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One Piece parody: Tier 1

Chapter 13  https://www.patreon.com/posts/32237042 

Chapter 14 The End of the Krieg Pirates!

Luffy summoned some slimes from himself and had them care for Zoro. His life wouldn’t be in danger but he needed time to heal and recover. Luffy wanted to treat him properly but with the Krieg Pirates still about it made things far more difficult. Johnny and Yosaku would keep guard on him. Nami went inside, but Coby remained outside to help the chefs fend off the Krieg pirates.

Mihawk had been thoroughly entertained. “I’ll take my leave, for now, it was good seeing you Luffy. I will count the days till next, we meet.” he took Luffy’s hand and kissed the back of it. “I acknowledge your little swordsman, I look forward to seeing his growth and yours.”

Just as he was about to sail out. “Hold it Mihawk, didn’t you chase me all this way, aren’t you gonna settle things.” Krieg stepped up, he really didn’t know when to quit.

“I followed you because I was bored, you were just unlucky fools who crossed my path. I’ve had my fun, but I’m ready to retire back to the Grand Line.”

“You might regret that option...” he readied his weapons.

“I highly doubt it,” he sailed off turning his back to the armored male.

“DON’T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!” he launched a barrage of bullets and shells. Mihawk countered it so easily it barely looked like he moved, all the bullets were slashed apart, Krieg was blown back as his footing was slashed apart. “Damn you!”

“I’m leaving you to the young marine. He will finish you.”

Krieg turned to glare at the naked marine. ‘You think so, but I saw your fight, I saw how you attacked. That little slime freak isn’t invincible, he does have a weak spot, the slime core!’

“Men, bring me that ship or die trying!” The men charged, but the cooks stood their ground, they weren’t cowards, they were the toughest chefs on the sea. Sanji was taking them on, using powerful kicks. He was bringing them down one after another, it was clear he was on another level.

Once they were down, Luffy trapped them and pinned them down with slime. “You losers...Pearl get out here and deal with them!”

You could call Pearl one of the Krieg pirates heavy hitters. He tangoed with Sanji, and while the armored man got in a few hits the blonde was able to deal him a heavy blow. Once he saw his own blood he snapped, lighting himself on fire, and launching his now burning pearls. Krieg was pissed as Pearl nearly burned down the Baratie. ‘That idiot!’ Krieg cursed. They needed that ship but Pearl was gonna burn it down.

Zeff dispatched some of the flaming pearls with a swift kick, but Pearl was going crazy spreading flames to their footing, which was spreading to the ship. The chefs were running around trying to stop the flames.

Luffy to the rescue, as he put a slime tentacle in the water and began to suck it up, only to dish out putting out the flames. Luffy’s slime was okay as long as he wasn’t fully submerged.

Sanji wasn’t one scared of heat, he was a chef. So he took on the flaming Pearl and beat him, teaching him a lesson with some bad manners kick course! Pearl’s body armor did nothing against the impact and force of Sanji’s kicks. The blonde spun and did a solid kick down on Pearl’s head, the man’s head caved and his face turned purple.

“Useless you are all useless!” Krieg was pissed.

Gin heard this, it was only getting worse as the rest of the crew raised concerns about going to the Grand Line again only to get shot down. ‘Captain Krieg...I have lived my life following you, I admired your strength, how can you do this?’

“You are really awesome Sanji!” Luffy praised, making the blonde blush.

“You damn brat, you think you can defeat the Great Don Krieg?!” he shouted.

“Great? I’ve read your file, you’ve always played dirty, you use dirty tricks to cheat your way to a win, you built up a massive fleet and ganged up on weaker pirates and enemies.”

“Your wrong, Don Krieg is a great man he...”

“Shut up Gin!” Krieg snapped at him. “Let the little pest bark, that’s all you marine dogs are good at doing.” he glared at Luffy. “You aren’t unstoppable slime boy, you got a weak spot. You wanna protect these shitty cooks, that restaurant, let's see you try!” he readied a special weapon. “Eat this my ultimate gas weapon!” He fired the MH5 weapon.

Krieg and his men put on gas masks, while some of the chefs dove into the water. Coby and Sanji were in trouble, Luffy dove on them and quickly shielded them with his slime. His gas weapon was launched and boom! Nami had the time to seal the windows and get everyone away from the doors.

Much to Krieg’s shock, the poison smog seemed to swirl in, instead of spreading out. ‘Luffy-san!’ Coby twitched.

Luffy had sucked in the poison gas, his skin turning purple, and weird purple bubbles coming out of his hair. “Hic...hic...” he got off the two, swaying and staggering. “Poison doesn’t work on slimes...baka!”

“He sucked in all that poison?” Krieg couldn’t believe it. “Get him men!” his men removed their gas masks and charged at him with swords.

“Die marine!” the man slashed at Luffy and whoosh, a stream of poison gas escaped him and hit the guy right in the face, the pirate began to foam at the mouth and crumbled to the ground. Luffy’s body repaired itself. The guys tried to attack again, but this time wearing their gas masks.

Luffy’s moves were hard to predict, it was like he was drunk. “Hic...hic…you guys suck!” Luffy started going wild smacking the pirates around, tossing some far away, landing with a heavy thud and big splash. “Trash, trash, trash!” he was taking no prisoners. He released a stream of liquid poison hitting the pirates, knocking them out. Their gas masks couldn’t protect them from the concentrated liquid poison that soaked into their skin.

He tried to attack Krieg, spinning his body to unleash a huge spout of poison, but he used one of his men as a shield. The guy let out a choked cry, Gin’s eyes widen as Krieg tossed the poor soul aside. Luffy got the poison out of his system, but he was still a tad disoriented. “Crummy bastard! You really don’t care about anyone but yourself!”

“Fool, I am Don Krieg, I am the strongest, I am great! These men are lucky to follow me.” Luffy shook his head. “Anyone who doesn’t follow my orders is scum!”

“Let me teach you what real strength is.” Luffy cracked his knuckles.

“Bring it on, perverted slime!” He tossed bombs into the water hoping to destroy Luffy’s footing, but the slime boy just used Moon Walk to take to the sky. Luffy charged at Krieg, only for Don to reveal a cloak of spikes, Luffy didn’t hesitate, he used Iron Body and slammed into him and the pathetic spikes got smashed and Krieg was knocked back.

Krieg wiped the blood from his mouth. “He’s amazing!” Sanji said staring at possibly the most bizarre fight he’d ever seen.

“Luffy-san will win!” Coby stated confidently. Gin was stunned, Gin had risked his life for don Krieg time and time again. He didn’t care, this man expected it, and wouldn’t do the same for his own men.

‘Have I really been so blind?’ He was always willing to die for Don Krieg and the crew, he’s always been loyal but did loyalty really mean so little.

“The only scum here is you!” The crew was shocked, none of them had seen Don Krieg brought down like this before.

“I see...I see...you are pretty strong for a military dog...I’ve learned my lesson...I’ll leave...” Krieg seemed shaken by Luffy’s attack. “NOT BEFORE I SEND YOU TO HELL MONSTER!” he launched a surprise attack attempting to hit Luffy with a point-blank explosion.

Luffy dodged using Shave and swiftly kicked Krieg in the face. Their Don was down again. The men were in shock, men were supposed to die without ever touching Krieg, but it seems there were those of beating him easily. His legend was crumbling. “Get up, playing possum won’t work with me.”

“Shut up!” Don Krieg revealed another weapon, the Mighty Battle Spear. He swung it and Luffy dodged but wasn’t expecting the explosion that followed. Monkey was forced back, his body disrupted from the blast and his core was exposed. “I saw your fight with Mihawk, he had something in his sights when he attacked you, something that made you nervous. You have a core! I break that you die!”

Luffy’s body reformed. “You make it sound so easy!” Luffy zipped in and Krieg swung. Boom! Luffy’s body was singed but not broken. “Iron Body, your cheap weapons and tactics can’t break that.”

Krieg wailed on him with the spear, but Luffy took it all. The tip of the spear broke off when Luffy hit it with a Finger Pistol. “Five Finger Pistol: Finger Shotgun!” His next attack destroyed the spear and caused an explosion even Krieg couldn’t escape.

“Now, Finger Pistol, Gatling Attack!” Luffy struck at Krieg’s armor. Krieg didn’t try to dodge, only laughing believing his armor was unbreakable.

“You can’t beat me, I’m unstoppable!”

“Ten Finger Pistol...” Luffy pulled his hands back. “Double Barrel Shotgun!” Luffy’s ten fingers struck Krieg’s armor with such force the armor shattered into pieces.

“Iron Body: Slime Fist Bazooka!” Luffy dealt a powerful blow to Krieg, knocking the wind out of him. He did manage to drop some bombs in an attempt to cast Luffy into the sea. The marine jumped into the air, Krieg tried to trap him in an iron net, but Luffy just phased through it, his core slipping through one of the gaps easily. Krieg fell into the water and Luffy landed safely on the fins of the Baratie.

Gin was amazed, such strength, true strength. Krieg was a man who covered himself with weapons and armor, was beaten by a naked man who fought with technique and skill. He didn’t even rely on his devil fruit power.

“You did it!” Coby cheered and ran over to Luffy and hugged him.

“That was pretty gutsy of you,” Sanji said, blushing as he looked the naked boy over. “Uhh thanks for saving me.”

“No problem, it was my pleasure,” Luffy said with a smile.

Krieg popped out of the water. “You little brat!” he glared. “Gin what are you standing around for, finish off these brats now!”

“But...Don Krieg...I...” He still didn’t feel right attacking Sanji or Zeff who gave them food. Luffy could see the guy’s conflicted.

“You are actually a good guy Gin, you don’t have to listen to what that weakling says.” Gin looked between the two.

“Gin! I am your captain, you must obey me!”

“No!” Gin shouted. “I’ve always followed you, and you never listen, even when your actions lead us into trouble I’m always the one who cleans up the mess.” his hands balled into fists. “I believed you were strong, it made me wanna be strong too.”

“I am strong Gin, I’m the strongest. I took you in, you wanted adventure and I gave it to you. You owe me!”

“I followed you because I believed you were strong and I fooled myself into believing every lie you’ve told. I’ve always been loyal to you, I’ve deluded myself into thinking you were always right.”

“That’s the problem, you scum, you don’t think you just have to obey!”

“You bastard!” Gin glared. “I renounce my position as First Mate of the Krieg Pirates, I am leaving your crew!”

“Gin! You dare betray me!” Gin laughed.

“That’s funny coming from you, you have hurt countless of your own men for even disagreeing with you. You don’t have a loyal bone in your body.”

“All of you...I’m surrounded by useless scum and a traitor.” Krieg was trembling. “I don’t need you, keep your ship, go and serve demons in hell!” Krieg shouted and pulled out a gun.

“What’s he thinking!”

“Do it, Pearl, wipe out all of those little fools at once!”

Pearl stumbled to his feet and revealed a large black sphere. “Black Pearl Surprise!” He went to strike it, this was a powder keg that made cannon balls look like fire crackers. The men screamed in terror. This was Pearl’s final attack if he was ever captured he would use it and destroy the ship he was on.

He didn’t get a chance to strike it as Gin came in with his weapons and hit Pearl. One hit had his armor shattering into pieces. Luffy whistled, very impressed as Gin’s strength. The black pearl was dropped and rolled.

“Die!” Krieg shouted and fired a gun at the pearl. Luffy acted fast, using Shave he zipped around and kicked the black pearl, it went flying right at Krieg and BOOM!

If Luffy hadn’t kicked it, everyone, on the Baratie would have died from that explosion.  

“Whoo, that was close.” Luffy wiped his brow.  

Sanji sweat dropped. “Would you please put on some pants?”

“Why?” Luffy tilted his head cutely, lazily scratching at his crotch.

Luffy was given an apron to wear at least, and Sanji found him even more erotic than before. He got a nosebleed and fainted. Luffy collected the rest of the Krieg pirates binding them with slime. Krieg was scorched, he lost some teeth, lost his air and it was exposed the guy was packing a half an inch of cock.

Gin surrendered himself. “I need to pay for my crimes, even if I left his crew I’m still a pirate.”

“What if you weren’t, how about you join up with the Marines?”

“Are you...are you serious?”

“I’m serious, you’ll have to start off as a chore boy and be on your best behavior, but everyone deserves a second chance.”

“Do you really think I can be a marine?”

“I do, you are a good guy Gin, you just ended up following the wrong guy.” he offered his hand. “To second chances?”

“To second chances.” Gin clapped his hand.

Luffy had to make a call to HQ and give them a report and send a request in for transport. He was sure he was gonna get an ear full from his superiors but he didn’t care.

“If you are still taking new recruits, I’d like to join.” Luffy turned and was surprised to see Sanji. The slime grinned.

“Yay!” Luffy pounced on Sanji making the blonde blush.

“Oi get off me, oi oi!” he shivered. Krieg’s loot was confiscated and given to Zeff to make repairs.

Zoro was recovering nicely, Luffy had his slimes work their magic on him, he’d be sore for a few days, but he needed a good rest. Johnny and Yosaku were impressed with the slime’s skills and were happy to learn from him.

Nami was quiet, she had bared witness to something crazy, but it gave her something...hope. ‘He just might be to help us Bellemere.’ She thought and gripped her shoulder tight.

To be continued


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