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Inuyasha parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/33460864 

Chapter 2 Protecting the Jewel

Kagome was brought back to the village, repairs were being made, and he was able to get patched up. He was given the sacred jewel to keep watch over. “It is said the jewel can increase the power of demons who hold it, some stories say it can be used to grant a wish. Maybe ye could use it to break the curse ye under.” Kaede told him.

“Thanks, I used to think about breaking the curse, wasted a few of my birthday wishes on it. I’ve lived with this curse so long, it’s become a part of me. Besides, I happen to have read a lot about wishes, and they tend to always backfire.” he looked at the jewel. “I have a feeling anyone who makes a wish on this thing will get away worse curse then one from Jusenkyo.”

“Be that as it may, now that the jewel is back in this world, countless evils will be seeking it.”

“You mean guys like him?” Kagome pointed at Inuyasha. The hanyo was lounging around, nursing a sore ass, he kept stealing glances at Kagome.

“Yes, but there be far more dangerous forces out there than Inuyasha, Demons who lust for power, humans with wicked souls can also grow stronger with the jewel.”

“For someone as strong as you, why do you need the jewel?” Inuyasha huffed.

“It’s because he’s a half-demon.” The dog boy flinched.

Inuyasha punched the floor and broke it. “Old hag, you speak so freely, how do you know me?”

“Ye as rude as ever, ye don’t recognize me, though it has been 50 years.” she finished treating Kagome. “I am the younger sister of the woman who sealed you, Kaede.”

“Kaede?!” he gasped. “So you are that runt.”

“So rude!” He huffed.

“That must mean Kikyo is an old hag now too, you humans sure are pathetic!”

“You are wrong, my sister Kikyo is dead.” Kagome noticed his attitude changed hearing that.

“Old age, or did some demon get her?”

“You jest, she died the same day she sealed you.”

“Feh, good riddance.” Inuyasha laid back down. “Now I have nothing to fear, that bitch is dead and gone.” he chuckled. “Now I can take the jewel back whenever I want.”

“Inuyasha do not speak ill of my sister!”

“Shut up!” he growled. “You have no idea what that woman put me through. You might have only seen the perfect big sister, but that woman was twisted!”

“Inuyasha!” Kaede hissed.

“The guardian of the jewel is dead, it’s only a matter of time before it’s mine!”

“My sister told me of your wish, to become a full-fledged demon.”

“You wouldn’t understand you old hag, it’s my wish and I’ll kill anyone who tries to get in my way!” he tried to lunge at Kagome.

“Sit boy!” the rosary beads dragged Inuyasha to the floor. “You are asking for another spanking!” He blushed. “Listen, I don’t really know you, but wishes tend to backfire, even the purest and innocent of wishes tend to have really messed up consequences.”

“Tch!” he looked away. “Whatever, I’ll still have the jewel.”

Kagome sighed. “Stubborn guys like you aren’t cute ya know.” he began to play with the furry ears. “Even with these fuzzy ears of yours.”

“St-stop it...ohhh!”

“Does that feel good?” he rubbed them and even gave them a little scratch. Inuyasha felt his body relax under the ministrations.

“Yes...no...just ahh!” Kagome’s fingers found just the right spot that made his leg jerk. He kept on the spot and sent the dog boy’s leg into a fit of jerks.

“Goodness child, I’ve never seen anyone handle Inuyasha in such a way. Even my sister Kikyo had trouble with him.” Inuyasha wanted to growl at Kaede but was too busy trembling as pleasure rocked him.

“While I don’t want a cure, I would like to go home.”

“Where do ye come from?”

“You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you. I came through the bone eater’s well.”

“Ye are right, I don’t believe it, but ye don’t seem the type to lie. I don’t know how to get you home, but I can train you so you can protect the jewel until then.” Kagome sighed. He was given a robe to wear. “You have the gift, the same gift my sister had with some training you can draw out your powers.”

“Well, I’ll need them, if I’m gonna protect myself against demons.” Kaede found a scroll and gave it to Kagome.

“This has a few basic skills that will help you draw out your spiritual power.”

‘Great, homework...just relax Kagome, you are gonna need this.’ With no way home, this was his only option. He stayed as a boy, feeling it would be safer this way. The scroll did have the basics down, exorcism, purification, binding, sealing, and creating a barrier. There were far more advanced techniques but for now, Kagome was satisfied learning what he needed to survive.

He studied the scroll while Inuyasha continued to watch him, the jewel was kept in a pouch. He wasn’t very subtle, Kagome tried to even give him so food, but no dice. Inuyasha was keeping his distance, but his gaze was never too far.

After a few days of studying, Kagome’s wounds healed and he went to take a proper bath in the river. “Man, I miss having a shower!” he washed himself. He didn’t want his wound to get infected, so he’s been sticking with a sponge bath of sorts until now. Once again, Inuyasha was staring at him.

“What are you doing?”

“Are you a boy or a girl?” he asked.


“Before when you were pressed against me I felt your boobs, but now your boobs are gone and you have a penis. What gives!?”

“I’m cursed, I was born a girl, but I fell into a cursed spring. Now I turn into a guy.”

“You don’t make any sense, if you are cursed why wouldn’t you use the jewel to break it.”

“I told you, wishes backfire, it’s not worth the risk.”

“Sounds to me like you are scared!” Kagome sweatdropped.

“You are an idiot!” he got out of the water and Inuyasha gasped seeing him in all his naked glory.

“What are you doing, you are a girl aren’t you?!” he blushed and covered his eyes.

“I am, but right now I’m a guy, I’m not really the shy type. Are you a shy boy, Inuyasha?”

“What do I have to be shy about?” he snapped and jumped down.

“Well let’s see, Inuyasha Stay!” the rosary beads reacted, they pulsed and Inuyasha was frozen in place.

“Gah, what have you done?” He couldn’t move an inch.

“In the scroll under the chapter on binding, I found out about the rosary. I can manipulate the magic in it a bit so long as I grant the change with a proper command.”

“Curse you and that old hag!”

“I’m already cursed thanks, now let’s see.” he undid Inuyasha’s pants.

“Oi!” down they went exposing his fundoshi. Kagome was surprised, Inuyasha was semi-hard, his cock pushing at the fabric. Kagome hadn’t noticed since he wore such baggy clothing.

“Did you get hard looking at me in the bath?” Inuyasha’s face turned as red as his robe of the fire rat. “Do you like boys Inuyasha?”

“No! Yes? I don’t know!” he snapped, his body growing tense as if waiting for something.

“That’s okay.” his ears twitched.


“It’s okay if you do, it’s okay if you don’t, it’s okay if you don’t know.” He pulled up his pants. “It took me a while to figure it out myself, and I might not even have it all figured out.”

“You mean you aren’t gonna hit me?” Inuyasha blinked at him.

“Hit you...why?!”

“Well there was a guy that caught my eye once, he made me feel things. I didn’t know what to do so I confided in Kikyo, she got really mad at me and hit me. She punished me saying my demon side was perverted and corrupt, she wanted to use the jewel on me to make me fully human.”

Kagome couldn’t believe what he just heard. “That’s insane, I can tell you for a fact human men can like other men, being a demon has nothing to do with that.”

“You mean there isn’t something wrong with me?” Kagome didn’t know this Kikyo, but he wanted to slap her.

“No there isn’t, you can like girls or guys or both.”

“Both? So liking girls isn’t my human half and liking guys isn’t my demon half?”

“I don’t know how to answer that, but I’ve known guys who like girls and boys, and I had a friend who likes girls, and another friend that likes both.” He put on some clothes.

His spell wore off and Inuyasha jumped away from him. “How do I know you aren’t trying to trick me? Kikyo was nice to me too, but she was wicked deep down,” he growled. “Just give me the damn jewel now!” he cracked his claws.

“Listen Inuyasha, I’m not Kikyo, my name is Kagome, Ka-go-me!” he smiled at him. “You can drop the bad boy act, it has been three days since I came here. You could have tried to take the jewel while I was sleeping but you didn’t.”

Inuyasha humped and crossed his arms. “Your girl side reminds me a lot of Kikyo, but it's different. Your male side...” he had gotten a good look.

“Look, I’ll forgive you for trying to kill me. Can we be friends?” he offered his hand. “I can even try and help you figure out those feelings of yours.”

“I don’t trust you.”

“Well, I can’t say I trust you either, I did free you from the tree and you tried to kill me right after.”

“You spanked me!”

“You tried to kill me!”

“I...you...well...” Kagome held out his hand to him.

“Look let’s make a deal, a simple exchange. I’ll help you figure out these feelings you have, and in exchange until I find a way home you protect me and the jewel.” He thought becoming a full demon might help him understand these conflicting emotions, but if there was another way…

“Fine, but one way or another I’ll become a full demon!” he shook his hand.

“I think you are fine as you are.” Inuyasha blushed.

“Stop saying that!” he snapped and jumped away from him.

The two were being watched by a demon crow, the jewel was in more danger.

To be continued


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