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Ben 10 parody: patreon reward


Ben was fighting Kevin, he had gone FourArms and the two were grappling. Kevin used his powers draining the alien’s energy, Ben was thrashing around and the Omnitrix was struck, causing a crazy backlash of energy. Kevin was fine but the backlash mutated Ben’s human DNA with Tetramand DNA, he’s got four arms, two massive dicks, and super strength. Now his alien transformations have additional arms. Kevin thinks now Ben is a freak but Ben teaches him a lesson. Ben/Harem

Chapter 1

Ben Tennyson was a normal kid, just going on a summer road trip with his Grandpa and his cousin Gwen. He thought it was just gonna be a normal summer, nothing special, then something fell from the sky one night while they were camping. Ben sees it and goes to investigate and ends up finding an alien pod, with something powerful inside.

The Omnitrix, a piece of alien tech that latched itself on Ben’s wrist. Ben tried to get it off, only for the watch looking tech to activate and transform into an alien. This started a series of events that gave Ben the chance to become an alien hero. The alien watch allowed him to change into 10 different aliens, each with their own unique powers and abilities.

If he needed to rescue some guys stranded at sea or fight a sea monster, he had Ripjaws, an aquatic alien, with powerful jaws and claws, and has mermaid levels speed in the water. When he needs flight, he has Stinkfly, an insect-like alien with a sharp tail that can cut through metal, and spits sticky slime with a foul odor. He needs to track bad guys down, he has Wildmutt, an alien dog beast with no eyes but has a form of gills that act as receptors, has a heightened smell, and uses a form of echolocation, and has quills he can use as projectiles and defense.

When Ben is fighting robots, mad bikers, or just needs to use what’s around him he has Upgrade, he can fire plasma beams from his eye, and can merge with technology and well...upgrade it beyond its original design, he can take anything and make it a weapon, the only downside he becomes one with whatever he’s upgrading so if it gets damaged he gets damaged. When he needs literal firepower, he had Heatblast, a living embodiment of fire, he can create fire, control fire, and even learns to fly with the fire. If he needs to fight terror with terror, he had Ghostfreak, a terrifying alien that allowed him to fly, turn invisible, phase through walls, and when he pulled back the cloak he wore released the terror of his true form.

Not that he didn’t have other aliens he used more frequently. When he needed brains he had Grey Matter, a tiny alien with a big I.Q. and he’s frog-like. When he needed speed he had XLR8, a speedy alien who moved so fast it was a blur. He even had two powerhouses when he wanted to go blow for blow he had Four Arms, a strong durable alien with great strength and four arms. If he needed a stronger defense, he had Diamondhead, an alien composed of dark green crystals, since his body was hard as diamond it made most attacks useless, and he could even reflect lasers back at an enemy, this alien could also create and control crystals making him quite versatile.

Ben had a favorite, he liked a good old rumble so he often picked Four Arms to fight bad guys and villains, if the watch gave it to him that is. His Grandpa Max helped train him and hone his skills, using the watch he was able to become a hero. Despite wanting to be a hero, Ben was still a kid so he sometimes used his powers for some payback and personal gain, like messing with some bullies who always picked on him, or using Ghostfreak to sneak into a restricted area to play a new video game.

His actions usually had consequences like getting his family kicked out of a fancy hotel. Max is mad, warning Ben not to misuse the Omnitrix, and grounds him. He leaves to try and get some of his money back from the hotel. Ben, being a hothead, sneaks off to explore New York City. Gwen follows him to make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble.

They end up in an arcade, and Ben tries to play a game only for it to glitch and trigger a Game Over before he could start playing. He complained to the manager only for him to be directed to a sign saying, “Play at your own risk.” Ben’s mood continues to sour, and he bumps into a raven-haired boy named Kevin.

The two hit it off making fun of the jerk of a manager. Kevin decides to help Ben out, and zaps the machine and causes it to spit his tokens back out, along with all the other tokens inside. Gwen didn’t approve of this, but Ben thanked Kevin anyway. Just as they were about to play some games, a gang of thugs came around the corner and spotted Kevin. A look of fear comes across Kevin’s face. “Sorry, I gotta run!”

He doesn’t get far as another teen blocks his path. “Where you going freak?” the teens surround him. Their body language screamed trouble.

“Leave him alone!” Ben snapped.

“Stay out of this kid, this freak needs to be taught a lesson.” Ben tried to help on his own only to get tossed away. He used this moment to use his watch.

“Ben don’t...” Gwen protested only for him to ignore her.

“He helped me before, so I’m gonna help him.” he transformed turning into XLR8. The gang was planning to beat Kevin up for what he did to their hangout. Before they could hurt him XLR8 speeds in and begins to beat up the punks, sending them flying.

Gwen tries to complain about Ben’s use of the Omnitrix, but Ben says. “I’m just helping out a friend, why can’t you understand that.” The watch timed out and Ben returned to human form.

Kevin was amazed by XLR8, and now that he’s free he offers Ben a tour of New York. The two boys go off together while Gwen returns to the RV to find a very angry Max. “Where is Ben!”


As they explored Ben asked about Kevin’s power. “Was born with it, I’m able to store and release any type of energy.”

“Doesn’t that hurt you?” Ben touches his hand, and Kevin blushes.

“Nah, it’s just sorta tingly.” he rubbed the back of his head. “We are close to my place, let’s chill there.” His home was an abandoned subway station.

“You live here?” Ben looked around, the place was full of tech, televisions, vending machines, arcade machines.

“For now,” he shrugged.

“What about your parents?”

“Ditched me, when I discovered my powers, I accidentally caused a power surge and started a fire. Parents didn’t take it well, guess they didn’t want a freak for a son.” he laughed.

“You aren’t a freak Kevin, you’re different, and that’s cool!” Kevin felt his cheeks heat up again. Ben asked about the guys who jumped him, and they had been using Kevin for his powers to break into ATM’s, security doors, anything electrical, Kevin just wanted to be accepted so he went along with it, but they showed their true colors. He trashed their base and ran off, they’ve been after him since.

“Everyone thinks I’m a freak, I’m better off alone.” he crossed his arms.

“Well, I don’t.” Ben shares his story of what happened between him and his Grandpa Max, and it gives Kevin an idea. This was a very bad idea, that leads to police being called, Ben going alien to help them escape, and being chased around the city, they do get away but that was crazy.

“Seems you got some moves of your own,” Ben tells him about the Omnitrix and how it works, and about his other alien forms. “So that was you who saved me back there.”

“Yeah, your my friend, and I wanted to help ya out.” Kevin is impressed with Ben’s abilities and wonders if he can show him more. “Can’t, when the watch times out I can’t go alien for a while.”

“Let me see,” Kevin zaps Ben’s watch and can charge it, going from red back to green.

“Whoa, you did it!” Ben exclaimed.

“Seems we can make a good team.” Kevin offered his hand. “What do you say, partners?” Ben smiled.

“Partners!” they shook on it.

Kevin was feeling drained so they found a power source so he can absorb some energy. Kevin started acting weird after absorbing the energy, talking about with their power they could do whatever they wanted, with no one able to stop them. Things escalated when Kevin planned to derail a money train, and send it on a collision course with another train.

Ben was against this, as many people would be killed. “Who cares, do you think any of those people care about you, if they knew what you could do, they’d call you a freak!” Ben’s eyes widened.

“Not everyone is like that Kevin!” Kevin wasn’t hearing him.

“It’s you and me, Ben, we are partners. It’s gonna be us against the world.” Kevin had the crazy eyes going on.

‘What is wrong with him?’ This didn’t seem like the Kevin he met at the arcade. Little did Ben know what absorbing energy does to a person. Ben tried to stop this, if he could go Four Arms he could switch the track back, but instead, the Omnitrix turns into Heatblast.

Ben groaned in frustration. “Stay back Kevin, I don’t want to hurt you!”

“I’m not afraid!” Kevin blasts out the lights, before jumping onto Ben’s back and tries to absorb his energy. He cries out in pain, as the energy from Heatblast does indeed hurt him.

“Kevin!” he’s blown back and Heatblasts runs to check on him, only to get blasted back with a fireball. Kevin has somehow become one with Heatblast’s DNA, he was half Kevin, half Heatblast.

The two fight, but Ben, in the end, overpowers Kevin and manages to save the two trains from colliding. Kevin gets away as Max arrives, and rightfully furious with Ben. Max gave him a lecture and a spanking for his disobedience. He wasn’t a cruel man, but Max knew sometimes words only went so far.

It was a sign that Ben really had gone too far. Max wasn’t just angry he was scared if something happened to Ben, he’d never forgive himself. Ben could see that Max cared about him, and he wasn’t just barking orders he was trying to guide Ben down the right path. This was a wake-up call...

Ben apologized, but he knew they had to stop Kevin from misusing his powers. Max believed him, and they were off. Ben called it, Kevin was at the gang’s hideout, using his powers to put the fear into those that tried to hurt him. Ben turned into Four Arms and arrived on the scene. “Stop this Kevin!”

“Hey there partner, perfect timing.” His Heatblast powers had just faded away. “You can give me more power!”

“Kevin, please stop, this is wrong!” he approached him slowly.

“Don’t look at me like that Ben!” His hands spark. “These guys hurt me, they should pay!” the gang were pissing themselves right now. “You can give me the power to teach them a lesson.”

“Kevin...” Once Four Arms was in range Kevin jumped on Ben, zapping him. Four Arms cried out in pain, and the watch began to surge with the energy. Kevin took this chance to grab onto Four Arms and began to drain his energy.

Ben thrashed around, the Omnitrix on his chest was surging with energy, it let off a noise similar to the time out noise. Kevin was trying to hang and absorb the energy, but something was wrong. Kevin’s energy and the Omnitrix's energy were like two misshapen gears colliding with each other.

If the watch had been charging this wouldn’t be an issue, but since it was on and active this was causing a terrifying backlash. Kevin drawing out Four Arm’s DNA with his powers was the icing on the cake.

The watch timed out, Ben reverting back to his human form, only to be caught in the backlash, the Four Arm’s DNA and energy melding with his human self. His baby fat melted away, muscles forming more prominently. A new set of arms materialized, ripping his shirt open. His crotch bulged as his cock was joined by another, both an impressive size.

Kevin had been thrown back by the wild energy so he wasn’t mutated. “What the heck!?” he looked at Ben in shock. He was taller now, now bigger than Kevin, his muscles were lean and tight.

Ben was surprised by this. He still had the watch on his wrist, now his upper left. “Recognized: Human/Tetramand hybrid registered.” a voice came from the Omnitrix. “Tetramand DNA harvested from Omnitrix will need time to restore, Omnitrix calibration cycle initiated.” The watch entered a blue state and seemed to stop functioning. He didn’t know what he was gonna do, but one thing was clear he had to stop Kevin.

To be continued



I've got a good feeling about this, nothing like multi-arm and multi-cock~