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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/naked-dragon-1-29301214 

Chapter 2 The Wild Guild Fairy Tail

There were many assortments of magical guilds that catered to different needs, but all magic guilds had wizards and a mission board. Requests were sent to magical guilds to handle jobs that vary in rank.

E Rank Jobs do not require magic assistance, often focusing on labor, work assistance, and odd jobs.

D to A Rank Jobs require magic, the varying rank is determined about the difficulty of the job in question, be it breaking a curse, hunting magical beasts, bodyguard work, defeating bandits, even bounty hunting.

S Rank Jobs are extremely dangerous, you either need to be an S Rank Mage or have a team to take on such a job. The reward might be high, but the death rate is also higher.

SS Rank Jobs are the top tier, and wizards can only take them on if you are an S Rank Mage, no exceptions.

Outside of the Ranked Jobs, there’s also the aged missions, classified by 10 years and 100 years. These missions have been incomplete for many years, being considered very difficult.

One guild, in particular, was rather famous for being wild and unruly, though their track record with missions was high, they also caused quite a lot of collateral damage. These wizards were quirky, unorthodox, crazy, so much so the Magic Council got many complaints about them. Natsu Dragneel was one of these wizards, a wizard of Fairy Tail.

Natsu returned to town and received a warm welcome, in this town Natsu was well known, so only newcomers and travelers gave him weird looks. Natsu Dragneel a fire dragon slayer, and one who is a practitioner of spectrum fire magic, this meant he could use other color fire magic, such as Purple Flare. Some of the flames were staples in the spectrum, such as the Blue Flame: Ice Fire, flames so cold they burn, Purple Flare was another staple. It is rare for one to master more than one other color on the spectrum, which was a tribute to Natsu’s talents as he had mastered six.

His Red Flames was his Dragon Fire, his Orange Flames were unique Slumber Flames, flames that could burn away one’s consciousness and just looking at them can make one drowsy. His Green Flames had become the Healing Flame, a flame that can burn away wounds and sickness, his guild master told him that healing magic was quite rare and the fact Natsu could harness it was a sign he had a caring heart. His Blue Flames was Ice Fire, and last was Purple Flare. He hadn’t decided what kind of flame his yellow flare should be, but he wanted to keep growing, to keep mastering the power of flames.

He had learned a lot since coming to Fairy Tail, he also gained a lot, people who accepted him, people who understood him, people who helped him grow and shape who he was. Funny how life worked, after Igneel disappeared he was all alone, he had joined the guild to find answers and clues to where Igneel might be but found a home, work, and friends.

Natsu reached the guild, the place was three stories high, it contained a library in the basement, a bar, and lots of other cool stuff. “I’m back!” Natsu cheered.

“Natsu!” his guildmates cheered, and the pinkette chuckled.

“Oi Natsu, you are looking manly as always, let’s put out manliness to the test!” Elfman Strauss said, removing his jacket and facing Natsu shirtless. The guy was tall and muscular, his thick arms, beefy pecs, and rock hard abs flexed as he took a fighting stance.

“Sounds good Elfman!” Natsu cracked his knuckles. The two started to rumble, Elfman’s arm transformed into a stone fist. His power was known as Take Over, he could transform parts of his body based on monsters he’s defeated. The two traded blows back and forth and Elfman ended up naked, his fat 8 incher getting exposed. “Not bad Elfman, you’ve gotten stronger!”

He was under Natsu’s foot, the wizard’s cock getting stiff under Natsu’s sole. “N-Natsu...” he groaned and bucked his hips, Natsu pushed back grinding his foot into Elfman’s crotch. Elfman couldn’t help but get hard if there was one thing he loved it was manliness, and Natsu was one of the true men in the guild in his opinion.

“Oi Natsu!” He turned his head to see Gray Fullbuster, the guild’s ice wizard, and fellow semi-nudist. Gray was trained in Ice Make Magic, his teacher taught them by embracing the cold which involved stripping. He developed a bad habit of stripping off his clothes, which often ended up with him streaking or fighting naked. The only difference between Natsu and Gray was, the ice wizard was shy and actually wore clothes regularly, he just ended up losing them. Gray got off the bar and he was wearing nothing but his boxers.

“Gray your clothes!” Cana pointed out.

“Aww damn it!” he looked around but his clothes were nowhere to be found.

“Welcome home, Natsu!” Mirajane Strauss greeted. As the last name suggests she’s Elfman’s sister, his older sister to be exact.

“Forget it, Natsu, I heard what happened in Hargeon Town, you were being reckless again.” he marched over.

“Aww were you worried about me Gray?” he continued to grind his foot into Elfman’s crotch making the muscle man moan and groan.

“Idiot!” he got in the pinkette’s face. From an outsider’s perspective, Gray was giving Natsu a look to kill. “Of course I was!” he snapped and kissed Natsu full on the lips.

“Mmm,” Natsu kissed back, slipping his arms around the ice wizard, shamelessly sliding them back and into his boxers and groping his fine ass. The kiss was heated, full of passion and longing, their tongues meeting to say hello and I missed you. They made out all while Natsu gave Elfman a foot job.

The guild was used to this but fire and ice, not the most compatible pair one would think. It was true, the two used to fight like cats and dogs. Then Erza sent them on a mission together, Mirajane approved, she always thought there was something different between them.

During the mission, Natsu got hit on a lot, in front of Gray, which continued to piss the ice wizard off. He eventually snapped as one guy tried to grab Natsu’s ass, he froze the dude’s hand. This led to the two talking, and things coming out, and feelings being shared. As it turned out Gray cared about Natsu a lot, and the dragon slayer felt the same.

Their rivalry had been away for the two idiots to talk and interact with each other. Natsu called him an idiot and kissed him, and their relationship and their combo followed. It was shortly after this that Natsu learned Ice Fire.

It was a shock for the guild at first, but things didn’t really change, the two still bickered, sparred, and roughhoused. The whole guild found it almost cute how the two still bickered with each other. The two weren’t shy about how they feel about each other either.

As for Elfman, Natsu was raised by Igneel and taught the birds and the bees by the dragon. Dragons took multiple lovers, seeing each of them as his treasures. Natsu adopted the same approach, he talked it over with Gray, and they decided to give it a test run.

Turns out, while Gray disliked random dudes flirting with Natsu, he actually enjoyed watching Natsu mess with other guys. The dragon slayer had away, of making guys come undone, burning away all the nonsense and posturing and getting to the heart of the matter. Natsu had done it to Gray, the ice wizard was a lot shyer in the bedroom, the fire dragon melted down his walls and took him to new heights of pleasure.

He had watched him do it to Elfman, and it was the hottest thing ever. So as long as Natsu mated his partners and brought them into the family, he was cool with it. Natsu treated them both equally, like treasures. He was very open with his love.

Gray was brought to orgasm, his cum coating the insides of his boxers. Elfman moaned as he came, his seed showering his muscled form. Natsu yanked off Gray’s boxers, leaving him bare-ass naked, and dropped the soiled boxers on Elfman’s face. The muscle head, groaned as the strong manly musk filled his senses. He took deep whiffs of his manliness, his cock stiffening back up.

Natsu pulled Elfman up and kissed him. Gray watched the kiss, and felt himself harden back up, he rubbed his hard-on against Natsu’s body. His heat was so warm and inviting. Elfman was no better pressing himself against Natsu and shamelessly humping against him.

The more they rubbed, the hotter things got. Their skin grew flushed and they began to sweat heavily. It wasn’t just them, the heat that radiated off Natsu’s body caused all the clothing in the guild to melt. Some were embarrassed, others went with the flow and watched the show. Dicks were grabbed, some couples in the guild started making out and getting hot and heavy.

Gray and Elfman moaned and showered Natsu with their semen. “I missed you guys!” he grinned. Elfman was part of Team Natsu, Mirajane approved since he seemed happier now, and she felt better knowing they had each other’s backs, naked as they were.

To be continued


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