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Bleach parody: Tier 1: Born on the phone

Fullbring King

Due to a unique series of events, Ichigo Kurosaki is a fullbringer, with the unique elements of a Quincy, Soul Reaper, and Hollow, all blended in a human soul. His powers were unique, and due to another series of events he meets Renji Abarai a lieutenant from Soul Society and saves his life. 

-x- Chapter 1-x-

Renji wanted to be anywhere but in Soul Society right now. Everyone was going nuts over the union between the Kuchiki Clan and the Shiba Clan. Rukia Kuchiki his childhood friend and kinda sorta crush was getting married to Kaien Shiba. He wasn't as thrilled, it was no secret that he liked Rukia, so seeing her engaged to Kaien was a zanpakuto to the gut. 

The engagement was announced right after his lieutenant promotion. He thought he had good news, but turns out Rukia had better news. Kaien was a known player, he flirted and fucked any number of girls, but it seems he was finally settling down. Renji had tried to ignore it, training, drinking, avoiding Rukia and Kaien. It didn't work, Renji wore out even squad 11 looking for sparring partners, woke up with a serious hangover, and everyone was a buzz about it, it was all anyone could talk about. How great it was, how special this union would be, how beautiful Rukia would be in her ceremonial kimono. 

Renji couldn't escape it, that is until a mission to the human world came up. He couldn't sign up fast enough. He wanted nothing to do with this wedding, not just because he was jealous. He shouldn't have been, Rukia wasn't his, he never asked her out, or told her how he felt. He wasn't even sure how he felt some times, was she like a sister to him, a rival, a friend, or something more. 

He was hoping to clear his head in the human world, but funny thing about using work as a distraction. What your running from can become a distraction for your work. It was a Soul Reaper's job to help souls cross over and purify hollows to keep the balance. Renji was overconfident, he thought this would be a simple mission, especially for a lieutenant.

What he didn't know, was that Karakura Town was a unique place, where a lot of strong souls found themselves gathering. Hollows were getting stronger and developing weird powers. Renji took out a few lower class hollows easily enough, and ended up letting his guard down. 

Metastacia a rather unusual hollow, not only could they mask their presence, but they could also destroy a soul reaper's zanpakuto. With one touch, Renji's precious Zabimaru was reduced to nothing but a handle. Had Renji been paying attention, he could have dodged their attack, instead of blocking it. 

That wasn't their only power, they planned to hijack Renji's body to get a lift back to Soul Society. Now Renji was on the run, with his zanpakuto destroyed, he was limited to his kido, which wasn't the best. 

Renji attacked with Red Flame Cannon, half the time he blew himself up, the other half the hollow dodged. 'I can't keep running forever?' Renji thought, tightening his grip on his destroyed sword. 

"Just give it up Soul Reaper, even if you're an idiot you must see your running low on strength, soon I will catch you and merge with your soul."

"Red Flame Cannon!" Renji cast only to have the spell to blow up in his face, his shinigami robes were scorched, his top reduced to shreds exposed his built toned upper body. "Damn it!" His flash step was faltering. 

He had only one option left, he began charging up the last of his reiatsu, and channeled it into Zabimaru. His spells were explosive, he'd use that, he'd blow himself to kingdom come! Hopefully, taking the hollow with him. 

His plan might have worked except the hollow sensed his surge of power and got him before he could build up enough energy to beat him. The hollow invaded Renji's soul, but the red head fought it. He resisted the best he could, but the hollow simply mocked him. "Silly soul reaper I was made for this, now just be a good little meat suit and just die!" 

It was suffocating and burning all at once, Renji was in tears as half his face slowly became corrupted. "No...not like this…" 

"Don't worry, you'll still be awake, so you can watch as I slaughter all your friends and loved ones." Renji cried. 

A bell rang out through the night sky. The hollow's eyes widened. "Who is there!?" From the dark of the night a figure clad in a shinigami robe walked towards them. "So you had back up? No matter, they'll soon be dead." 

Renji was equally confused, he should have been the only reaper in Karakura Town. The hollow had enough control over Renji's body to make him move towards the mystery man. "No...run away…" Renji said weakly, he was fighting a losing battle. 

The mystery figure raised a hand and pointed his palm at Renji. A sudden surge was felt and Renji and the hollow were frozen in place. "What the hell is this, I can't move?!"

"Good job Muramasa," the figure spoke. "Keep him still." 

Renji felt the hollow weaken. 'What did he just do?' He shook his head. No time to worry about that now. "Hurry, this hollow has invaded my soul. I can't fight him much longer kill me now!" 

"Yes go ahead and kill me, knowing this innocent soul will die with me!" The hollow laughed. No response. "Can't so it can you? Knowing you would murder an innocent man!" 

He stopped Renji from talking again, spreading more through his soul. Once he was completely merged he'd reform the zanpakuto and kill this reaper. 

"I will save you!" The figure spoke and his reiatsu flared. It was intoxicating and terrifying. Hollows in the distance fled in terror.

"Fool you can't save him, my power is perfect, this reaper is mine! His body and soul belong to me!" Renji's body was almost completely corrupted. Renji screamed mentally to kill him. 

"Ayame, become my blade!" A golden light appeared and a zanpakuto appeared in the mystery reaper's hand. The hollow smirked, planning to destroy their zanpakuto like he did Renji's. "I reject!" 

With one slash of the sword the hollow screamed. "WHAT IS THIS? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS POWER, DAMN YOU, CURSE YOU, CURSE YOU, CURSE YOU TO HELL!" the golden light forced back the corruption, until the hollow was completely ripped from Renji's soul. "THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE!" 

His influence was completely pulled from Renji. This shouldn't be, he was tested, no soul reaper trick could remove him from one he merged with. What he also didn't notice was some of his wounds from his fight with Renji had healed, as had some of the burns on Renji's body. "Damn you!" He flew at the reaper. 

"Shun'o...Tsubaki!" A golden barrier appeared before the mystery reaper. The hollow attacked the barrier, only to be destroyed by a counter attack. 

"This is impossible...I'm sorry...my lord…" they said before turning to dust. 

Renji groaned as he opened his eyes, his vision was blurry. The mystery reaper approached him, but Renji froze when he saw his face. "Kaien!" He gasped, before passing out. 


When Renji came to, he was no longer in the street, he was in someone's room. His wounds were healed, there wasn't a single scratch, he also didn't have a stitch of clothing on. "What the hell?" 

The events came back to him slowly, the hollow, the fight, the near possession, and he had been saved. "Master…" Renji turned and gasped, it was his zanpakuto, his Zabimaru! It was back and good as new. 

"How is this possible?" He had tried to repair his sword during the fight with his reiatsu and it didn't work. 

"Our saviour repaired me, after he brought us here." Zabimaru explained. "I felt him when he saved us from that hollow, his power reached into your very soul, it was very warm."

Renji felt the fog lift and he remembered their saviour's face. He groaned. "I can't believe I got saved by Kaien? I'm never gonna live this down." He tossed away the covers exposing himself to the empty room. 

"It wasn't Kaien, the spiritual pressure was different." Zabimaru said. 

"Wait if it wasn't Kaien who did it?" As if on cue the door opened and entering the room was a young man with dazzling orange hair, who looked exactly like Kaien...possibly younger. Renji gasped and the orangette gasped. "Who are you and why do you look like Kaien!?"

Renji held his zanpakuto with one hand, and covered his crotch with his free hand. "I didn't peg you for the shy type." Renji blushed deeper. 

"I am not shy!" He removed his hand and let it all hang out. "Now answer my question!"

"Wow, that's some gratitude, least you can do is thank the person who saved your life last night." The boy eyed Renji up and down, quite liking what he saw. 

Renji face palmed. "Right, I'm sorry, thank you, for saving me." He got on his knees and bowed his head. 

"You're welcome. I don't know who this Kaien guy is, but I'm Ichigo, Ichigo Kurosaki." 

Renji got up. "Renji Abarai, nice to meet you." 

"Pleasure is all mine!" Ichigo stopped checking Renji out and shook his hand. 

This meeting of two souls would change the fates of many, love and hate, pleasure and pain, life and death, war and peace. Kings of different worlds would play a game, and at the center of it would be a boy who would become a king and challenge the rules and laws of the universe. 

To be continued


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