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Ben 10 parody: patreon reward

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/backlash-chapter-30162664 

Chapter 2 Punishment

Kevin was still out of his mind, but he didn’t get any power from the watch. In a strange twist of fate, the backlash carried the tetramand DNA, through Kevin and into Ben. Levin was spent, his energy completely drained from the incident, but that didn’t stop him from running his mouth. “There you have it, Ben, now you are a freak, just like me!”

Ben couldn’t help but groan, his upper arms rubbing his temples in frustration. “You don’t get it Kevin!” he marched towards Kevin, cracking his knuckles in an intimidating way. The raven-haired teen gulped and tried to scramble away. “I’m not a freak, and neither are you!” He caught Kevin by the leg and hauled his ass to him. “You are special, you have a gift, but using that gift to help others is a hero’s responsibility.”

He sat down and brought Kevin over his lap. “Hey! What are you doing?” Ben was able to manhandle him so easily now, his right hands yanked down his shorts and underwear, exposing Kevin’s ass.

“It’s a hero’s job to help people and to save them...so...I’m gonna help you and save you from yourself!” Ben’s hand came down and…


“Ahh!” Kevin gasped, Ben’s smack landed across both cheeks, making his buns jiggle. “You can’t do this to me!”

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

“Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh!” Kevin’s eyes were wide as his ass stung, and humiliation seeped in. His dad had spanked him once, this was so different. Ben’s hits were strong, he felt the force rippling through his entire body.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Kevin cried out, his pale ass cheeks were turning a lovely shade of red. “Ben...please stop...I’m sorry...”

“Not yet, you’re not...” he raised both of his hands on one side and proceeded to rain down punishment on Kevin’s ass. One hand per cheek, Kevin gasped and yelped, feeling something else mixed in with the sting and pain.

“Are you a freak?”

“W-what?” Kevin was in a daze.


“Are...You...A...Freak?” he asked, taking a break between words to deliver a smack.


“Louder!” Smack

“No! I am not a freak!” Kevin cried out.

“Remember that, no matter what anyone else says, you aren’t a freak Kevin.” The raven-haired teen hadn’t cried when Ben spanked him, but he was crying now. His head felt so clear, and Ben’s words sank in. Ben hugged him, and Kevin returned the embrace crying into his friend.

“I’m sorry...I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...”

“I know,” Ben rubbed his back.

His legs felt like jelly, and his ass stung like crazy, he wouldn’t be sitting anytime soon. Just having his underwear put back on stung, but he deserved it. With his head clearer, he realized what he did to Ben. He could hide his powers and live a normal life if he wanted, same with Ben, if he didn’t go alien he was just like anyone else in the crowd. Now...Ben would never have a normal life, and it was all his fault. ‘What have I done?’

Ben carried Kevin back to the Rustbucket, bridal style, much to the teens embarrassment, where Kevin met Grandpa Max. Believe it or not for the second time in his life. “Kevin Levin!” Max gasped.

“You know me?”

“You know him?” Ben and Gwen said in unison.

“Yes...no...kind of...you wouldn’t remember me, but I met you shortly after you were born. You are so much like your father.” Kevin blushed at those words. “I think we need to have a sit-down and talk, about everything.” He looked at Ben and his new set of arms.

Max had hoped to keep this all a secret, especially since he was retired, but since Ben had the Omnitrix and his new appendages keeping it a secret now would just be foolish. Kevin stripped out of his shorts and sat on a bag of ice. “You and my dad were close?”

“Yeah, we were partners.”

“Partners, I thought you were a plumber?” Gwen pointed out.

“Well you see, I was a Plumber, but not the kind your thinking of.” he rubbed the back of his head. “Kevin’s father and I were a part of the Plumbers, a code name for the intergalactic police.”

“No way!” Ben gasped excitedly.

“Mom said my dad was a cop, but this...” he looked to Ben. “Okay, maybe this isn’t that farfetched.” As he was sitting next to the kid with an alien watch and four arms.

“Your dad was an Osmosian, something you might call a human subspecies. You’ll find on many alien worlds that they don’t carry just one form of alien life, you’ll find subspecies and unique mutations.” Max explained how he and Devin were some plumbers from Earth tasked with protecting this area of the galaxy from rogue aliens. Plumbers often worked in teams of three or more, their other partner was Phil.

“So was my dad really taken out in the line of duty?” Kevin asked, he barely remembered his dad.

“He was, but by an alien criminal.” Max hung his head low. “I consider it my greatest failure. Your father was a hero through and through, he spent years in the academy training and honing his powers. He was a good man, he had everyone’s back.” Max was hurt and had a hard time continuing. “He fought bravely, using his powers to fend off the criminal, he absorbed energy to fight him off, even taken some damage from the guy. He pushed himself too far and he died in my arms.”

Kevin knew his father was gone, but hearing his story shined some light. “Can...can you tell me more stories about my dad?” His mom didn’t talk about him much, and his stepdad, while he tried, didn’t understand him.

“Yes, but I should call your mother and let her know where you are.”

“She doesn’t want me, I remind her too much of dad.” Ben rubbed his back.

“I’m sure that’s not true.” Ben tried to comfort him.

“Ben, why don’t you grab some snacks? I’ll make a call and we’ll sit down and talk over a meal.” Max got up, followed by Ben. Gwen was still trying to process all of this.

The phone call with Kevin’s mother went well, she was worried about her son, but she didn’t know how to help him. So she went with the reject your powers approach, which only pushed Kevin away. “How about this, Kevin can stay with me for the summer? I trained with Devin, I can help him gain control of his abilities.”

“You’d really do that?”

“Yes, Devin was a dear friend of mine, you could have called and asked for my help.”

“Thank you Max.” the call ended, and Max came back to the young teens.

“Your mom is glad your safe, and if you want you can stay with us the rest of the summer before I bring you home.”

“Awesome!” Ben cheered.

“What?!” Gwen gasped.

“Is that...really okay with you?” Kevin asked. “After what I’ve done...” he looked at Ben.

“Don’t sweat it, dude, I’m not mad. Now we can really be partners!” Ben said happily.

“It is son, as far as I’m concerned your family too. I can help you control your powers, just as I’m training Ben to control his.”

“So that’s how you know so much about Ben’s aliens and that watch?” Gwen pointed out.

“Why didn’t you tell us, Grandpa?” Ben asked.

“Well, I retired from the plumbers, I wanted to spend time with my family. Can’t say the life has left this old man.” He pushed a button and revealed the Rustbucket was tricked out with alien tech.

“Whoa!” Kevin gasped.

“Cool!” Ben was excited.

“I don’t believe this!” Gwen gasped.

“I can teach you everything I know and prepare you for what we may face this summer.” Max looked at Ben. “As for you, things might not be normal for you anymore. There may not be a way to reverse this.” Kevin hung his head. “We’ll figure it out, but for now we’ll carry on like everything is normal.”

“Normal? He’s got four arms!” Gwen pointed.

“Uhh, Grandpa there is something else,” Ben took Max to the bathroom and showed him his other appendage.

“Well that is common in tetramand men, you’ll get used to it.” they came out of the bathroom. “So what do you say Kevin, wanna stay with us?” Kevin looked between Max and Ben, and he nodded.

The two didn’t get off without punishment. They were grounded and had to do drills for the next two weeks. Ben and Kevin shared a bed, which the raven-haired teen didn’t mind. While energy could drive Osmosians crazy, they could also absorb matter as a means of doing battle.

Max explained how while Osmosians could absorb energy and alien powers it came with great risk. It messed with their heads and drove them crazy, losing the ability to see friend from foe, and giving a lust for power. Kevin didn’t want to go down that path.

He could see now that Ben was his friend, and he wasn’t a freak, just different. Max shared his war stories so to speak, and his days at the academy with Devin and Phil. It helped Kevin know more about his father and helped inspire both boys to want to get stronger and become heroes.

Ben learned that the transformation affected his other aliens as well. The hybrid DNA granted his other aliens additional arms and strength to them. The two did hero time together, taking down baddies left and right.

Gwen wanted to do her own thing, focusing on her studies, but seeing the two have so much fun being heroes did leave her wanting more.

To Be Continued Lucky Girl Makes Three

Kevin is noticing some feelings for Ben, while Gwen comes into her powers. She joins into their training, but Gwen notices their bond is different.


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