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Pocket Monsters parody: Tier 1

Kanto Fire Festival

Ash had just completed the gym run in the Kanto League, but it was still 8 weeks before the League actually begins. Ash needs to train and prepare for the upcoming league. He’s just not sure where to go or what to do, so Oak suggests Ash visiting the Kanto Fire Festival.

Chapter 1

Ash Ketchum was a new trainer, after coming of age he got his starter Pokemon, but not one he expected, a Pikachu. Their relationship was rocky at first, but the two were able to bond. Their journey continued together and Ash caught more Pokemon, a Caterpie who he evolved fully into a Butterfree, a Pidgeotto, he met a Charmander, a Bulbasaur, and a Squirtle, the three Kanto starters.

He was able to catch a Krabby, a Muk, a Primeape, and even got thirty Tauros from the Safari Zone. With his pokemon he took on the Gym Leaders of Kanto, getting badge after badge, he faced difficult challenges sometimes, but he did his best. His Charmander evolved into Charmeleon and again into a Charizard. The fire type had become a handful refusing to battle for Ash, ignoring his commands, and only fighting when he wanted to.

Ash had a bad habit of letting his arrogance and inexperience get the better of him, but he was young, easily excitable, and quick to respond to taunts. His main rival was Gary Oak, who often made him feel inferior, so he tended to overcompensate to try and prove himself.

He gained two travel companions, Brock the former Pewter City gym leader, who wanted to become a Pokemon Breeder. Misty who Ash met during getting attacked by a swarm of Spearow, Pikachu accidentally destroyed her bike while trying to protect Ash from the swarm. She travels with Ash wanting either a new bike or money to replace the old one. Misty was the former Cerulean City gym leader, one of four of them, and wanted to be a Water Pokemon master. She was not the best person, often insulting Ash and berating him. Brock did check Ash’s arrogance at times but he did it more constructively.

It was a long road, a whole year passing for Ash to complete the gym circuit, but he met a lot of pokemon, helped a lot of people, battled against Jessie and James of Team Rocket who was constantly trying to steal his and other people’s pokemon. Ash returned to his home town of Pallet to seek the advice of Prof. Oak who gave him his starter pokemon and his Pokedex.

Gary and Ash were the only trainers of Pallet who managed to complete the circuit and were entering the League. Oak rated their Pokedex, while Gary had caught more pokemon, Ash had seen more. He also had more badges than Ash, having 10 to Ash’s 8.

The two didn’t get along, both having very different beliefs on how to raise and train pokemon. Gary had multiples of his pokemon and rotated them out. Ash had a stronger bond with his pokemon, wanting to be more friends with them. Misty points out that his Charizard might disagree. Brock would argue that Butterfree chose Ash because of their bond and friendship, and has become one of Ash’s powerhouses.

“The Pokemon League isn’t opening for another 8 weeks, being held at the Indigo Plateau, so why don’t you attend the Kanto Fire Festival?” Oak suggested.

“Kanto Fire Festival?” Everyone asked at once.

“The Kanto Fire Festival is held on Origin Island, named for being the first sighting of the ancient Pokemon Mew,” Oak explained that Mew was a legendary Pokemon believed to be the ancestor of all pokemon. “So once a year they hold a month-long festival on this island. In the past many Pokemon Trainers go there before the league to catch new pokemon, train, and battle other trainers, all while celebrating, having fun, and earning prizes by participating in games.”

“That sounds awesome!” Ash said excitedly.

“On the island, you're allowed to carry 9 pokemon with you, and if you manage to win one of the events, you’ll receive a special badge so you can carry 9 pokemon off the island as well.”

“I’m in, what do you say guys?” Ash turned to his friends.

“I’m in!” Brock said and the two high fived.

“I’m going too, but I’m going to compete, I’m gonna catch some more Water pokemon!” Misty cheered.

“Guess we’ll both be going. Don’t get too jealous when I crush the competition and get all the prizes!” Gary said, and the two glare at each other.


Team Rocket was having some issues, they had managed to acquire a very powerful Pokemon. One that would haunt Gary’s nightmares with its overwhelming powers. The boss Giovanni had been deceiving the pokemon, tricking it to thinking he was helping him hone his powers.

It was a lie when the pokemon tried to revolt, Giovanni activated its armor. The pokemon was shocked and shocked, forcing it to unleash his power. The armor exploded, but the massive power blast caused Team Rocket’s base to explode with it. Injured and confused the pokemon fled to an island to try and recover.

Giovanni wasn’t gonna let this pokemon getaway, so he called on his agents to go after him, and capture him no matter what. Little did they know they’d be following him to a certain island.


Ash was excited, they took the ferry to Origin Island. He wondered if he’d get to meet the Pokemon Mew. He brought Krabby, Primeape, and one of his Tauros with him along with his regular team. Muk wasn’t sad though he was happy to glomp Ash and wish him luck catching new pokemon. Ash promised to rotate him once they got to the island. Muk trusted Ash now so he wasn’t producing any foul stench. “This is gonna be great!”

“Ash, don’t forget this is supposed to be training, of course, if you just wanna slack off, you’ll get crushed in the Pokemon League,” Misty said making Ash glare at her.

“I am gonna take this seriously. I’m gonna catch some more Pokemon, and take this chance to train them up!” Oak gave them tickets for the ferry.


Origin Island was bigger than Cinnabar, it had fields of grass, tall grass, deep woods, lakes scattered all over, it had three mountains; the smallest mountain had caves and tunnels running through it. The medium mountain was actually a volcano, and it had dry lands and hot springs around it. The largest mountain and the surrounding area was treated as preserve.

The city was beautiful; sitting at the center of the island, and everything was decked out for the festival. It had five levels, and said levels were divided further into districts. There were stalls offering food, games of all sorts, some stalls were even offering accessories and even new kinds of monster balls. There were trainers from all across Kanto here. Ash would be getting a fresh look at his competition here.

Not everyone here was a trainer, there were also people just here to celebrate pokemon and have fun. The festival was full of spectacle and fun for all sorts. For safety reasons non trainers could only go to levels 4 and 5. Trainers, however, did get discounted rooms at the local hotel and had full reign over the levels. This festival was also golden for Pokemon researchers and pokemon scientists. They had small events across the month, it was like a convention but for pokemon.

Programs were handed out at the harbor, including a map. The island was free to explore, and trainers were free to capture any Pokemon in the main areas of the island. One section of the island was said to be off limits.

According to the program, the Festival’s first big event was a catching contest, trainers could enter with just one of their pokemon, while the rest got to relax at the Pokemon lounge area. Trainers would receive special Fire Festival Balls that would be used in the event, trainers would be allowed to keep all the pokemon they catch but the one who catches the most pokemon would receive an extra special prize. Later would be a play dedicated to the legend of Mew, followed by a banquet.

The gang was excited.

Brock checked out the future events. There was a Pokemon Race where trainers could ride on Pokemon and race them. A Train Ride Battle Circuit, where trainers got to battle while riding on the train getting to see the whole city while exploring different styles of battle. Apricorn Picking, Berry Picking, Fishing Royal, Mining Rush, Fire Festival Contest, Tag Tournament, all culminating into the Fire Festival Tournament. These were just the main events, so there was something for everyone. There were even Breeder events, showing techniques to bond with and take care of pokemon. Misty was going gaga over the fishing contest. Showcases were showing off new pokemon tech including tests for new Pokeballs. You could even pick Apricorn and take them to Fire Festival expert Pokeball crafters to get unique pokeballs one could only get from Origin Island. There were also rides, delicious food, even free battle areas.


The group checks in to the hotel, Ash and Brock would be sharing a room, while Misty got a room to herself. The receptionist said they did have a single room, and Misty pushed forward and took the room for herself. She was very boastful at first until she learned her smaller and wasn’t as fancy as Ash’s room. Even the worst rooms were still nice, having a soft bed, a tv, a desk, a closet, and a private bathroom with a tub, a sink, and a shower.

Ash’s room he shared with Brock, was slightly bigger, had a table, a closet, a safe, and their washroom had a tub, a shower, a hot tub. They dropped off some stuff before heading back out to enter the catching contest. “Late again Ashy boy!” Gary was already there.

“Gary!” He grumbled.

“What did you expect? I’m always one step ahead of you.” Gary had his Nidoking out, he was using this Poison-type pokemon for the event.

“He’s not your only competition Ash, I’m gonna catch way more Pokemon than you and get the grand prize!” Misty said, and she brought out her Starmie.

Brock was also entering, choosing his Vulpix. Their pokemon were dropped off at the Lounge Area, where pokemon could relax and even watch the event unfold. There was food and toys for mons to play with and enjoy while they waited.

Ash registered and ended up getting number 69. He was using Pikachu.

Ash went to the lounge area to drop off his Pokemon. The gang cheered for him, but Ash was a little worried about calling out Charizard. He did in the end and braced for the Flamethrower. It didn’t come, Charizard was distracted by the large spread of food, he ignored Ash and started eating. “You guys have fun, and wish me luck!”

His pokemon cheered while Charizard just huffed. Ash sighed, he missed the good old days where he and Charmander were so close. ‘Is there anything I can do…’

To be continued...Catching Contest


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