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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1

Lucky Rabbit

Anodite Ben: Gwen has the omnitrix, Ben has the charms of bezel. Gwen has her identities as alien heroes, Ben has his identity as Lucky Boy, he’s got charms and magical artifacts. Gwen is giving up the life of a hero, and taking Kevin with her, Ben still wants to do the hero thing but some feel he needs back up.  

Chapter 1  

Gwen got her start as a hero finding the omnitrix, an alien device that gave her the power to transform into different aliens. Ben got his start when he got his hands on a magical Charm of Bezel, the charm of luck. He bought a mask, thinking it looked like a cool demon, but it was really a rabbit shaped mask. The charms got destroyed, and for a time Ben felt his Lucky Boy costume was just a halloween costume, but then the Key Stone of Bezel came into play.  

It was used to restore the charms, but Gwen destroyed them in order to keep them out of the hands of Hex and Charmcaster. Ben took out Charmcaster, just in time for the eclipse to end. As it happened Gwen didn’t destroy all the Talismans, she saved the Luck charm just for him, with that and the Key Stone of Bezel, Lucky Boy rode again.  

He wore the Lucky Charm as a necklace, he fused the Key Stone with one of his gloves. His costume consisted of a black sleeveless shirt, green gloves, a green sash around his waist, black baggy pants and dark green boots. Ben got a plumber issue retractable staff, he could manipulate it with his mana. He also got a magic bag, similar to Charmcaster’s but his was black, with green button eyes, a zipper mouth. He kept magic books and other artifacts inside it for safe keeping.  

When they got older...  

Gwen had focused on trying to have a normal life, she gave up the omnitrix, but still tried to be active, learning martial arts and more. Ben was staying on the down low but he did some heroing now and then, to stay in practice and learn how far his abilities could go, he did put the Key Stone away, but fate had bigger plans for them. A new threat to Earth and the Universe showed up, their Grandpa Max was missing, and it was time to suit up. Gwen put on the omnitrix once again, and Ben dawned his Key Stone again. They gained a new comrade in Kevin Levin, he was a former enemy turned friend and became something more.  

After many battles, gaining allies, recruiting more people to the plumbers to fight back against evil. They rescued their Grandpa, and even managed to save the world from the Highbreed. The three got close, and even closer with each new threat and challenge they faced.  

Kevin was bisexual, he liked to top with women, and bottom with men. He wanted to love and be loved, it was hard for him, but Ben and Gwen were what he needed. Things with Gwen started to escalate, and Kevin started thinking about having a normal life.  

For Ben...this was normal…he liked being a hero, he liked fighting bad guys...he thought they liked it to.

So when Gwen was going off to college she took off the omnitrix. The device getting stored in Ben’s magic bag for safe keeping. She was all packed and ready to go and Kevin was giving her a ride, but he wasn’t coming back. It came as a real shock to Ben, but he knew it, he knew the way they looked at each other he had to let Kevin go. So with a hug from Gwen and a goodbye kiss to Kevin, he was alone.  

He was told to be careful, and that they would seem him again, on vacations and holidays. Yeah, it wasn’t goodbye, and Ben told himself he’d be fine. He brought Zombozo back to the Plumber Base on Earth. Their last case was bringing down this creepy clown.  

“Do you have another case for me Grandpa?” Max had come out of retirement, running the plumber base. It was built after the Highbreed attack, Earth could no longer be considered a back water world. So many aliens were trying to get their hands on it.  

The base was nice, acting as a home for plumber agents, a prison for Class 3 villains and above, anything local authorities couldn’t handle.  

“Not yet Ben, did you see Gwen and Kevin off?” he was making one of his weird concoctions in the mess hall.

“Yeah...” Ben said sadly. “I’m gonna miss them.”  

Max patted Ben’s shoulder. He didn’t know all the details about their relationship, and didn’t want to know, but he knew enough to know Ben had lost a lover. “You hungry? Nothing soothes a broken heart like a full stomach.”  

“My heart isn’t broken Grandpa, Kevin and I...we...” it was hard to explain. Ben was an anodite, so he felt things very strongly. “He had this spark, even way back when, I was drawn to him. We got closer, I trusted him, and the sex was...”

“Ah ah!” Max waved him off, he loved his Grandson and he could tell him anything but he didn’t want to know any sex details. It was amazing though, Kevin made the sexiest noises in bed, so responsive to dominance.  

Ben wasn’t just a top though, Kevin had a nice piece and he wanted it inside him. The raven haired boy was adamant on only topping girls. “Maybe I just need to find a partner that’s like me, a switcher.” He often felt a little jealous of his cousin to enjoy Kevin’s dominant side, so far the only things to taste  his hole was his fingers, his mana, and a toy he kept under his bed.  

“Speaking of partners...” he was cut off as his dinner was alive, its tentacles lifting the lid of the pot and trying to escape. Max fought with it with a wooden spoon, only for Ben to zap it with a mana bolt.  

“Maybe this will be good for me, I don’t get many chances to fly solo.” he snapped his fingers and he was in his Lucky Boy outfit. “Guess I get to be a lone wolf!”  

“Ben, you shouldn’t go alone...” he was cut off again as they felt a tremor.  

“Sounds like trouble, I’m on it!” Ben ran off, transforming into his Lucky Boy costume, faster than Max could call out to him. He had two files in his hand.


Ben arrived on the scene, the crater was a former business of an alien named Pakmar. There was a racket shaking down alien businesses, you pay for protection, but if you don’t pay you need protecting from them. Ben did a scan and was able to sense three different mana signatures.  

Before he could properly track them, a massive beast charged in and attacked him. “That’s quite the unique mana you have, that’s not your original form is it?” Ben dodged his charge, flipping through the air, he summoned a rock creature of equal size and the two began to clash. In terms of physical strength Ben’s rock creature was on par with the strange beast.

He just needed a distraction, Ben did a flying drop kick, he hit the beast hard and sent him flying into a dirt wall. It collapsed  and buried the thing. Ben sensed it was still alive, but when he cleared the dirt away, the beast was gone.  

“Is this planet always so crazy, I just want to run my business, and now look at it.” Ben smiled.  

“Well it’s your lucky day.” His lucky charm glowed and with a snap of his fingers Pakmar’s business was put back together.  

“Ohhh thank you!” the little alien bowed. “If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.”  

“I’ll think about it. I have bigger fish to fry, three in fact.” He dismissed his rock creature and headed off.  

If there was a racket shaking down alien businesses he knew just where to go. Mr. Baumann, he ran a market/bar that serviced the local aliens, some forever knights tried to destroy his business a year ago. “Hello Lucky Boy,” the man said, he was cleaning a glass. There was two aliens sitting at the counter.  

“Hey Mr. Baumann, I’m looking for information on some low lives that have been shaking down local businesses. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”  

The man’s mana shifted as he became nervous. “Nope, haven’t heard nothing, haven’t seen nothing. Why don’t you take some food to go, on the house.”  

Ben’s stomach grumbled. ‘Using magic to fix Pakmar’s shop on an empty stomach, I’m starving and need to refuel.’ he rubbed his stomach. “Tempting but I have a job to do.”  

“Please, I have a simple arrangement, I pay they leave. No trouble or damage to my store.”

“Not like I haven’t fixed the place up after.” he crossed his arms.  

“Yes yes, I just don’t want any trouble.”  

“There will be trouble if these low lives continue messing with people.” Mr. Baumann let Lucky Boy stay, his stomach growled again, and the two people at the counter offer him some of their food. “Thanks!”  

Before Ben had the chance to eat, three familiar mana signatures showed up, the same ones from Pakmar’s store. Bubble Helmet, Liam, and Fistina, all criminals with long rap sheets. They didn’t notice Lucky Boy at the counter as they tried to shake down Baumann. They had some kind of strange device with them. ‘I wish Kevin was here, he knows all about alien tech, better play it safe.’  

“Sorry fellas today isn’t your lucky day.”  

“Lucky Boy!” the three gasp drawing their weapons.  

“No lasers, no blasters!” Mr. Baumann cried out, ducking behind the counter.  

Ben snapped his fingers, and some blue mana rippled out. Fistina tried to fire her blaster, only for it to malfunction and explode in her hand. When Liam tried to fire his, when of the overhead lights broke and fell hitting him in the head, shocking him and knocking his ass out. Bubble Helmet did manage to fire a few shots, but his blaster malfunctioned saying it was out of power.  

He blocked the shots with mana. “Get him!” Fistina charged at Lucky Boy only for the hero to dodge her, grab her and flip her. She was sent flying and landed on Bubble Helmet. Liam got up and tried to fight Ben using his species martial arts. He wasn’t bad, but not good enough as Lucky Boy was clearly toying with him. The problem was, Ben was still fighting like he had a team.  

Since he wasn’t handling this properly Bubble Helmet was able to get up and arm the strange device. “Lucky Boy...do something!”  

In a flash Lucky Boy blasted Liam, sending him flying into Bubble Helmet. He tried to get to the device, but his powers weren’t doing anything against the strange barrier the device had. “Oh man, oh man, damn it!” he banged on the barrier but it wasn’t budging.  

“Goodbye Baumann!” The low lives recovered and tried to escape, all while the device was counting down.  

“Isn’t this when your friends help you.” Mr. Baumann pointed out. The two aliens sprang into action, one was cat-like wearing blue and black armor, the other was an alien Ben recognized as a loboan and he was wearing green and black armor. “I was just kidding.”  

The boy in the blue and black armor, jumped and soared over the bad guys and cut them off, he used a strange weapon and began fighting the three, only for the loboan to come in as back up. In a few short minutes they had the guys down and bound. “Who are you?”  

“Rook Blonko!”  


“We are your new partners.” they said in unison.  

“Say what now?!” Ben gasped.  

To be continued... Count Down


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