothing to the imagination. It was a green and black plumber suit, that hugged his form like a second skin. His twin cocks were bulging the suit impressively, making it clear Ben wasn’t wearing underwear.

“Kevin!” Ben smiled upon seeing him. The four-armed boy rushed over and hugged his friend.

‘He smells good too!’ Kevin felt like he was melting in the embrace. It was nice that Ben didn’t crush him in a four-armed hug to boot.

“I’ve missed you!”

“I...I missed you too!” Kevin shivered.

“Dude you got buff!” Ben began to feel up Levin, much to the raven’s delight.

“Look who’s talking.” Kevin felt one of his arms, and Tennyson flexed and Kevin had to fight the urge to cream himself.

‘Oh wow!’

“Not much to do at the academy, but study, eat, shower, train, and jerk off!” Levin blushed at the thought of Ben doing such a thing. “Hehe, you are cute when you blush.”

“I...um...what...say what now?” Ben pulled him close.

“Kevin, are you seeing anyone?” the ruffian gulped and shook his head no.

“Good, because I’ve waited 6 years to do this!” he held Kevin and dipped him, leaning in close until he planted a kiss right on his lips. Kevin’s eyes widened before closing, kissing back with equal vigor.

Gwen brought out a camera and was taking pictures. The kiss broke for air and both boys were left panting.


“Kevin, I never stopped thinking about you, are you ready to say it?” he gulped.

“Y-yes...Ben...I...I...I love you!” his heart was pounding so loud he couldn’t hear himself think, so his feelings fell from his lips.

“Good, because I love you too!” Ben kissed him again, and let his hands roam. His butt was groped, his back was caressed, and his head was cupped, their crotches grinding against each other perfectly. Max cleared his throat, the two broke apart and Gwen groaned.

“Grandpa, it was just getting good!” Gwen complained.

“As much as I love and support you, Ben, I want to get back to the Rustbucket before sundown, and if things keep up I don’t think Kevin will be able to drive us back.” Max was suffering from some serious space jet lag. “You’ll have your vacation to relax and enjoy yourselves.”

“Good point.” he leaned in close and cupped Kevin’s crotch. “I got big plans for us!”

Kevin gulped. “Can’t wait!” his voice cracked and you couldn’t remove the smile on his face. This was gonna be one hell of a vacation!


A strange car pulled up to a factory and while no one was looking unleashed a swarm of strange parasite like creatures. The creatures latched onto the people, and changed them into some kind of alien monstrosity! The factory was converted for more nefarious purposes.

To be continued...First Date

Ben and Kevin go on their first official date, of course, it doesn’t go smoothly not with Cash and JT hanging around. Max gets a whiff of something dangerous on Earth.


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