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Reincarnated As Slime parody: patreon reward: PDF Volume 3 available

Chapter 14  https://www.patreon.com/posts/33713985 

Chapter 15 Food, Names, and Loyalty

The ogres have never seen such a developed goblin village before. It was truly impressive, rivaling even their own former village. Everywhere you looked you saw such love and caring. The ogres couldn’t believe the wolf tribe and the goblin tried were living side by side so peacefully. Food and festivities were prepared, this was the first time Rimuru was eating with them. The village chefs were feeling the pressure, cooking for their lord.

Riguru was wearing the special outfit he received from the elves, and he was bringing Rimuru drinks. “You look super sexy Riguru!” he praised, feeling up his mate. It was so nice to feel again.

“Lord!” he moaned, he shivered in delight.

Ranga whined. “Maybe, we can make you an outfit similar to Riguru’s.” that had his tail wagging. He stroked Ranga, loving his soft his fur was. Riguru was a treat for the senses, now that he had eyes, the see-through elf outfit he was wearing was even more tantalizing.

It was true what he said, drinks did taste better when he had someone beautiful pouring for him. The booze was fruitier than most, it was like a mix of cola and booze, it sizzled over his tongue. “Yum!” he licked his lips. He didn’t mind the wit since he was able to relax with some of his boys. Kaijin was sitting down with the ogres getting some information.

His food was brought to him, the cooks sweated bullets, while the hobgoblins waited on bated breath. Rimuru took a bite and...his cheeks reddened. “It’s so good! Delicious~” he licked his lips.

“YEAH!” the people cheered and the cooks breathed a sigh of relief. Rigurd gave him a thumbs up. As Rimuru enjoyed the food of this world, the festivities began. There was drinking, dancing, eating, and making merry. Riguru and Ranga were taking turns pouring Rimuru drinks. He returned the favor by sharing some, with a kiss, the best drink ever! Again the people cheered, and the wolves howled in celebration when he kissed Ranga.

While the female ogre and the ogre princess were taken in by the goblinas and having a grand time. Kaijin was learning about the tragic fate of the ogres. It seems overnight the mighty ogre clan of the Jura Forest was all but the six of them were wiped out. “I find it hard to believe that orcs were able to wipe out the ogre clan.” The orcs even thinking of attacking the ogres would be considered a joke onto itself.

“We were not wiped out!” the red ogre said. Kaijin apologized. “Three thousand members, now only six.”

“We managed to escape, the King stayed behind to fight, he ordered me to take the prince and princess away, and we retreated here.” it was a sore spot for the prince.

“How on earth did orcs defeat the mighty ogres?” Rigurd showed up.

“Numbers...armor...weapons...these were not normal orcs.”

“Someone is supplying orcs?” Kaijin asked. “Supplying such a large number who would be capable of that?”

“A demon!” the red ogre growled. “A few days before the orc attack, a demon showed up with an offer. My father turned him away, I’m sure a Majin is responsible for the orc army.”

“I still find it odd, it's not normal for the weak to attack the strong. Could something have happened to the Orc king?” Kaijin pondered.

“Not sure, I didn’t see the former Orc king, but I remember that Majin very well. Only a majin could amass an army of a thousand orcs like that!”

“A THOUSAND!” Kaijin and Rigurd gasped.

“No wonder you are so vexed.” Rimuru approached them followed by Ranga and Riguru.

“Have you had enough meat, Rimuru-sama?” the red ogre asked a smirk on his lips.

“Just resting my stomach a bit.” He looked around. The big-busted ogre girl was dancing with the hobgoblins, while the princess was surrounded by the goblinas. “Your sister is amazing, she is so knowledgeable about medical and aromatic herbs, the other goblinas have taken quite a liking to her.”

“Believe it or not, she was a rather sheltered child. She learned everything she could from magic to herbs, wanting to be able to help others.”

“What do you plan on doing from now on?”

“What?” he asked. “It should be obvious, we are gonna get revenge. We will make those pigs pay!”

“Do you have any idea where to start looking for them?” the ogre twitched and looked away from him. ‘I thought so.’

“You have a heavy burden on your shoulders, you gotta decide what to do now and going forward. You’ll need to recover, and you’ll need food, clothes, and shelter. Your comrade’s fate will be decided by your decisions.”

“As you said, we’ll rest and save up power and prepare to fight again,” he said and took a drink.

“What kind of plan is that?” Rimuru sweatdropped. It was clear he didn’t have a plan. The slime felt bad for them, they had lost their home, their people, and had nowhere to go. “I have a proposition for you guys. Why don’t you guys become my subordinates?”

“Wha!?” the red ogre gasped.

“I can promise you, shelter, food, and clothing, so you guys will have a place to stay.”

“But then this village will be brought into our revenge.”

“It is also not just for you guys.” he crossed his arms. “You guys got attacked by a thousand orcs, and they all had armor right?” Kaijin nodded. “No matter how weird or uncommon, there is no way this village is safe.” The group took his words seriously. “An increase in battle power would be good for us.”

“I see,” the lights from the festivities were illuminating as day turned to night. “I’ll have to think about it.”

“I can respect that. Take all the time you need.” Rimuru went back to the party with his mates, Kaijin joining him.

-x-Red Ogre’s Pov-x-

It was hard, I wondered what my father would do. My friend and bodyguard was keeping watch behind the tree. “It is a good proposition,” Our eyes met. “But you are the one that must make the final decision. We will follow yours and the Princess’s orders.” I know that, but that doesn’t make things easier.

I can still remember the hell the orcs made of our village, burning everything burning. The mages had little time, as the soldiers and guards were overwhelmed by sheer numbers, then something big and monstrous began cutting down the mages as it marched towards our home. Father told us to flee, even though I wanted to stay and fight.

Father was the strongest warrior in the village, he’s what I strived for. He stood his ground but even he was no match for that monster, he was killed with one powerful blow. As we fled, I saw the Majin with a strange mask. My blood burned, I wanted revenge!!!

My strength is nowhere near as great as my father’s, if I fought the orcs I would simply be walking to my death, even with the old man their numbers were far too great. Even if I cut as many as I could, would I be able to stop that beast or the Majin who spawned him?

I had to face my own weakness, we barely escaped the orcs with our lives. If I brought my comrades to battle our chances of survival I don’t think are even at 1%. I punched a nearby tree and broke it in two. We are just no match.

Lord Rimuru showed me the difference in strength, his powers were far beyond my own. We, ogres, have served the strong, we have made contracts with other lords before, promising them victory in exchange for things we needed. Perhaps such a contract would be beneficial to us now. My sister seems happy here and fighting for someone as strong as Lord Rimuru would be a worthy mission. I believe my father would have approved. My sister would like to help her new friends.

Thinking over the options we have, I can’t think of any reason to not join up with them. What Lord Rimuru said was true, our weapons and armor were worn from escaping the orcs, the dwarven artisans they have here could craft us far superior armor and weapons. It's possible we can grow stronger through training while recovering our magical power.

I had taken a walk but returned to the village, but couldn’t find Lord Rimuru. “If you're looking for our lord, he’s in his hut.” the Hobgoblin called Gobta informed me.

“Thank you!” I gave a polite bow to him and headed towards his hut. Gobta didn’t tell me he was busy...and by busy I meant was getting busy! I wanted to talk to him so I entered without thinking.

“Ohhh!” I froze dead in my tracks. I knew about Lord Rimuru’s mates but I wasn’t expecting this. Kaijin was a bit of a surprise for me, but seeing their muscles and bodies bend and curve from pleasure had me reeling.

“Lord Rimuru!” the trio were moaning, panting, and groaning.

“Oh man, having a human body is the best, ohh so tight, so warm and tight!” Lord Rimuru was moaning. He was pounding into Riguru, while fingering Ranga who was in werewolf form, on his right and Kaijin on his left. “This is sex, this is love, this is amazing!” Lord Rimuru’s focus appeared to be on the trio, who were so turned on they didn’t notice my presence either.

I could feel Lord Rimuru’s powerful aura radiating off him in waves, but the intent behind wasn’t one of menace but lust! If I wasn’t hard from the show before me, which I was, I would have been from the lustful aura swirling around the room. I could see the look on their faces, ones twisted in lust and pleasure.

My hand gripped my crotch, feeling the arousal push at my fundoshi. I decided to withdraw while I could, but the sounds of sex followed after me. My heart pounded in my chest, so this is how a slime got so many lovers, most impressive. The image of the trio getting fucked and fingered at the same time was burned into my brain.

I decided to take a walk and possibly find a cold stream to jump into. Hours passed and when I returned they were still going, now Ranga was the one in the middle, while Rimuru fingered the goblin prince, I could see his semen spilling from his well-fucked hole. My jaw dropped at the sight, what kind of monster was he packing between his legs, from my initial position I couldn’t get a good look before.

It was time for another dip in the cold river. It took even longer to cool my heated arousal. It seems I had more to think about. When I came back a third time, they were still fucking! His stamina was truly impressive, is he some kind of incubus!? Kaijin was on his back, and Lord Rimuru had slime tentacles sucking on their dicks and stuff the other two’s asses. He kept switching from making out with Riguru to making out with Ranga.

My cock got so hard so fast I was brought to my knees from the pain. I saw and heard their climax and Lord Rimuru pulled out of Kaijin, and I saw it! No cold river this time I’m fapping damn it!

-x-End Pov-x-

By morning the red ogre had a lot to think about, A LOT, to think about and while he didn’t have an answer for everything he did have an answer on behalf of his people. “Are you alright my lord?” the larger ogre asked.

“I’m fine, I just didn’t get much sleep last night, a lot on my mind.” he blushed. He passed by Riguru and Ranga and noticed their magicules had vastly increased. ‘Did they get stronger by mating with him?!’ the thought made him feel tingly. He met with Rimuru, the others standing behind them respectfully.

“Have you decided?”

“I have, we ogres are a battle species, we are willing to charge in and fight for the one we serve. The one who we call our master must be strong. I would consider it an honor if we could serve you Lord Rimuru!” he bowed his head. “We the ogres wish to serve you.” his fellow ogres bowed their heads, accepting their lord’s wish the princess trusted her brother and believed this was also the right choice for them.

‘This is hard for him, I should consider his feelings more.’ Rimuru thought. “Well, I don’t want you to regret this decision. We can discuss your future with us after the orc issue is settled.”

‘Our future?’ the red ogre blushed as his mind went right to the probability of mating.

“But for now, I’d like to offer you something as a sign of good faith. How about I give you all names?” This came as a shock to the ogres. ‘These guys are quite strong and they don’t have names yet, I’m kinda curious how strong they’ll get with names.’

The princess was the first to speak up. “Are you sure, there are risks for naming monsters, you are strong but should you really name all of us?”

‘She must be talking about that...’ Rimuru believed it would be fine since he was just naming six monsters. “It’ll be okay unless you don’t want to be named by me?” he asked.

The princess gasped. “No...that’s not it at all.” she looked at her brother, a demon had offered to give him a name in the past and he refused.

“No objections,” he spoke surprising her. “If it’s you, I shall accept it!” the old man chuckled, while the other ogres were shocked, they have never seen their lord look like this before. Rimuru gave out the names and everything went black.


“Benimaru...it is my turn to look after Lord Rimuru.”

“Let me have just a few more minutes.”

“He’s my mate!”

“Don’t you have magic training with Shuna?”

“Nnnhh, Riguru...why are you shouting what happened?” Rimuru woke up in a stranger’s lap, a very hot stranger. “Whoa!”

The red-haired hottie looked human but had two black horns coming out of his head. “No way could you be...”

“You named me, Benimaru. Welcome back my lord!” he smiled.

“I’ll go fetch the others, I’m sure they’ll be happy to know you are awake,” Riguru said. Rimuru noticed that Rigur’s magic power had increased in the time he’s been asleep. His focus landed on Benimaru, he was slimmed down compared to his more bulky ogre form, though despite the drop in muscle bulk his magicules were incredible. Even though he slimmed down, his physical strength had also increased.

Ranga showed up first, he also had grown, his lithe werewolf form was now rippling with new muscle. “Master!” he snatched Rimuru out of Benimaru’s grasp so fast he barely saw it. “I’m so happy you are awake!”

As it turned out Ranga had been training with Shion, the purple-haired big busted ogre. The training has been intense but the results were impressive. Riguru has been training with Shuna, the ogre princess. The two arrived and greeted him warmly. They both really liked the names they had been given.

The next to arrive was the old man, who was now a more distinguished gray. Hakuro had regained his youth, he reminded Rimuru of a sexy older teacher, distinguished and mature. “You were the old guy who sliced my arm off.”

“Indeed I am, though I was quite impressed with your regeneration.” In Rimuru’s absence, Rigurd and Riguru asked there new friends to help train some of them, Hakuro has been teaching swordsmanship. “I’d like to help train you as well my lord.” Rimuru took human form.

The next to arrive was Souei, another hot guy. “Lord Rimuru, I’m sincerely happy for your quick recovery.” he knelt down and kissed the back of his hand.

‘Oh snap!’ It was hard to believe just six monsters depleted his magicules, but as it turns out since these guys were such strong monsters it took more magicules to evolve them. The last to arrive was Kurobee, he had been spending his time in the dwarven workshops, he and Kaijin were getting along great.

“Ohh!” first they had a handsome guy, two fine maidens, a distinguished gray, another handsome guy, and now a middle-aged guy. Rimuru felt an instant connection with Kurobee, which made sense since he was the same age as Kurobee looked. “I hope we will get along great.”

“Thank you, Lord!” Kurobee bowed.

The new monsters stood and bowed to Rimuru. “We of the Oni tribe, swear our loyalty to you Lord Rimuru!” they declared.

“Wait...Oni?!” Rimuru gasped.

To be continued


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