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One Piece parody: Tier 1

Chapter 4  https://www.patreon.com/posts/one-piece-legend-32463436 


Luffy: Shield Hero: Level 8

Special Skills

Angling Skill 2: Catch Rate for Fish + 2

Foraging Skill: Farming + 2

High Stamina Skill: Stamina Boost (Medium)

Food Recovery Boost: Stamina Boost when eating food

Plant Identification Skill: Able to Identify plants by touching them. (Large)

Survival Skill: Capable of building a small campsite - recovers stamina and health at a campsite. Tool Mastery + 1

Cooking Skill 1: Capable of preparing simple meals. (Small)

Animal Charisma: Able to quickly tame animals and beasts

Rubber Body + 1: Mastered Special Skill from the Rubber Shield: Allows his body to stretch, increase his attack range and bounce back physical blows. Attack Range Boost, Long Range Impact Bonus, Reach Extension.

Herb Quality: Boosts the quality of plants farmed.

Mushroom Recovery Boost: Mastered Skill from the Mushroom Shield: Boost the positive effects when eating mushrooms. (Small)

Apprentice Compounding 1


Coin Shield Copper: Coin Blessing (Low) Can store money in the shield and gain interest over time. DEF + 1

Coin Shield Silver: Coin Blessing (Medium) DEF + 3

Orange Shield: DEF + 2

Green Shield: DEF + 2

Yellow Shield: DEF + 3

Blue Shield: DEF + 3

Red Shield: Defense + 5

Purple Shield: Defense + 6

Pink Shield: Defense + 4 Agility + 1 Speed + 3

Colors Shield: Attack + 1 Defense + 10 Agility + 3 Speed + 3 Health + 5 Luck + 3 Stamina + 3 SP + 3 Charisma + 3

Rubber Shield 1: AGI + 3 DEF + 3, Special Skill Rubber Body

Rubber Shield 2: Agility + 6 Defense + 6 Jump + 2 : Boost the Special Skill Rubber Body to Rubber Body + 1: Attack Range Boost, Long Range Impact Bonus, Reach Extension.

Leaf Shield: Herb Quality (Passive Skill) Gathering + 1

Mushroom Shield: Mushroom Recovery Boost Skill

Poison Mushroom Shield: Poison Resistance (Small)

Sleep Mushroom Shield: Sleep Resistance (Small)

Parasite Mushroom Shield: Body Control Resistance (Small)

Hypnosis Mushroom Shield: Mind Control Resistance (Small)

Spore Shield: Unique Skill- Spore Counter: when struck releases a status spore that can poison, stun, or sleep. Charged Attack- Parasite Spore

Petit Medicine Shield: Medicine Effect Boost

Petit Poison Shield: Antidote Effect Boost

Medicinal Mushroom Shield: Compounding Skill

Green Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 1 Healing Potion

Blue Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 2 Antidote

Red Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 3 Burn Ointment

Orange Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 4 Smelling Salt

White Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe Rare: White Lead Antidote

Veggie Shield: Plant Identification Boost

Egg Shield: Cooking Skill + 1

Fishing Shield: Angling + 1

Energy Shield: SP + 3

Potential Energy Shield: Lowers Stamina Decay

Zoro: Level 7 Dog Demi-Human

Law: Level 7 Rabbit Demi-Human

Chapter 5 Blood Terror and Two Swords

Luffy felt they were ready to venture further into the forest, he’s been rather cautious making sure their levels were balanced enough and that he got the most out of the monster materials he collected. He got some supplies and they headed out. Law and Zoro followed him loyally but weren’t prepared for the monsters they were about to face. So far the monsters they encountered were Balloon and Plant-based.

A Usapil monster appeared, seeing it made Law freeze slightly. The monster sensed his fear and lunged at him. Luffy blocked it. “Law stab it!” Luffy ordered.

Law started to tremble.

“What’s wrong? Just kill it like all the other monsters.”

“I...I...I can’t...” Luffy’s eyes widened. “If I stab it there will be blood.” Law’s eyes were full of fear, his past flowing through him like a tidal wave swallowing him up. “I’m scared!” Law’s resistance caused his slave crest to activate and he cried out in pain.

Luffy felt guilty, but he needed Law to fight. Yes, this monster was different from others they had fought before, but if they don’t fight for him, there would be no survival. Law’s scream brought forth more Usapils, and his fear made him the prime target. Law dropped his sword.

“Law!” the monsters charged at Law, but Luffy was still struggling to hold down the first one that attacked.

Zoro snatched up his sword and using both blades he cut down the attacking rabbits. Blood splattered Zoro, and he was also shaking. “What are you doing idiot!?” he growled. “Do you wanna die?!” he growled his fists gripping the swords tightly. He was going through his own trauma.

Being covered in blood, he howled. “Not again...never again!”

“Zoro that’s enough!” Luffy said and the green-haired boy froze and tried to calm down. “Law if you can’t fight I can’t look after you anymore.” The boy’s eyes widened. “I’m the shield hero, I can’t fight on my own. If you can’t fight for me, I’ll need to find someone else who will.” he didn’t like saying this, but he had to. “The waves are coming and I have to get stronger to fight them.” He had to survive, even though he hated this world (and the other heroes) he had to protect it.

Law took his sword from Zoro. “Okay!” he charged and stabbed the Usapil Luffy was wrestling with. Blood gushed and covered Law. “I’m scared of blood...but I...I’ll fight...just please don’t throw me away...”

“If you fight for me I won’t...” Zoro seemed to be distancing himself from Law, so Luffy takes them to the nearby river and baths them. He washes them, making sure to get the blood out of their hair and fur. He rubs their ears, making them shiver and relax. ‘Soft!’ Luffy thinks.

They wash their clothes and Luffy sets up camp so they can dry off by the fire, though Zoro had no issue shaking himself off. Luffy started cooking some of the Usapil meat, his icon said it was edible. His first batch burned, so he fed it to his shield.

Calorie Shield: Stamina Boost, Cooking Quality Boost

Usameat Shield: Dissection Ability 1

He tried again and this time his food turned out okay. Law and Zoro eat and moan at the flavor, Zoro’s tail wagging. Luffy ate it but didn’t taste anything. “Zoro, you did well with two swords out there, should we get you another sword?”

“I’d like that,” he said. Zoro looks at Law, before digging into his food. Luffy had Law take his medicine, and he noted the white lead seemed to be completely gone.

“Zoro, I won’t order you to tell me what happened, same with you Law. If you feel it might help you can tell me.” Law wasn’t ready to talk about it, but Zoro sighed.

“When the waves attacked my village, we tried to fight them off. The kids were told to evacuate, but I wanted to fight.” his ears flattened. “I wasn’t strong enough and my friend rushed in to save me, she called me weak, and she was right. Because of my weakness she died, before my eyes and I got covered in her blood.” He could still remember it, when he was covered in the Usapil blood it brought it all back. His friend’s father had helped him escape, tossing him into the river to escape the carnage, before losing his life. He wanted to be strong, he didn’t want to lose anyone again. “I swore I would get stronger and fight in the waves, but before I could...” Luffy got it. By the time he made it back to his village, it was over.

He hugged Zoro to him and rubbed his back. “You’ll get stronger, we can fight the waves together.” he looked to Law, who rushed over and joined in the embrace.

“Master, do you know the legend of the heroes?” Luffy shook his head. “My parents used to read to me and my sister it all the time. Among the four heroes, the shield hero was the nicest to the demi-humans and beastmen.”

“Is that so?” Law didn’t respond, having fallen asleep. They went to sleep in Luffy’s arms and felt safe and calm. It didn’t stop the nightmares, but having Luffy with them got through it.

Law’s Pov

My parents had just told us the story of the four heroes, my sister thought they were so cool. We both loved the shield hero and wanted to meet him one day. “Don’t be silly, the heroes aren’t summoned in times of peace.” Blood began to leak from my father’s eyes.

“But don’t worry...” His mother’s face became twisted. “You’re so lucky...cause the world will soon be filled with violence and destruction!!” Mother’s head was ripped apart, cleaved from her by a three-headed beast.

Father had been carrying me, and he had been cut down, his dead body landing on top of me. His blood covering me, he was too heavy for me to get out from under, plus I was petrified by fear. The beast probably didn’t smell me because of all the blood, or perhaps he was attracted to the moving targets, my mother and sister. I watched in horror as they were killed and I could do nothing to stop it. I stayed under my father’s corpse until I thought it was safe, but while the wave was finished there were still monsters...just not the monsters you can see on the surface.

End Pov

Law cried out as he woke up, and Luffy pets him to calm his fears. “It’s morning, everything is alright.” He told him.

‘He’s not how I pictured the shield hero, he’s different, sometimes he’s scary, sometimes he’s nice.’ Law thought.

They took out a couple of more Usapil’s the next day, Law and Zoro getting used to blood. Luffy used his new dissection skill to skin the monsters and gained their pelt. After feeding some to his shield he unlocked a new shield.

UsaLeather Shield: Agility + 3

After these fights Luffy bathed with them, it was oddly nice and relaxing. They headed back to replace their weapons. “Back already?” Franky asked. “Did you miss me, bro?”

“I’d like to get two swords for Zoro and a replacement sword for Law.”

“Two swords?” Franky asked. “You got the skills, little dog bro?” Zoro nodded. He got Zoro two curbed blades, that was blunt on one side, they were durable but lighter than normal swords so were better for dual wield. Luffy also got Zoro a haramaki so he could hold his swords easier. Law got a new sword one more suited for his level it was made of iron and more durable. “You’ll need to take care of your weapons bro, here!”

Franky gave Luffy a sharpening stone. The shield resonated with it, and Luffy fed it to his shield. “Oi!” in a flash Luffy’s shield transformed into the Sharpening Shield, it had slots for the weapons and tools it could sharpen.

Sharpening Shield: Ore Appraisal 1, Equip Effect: Automatic Sharpening

“The legendary weapons are super amazing.” Franky points out. “Come back if you need anything.” Luffy nods and gives Franky a fist bump.

The group heads out again. They clear the forest and make it to the next town over, killing the rabbit monsters had them all reach level 9. Luffy noticed the town was a bit run down and poor looking. He was able to sell the fur and meat for a nice price, way more than the balloons. “Hey, is there any other ways to make money around here?” Luffy asked the merchant. Zoro and Law were staring at some of the accessories the merchant had.

“Well, there is a mine nearby. This used to be a strong mining town, but after the wave, the mine became a nest of monsters.” the merchant sighed. “I heard the heroes were called to help and they’ve done nothing.”

“We’ll mine,” Luffy said. He noticed the accessories they were looking at. “I’ll take those to.”

Zoro was given a bandanna, and Law was given a fluffy hat. “You wanted these right?” they blushed and nodded. “Consider it a reward for you working so hard.”

Luffy was pointed to a shed where he could use the abandoned tools if he liked. He fed a broken pickaxe to his shield and some rope to it.

Pickaxe Shield: Mining Skill 1

Rope Shield: Equip Bonus: Air Strike Shield Skill, Turns Into Rope

Wood Shield: Collection Skill 1

Zoro and Law were given a pickaxe to use. Luffy changed his shield to the rope shield and tested out his new skill. It created a green energy shield within a certain range. “This could be handy.

They ventured into the cave and didn’t get far before getting attacked by monsters. Cave Spiders and Venom Cave Spiders. They were a dangerous combo, as the Cave Spiders could spit and spin webs immobilizing an enemy and the Venom Cave Spiders could spit acid so strong it could dissolve stone.

Luffy used his new Air Strike Shield Skill to protect his team from their long-range attacks and then used rubber body to stretch, using the torch he scorched the webs and knock them to the ground. Once they were down Zoro and Law would come in and cut them down.

Cave Spider Shield: DEF + 2 SPD + 2 Equip Effect: Web Spitter

Venom Cave Spider Shield: DEF + 3 SPD + 3 Corrosive Resistance: Medium

As they ventured in deeper, they found some tracks. “Some kind of dog monster?”

“Dog?” Law tensed.

“Something wrong?” Law shook his head.

“Listen, guys, we are just here to mine, if things get too dangerous, we run. Understand?”

“Yes sir!” they said.

They find a good spot, and Luffy changes the shield to the Pickaxe Shield and begins mining. Zoro helps him, while Law holds the torch. They get some minerals and ore. “Nice, a bit more and we can get some decent money.”

The cave was full of untapped ore, but it was more than some spiders that made the place so dangerous. A growl was heard and Law tensed.

From the darkness came a large beast with two heads. Its glowing red eyes pierced through the dark. Law screamed, as its image blurred with the image of the beast that attacked his village during the wave. Law knew he had to fight, he had to help the hero, but he couldn’t shake the fear that erupted from deep inside. Zoro wasn’t doing much better, the creature’s growl had his fur standing on end.

It lunged at them, but Luffy grabbed the two and ran. The beast barked and chased after them, his bark drawing in more spiders. “Looks like this guy is there boss!” There were too many enemies. Though they were the same level as the spiders the Two-Headed Dog monster was stronger. Luffy whistled and his balloons jumped off him and charged at the spiders, It was a much-needed distraction, as the group made it to the edge of a cliff.

The dog monster was hot on their heels, so Luffy jumped.

He used his rubber body to cushion the blow, as they fell deeper into the cave into a small lake. Luffy pulled them up. “Cough Cough” He used the rope shield to climb out, then used his rubber body to pull them up to him. “Law what happened?”

“I’m sorry, I know I’m supposed to fight, but when I saw that monster my mind went blank!” he cried.

“During the wave, there was a powerful dog monster that led the charge.” Zoro saw it too.

“Is that the monster that killed your parents?” he asked them. They both shook their heads no, but it was a remnant of that Wave. Zoro told Luffy about his village, a village of warriors, but the wave came upon them so suddenly they were overrun. He had nearly died but was saved by his teacher, Zoro was tossed into a river to escape the Wave. Since the wave wasn’t stopped other villages were consumed.

“My village wasn’t known for its combat, but we thought we were far enough from the wave to survive. The wave spread too quickly and soon our village was overrun by monsters. My father died on top of me, he told me not to move or make a sound, and he would protect me. He died but his scent masked mine so the monsters didn’t find me, but I still saw my sister and mother get killed by that thing.”

‘No wonder these two are traumatized?’ Luffy closed his eyes. “We need to bring that thing down.”

“What?” they gasped.

The monster found them. “Zoro, Law, let’s do this together!” He readied his shield. “If we do this, we can get stronger, we can fight back the waves to make sure that doesn’t happen to anyone else!”

Zoro draws his two swords, and Law drew his but he was still shaking. Luffy’s balloons were still holding off his followers. It charged at them and Luffy stretched his arm back and threw a punch. It didn’t do a lot of damage but still halted the monster’s charge. It growled at them. “Tch, still not enough. Zoro, Law get ready!” He changed to his new Cave Spider Shield. “Web Spitter!”

His shield spat webs that bound the dog monster’s jaws. It growled and thrashed. Zoro charged forward and slashed at the creature, again some damage but the creature was a higher level than them. It smacked Zoro with his claw and sent him flying back. He hit the wall and got the wind knocked out of him and he dropped his swords.

Luffy stretched and grabbed Zoro and got him away from the creature’s claws. He got out some herbal medicine and Zoro recovered. “Sorry, I was careless.”

“Just take a minute, we’ll kill this thing!” he looked to Law. “Law, let’s hold him off!”

‘I can’t move...my legs won’t work...’ he was shaking.

“Law!” Luffy cried out. The dog monster broke free of the webbing and charged at Luffy biting into his shoulder. “Arggaaaahhhhh!” Luffy cried out in pain. This monster’s attack was higher than his current defense.

“Master!” they cried out.

“Law stab it, hurry!” Luffy choked out.

Law couldn’t move and started to get punished by the crest. “Forget it!” he snapped. “If you can’t fight then take Zoro and run.” the monster began to claw at him. Luffy used his rubber body to coil his arms around the creature holding it so it couldn’t getaway.

“But...” Law was trembling.

“I’ll hold it here, just run!”

“But you’ll die!” Zoro cried out.

“Yeah...sorry...but you guys can still live.” He smiled. “I hope the next shield hero can do a better job than me.”

Law felt everything flash through him. ‘No...don’t die...not again…!’ was the shared thought between them. Zoro ran to get his swords.

Law charged in and stabbed the dog. It forced him off Luffy and it growled going after Law. Luffy had changed his shield to the Rope Shield. “Air Strike Shield!” the dog slammed into Luffy’s skill but Law was safe. Zoro got his swords and managed to get in one strong slash to one of the heads severing it.

It roared and went to bite Zoro, but Luffy was ready, pulling Zoro out of the way of his claws. Law charged in and stabbed him in the eye. The monster fell over dead, and Law and Zoro were left panting. “You did it!” Luffy was bleeding a lot.

“Master!” they rushed and hugged him, making Luffy hiss as his wounds were still fresh. Luffy went to level 10, but Zoro and Law jumped to level 11.

“You can’t die!” Zoro said clinging to him.

“Don’t leave us!” Law said.

“I’m not, you guys did it, you did great.” he pets them and let them cling to him.

“Master, can we have your name?” Law asked.

“Oh yeah, I guess I didn’t give you my name did I?” he sighed, he’s been a dick to them, they’ve been calling him master this whole time. He told Flampe his name and she never used it. “Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy!”

“Luffy-ya!” Law said and cuddled up against him.

“Luffy-sama!” Zoro hugged him.

“Okay, just a bit more than I’m gonna feed that monster to the shield and we are gonna get out of here.” they nodded.

Two-Headed Black Dog shield: Equip Effect: Alert Bark Shield Skill: Dog Bite

They left the mine after finishing off the spiders, without their leader it became a battle of territory and ended in them getting wiped out. His balloons ate some of the remains and leveled up. They were all starving so went to the town’s inn and Luffy splurged a little getting them a lot of food.


Zoro had a dream about his family and friends from the village. ‘You guys I’m getting stronger. I met the shield hero, he’s helping me get stronger. I’m gonna do our village proud.’ he could see them smiling. ‘I’m gonna be okay now because I’m with Luffy!’

Law had a dream about his family. ‘Father...Mother...sister...I met the shield hero, he was a little scary at first, but he’s actually really nice!’ Law’s dad poked him, and he could see them all smiling. He smiled. ‘Thank you for saving me...I’m gonna be alright now...I have Luffy-ya with me.’

The two didn’t have any night terrors, happily sharing a bed with Luffy.

To be continued


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