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Miraculous parody: patreon reward

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/30511871 

Chapter 3

Adrien and Marinette got pretty far away. “It’s strange, we’ve been running for a long while and I don’t feel tired. How about you Adrien?”

“If I say yes, will you carry me?”

“Yeah, you’re fine.” he looked down at himself, more so his four arms. “It seems we truly aren’t human anymore, I wonder how much we’ve really changed.”

“I don’t think we’ve changed that much, you are still the nicest person I know,” Marinette smiled at him. “And I still care about you, a lot!” he blushed and twiddled his fingers.

“I care about you a lot too,” he smiled. “But what about me being a guy, does that really not bother you?” He shook his head. “Did you think about girls or guys before?”

“I’ve never really thought about anything like this before, I didn’t even know I could feel so good like that.” he blushed, his tail swaying back and forth excitedly.

Marinette chuckled. “Well, I’ll be happy to show you more, but we gotta take this slow okay, and once you are ready, truly ready we can talk about taking the next step.” He nodded.

“So long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy, I’m in your capable hands, all four of them.” he winked at him.

“Ohh, you sweet boy!” Marinette pulled him into a firm embrace. Adrien blushed Marinette’s manly musk, washing over him and surrounding him. The skin on skin contact was electrifying, he melted into the embrace. This all felt like a dream, and if it was a dream he didn’t want to wake up. He took a deep breath through his nose, taking in more of Marinette’s scent.

Nuzzling his chest he felt his heart flutter. He was sure, without a doubt, he wanted to be with this man, with Marinette. He did feel a little different, he found his shyness slipping away, he was naked, exposed, and proud. Even as his dick stiffened he didn’t shy away.

He remembered once, he was getting out of the shower and Natalie walked in on him, he was so embarrassed, and he scrambled for a towel. Maybe he had changed more than he thought, but he was sure his feelings were true, he still felt like himself.

It crossed his mind maybe his wish changed him, he always wanted to be confident like the heroes in the books Marinette gave him. He didn’t want to just protect Marinette, he wanted to stand by his side.

Marinette pets him and gave his ears a rub. Adrien moaned, his tail thrashing in pleasure. “You are such a good boy!” His pupils dilated.

‘Yes praise me more!’ he shivered in delight. His father never praised him, no matter how good he got at the piano, fencing, his schoolwork, his father always demanded more. The best compliment he got from him was... “That was adequate.”

“Come on, let’s keep moving, we should get out of the woods.” he playfully smacked his ass making the boy yelp and his cock jump.

“Yes, sir!” Adrien followed after him, his hard dick bouncing like an excited puppy. It wasn’t long before Marinette took his hand and they walked together.


A tall man found his servants knocked out. “Bubbler, Shellshocker, wake up!” he commanded. “What happened?”

“Sorry boss,” the two woke up, rubbing their aching heads.

“They surprised us,” Shellshocker said. Shellshocker was a red turtle, and Bubbler was blue. They were shikigami in the service of their master. The world knew him as Carapace, and these woods were his territory. His true name was Nino.

“Our targets are quite strong!”

“Is that so?” he crossed his arms before smirking. “If that’s true perhaps I should take them on myself!” he chuckled.

“But boss what about your condition?” he glared at Bubbler who promptly quieted down.

“I’ll be fine.”


Marinette and Adrien were lost, every tree and path looked the same. “This place is so strange,” Marinette looked around but couldn’t find one path that looked better than another.

“Maybe we need a bird’s eye view?” he looked up, to see large branches that could be climbed.

“Do you think you can climb up there safely?” he asked.

“I got this,” He said proudly. He’s never climbed a tree before, but it felt right. Sure enough thanks to his claws and without realizing it paw pads appeared on the bottom of his feet. They helped support him as he climbed the tree, once he got to the branches he showed off some gymnast skills.

Adrien flipped and spun and propelled himself, climbing from one level to the next. “Adrien, you are amazing!” Marinette cheered from below, the blonde blushed and proceeded to show off until he disappeared into the higher parts of the tree. Having a hard-on didn’t disturb him as he reached higher and higher.

The leaves began to tickle his skin, brushing over his naked form. It made his skin tingle, he peeked over the top of the tree and his eyes widened. “Wow!” The forest was vast but not infinite. His nipples pebbled as a strong breeze passed over him. “We sure aren’t in Paris anymore...”

He was in awe, there were strange birds in the sky, and the clouds even looked different. What really caught his eye was there appeared to be two moons in the sky, they were faint in the daylight but could be seen. He looked around before finally seeing a clearing with some smoke coming up. “That must be a village!”


Marinette couldn’t help but worry. “If only we had a map of some kind...” he sighed. His body glowed and his magic was tapped into. His hands came together as little specs of light escapes, the lights converged into the air before combing and becoming a magic map. “No way!” The map was magic, it revealed their location. “So we are in Turtle Forest?”

“Ding ding ding, we have a winner!” Marinette turned and gazed upon the new arrival. “You are in my forest.”

“You own this forest? I find that hard to believe.” He folded his upper arms, his lower arms rolling up the map. He’d have to figure out how he did that later. From the turtles with him, this guy wasn’t a friend. Marinette eyed the guy up and down, he was taller than Nino, but the guy appeared similar to him and Adrien, mostly human with some monstrous traits, he had a shell on his back, and shell-like wrist guards and ankle bracelets. He was wearing a lion clothe with a knee-length clothe with a shell pattern and was wearing a green and black scarf around his neck.

“I own this forest, I own the springs you bathed in, and that means I own you!”

“No one owns me!” his hands balled into fists.

“We’ll see, where is your kitty friend?”

“I am not telling you anything.” he took a fighting stance.

“I’ll find him, let’s get him, boys!” Bubbler and Shellshocker attacked, Bubbler blowing magical bubbles at Marinette, while Shellshocker spat needles.

Marinette dodged them, unknowingly getting pushed back. “I don’t know what kind of magic you have, but you won’t escape my Shield Prison!” His bracelets glowed and created some kind of energy shield, he tossed the shield like a discus.

His eyes glowed red. ‘If I get caught by that shield I’ll be trapped in a barrier. Is this my magic?’ He jumped, avoiding the shield.

“Big mistake!” Nino launched another shield, now with Marinette in the air, he couldn’t dodge.

“Marinette!” Adrien dove down and took the hit, the field morphed into a barrier trapping Adrien inside.

“Adrien!” Marinette gasped, catching him.

“Sorry, that was dumb!” he banged on the barrier but he was trapped.

“No you saved me, thank you, I’ll get you out of there, I promise.”

“Sorry, but nothing can break my barriers. Your kitty cat is mine and you are next!” He conjured another shield.

“I belong to Marinette, not you!” Adrien hissed. Marinette blushed at the declaration.

Marinette scanned the area, the barrier, the turtles, and Nino stood out. ‘I got it!’ he took hold of the barrier. “I got a plan, let’s go!” He carried Adrien, with his upper arms, and charged at Nino.

“Bubbler, Shellshocker!” he commanded.

“Right boss!” they launched their attacks.

Marinette smirked, and used the trapped Adrien as a shield. Their attacks hit the barrier and were dispelled. “Oh no!”

“Oh yes!” Marinette got in close to the two turtles and used his lower arms to smash the two together, knocking the pair out.

‘Oh crap!’ Marinette sat Adrien down. In a flash, he was charging at Nino. ‘He’s too close!’ His vision was blurry he couldn’t tell where Marinette was. He launched his attack and it went flying, nowhere near Marinette.

Nino was grabbed and promptly got a taste of Marinette’s martial arts skills. He may not have been a black belt, but he held his own, and his new body was a lot stronger. Four arms, four fists, and one hell of a pummeling.

It was a law of magic in this world, outside of curses, most spells and skills had to draw on the user to be effective. Constructs made of magic, should the caster be knocked out the constructs fall apart. Marinette learned this after knocking Nino out and the prison shattered.

To be continued...To the Village


Lord Zero 1606

Always nice to see where you take the story. They start adapting pretty well, going to be interesting to see if there are going to be more changes.