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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon reward

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/blessings-of-2-30219370 

Chapter 3 Ash Catches A Pokemon

Ash and Charmander returned to his home, where his mother was fussing. “Oh, dear!”

“What’s wrong Mom?” he asked.

“Oh Ash!” she exclaimed, brightening up. Delia Ketchum rushed over to him. “And who is this?” she looked at Charmander. The fire-type was in his arms.

“Char!” the little guy greeted waving his claw.

“This is Charmander, he’s my new partner,” he said. The lights suddenly flickered. “What the?”

“This has been happening, the power keeps fluctuating, I don’t know what’s wrong.”

“I’ll check the fuse box in the basement.” He went down into the basement, but he wasn’t expecting to find a Pokemon. A small mouse-like Pokemon was chewing on the wires, eating the electricity. “Who’s that Pokemon?” He whispered and opened his Pokedex.

Dexter: Pikachu the Electric Mouse Pokemon, and the evolved form of Pichu; It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose. While most Pikachu are found in the forest, some will sneak into homes and chew on wires to charge the electric sacs in their cheeks. 

“So you are the culprit,” The Pikachu’s tail rose, and it turned to look at Ash and Charmander. He was certainly surprised to see Ash. His cheeks sparked as he glared at the duo. Charmander growled, he hopped out of Ash’s arms and took a fighting stance. “Let’s do this partner!”

Pikachu unleashed a Thundershock, Charmander dodged it, and Ash blocked it with his own flames. “Charmander take care of this quick, use Ember!”

“Char!” he spun hitting Pikachu with the fire attack.

“Follow up with Scratch!” Ash called, and Charmander dashed forward and hit Pikachu. The Electric-type was shaken, he looked around and saw the hole he had used to slip in.

“Pika!” it ran, dashing towards the hole.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Ash threw a Pokeball, and it struck Pikachu before he could escape.

“Pika?” he was sucked into the ball. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle Ding! Ash felt a surge of emotion channeling through him. He caught a Pokemon...his first Pokemon!

“YES!” he cheered. “I caught a Pokemon!”

“Charmander!” the fire type cheered.

“Thanks, Charmander you were great.” He pets the fire type. It was time for the cleanup, he mended the hole and replaced the wires Pikachu had chewed on. He went upstairs and called Pikachu out.

“Pi?” the electric mouse looked around.

“Pikachu, you need to apologize to my mom for causing trouble.”

“Aww, he’s so cute!” Delia cooed.

Pikachu huffed. Charmander went over to him and the two have a talk. “Charmander Char Char.”

“Pika pika pika pi pi pika!” Pikachu shook his head vigorously.

“Char Cha mander Char!” He waved his arms.




“Char Char!” Charmander patted his shoulder.


“Cha mander Char!” He pointed at Ash.

Pikachu stared at Ash for a bit, before looking at Delia. “Pikachu.” he bowed his head in apology.

“Aww, you were just hungry weren’t you?” Pikachu nodded.

“In that case,” Ash went into the kitchen and got two apples. “Here you go!” Pikachu eyed the fruit cautiously, but Charmander dug right in. The mouse looked at the fruit, sniffed it before taking a bite.

“Pika!” he dug in too. The two smiled at each other. Charmander scorched the apple core and ate it. Pikachu did the same but used his electricity, the electricity heightened the flavors.

“I’d like us to be friends Pikachu, I’m just starting on my journey and I have a lot to learn. So let’s train and grow together.” He offered his hand. “What do you say?”

Ash didn’t know it, but when Pikachu was a Pichu he was looking for a place to belong. He wasn’t even raised among Pichu or Pikachu, he was found by a Kangashkhan and raised by it. Time with them was nice and he built a friendship with the Kangaskhan cub, which is how he evolved in the first place.

He wasn’t a baby anymore and he needed to find his place in the world. Pikachu had seen and heard about trainers and wasn’t sure if that was for him. Maybe it was fate that brought him to Ash, maybe luck, he didn’t know. This person wasn’t human, not completely. He seemed nice and kind and exuded a warmth that was inviting.

Pikachu climbed up his arm and got on his shoulder, the electric mouse nuzzled his cheek, which caused a…


Ash coughed. “Oh, Ash!” Delia gasped.

“Pika...” Pikachu said in apology. He didn’t mean to do that.

Ash chuckled and pet him. “It’s okay, I know it was just an accident. You are pretty strong I can tell.” He scooped up Charmander. “We are gonna get strong together, I know it!” he hugged them.

Delia packed Ash some clothes, shirts, and vests mostly, but he had two covers for his horse half. She made him some food and gave him three days worth of rations. A clothesline, rubber gloves, soap, body wash, cleaner, an extendable brush. She gave him a pot to cook with, Ash knew how to cook, thanks to her. Ash kept his balls and Pokedex in his vest for easy access. “Be careful out there sweetie, I love you!” she hugged him.

“I love you too mom.” They said their goodbyes and Ash left to start his journey.

Charmander explained Ash’s policy about Pokeballs, which was good cause Pikachu didn’t like being inside it. “No problem buddy, we can hang outside together.” that had Pikachu feel more at ease. Ash also told Pikachu the story of the Ancient Rapidash and it’s blessing, explaining how he was, what he was.

They got into Route 1 and Pikachu and Charmander wondered around. “Just don’t go too far,” Ash said, keeping a close eye on them. It was a beautiful day, the sky was clear, the air was crisp.

He checked his Pokedex to learn more about his pokemon.

Charmander Special Ability: Blaze – When his health was low his fire moves will be powered up. Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Smokescreen

Pikachu Special Ability: Lightning Rod – Draws in all electric type moves, and will boost the Pikachu’s Special Attack. Moves: Thundershock, Tail Whip, Nuzzle, Thunder Wave

They walked around a bit until they came across a Pidgey. “A Pidgey, let’s see what Dexter has to say.”

Dexter: Pidgey the Tiny Bird Pokemon. Pidgey is a Flying Pokémon. Among all the Flying Pokémon, it is the gentlest and easiest to capture. A perfect target for the beginning Pokémon Trainer to test his Pokémon's skills. 

“Charmander, let’s get us a new friend. Pikachu you watch.” The two obeyed, Charmander dashing towards the Normal/Flying-type, while Pikachu came over to watch. He went in with some solid Scratch attacks, Pidgey taking to the air to dodge. “Use Smokescreen!”

Charmander unleashed a cloud of black smoke. Pidgey got caught up in it before it flew higher and blew the smoke away with Gust. Charmander was pushed back, but he wasn’t backing down. Pidgey dove down in a Tackle, but as soon as he got close. “Charmander, Ember attack!”

His partner spun striking Pidgey with flames. “Now Pokeball go!” he threw the ball and hit Pidgey before it could recover. He got sucked up. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle Ding! “We caught a Pidgey!” Charmander cheered with him.

“Pika...” the excitement of battle, the bond between trainer and pokemon. Ash called out Pidgey to say hello.

“Welcome to the family Pidgey.” Pidgey actually didn’t mind resting in the ball, so that just left the three of them on the outside. He did tell them to call on him at any time.

They kept moving forward, and Pikachu actually wanted to battle. “Uwaahhh!” they heard someone scream.

“Wait...is that Tracey?” the dark green-haired boy was running for his life, getting attacked by a rather nasty Spearow. It kept swooping in on him and attacking.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he cried.

“Spearow!” it yelled and attacked him again.

“Pika!” Pikachu charged forward and unleashed and Thundershock, that hit Spearow, right as it hit Tracey so the jolt was shared. Spearow ran off, and Tracey collapsed. “Pi!” he seemed proud of himself, but when he saw the zapped human he felt bad.

“You tried Pikachu, and you did scare that Spearow off.” he patted his head. “That’s one strong Thundershock.” he blushed at the praise.

Ash made sure Tracey was okay. “Oh Ash!” he blushed and sat up.

“Try not to move too much.” he wiped him with a rag to clean him up a bit.

“Your Pikachu is pretty strong, that was just a Thundershock once it learns the bigger moves he’s gonna be a powerhouse,” Tracey said, and he brought out his sketchbook and began drawing Pikachu. “Thanks for trying to help me Pikachu.”

“Pika pi!” Ash pet him again.

“What happened Tracey?”

“Well, I was sketching that Spearow in my notebook, and I decided to catch it. I had caught another Pokemon with the help of Bulbasaur, and since Spearow is a flying type I was gonna use him to avoid a type disadvantage.” he sighed and called out his other pokemon.

“A Rattata!” Ash exclaimed.

Dexter: Rattata the Mouse Pokemon. This pokemon bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places. Will chew on anything with its fangs. If you see one, it is certain that 40 more live in the area. This pokemon scurries around quickly, searching for hard objects to gnaw.

“Cool!” Ash said happily, and his pokemon introduced themselves.

“The Spearow was really strong, and it overwhelmed the little guy.” he pets the purple mouse monster. “I tried to run away, but I couldn’t escape. Thanks for the save.”

“Hm Spearow...” Ash checked the Pokedex.

Dexter: Spearow the Tiny Bird Pokemon: Unlike Pidgey, Spearow has a terrible attitude. It is very wild and will sometimes attack other Pokémon and humans. Very protective of its territory, it flaps its short wings busily to dart around at high speed. Spearow are likely to swarm.

The boys visibly paled. “Swarm?”

“SPEAROW!” a loud cry was heard and a massive flock of Spearow was flying at them, leading the charge was the nasty Spearow who had attacked Tracey.

“Hop on!” Tracey returned his Rattata and did just that. In better circumstances, he would have enjoyed this, but now was not that time. Pikachu and Charmander joined him on his back.

Ash took off in a sprint running as fast as he could carrying passengers. The Spearows were fast, flying as fast as they could to attack the group. Pikachu and Charmander defended the rear, but their attacks could only take out one or two, and if one fell another took its place. Ash had to focus on the road so he couldn’t help.

Things only got worse as a storm brew overhead. Tracey clung to Ash, this wasn’t good. ‘This is all my fault!’ Tracey teared up.

To be continued...Rainbow Feather


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