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Digimon parody: Tier 1


Reliable Imp

Joe was not the most confident guy around. His parents sent him to Summer Camp in hopes it would help him come out of his shell. Even at camp, Joe struggles, but when he's whisked away to another world with a few other kids from camp and meets his partner to give him a boost. Hypnosis Mind Control

Chapter 1 

Joe Kido was not the bravest lad, or the most confident. He liked to study, and was happy indoors, enjoying peace and quiet. That's what people thought anyway, it wasn't as if he didn't want to be brave. He'd be a liar if he didn't look outside and see all the other kids playing and not wish he was more outgoing. This continued as he got older, he was a wallflower, always picked last for games, but when it came to chores and responsibilities he was first pick. 

He kept feeling like an outsider, so he stopped taking chances and risks. His parents didn't think this was a good thing, so they decided to send him to Summer Camp. "It would be good for you," they said, "Camp builds character," they said. They thought it was the perfect thing to break him out of his shell. He was the oldest boy going if that didn't make him feel weird enough, he was going with some familiar faces from the old neighborhood. 'It'll be fine, it'll be fine!' He told himself. 

Going to camp didn't change much. Mimi was supposed to be in charge of the food and emergency supply bag, but she passed the buck on good old reliable Joe. He said it was fine, but felt that since she was picked she should have been the one to look after it. 

He had bigger worries than that. Seeing some of his old friends was something he wasn't expecting. It was also bringing up old feelings. Like Tai Kamiya, he was a very active kid back in the day. He would often gather the neighborhood kids to play soccer or some other kind of game. Tai actually picked him to be on his teams, it made Joe nervous, but Tai just smiled at him. "Just do your best 'kay?" 

Tai could be competitive and wanted to win, but he also cared about having fun. Sometimes they just played games without keeping score because they were having so much fun. Usually, because Tai was supposed to keep score, and he was having so much fun he forgot. 

It sucked when his parents moved, no one treated him like Tai did. He was picked last and told to just stay out of the way. He had Tai's number but didn't know what to say to him. When Tai saw him on the bus he was all smiles, it was like Joe never moved away. "I haven't heard from you in forever!"

"Sorry…" Tai laughed.

"No need to worry, we can catch up this summer." It was hard being around Tai, when they were kids it was easier, Joe didn't have these feelings, or perhaps he did and he was just too young to understand them. Tai lit up his world, was his first real friend, followed by Izzy, then Matt and Takeru.

Tai was looking good, he still must be a sports guy, cause he was fit. Joe was so nervous, he was hiding a hard on the rest of the bus ride to camp. Joe was indeed gay, which made him believe this summer was gonna be hell. 

Not one, not two, but three childhood crushes he had were all going to the same camp. Matt was Tai's best friend and Takeru's older brother. He was always so cool and handsome. If ever older kids tried to mess with them at the park Matt was the first to defend, with Tai often backing him up. It kinda made Joe feel weird, he was older and yet Matt was often sticking up for him. 

Matt often confided in him, would vent his ear off, about this or that. He told him things, he didn't tell anyone else, not even Tai or his brother. It made Joe feel special that he was the one person he let his guard down with. After the divorce, Matt and Takeru were split up, and they moved away.

Now he was back, and he looked amazing. Matt had a cool air about him while having the looks of a rock star or a model. He liked both Matt and Tai if his arousal and his dreams had anything to say about it. That just made him feel like a pervert. Matt gave him a look and a wave when they got off the bus and that had Joe’s body heating up. 

Then there was Izzy, a boy who really should be at computer camp, but there he was. Izzy and Joe kept in touch for a couple of years after the move, the two often studied together. When Joe moved they ended up connecting on stream, they quizzed each other and chatted about this or that, but then things got tougher, for each of them. He hadn't heard from Izzy for a little over 2 years, and perhaps it was for the best.

Joe started having dreams about Izzy, doing a rather naughty stream for him, with toys and sexy poses. He couldn’t bring himself to call Izzy without popping an erection. Now seeing him in person, those ideas wouldn’t stop. ‘Am I some kind of pervert?’ he was having perverted thoughts about Tai, Matt, and Izzy. Seeing his old friends again, older and more mature, it lifted that veil and Joe’s repressed desires were trying to claw their way out. 

What didn’t help was how bold Tai was. He showed up late. “Hey Joe, wanna go skinny dipping?” 

“Wha...ah!” Joe blushed. 

“Matt and Izzy are in, do you wanna come?” Joe gulped. 

“Um maybe…” 

“Just meet us at the lake! It’s gonna be fuuuuuun!” he singsonged the last word.

“O-okay…” Tai dashed off. 

“See ya there, man.” Joe thought it might be a joke, but he did head to the lake. Turns out Tai wasn’t kidding as he had Izzy and Matt with him. 

“Where is Joe?” Izzy asked. 

“Not sure, I hope he comes, I read skinny dipping is great for male bonding,” Matt said and Tai began to strip. 

“Where did you read that?” Izzy asked. 

“Probably from his dad’s magazines, but I think it’s true!” Tai stood proudly, taking off his underwear and dropping it in his pile of clothes, his soft 9-inch dick hanging out for all to see. Izzy blushed at his boldness. “Joe will come, I got a feeling!” he ran to the lake and jumped in. “Come on guys, yahoo!” 

Matt was the next to strip, followed by Izzy. Matt had a solid 7-inch dick while Izzy had a nice 6 incher. Both boys let it all hang out before joining Tai in the lake. Joe did show up, but he stayed hidden, he watched the others strip and felt his blood rush south. He couldn’t get naked with his cock hard as a rock. He gripped his crotch, watching his naked friends play and wrestle and fool around. 

With a heavy heart and an ache in his loins, he returned to his cabin, but the images of his naked friends would not leave him. A heavy reminder, as he felt a throb in his pants, his manhood wanted attention. He wished he was braver, he wished he was bolder, he wished he was more confident. 

Joe was making himself scarce, not able to face his friends after not showing up. They had their hands full as it suddenly started snowing. It was so weird as it was summer, so snow at this time of year was impossible. The sky suddenly began to radiate a rainbow of lights, things only got crazier as something rained down towards the young men. 

They looked like little meteors so they ducked for cover, but they weren’t rocks instead...they were digital devices. Each boy took one, only for the lake to suddenly explode, dragging the boys into a strange new world. 


When Joe came to, he wasn’t at camp he was in a strange forest, under a different sky, different trees, and he wasn’t alone. “Tai...Matt...Izzy...Takeru...anyone!” he called out. 

“Joe!” a strange voice he never heard before. 

“Who said that?” He looked around but didn’t see anyone. 

“Down here!” He looked down and saw a strange creature.

“Whaa, what are you?” Joe fell back. 

“I’m your friend!” the tiny creature hopped onto him. 

“I don’t have any strange things as friends.”

“I’m not a thing, Yaamon is my name, and I’m a Digimon a digital monster!” 

“Waaahhh monster!” Joe ran and Yaamon laughed, following after him.

Joe ended up bumping into the others, and they had their own digital monster companions. Tai had Koromon, Izzy had Montimon, Matt had Tsunomon, and Takeru had Tokomon. “There are more of them!” Yaamon joined the others. 

“We are your partners!” they said in unison. 

“This can’t be happening!” Joe was sweating. 

“AAAHHHH!” they heard someone scream. “SOMEONE ANYONE HELP ME!” 

“Let’s move!” Tai said and everyone followed him. 

There was another blonde boy. “Willis!” Izzy gasped. 

“Izzy?” Willis ran towards them. He was carrying his own little monster, Gummymon!

“You know him?” Matt asked. 

“He was at camp with us, he’s an exchange student. He told me his parents sent him to camp to make friends.” 

“Willis, it’s okay the monster isn’t gonna hurt you!” Tai shouted. 

He wasn’t scared of him, he was scared of a big bug Digimon with large teeth, sharp pincers, and a nasty attitude. The boys screamed and ran for their lives. Kuwagamon chased them through the woods and cornered them on a cliff. The little Digimon decided to stand and fight, but they weren’t strong enough, and the larger Digimon smacked them around. 

Joe held up Yaamon. “That was reckless.” 

“Hehe, but I had to try!” Joe hugged him. 

Kuwagamon roared and stalked closer to them. The Digimon, even while hurt wasn’t gonna let the big bug hurt their friends. They charged in and the emotions swelled and the strange devices they had glowed. Pillars of light rained from the sky striking each of the little guys and they transformed! 

“Koromon digivolve to...Agumon!” 

“Montimon digivolve to...Tentomon!” 

“Tsunomon digivolve to...Gabumon!”

“Tokomon digivolve to...Patamon!” 

“Gummymon digivolve to...Terriermon!” 

“Yaamon digivolve to...Impmon!” 

The six Digimon stood in their new forms. “Pepper Breath!” Agumon spat fire at Kuwagamon. 

“Super Shocker!” Tentomon zapped the bug Digimon. 

“Blue Blaster!” Gabumon fired some cold flames, striking Kuwagamon’s feet freezing them to the ground. 

“Boom Bubble!” Patamon blasted Kuwagamon with a blast of compressed air. 

“Bunny Blast!” Terriermon blasted Kuwagamon with green energy. The two attacks brought it down onto its claws. The Digimon roared and tried to attack them with its pincers. 

“Machine Gun Kick!” Impmon dealt him a barrage of kicks, that cracked one of its pincers.“Now all together!” Impmon called. The other Digimon fired their attacks at Kuwagamon all together creating a blaze. “Infernal Funnel!” Impmon’s magic took hold of the flames and made them grow surrounding the bug, and once he was consumed by the flames, the fire turned to ice. 

The now Rookie Digimon cheered rushing back to their partners and celebrating. It was their strength that made the Digimon evolve and transform. Joe felt his heart racing. This was some excitement. They went back into the forest, the Digimon found them some food to eat. Tentomon led them to a tree base, one bigger on the inside. They would be safe there and could eat and process what had happened to them. 

To be continued 


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