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My Hero Academia parody: Tier 6

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/emasculation-1-26830621 

Chapter 2 It Begins

Katsuki was having quite the naughty dream, it started as it usually did, him with Izuku. He had the greenette on his knees, worshiping his big fat dick. He loved the look of the greenette servicing him. It was so hot for the blonde, seeing his dick punch out Izuku’s cheeks, hearing him slurp and swallow around his penis.

His dream always started off the same, and always ended the same with Katsuki fucking Izuku’s mouth, or pulling out to pound his ass, not before giving those freckled cheeks a big fat dick slap. This dream, however, was different, normally Izuku would reach up and play with his balls, but this time those digits went for his ass.

“What the hell?” The first digit penetrated his ass, and thanks to dream physics it was already slicked. “Ohh!” The digit rocked back and forth, giving a little wiggle. He looked down and Izuku’s look wasn’t innocent, his gaze was piercing and hot. It sent a shiver down his spine, just in time as Izuku added a second finger.

Bakugo had never thought of playing with his ass before, in his mind he was the alpha, the top dog, number one. As dream Izuku massaged his sweet spot, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t tried it before. His cock exploded, shooting cum down his throat.

This would normally how the dream would end, but instead, Katsuki found himself on his back, Izuku spreading his legs, and lining his cock up with his ass. He didn’t get a chance to say a word as the tip kissed his entrance, the head smearing pre-cum around the rim like it was lipstick.

Before Izuku could penetrate him, he woke up. His boxers were drenched and sticky, his cum running down his legs. His cheeks burned, he just had a wet dream about Izuku Midoriya! “Shit!” he got out of bed, glaring down at his drenched crotch. “What the fuck was that?”

Katsuki was so out of whack from the dream he didn’t notice his 14-inch monster was just a touch smaller than normal. It was just an inch, but as Katsuki’s cock shrank, Izuku’s 7 incher grew to an 8 incher. Midoriya saw the change and smirked.

The blonde tried to jerk off in the shower, but he was having difficulty. In an act of desperate need, he tried to play with his ass, and he came, the shower spray washing away the evidence of his anal play. Katsuki shook his head, believing he’s been so pent up lately he’s been thinking weird stuff. ‘Maybe it’s time to put Deku in his place and make him mine.’ he thought with a smirk.

As Katsuki got ready for school he had no way of knowing that his crotch got a little bit lighter, but Izuku noticed as the crotch of his All Might briefs got tighter. ‘I think it’s time to put Kacchan in his place.’ he thought, feeling his swollen manhood throb in want.

The day passed by in quiet planning. Bakugou kept stealing glances at Izuku. He was just waiting for the right time after gym class seemed to be the perfect time. The extras usually cleared out of the locker room by the time he got in, too intimidated by his impressive size. If he wasn’t so arrogant or flashy, there may have been someone to point out the fact that his dick looked a tad smaller.

Bakugou was so arrogant, he didn’t notice, letting his cock and balls bounce and move as he walked. He stalked towards his prey, Izuku who had a towel around his waist. The blonde snatched the towel right off his body. “Sup nerd, we need to talk.” He expected Izuku to squeak or gasp at having his towel taken, but instead, the greenette turned around with confidence.

“What do you want Katsuki?” the use of his name shocked Bakugou while sending a shiver down his spine. He was taken aback by his name, Izuku always called him Kacchan. A name that spoke more of their bond than others realized, it had carried from their childhood to now.

He didn’t let the sudden change effect him long. Apart of him wanted to snap, but he pushed that aside for now. He looked Izuku over, noticed his developing body, he was a bit surprised that Izuku’s cock was bigger than normal. Logic took hold, claiming he was still a growing boy, and he was still smaller than him. This was the stroke to his ego he needed, so focused on their size difference he failed to notice his length was just a smidge shorter. In his mind, he was still bigger than Izuku, more of a man than Izuku, better than him. That was all that mattered.

Izuku was quite lovely, anyone with eyes could see that, and Bakugou had eyes. Izuku was cute, and his drive to become a hero had shaped his body well. He wanted Izuku beneath him, panting, moaning, and begging. To be his! Bakugou had a lot of pent up lust, that he intended to make Izuku answer for. It was only fair in his twisted logic since he was responsible for said arousal. The dreams of submission were the straw that broke the camel’s back, his ego/pride was pushing him to stake his claim on Izuku to get rid of those dreams/thoughts.

“I want to see which one of us is the better man,” he said, his hard-on pointing at Izuku.

“You are crazy, I’m not playing this game with you Katsuki.” The name was like a slap in the face, it sounded so foreign coming from Izuku. The greenette turned around and bent over, Katsuki’s blood and common sense rushed south and his penis twitched at the sight of the boy’s plump ass. He wanted to pound him so hard.

“We can raise the stakes, first one to cum loses. Loser gives up his ass.” Izuku smirked, not that Bakugou could see, too busy starring at his ass.

“Are you sure you want to do this Katsuki?” he felt his manhood stir, and he gave it a hand reaching full arousal.

“I’m sure, I know I’m gonna win!” Izuku turned around and faced him.

“Fine, let’s do this.” Bakugou was pinned to the lockers, their hard cocks pressing against each other. “Just do wimp out when you lose!” Bakugou didn’t get a chance to respond as Izuku sealed his lips over his.

The kiss was surprisingly warm and tender, making Katsuki gasp and his body heat up. He gasped, parting his lips, allowing Izuku to deepen the kiss. Katsuki tried to regain his composure, kissing back with force. Izuku had him though, playing with his tongue like a pro, he used his quirk to guide him.

Their kiss was kept in Izuku’s favor, Katsuki’s hips rocking shamelessly as his lust built up. ‘Damn Deku, how is he such a good kisser!’ there was a spark between his lips, and it was lighting up his body like a Christmas tree. His erogenous zones were waking up.

Katsuki was so swept up in the kiss, he didn’t realize what was happening. His legs felt like jelly, his nipples had hardened, he was starting to sweat, all while his lust pulled in his groin like a building volcano that was about to go off. By the time he realized he was about to cum, it was too late!

His balls lurched and his cock spat several ropes of cum. The kiss broke and the blonde was left panting, reeling from the heavy kiss and powerful orgasm. “You lose Katsuki.” The blonde blinked. “Cumming from just a kiss, that’s just sad.” He actually thought it was adorable, but this was the game Katsuki forced him to play.

“What...wait no...I didn’t...that wasn’t...” he looked down and his eyes widened. A midst the mess he could see his cock had shrunk down to 11 inches, what’s more Izuku’s cock had grown an inch now at 10. “Deku what have you done to me?”

“This is just the beginning, Kacchan!” the word was like a trigger, Katsuki felt his cheeks clench as pleasure shot through him like an arrow. He humped against Izuku as another orgasm tore through him. He watched as his penis dwindled further and in-kind Izuku’s surpassed him. “This is my quirk, it’s a bit R-rated so I’ve had to keep it under wraps.”

“You tricked me!” he growled.

“Maybe a little, but you wanted to play this game. Now you lost, and your ass belongs to me!” Katsuki’s eyes widened.

“Deku!” he growled and his hands sparked. “Ahh!” Izuku took hold of his nipples and gave them a pinch.

“For the record, my quirk didn’t make you have a naughty body Katsuki, that’s all you. My quirk just happens to be good at dealing with guys, it’s taken a while to fully develop.” he toyed with Katsuki’s nipples, pinching them, rubbing them, and tugging them. The blonde was already sensitive from two orgasms, and his nipples were acting as amplifiers for pleasure sending the signals right down to his twitching rod. “I’m sick of your ego-stroking actions, you’ve always been great, even I think you're amazing. You’ve let it go to your head. Before my quirk, you are just like any other guy.”

“Ah ahh ahh ahh Deku!” Katsuki’s toes curled and his hips rocked, another orgasm tearing through him. His cock shrank more, while Izuku’s grew.

“Good looks, smarts, an awesome quirk, the icing on the cake a big dick to boot. You loved to flaunt it all, but let’s face it you were born with a dick too big for you to handle.” He continued teasing his nipples until the blonde was a panting drooling mess. “Don’t fight it Katsuki, your ass belongs to me. It’s always belonged to me, I’ve just been waiting for you to realize it.”

Katsuki couldn’t focus, he knew he should be pissed, but he couldn’t find fault in Izuku’s words. He challenged Izuku and came from a kiss, he came again, and again from having his nipples played with. His ass started to grow hot, his tight hole twitching and spasming as the words sank in.

“If you need more proof, I’ll be happy to prove it Kacchan!” The blonde arched his back, moaning as he came again. With another orgasm, he felt his cock dwindle further. He didn’t realize hearing that old nickname would make him feel so good.

“Deku...” Izuku sealed his lips and began kissing him hungrily. Bakugou wasn’t the only person with pent up lust, he had opened the flood gates. The kiss/nipple play combo had Katsuki cumming again, and now their roles were reversed. Izuku had Katsuki’s 14 incher, and the blonde had a 7 incher.

He wasn’t done, Katsuki loved to lord over people, be it his good looks, intelligence, his quirk, or his cock. All to stroke his own ego, but no more. Izuku began to rock his hips, using his massive rod to frot against Katsuki’s cock and balls. He devoured the blonde’s moans and continued to stimulate his nips, as he raised his quirk up a notch.

The quirk was keeping Katsuki aroused, drawing his blood south to fuel his erection. Katsuki was finding it hard to think, between the kisses, touches, and now the frot, he couldn’t focus and was sinking further into his hold. “Don’t worry Kacchan, I’ll put your cock to good use!”

“Ahh!” that name, that stupid nickname, now just hearing it made him feel so happy and horny he exploded! His cock dwindled further and Izuku’s cock grew beyond even Katsuki’s original length.

“Look at it, Kacchan, see how big I am now?” He came again and felt a familiar tingling in his cock. Katsuki shouldn’t have looked, but he did. He couldn’t even see his cock now. Izuku’s cock was so large, it made his insides, hungry. “Don’t you want to help me make it bigger?”

“Yes...” his hole twitched. He felt a tingling deep inside his ass, his prostate was demanding attention. Bigger, bigger, bigger, he wanted to swallow up every inch. His quirk had Katsuki now, he didn’t even need to make him cum to take his size. His cock surged with energy and slurped up Katsuki’s remaining inches until he dwindled down to a tiny 1 incher.

Despite taking 4 inches from Katsuki, Izuku’s cock only grew in length another 2 inches, reaching 18 inches long. The other two inches went to his girth, his cock expanding and getting THICK!

Izuku pulled back and Katsuki slumped to the floor, his dick had shrunk to an inch, with the girth of a thumb. A part of him knew he should be mad, he should be screaming give it back, but didn’t. As he gazed at Izuku’s penis, he felt right. Tearing his eyes away for a moment to look back at his tiny tool, between his thick thighs, the contrast was stunning. He looked back to Izuku’s stunning rod, it was so big, and thick, and he wanted it. Not for himself, he wanted it inside him.

Izuku had made him cum so much, his seed marking the heavy length, and he hadn’t cum at all. He was more of a man than him, and while the thought should have pissed him off, he was too horny to care. Izuku beat him, and his ass belonged to him now. The thought made him so happy.

“Shall we put an end to this game, Kacchan?”

“Ohh!” he shot his load over the ground, his tiny tool twitching. “Yes, you win!” Izuku slapped his face with his big dick.

“I think it’s time to claim my prize.” Bakugou smiled and spread his legs.

“Please fuck me!” he moaned. Izuku smirked, he had no idea his quirk would be this awesome!

To be continued


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