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Ben 10 parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/backlash-chapter-30815366 

Chapter 3 Lucky Girl Makes Three

The Rustbucket was heading to a Witchcraft Museum, much to Gwen’s excitement. Kevin and Ben were in bed together, resting up after a long day of training and gaming. The raven-haired teen was the first to awaken and he found himself in Ben’s arms, all four of them. To make matters worse, Kevin had his legs wrapped around Ben’s. ‘Oh man this looks bad!’ he began to panic but stopped as he stared at the sleeping Ben.

He felt his heart flutter and his cheeks go red. They were so close, so very, very close. Ben’s warmth was so inviting, Kevin found it hard not to press into him. Ben was shirtless since they still didn’t have the whole four-arm situation down, Ben had a vest that was working for him but his shirts and jackets were useless.

Ben yawned and stretched, allowing Kevin to pull back. “Morning,” he yawned.

“Morning.” the boys got up and stretched.

“Let’s hit the shower before Gwen gets up.” To save on water, Ben and Kevin showered together, the shower in the bathroom of the rust bucket was just big enough for two. It wasn’t a great shower, the hot water didn’t last long at all. Gwen complained about splitting the water even more, so Ben offered to share the shower with Kevin.

“Yeah...” Kevin had agreed to share the shower, but that was becoming weird. Ben removed his boxers, exposing his twin thick cocks. Kevin blushed at the sight. He removed his nightshirt and boxers and the boys headed to shower.

Ben hummed the Sumo Slammers theme song as he washed his hair and body at the same time. Kevin kept stealing glances at the brunette, it was a surprise that Ben had two dicks, he didn’t have them before apparently. Just another change from having the mixed DNA, they were fully functioning to.

He was also surprised at the size, Ben’s penis was twice the size of his own. Ben didn’t lord it over him or anything, just something he noticed. He was noticing a lot of things about Ben. They finished washing up, Ben oblivious to the fact Kevin was checking him out.

If they thought the trip to the Magic Museum was gonna be dull, they were in for a big surprise. A magical villain known as Hex attacked seeking to steal the Archamada Book of Spells, he wanted to combine the power of the Charms of Bezel with the book to unlock ultimate power, blah blah, cue the villain monologue.

Ben went XLR8 and with four arms and super speed, he got in a few good hits on him. Kevin snatched the spellbook back from him, Hex tried to burn him with fire, but Kevin absorbed the stone from a nearby pillar and he blocked the flames. While Hex was focused on Kevin, Ben was able to zip in and give the guy a pummeling before smacking him away with his tail.

Hex went flying, losing one of his charms. “Those two sure make a good team!” Max said.

“Yeah...” Gwen crossed her arms. Ben took one of the charms as a souvenir. He often collected a souvenir from a baddie and added it to his collection. Since Kevin joined Ben didn’t need Gwen much anymore, but she liked the excitement, the adventure. She wanted to do hero stuff to…

Ben noticed his cousin was feeling down, so he gave her the charm. As it turned out, the charm was magic, granting Gwen the power of luck. She figured it out, and put it to the test, beating Kevin at a game of basketball.

Kevin was dumbstruck as Gwen made impossible shots, and getting the better of him at every turn. “How is she doing that?” Gwen laughed.

“Just lucky I guess.”

“Lucky my ass!” the two started arguing.

“What’s going on?” Ben came out and saw them. “Gwen...” he crossed his arms. “Spill!” She couldn’t explain it, but the best she got was the charm granted her luck when it glows everything goes her way.

“So now that I got some power, I can be a hero like you guys,” she said confidently.

“Heh, luck isn’t a power.” Kevin taunted.

“Kicked your butt.”

“You mean you cheated to win.”

“What?!” the two glared at each other. Ben separated them.

“Cool it guys.” Their talk was cut short as trouble was afoot. At the nearby market, someone had stolen a woman’s purse. Ben and Kevin went after him. The Omnitrix wasn’t working, and the thug wasn’t intimidated by two kids. When Gwen tried to help, the charm glowed and a series of events occurred that caused the thug to get tripped up and knocked out.

The elderly woman thanked the girl, calling her a hero. Gwen sees a nearby mask and buys it, for what she had planned. Meanwhile…

Hex had recovered from his fight with Ben and Kevin and had returned to the museum and stole the book. He tried to unlock the ultimate power, only to learn one of his charms was missing. “That speed monster, I’ll punish those fools for getting in my way.”

Gwen was living it up, she made a costume that matched the mask, and donned the name Lucky Girl. “Who’s your hero?” she cheered and the crowd cheered her name.

“Lucky Girl...seriously...she’s going full comic book with this. You wouldn’t catch me in some silly mask and spandex.” Kevin huffed.

“Really? I think you’d look pretty cool.” Ben said.

Kevin blushed. “You think?” his heart fluttered a bit.

Hex wasn’t pleased about all this, he lured Gwen in and tried to take the charm back, but hard to beat someone when Luck was on their side. Hex fended Ben as Heatblast and Kevin off with gargoyles he brought to life. Max was busy helping people escape from Hex’s trap.

Kevin took a hit for Gwen, and Hex got his charm back and began to work on the spell to unlock ultimate power. The trio worked together, Gwen and Kevin distracting Hex long enough for Ben to burn the book. “Noooo!”

They disarmed Hex and locked him in a stone coffin, his staff tossed away somewhere. Gwen looked at the charms. “I could have Luck, Fly, shoot fire and lightning.” she picked up a nearby shovel. “I guess I can just be me!”

She went to destroy the charms only for Ben to stop her. “What are you doing?”

“Ben?” Ben took the charms and gave them to Gwen.

“Gwen you did a good job out there if you wanna be a hero this is your chance.”

“You are right, and I’m sorry. I’ve been kinda jealous.” she hugged him. “Thanks!” Ben was more than just the watch, Kevin was more than just his powers, Gwen was more than the charms of Bezel. This didn’t mean they couldn’t use what they have to do great things.

Gwen joined the boys in training, she had to learn how to control the charm’s powers. Like extending her power of luck to reach Ben and Kevin, so they wouldn’t get tripped up when things went her way.

With the charm of telekinesis, she was able to move things with her mind and even fly. The charms of Pyrokinesis and Electrokinesis, gave her the ability to create, control, and manipulate fire and electricity. The Charm of Resurrection gave her the power of healing. She had to learn to use these powers, they were a team now.

Ben was doing his runs as Diamond Head, Kevin was watching him. “Ben’s really awesome huh?”

“Yeah, when he’s not being a doofus.”

“No I’m serious, he’s taking all of this so well. Ben really is great.” Gwen looked at him and saw how he was looking at her cousin. The watch timed out and Ben was back to human form, his body was glistening in the summer heat, Kevin couldn’t help but stare.

“Oh my god...you like him!”

“Well duh, we are friends.”

“No, you like like him!” Gwen gave him a knowing smirk.

“What are you talking about?” Kevin blushed.

“You…LIKE him!” she smiled. “You do, you really really do!”

“Stop saying that, I don’t get it.” He looked away from her.

“Come with me,” Gwen grabbed his hand and brought him into the rustbucket. She goes to her luggage and finds a stack of books with advanced class covers.

“You brought me here to show me you're a nerd?”

“No, I brought you in here to show you this.” She removed the cover to reveal a BL manga. Kevin blushes like a tomato at the sight of it, the real cover was very clear cut. “Ben has no interest in Advanced School stuff so I knew he wouldn’t touch my collection.”

“Guys do this kinda stuff?” he’d seen some porn mags at the old gang’s base, so he wasn’t completely in the dark. “With each other?” he flipped through some of the pages.

“You sometimes can’t help who you fall for.”

“What about Ben?” he handed the book back.

“I don’t know, Ben’s never shown interest in girls. Something I do know, Ben cares about you, I’ve heard his parents tell my pirates that he doesn’t have many friends. When I saw the way he leaned on you and relied on you I was jealous.”

“I don’t know about this...I’m the reason why he’s got four arms...it’s my fault he’s not gonna be able to have a normal life...I’m lucky he even wants me as a friend...I can’t ask for anything more than that.”

“You are actually a pretty good guy aren’t you?” she gripped his shoulders. “Listen up, you got me in your corner. If you two wanna get together, I’ll help in any way I can!”

“Why would you help me? Why do you even care?”

“Because Ben is my cousin, we might but heads but...” she caressed her charms. “We still want what’s best for each other. Ben is kinda dense, I don’t know if he’ll have those feelings, but I do know he deserves to have someone who cares about him as much as you do in his life.” she gave him a thumbs up.

Kevin felt a bit at ease, he thought he was going nuts, his interest in Ben was normal, his normal.

To be continued...Summer Ends

Summer doesn’t last forever, through all the adventures and battles. Ben is gonna be going to a plumber school now that he’s a hybrid. Kevin might not be seeing Ben for a while, and is torn if he should confess his feelings for him or not.


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