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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 6

 Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/pocket-dom-hyper-25140439 

Ash (Dom) 11 inches (5 Dom Balls)

Oak (Sub) 6 inches

Gary (Sub) 11 inches soft 33 inches hard


Ash: Pikachu, Charmander, Pidgey

Gary: Eevee, Squirtle, Rattata

Chapter 3 Center Attacked New Sub?

The next day their pokemon had recovered and the two were able to eat, shower, and get registered for the Pokemon League. Ash was first. “Alright Ash, first allow me to present you with your Cash Card.” Nurse Joy explained. The Cash Card was a digital card that registered any battle you have and collected cash upon victory and dished out cash on a loss. Depending on the number of pokemon used in the battle, and the skill and rank of the trainer the money value was calculated.

All trainers registered in the league had the cards. As a bonus for signing up, Ash received 5000$. The League received large amounts of money in both ticket and streaming sales for the major event, not to mention supplying trainers with items, balls, and more. So they encouraged trainers to join and register for the official pokemon league.

Next was Gary he got his cash card and got his bonus. “You are a sub yes?” Gary blushed and nodded. “Then this is for you.” she handed over a box.

Gary opened the box up and blushed, it was a very large butt plug, with the crest of the Pokemon League on it. “Oooh!” Ash’s eyes sparkled at it. “This is free?”

“Yes, after each gym badge your subs win, go to the center and receive an exclusive toy.” Ash took the toy and eyed Gary with lustful glee. He hauls the brunette into the nearest bathroom, Nurse Joy giggling as they left.

“Spread those cheeks,” Ash said excitedly. Gary obeyed, exposing his well-used hole. The raven-haired boy whistled, marveling at Gary’s sexy ass. He got the toy nice and wet, before sliding it into Gary, his ass opening up and swallowing the toy, keeping him nice and stretched.

The brunette blushed, his toes curling, and his blush spreading from ear to ear. “This will make sure you stay nice and open for me!” he grinned. Gary could only moan as Ash playfully slapped his ass. “Let's go do some shopping!”

It was weird walking with the toy in his ass, but he got used to it. With their pokemon healed, and money in hand they headed to the pokemon market. The markets varied from town to town, some had more variety shops, but almost always had a wares shop, a ball shop, and a dom shop.

They were able to stock up on Pokemon food, and some potions. Then hit the ball shop to split the balls, they got 20 in total, getting 10 each, and a premium ball each as a reward. Gary was seeing a whole new side of Ash, it was nice seeing him so happy. The boy's excitement continued to grow as they made their way to the dom shop.

The place made Gary's face go full tomato. It was wall to wall sex toys, dildos of all shapes, sizes, and styles, some clearly being designed based on different pokemon dicks. There were toys that vibrated, toys that stimulated the ass, cock, and many other erogenous zones. They also offered lube, condoms, and of course Dom Balls of all kinds.

They couldn’t buy some of the more expensive and advanced toys, but Gary got some vibrating eggs. Ash got a set of training dildos, and some new Dom Balls; Milk Balls, Hormone Balls, and Hypno Balls. The shop owner was a tall man with black hair, blue eyes, and had heart-shaped marks on his cheeks.

He smiled seeing the two. “You have quite the lovely sub, Hyper Ball?”

“Yep!” Ash grinned. Gary blushed.

“Hey raise your head sugar, there’s no shame in being a sub.” Gary shook his head.

Ash rubbed his back. “He’s just a little shy.”

“Aww cute,” the shopkeeper handed over an item. “This is the Dom Mood Ring, rub it and all your subs will experience pleasure.”


“You two enjoy. I wish you luck on your adventures!” the shopkeeper waved them off.

“I’m not that shy...” Gary said. Ash kissed his cheek.

With their supplies stocked Ash and Gary headed out to catch some new pokemon. Instead of heading to Route 2, but there was a police roadblock, they said they were on the lookout for Pokemon Thieves and to move along. So, they headed west to Route 22.

Ash had Charmander out to let him get some battle experience. Gary did the same with Squirtle. Ash found a Nidoran (M) while Gary found a Nidoran (F). “Go!” their pokemon battled hard, and the two were so in sync they managed to beat and catch their respective Nidoran at the same time.

“We did it!” Ash cheered, he kissed Gary, knocking the brunette down. They made out a bit, but before they could fool around.

“Mankey!” a fighting type rushed out and snatched Ash’s hat.

“My hat!” Ash gasped. “Give that back to me!”

‘Oh shit!’ Gary knew how much Ash loved that hat, it was an official Pokemon League Hat, only 50 were made for Kanto. Ash sent in over a hundred cards in to win it.

Mankey just taunted Ash, bouncing around happily at his prize. “Charmander!” The fire type roared and charged into battle. The fighting type was strong, but Charmander turned that power against him using Rage. He fought hard for Ash, each blow and scratch from Mankey fueling his rage and increasing his power.

He slammed into him and sent him flying back into a tree. Charmander got his hat back, but Mankey came back. He used a surprising attack Thrash! It hit Charmander knocked him back, Ash’s hat fell to the side. Mankey went for the hat and Charmander blasted him with a strong Ember attack. “Go Pokeball!” Ash tossed a ball.

It sucked Mankey up. Jiggle...Jiggle...Ding! “Alright!” Ash cheered. He got his hat back and collected his fighting type. “Now then, where were we?” Ash was about to pounce on Gary and celebrate catching their pokemon.

Gary was ready to be with his master, but the two froze when they heard a familiar call. “Spearow!” chills ran down their spines as a Spearow glared at them.

“You don’t think...” the Spearow dove at Gary.

“It’s after me!” Gary cried out.

Squirtle protected his trainer since he was fully recovered he was able to fight better against the flying type. Despite the interruption, the Spearow kept trying to attack Gary. “Gary catch him!” Ash ordered.

“Yes, master!” He had Squirtle get him down with Water Gun and after he tried to get away Gary tossed a Pokeball. The flying type was shocked but it got sucked up. Jiggle...Jiggle...Ding! “I caught it!”

“Yes!” Ash cheered and glomped Gary, the two making out heavily. Gary put his arms around Ash, kissing back. Just as he got hard, they heard angry cries. It seems the Spearow weren’t happy that their leader was captured.

“Oh no not again!” Ash and Gary sweatdropped. The swarm let out a cry that screamed charge. Charmander, Pikachu, and Squirtle had to lift Gary up and run with him. With Gary hard, he was 33 inches, hard to run like that.

Ash remembered the ring, and he began to rub it as they ran. Gary moaned as pleasure spread through him. “Ash!” his massive rod pulsed and throbbed.

“Just hold on guys, Gary when the time is right aim and fire.” he rubbed the ring faster.

“Ohhhh!” he drooled, toes curling as pleasure spread through him like wildfire. He panted like he was in heat. The Spearow went after Gary’s giant cock as it bounced and swayed. It was like a taunt.

The more Ash rubbed the more pleasure Gary felt. “I...I...I’m cumming!” Gary arched his back, bring his hands down to help aim his cock at the charging Spearow. His climax hit and in a move that made Squirtle jealous he came shooting his load and hitting the charging flying types. They were knocked back and crashed into the ones behind them, his thick semen soaked their wings and made them collapse to the ground. The manly musk making them confused and dizzy.

They made it back to the Pokemon Center and had their pokemon treated. Pikachu, Charmander, and Squirtle was exhausted from battle and running from the Spearow. Plus their new pokemon needed to get treated.

Gary was getting a shower, and the Chansey delivered his pokemon to him. Ash was relaxing in the lounge area. His Pokemon were brought out to him. Ash sighed, he felt a strong stirring in his loins. He was happy Gary got to get off, but his balls were itching to release.

Just as he was about to check on Gary, and probably have some special fun time, the lights suddenly went out. “Hey what’s going on?” The glow of Charmander’s tail lit up the room, just in time to see a strange purple floating pokemon.

“Koffing!” The room began to fill with smoke.

“Pidgey I choose you!” he calls out the flying type and with a strong Gust, he blows the smoke away.

“Not bad kid.” A blue-haired man appeared and the Koffing floated down to him. “But you better surrender now, or you’ll be losing more than your pokemon.”

“You’re a pokemon thief?” Ash asked.

“That’s right, so surrender now or prepare to fight.”

“Just who are you what are you doing here?”

“The name is James, of Team Rocket. We’ll be taking your pokemon and all the pokemon at this center.”

“We?” What Ash didn’t know James had a partner, who came in from the back.

Jessie caught Gary with his towel down, but being a sub meant he wasn’t shy and quickly challenged the pokemon thief. Joy got the lights on thanks to a Pikachu back up generator. Jessie laughed seeing the naked boy. “I have no time to waste on a sub, get lost.”

“I’ll show you!” Gary called out his pokemon and the battle between Ekans and Eevee was on.

Ash got a good look at James, he was quite handsome, but what surprised Ash was that he had a Dom Badge. “You’re a dom trainer?”

“Indeed I am!” he smirked. “So if you don’t want to become my sub, surrender, and hand over your pokemon.”

“I don’t think so, I’m a Dom Trainer, I challenge you and when I win, I’m gonna punish you for attacking the center!”

Pikachu and Koffing battled first. The Poison-type was dangerous but was no match for Pikachu’s speed. Just as James was about to use Poison Gas, Pikachu used Thunder Wave, paralyzing it and made it unable to move. “Pikachu finish it up with Thunder Shock!”

Koffing got zapped and fainted. “Oh my Koffing! You did well return.” Ash was surprised at how worried and caring James was, but shook it off as this guy was a thief, meaning he was a bad guy right? “Go Growlie!”

James sent out a Growlithe. “Charmander, you’re up!” The two fire types clashed.

“You can do it Growlie!” James cheered.

Charmander was all fired up and they battled hard, their match ending in a draw. “Charmander, you did great!”

“Growlie, you battled hard, thank you!” he pets the little guy and Growlie licks his cheek.

“James, why are you with Team Rocket? You don’t seem like a Pokemon Thief.”

“I have my reasons, you’ll learn once you're my sub you’ll serve Team Rocket!”

“Not gonna happen!” James called out a Weepinbell, while Ash had Pidgey battle him. Despite being evolved James’ grass type was at a disadvantage.

“Use Poison Powder!” Pidgey got doused in the toxic spores. After a barrage of Quick Attack and Gust Weepinbell fainted, but Pidgey fainted due to the poison. It was another draw, but because of Ash’s win with Pikachu, it means he won the Dom Match.

“Go, Mankey!” Ash called out his fighting type. The little guy pounced on James, stripping his clothes so fast all James could do was cry out in surprise as his shredded uniform revealed his Dom outfit.

He was wearing speedos with a hole in the front showing off his soft 8 incher, it had long leather straps that covered his nipples reached over his shoulders and connected to the back of the speedos. Ash was gonna punish James by using the Hypno Ball but decided against it.

“Milk Ball Go!” he tossed the Dom Ball and it smacked James right in his exposed dick.

“Eyyyy!” James gasped as he was sucked inside.


“Alright, I got a new sub!” His pokemon cheered.

To be continued


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