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Danny Phantom parody: Tier 1

Feels Warning (Slow Burn Story)

Danny’s Pet Wolf

When Danny was only 10 years old his parents captured a ghost, a wolf-like ghost who’s claws could open a ghost portal with his claws. Danny grows attached to him, and get’s a partner when he gets ghost powers.

Chap 1 Meeting Wulf

The Fentons were a strange family, hard to believe any family would openly admit to being ghost hunters. Most people didn’t believe in ghosts. Maddie Fenton is a known genius, tech developer, and now a ghost hunter. She married Jack Fenton, who came from a long line of those touched by the paranormal, supposedly…

Jack built up Fenton Works with his wife. He helped bring her down the path of ghost hunting. Despite his bungling and clumsy nature, he was a decent inventor. He was working on trying to build a Ghost Portal, in theory, it would be a gateway into the ghost zone. They had two kids, Jasmine Fenton and Daniel Fenton. Jasmine was the older sibling, and didn’t believe in ghosts, and focused more on logic, science, and her education. As for Danny, well….

“Danny.” His parents called from the basement. The boy didn’t come down right away. His parents didn’t always want him in the basement since they were doing experiments down there, and often they could be dangerous. They always used to say it was dangerous down there. He had been curious when he was 7 or so, but that was 3 years ago. “Danny, come here please, you gotta see this!” The voice of his father echoed from the basement.

His parents were so weird. All they talked about was ghosts this, and ghosts that. He didn’t really understand, his parents wanted to study them, and possibly destroy them molecule by molecule. Danny Fenton came down the stairs to the lab. The tiny tyke came down and his eyes widened as he spotted a large cage in the lab. The cage wasn’t empty and inside was a large furry beast. Beastly eyes fell upon the boy, and Danny looked at him with innocent interest. “Look here son, we caught a ghost in our patented Fenton Cage!”

“That’s a ghost?” Danny got closer. He looked like a werewolf he saw in one of his Halloween picture books.

“Indeed it is my boy.” Jack patted him on the back. “We were experimenting in trying to open a miniature ghost portal, but to be safe we opened it in our Fenton Cage.”

“It didn’t last very long, but to our surprise, something came through!” Maddie said with glee. “I can’t wait to study it.”

“Once we know everything about him, we’ll reveal our results!” Jack said happily.

The ghost in the cage growled, and slammed against the bars, only to be zapped with equal force. The creature howled in pain. “Now you stop that, you can’t escape the Fenton Cage, trying to force your way out will only hurt ya,” Maddie said, wagging her finger at him like he was a child trying to escape time out. The ghost really couldn’t escape, his powers were dampened. He only fell into this cage, because he was running from someone, their portal had opened up right where he was fleeing and bam, stuck in a cage. Their portal collapsed quickly enough, it was a good thing he made it through with all his parts.

He tried to open a portal but he could barely get one big enough to stick his hand through let alone his whole body. So he was very much stuck with these strange humans. It was hard to understand them, they were talking so fast. He was doing his best by trying to feel out their tone and their smell. One smell was strange though, the young lad who had come down. This tiny creature wasn’t scared or startled, even when he slammed into the cage. He almost smelled concerned.

Danny was getting closer and the ghost’s ears perked up as he got near. Despite this situation, it was hard to justify believing this tiny creature could do him harm. The woman stopped him from getting too close. “Danny be careful, try not to get too close.”

“Is he dangerous?” the small child asked.

“Well he’s a ghost so probably,” Jack said. “We’ll find out by running some tests.”

“He doesn’t seem dangerous...” Danny said looking at the creature in the cage.

“Now Danny, we wanted to show you, so in case you hear noises you don’t freak out. Don’t let the ghost out of the cage, and don’t get close to him understand?”

“Yes mommy,” he said and she kissed his forehead and carried him upstairs.

“Night ghost, you stay quiet, we’ll be back to study you and see what makes you tick.” he turned off the lights, but he could see Danny as he was carried away. Their eyes met for a brief moment before he was left all alone.

Danny’s Pov

It was strange having a ghost in the house, Dad was always ready to call the media, but Mom was adamant about doing a proper study. Find one ghost get your name in the paper, prove ghosts are real, and the ghost zone is real well…plus she was sure they could perfect their technology by studying him. No matter what my mom said I couldn’t find it in my heart to believe he was dangerous. I would ask about him when I got home from school and thought about him while at school.

Stuff like, does he sleep, does he eat, what was his name? I posed these questions to my parents and they often just laughed and ruffled my hair. “Ghosts don’t eat silly,” or so they said. I started going down to check on him. He looked so sad being locked up in a cage-like that.

“Hi,” he jumped and looked at me, his features softening a bit. I sat across from him and he mimicked me. “Can you uh...can you understand me?” He tilted his head to the side. “Umm, do you have a name?” Again he simply stared at me. “Okay, my name is Danny, what is yours?” I tried again, he kept starring at me.

I couldn’t help but sigh. Leaving him each night left me with more questions than I had answers. I came down one day with a bag of cookies, and he seemed to like them. He sniffed the air, and his tail started wagging. “You want a cookie?” he stared at me, but the way he was salivating told me that was a yes. I tossed him one and he gobbled it up. “So you can eat, have you been starving all this time?”

He tilted his head to the side and looked at me, then looked at the bag. Then he spoke, I couldn’t understand what he was saying. “Are you speaking another language?” he continued to stare at me, and I smacked myself. “Duh Danny, he can’t understand you.”

I gave him some cookies and told my parents what happened. They just laughed, not believing me. So what if I was a kid, so I decided to do my own study. I gave him chips, cola, half of my sandwich, so he could eat and drink, but didn’t have to. By my best guess, his body just absorbed the food and drink and converted it into energy. He did sleep, but I noticed if I fed him he stayed awake longer.

My attempts continued to get him to talk to me, trying to find some way to understand. I was beginning to think it was hopeless, but… “Wulf!” he made the motions with his hands as I did when I said my name.

“Wulf, nice to meet you, Wulf.” I smiled at him. It was the first step, he tried talking to me but I couldn’t understand what he was saying, the only thing he said in English was my name. I used my dad’s Fenton Recorder to get audio of him talking, and took it to my local library. The librarian was nice and helped me figure out he was speaking Esperanto.

I got an Esperanto to English dictionary and decided to give it a try. It wasn’t easy, there were so many big words. Jas was helping me a bit, she’s so smart. She had no idea what I was doing, just thinking I was trying to be bilingual. A year had passed, and it felt like a blur, I did give Wulf some of my birthday cake, he was the only friend I had really. It was still difficult trying to communicate but we were getting there.

Just as I was learning so was he. Then Wulf asked me to do something, it must have been something he asked me for in the past but I didn’t understand. “Please...Open...Cage...” My parents told me to never let Wulf out, that he would hurt me. I didn’t want to believe that anymore, Wulf was my friend...right?

“Okay,” he brightened up and his tail wagged. “But,” I held up one finger. “No,” made an x with my arms. “Run...Away...” I gave him a thumbs up. “Deal?” Wulf stared at me for a moment, before nodding.

I smiled. This would be good for him, he could stretch his legs to get some exercise. Then maybe my parents will see he isn’t dangerous. I went over to the control panel and switched it to unlock. The cage’s energy field shut down and a door opened. Wulf stepped out, he was so huge! He stretched and made little popping sounds as he moved.

His claws lengthened and my eyes widened. He took one last look at me before he slashed the air and opened up a ghost portal. “Wulf...wait!” he jumped into the portal and I felt my heart break, tears stung my eyes and before I knew it I cried. He lied to me, he left me, why… the tears kept falling and I was finding it hard to breathe. “Come back...Wulf come back….please...”

I had no idea if he could hear me, all I knew was the portal closed up. Then I heard the shuffling of feet, and felt a big hand on my head. “Sorry...” Wulf said, I looked up at him and he brushed some tears from my face. “Will...Stay...With...You...” I launched into his arms and hugged him with all my might.

To be continued Wulf Stays