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Reincarnated As Slime Parody: patreon reward

Chapter 9  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-chap-29266782 

Chapter 10

Rimuru was told not to leave monster corpses as they could attract dangerous beasts, so he used predator. He ate up the giant ants in a flash surprising the humans.

Acquired: Giant Ant Mimicry: Pheromone Skill, Armor Boost Skill, Physical Strength Multiplier Skill X 3. Acid Sting. Other skills obtained locked until certain conditions are met.

The last part surprised Rimuru, what kind of conditions were needed. He decided he’d worry about that later. He had guests coming and he was curious about this woman. Shizu introduced herself on the way to the village, she graciously accepted their hospitality and even carried Rimuru.

“I can walk by myself...” she hugged him. Ranga and Riguru felt oddly jealous. Ranga was with Rimuru in his shadow, and Riguru had heard all about his fated person. Fate wasn’t always kind, they didn’t know what meeting this woman would mean for their master.

“Hey, mister slime, which nation do you come from?” a slime question mark popped upon his head. She was speaking in a hushed tone, so the others behind them couldn’t hear.

“We haven’t reached a country’s size yet, the town’s name hasn’t even been decided yet either.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” she lifted her mask a bit. “What you said just now was from a game, right?” The realization hit Rimuru. “Even though I don’t know too much about video games, I’ve heard it before from my fellow countrymen.”

Rimuru couldn’t believe this...could she really be. “It’s Japan...” Shizu smiled.

“As expected! Just like I thought!” she hugged him. “You are the same as me, I’m happy to meet you.”

They made it to the village, and Rigurd set them up in a place and began preparing them some food. It was grill style and the smell had the group drooling at the smell and tantalizing sizzle. The trio began digging in stuffing their faces with so much tasty meat.

Even Shizu was eating but she was eating rather dignified, and most impressive...eating with her mask on, now that is skill. Shizu knew all about skills and resistances, that they are tied into what the person strongly thirsts for at that moment. Rimuru recalled what he said when he died.

The trio was too busy fighting over meat to pay attention to what was happening between them. “I probably got that ability after I was stabbed to death.”

“Stabbed to death...oh my...” Shizu gasped. Rimuru told her the full story.

“You were able to control fire, is that what you wanted?”

“No...that’s not...fire, to me is a curse.”

“What do you mean by that?” Shizu was hesitant.

“Can we go for a walk?” he nodded and the two left. Rimuru left them in the care of Rigurd. He was happy to be of service. Riguru watched them go, a feeling of unease welling up inside him. It was weird when he was with the other guys, he didn’t feel this way, but he couldn’t shake this feeling of danger coming from the mystery woman.


“The last scene I remember from my original world was that everything around me had turned into a sea of flames.” she removed her mask. “Miserable voices echoed around me, the town engulfed by red-colored flames.” She remembered planes, people running and screaming, and earth-shaking explosions.

Rimuru knew the incident as it was taught in history class. “I see, so that’s why you reincarnated to this world?”

“No, I didn’t die.” Another surprise for Rimuru. “I was summoned by a certain man,” she held her mask tight. “But the person that man wanted to summon wasn’t me...” She could recall the look of disappointment, and the following lack of interest on his face.


A tall man with long platinum gold hair stood before Shizu. “Another failure...” he sighed. The girl in the summoning circle was badly burned and injured. She reached out to him weakly. “So you are still alive, hmm...” he approached her. “You might just have the affinity for fire...Ifrit take hold of this girl’s body...” the spirit of fire appeared, and he latched onto the girl’s body taking control of her.

Right on time as a strange enemy appeared, Ifrit controlled her body and destroyed the enemy and burned him to ash. Being controlled by the spirit did give her power over fire, but she was a slave to her summoner. All threats were dealt with by her/Ifrit, even if the threat was a girl holding onto a small fox monster.

The girl was Shizu’s friend and the monster her pet, Ifrit took control of her and made her kill them both. Her summoner watched with no emotion, he didn’t care. Even as Shizu was brought to her knees crying over what she was forced to do.

She killed his enemies and yet he never showed any form of caring to her, when an enemy too great even for him appeared, he abandoned his home and left her behind to die. She didn’t die though, the hero appeared and defeated her, but did not destroy her.

End Flashback

“My master taught me how to control my powers, with her help I was able to gain some control over Ifrit...butit’s almost like a curse...I always have to keep up my guard...these flames of mine have destroyed my enemies but also destroyed those close to me.” she put the mask back on. “This mask belonged to my teacher/master, she set me on my path of becoming an adventurer and teacher.”

Rimuru listened to her tale, it was almost like he could see it unfolding before his slime eyes. “I’m still a little afraid to get close to people,” she thought about the trio. “That lot trusts each other, and also squabble, but they are very good adventurers.”

It was a little hard to believe but, he did believe they were good people. “I couldn’t ask for better company on my last mission.”

“Last?” she nodded.

“I’ve been an adventurer for a long time, but lately I started trying to help people from our world. I’ve met other summons and worked to teach them and tried to help them control their unique gifts.” That was how she knew about his joke.

“What made you stop?”

“My curse, I...I’m running out of time. I wanted to find my summoner, and I don’t know, maybe punch him, talk to him maybe...” She chuckled. Rimuru recalled what Veldora told him about summons, how they end up as slaves to the summoners, but he said it took a large number to summon someone.

‘If this guy is strong enough to perform on his own, he must be very powerful and dangerous.’ he thought. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“You are very kind, Mr. Slime.” They took in the view, Rimuru’s spot he got to see the beautiful sun, and see his village. “Your town is really great, I’ve never seen anything like it.” Rimuru blushed at the compliment.

‘Great Sage, I want to use Thought Transmission, to let Shizu see part of my memory.’


“Shizu, let me show you something.” He showed her his world, her future. The cities, the advancements in technology, the people, and accidentally his porn collection...oops. He showed her her village that was once engulfed in flames, people coming back together and working hard to rebuild, to advance.

Her eyes widened and her heart fluttered. Her world wasn’t swallowed up by flames it survived, it grew, these were her people; strong, proud, and survivors! “This is what we want to do here, everyone is happily constructing a town to live in. We’re working hard too.” He’d like to have everyone in a grand city, but that was a ways away. “If possible come visit again, I plan to make the town even better and larger.”

“I’d like that.” she felt a hot pulse race through her. ‘No...not now...’

“Who’s the person that summoned Shizu here?”

“Demon Lord, Leon Cromwell.”

“Demon Lord?” Rimuru gasped.

“Yes, one of the pinnacle creatures in this world.” Shizu felt heat spread through her body. The mask wasn’t able to hold it back. ‘If this goes on, he’ll be dragged in...If I don’t get away from him...’ for a moment she felt Leon with her and her will crumbled.

She flung Rimuru away from her. “Wah!” the slime yelped. The girl wasn’t moving. “Shizu?” Her mask fell.

WARNING target’s magic power is increasing. Please enter alert mode!

Shizu’s eyes changed, and flames began to bellow out of her in a fierce inferno. In an instant, Ranga appeared from Rimuru’s shadow. Riguru wasn’t far behind he ran onto the scene with Shizu’s friends behind her.


In the village, Riguru couldn’t shake this feeling of terror. He thought it was just some jealousy, but then he felt a pulse. It was like someone was trying to contain an inferno. The temperature was building. “Something is wrong!” He stood up from the table. “Father, if things escalate evacuate the village.”

“What’s wrong son?”

“I think there is trouble, I hope I’m wrong!” he was serious. “Ranga!”

“On it!” he vanished using shadow movement.

“We’ll come with you!” the trio of adventurers joined Riguru. They ran off and sadly Riguru’s fears were realized as a pillar of fire began to appear above them. Waves of heat grew as they got closer.

He saw Rimuru and Ranga. “Master!” he shouted. “Is that Shizu-san?” he froze.

The heat was nothing compared to the killing intent. As soon as Riguru, Kabal Eren, and Gido arrived the controlled Shizu turned to attack them. The look in her eyes screamed death! Even with the pillar of flames they felt chills race down their spines.

“Get back!” The controlled Shizu aimed an attack at them.

“Shizu-san!” Eren shouted.

A powerful stream of flames shot out at the group. “Boro Breath!” Riguru fought back, the two attacks colliding before causing an explosion. Riguru had no time to prepare he used a lot of magicules just to hold off the attack.

“No way, is that really Shizu? Why did she become like this?”

“This power, is it possible?”

“What’s wrong Gido?”

“Shizu...she must be Shizue Izawa!” he gasped.

“The Conqueror of Flames!” Kabal gasped. They began to freak as that was apparently a legendary hero/adventurer

With a flick of the wrist, she summoned a twister of fire, and it tore towards the group. “Firebolt!” Riguru was on it, fighting fire with fire, blasting the base of the twister causing another explosion. Below Shizu’s feet, the ground began to melt forming a pool of magma.

“Shizu isn’t herself, she’s being controlled by the spirit of fire Ifrit inside her,” Rimuru explained. “If you wanna run do it now, I fear things are about to get worse.”

To be continued Battle of Fire


Rimuru is up against Ifrit the powerful Fire Spirit. With some help, Rimuru can take on the powerful fire elemental and his minions. After causing so much trouble Rimuru isn’t letting him go without some punishment.


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