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Bleach parody: Tier 1: Born on the phone

Chapter 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/29741096

Lamia Arrancar

Chapter 2 His Pet

Since becoming a Vasto Lorde Ichigo has felt different. The almost constant hunger had subsided and he felt less wild. It wasn't gone completely rising up at different points of time almost like a human. His mind was very clear, he remembered even the smallest details about his life. (It's clearer for Ichigo than most hollows because he's not eaten a human and the hollows he eats get purified so there's no mix ups or overlap or interference)

To his surprise a lot of adjuchas stopped trying to attack him be it out of fear or respect it was hard to say. His dream voice said not to let his guard down, that becoming what he was wouldn't stop every hollow from attacking him. He was right, some started approaching him asking for formal challenges, calling him Strong One.

He also thought about trying to pop over into the human world, he wouldn't stay long and would plan it accordingly. His dream voice didn't object, so it seemed like a good plan. He had just eaten so he was about to open a garganta when…

A surge of spiritual pressure wracked across the land. "Oi!" He heard someone shout. "You got a lot of power for one so small, would you happen to be a Vasto Lorde?"

Ichigo turned, not shaken by the pressure in the least. Some hollows liked to do this as a way of flexing or sometimes intimidation. Ichigo spotted a pack of hollows, all adjuchas class, but their leader was strong. He looked like a beast, reminding Ichigo of a big cat. "And if I am?"

The feline looking hollow smirked. "Then you are my prey!" He roared and lunged at Ichigo.

'He's fast!' Ichigo was impressed, his attack was flawless, going for him with his jaws while prepared to swipe him with his claws should he dodge to the left or right. "Not fast enough!" Ichigo caught him with his tail and flung him across the barren lands.

"Grimmjow-sama!" The pack shouted.

"You are pretty fast, let me show you my speed!" Ichigo vanished using sonido, it was the equivalent to the Soul Reaper's flash step. He was moving so fast it looked like there were eight of him.

"This is the power of a Vasto Lorde…" the hollow known as Shawlong spoke in both awe and fear. Grimmjow wasn't backing down, he kept trying to attack but his claws just kept getting after images. After his attack Ichigo would smack him with his tail.

"Listen, I've already eaten, you should take your pack and go!" Ichigo warned, giving Grimmjow a smack with his tail.

"No way!" Grimmjow planted his feet on the ground. "I will get stronger l, I will evolve!" He growled.

'He's quite persistent,' Ichigo thought and kept up on the attack. He could just run, with his speed they wouldn't be able to catch him, but where is the fun in that? It was hard to read Grimmjow's moves but Grimmjow was slowly reading his. He was actually dodging some of Ichigo's strikes. 'He's got good instincts!'

"Got you!" Grimmjow spun like a buzzsaw and flew at Ichigo. The lamia caught him with his claws, the clash sending sparks and tremors of spiritual pressure. He got pushed back a bit, before he charged up a Cero and blasted the hollow back.

Grimmjow got blasted into the sand. "Grimmjow-sama!" His pack cried out. They were done sitting on the side lines, they charged their own ceros, and let loose a volley on the lamia. Ichigo dodged their attacks. "Now all together!"

Their leader groaned as he got out of the crater Ichigo had blasted him into. "You...idiots…" their attacks were drawn together forming a massive blast. This was quite the feet, even if Ichigo dodged the shockwaves were surely gonna do something.

The giant attack was launched a swirl of energy, and Ichigo didn't dodge. 'What is he doing?' Ichigo raised a hand, he didn't even try to dodge it. The blast hit, and the massive cero was broken up, sucked down Ichigo's mouth.

Eyes widened as Ichigo drank down every drop. "Ha!" He fired back a cero of his own, with double the strength. Had Ichigo intended it the whole pack would have been wiped out, but he purposely missed. The shock waves, sending the pack scattering and getting knocked out.

"What the hell was that?" Grimmjow growled.

"Cero Doble…" Ichigo wiped his mouth.

Grimmjow was trembling, with excitement. This was the power he wanted, this was the power he deserved! His little party had been trying to evolve, but even after devouring 3000 hollows they noticed no change. Shawlong felt they reached a wall, but Grimmjow could carry on, he'd climb past the peak that towered over them.

He believed there was still a way to evolve, if it wasn't the number, maybe it was quality. If he could eat a Vasto Lorde, he could become one. They searched the vast waste land that was Heuco Mundo, but hadn't found a single one. It was true the number of Vasto Lorde was few, some said you could count the total number of them on just the fingers of your hands. Now that he faced one he couldn't back away.

"You should take your friends and go." Ichigo said and tried to slither off, but Grimmjow got in his way. "What are you doing?"

"I won't run...I will evolve...I will become a Vasto Lorde!" He growled.

"You are strong, it'd be a shame to kill one so full of promise." He crossed his arms, trying to think of a way around this.

"You...kill me...you are my prey!" He charged at Ichigo, going at max speed.

"Ah, I got it!" Ichigo smiled. He hasn't tested this technique but now was a good a time as any. Ichigo caught him and quickly pinned him onto his back. His body was so flexible and fast he didn't even see it coming until his back hit the sand. "Look into my eyes...Grimmjow!"

His eyes began to glow, the light rippling over the black of his eyes. Grimmjow looked on reflex, his radiant blue eyes met dazzling yellow, and he was mesmerized. He tried to look away but he couldn't. "What are you...oohhh!"

He looked deeper into his eyes, the ripples reflecting in his. "Yes that's it, good boy!" Grimmjow felt himself relax. He couldn't help it. To make matters worse his window of escape was dwindling as Ichigo slowly wrapped him up in his coils. "You don't have to fight, just relax…" Ichigo's words were so calm and spoken in a soothing tone, it made Grimmjow's defenses crumble.

Space and Time faded away as Grimmjow stared into the hypnotic orbs. He couldn't tell if he was floating or falling, but he oddly felt safe. Ichigo's words seemed to keep him tethered, his words of praise sent shivers down his spine. His men often praised him but it never felt like this.

"Just relax and obey, the more you obey the more pleasure you feel, and the more pleasure you feel the more relaxed you become, and the more relaxed you are the more you want to obey." Ichigo repeated these words over and over, until Grimmjow began repeating those words, speaking them as truth etched into his very soul.

"I relax and obey, the more I obey the more pleasure I feel, the more pleasure I feel the more relaxed I become, and the more relaxed I am, the more I want to obey!" He said, a smile forming over his feline face. "I want to obey you, Master!"

"Good, good...good boy!" Ichigo pets him and the hollow leaned into his touch. "I used to want a pet, will you become my pet, Grimmjow?"

"Yes, I want to become your pet!" He moaned and Ichigo chuckled.

"You are a tough one, but you seem to enjoy this," his coils shifted brushing up against Grimmjow's enjoyment. "You've been a leader, but now you wish to descend into being my pet?" This wasn't the first time he's hypnotized a hollow, his voice told him that his powers would work on even the craziest of minds, but some natures would resist more strongly than others. Physical and mental strength meant nothing, but Grimmjow's reaction truly surprised Ichigo.

"Yes, please make me your pet master!" He was too far gone, he would do anything to be Ichigo's pet at this point. Ichigo could break him, as he's done to other hollows in the past that tried to eat him and were too strong for him to fight head to head.

Ichigo, however, felt it would be a waste to ruin such a promising hollow, plus he did very much enjoy their fight. "Alright Grimmjow, from this day forward you will be mine, you shall follow my orders as a loyal vassal to his King. When the time comes for you to be my pet you shall descend and fully submit yourself to me."

"Yes master!" He drooled.

"But remember this, no matter how strong you get, or what form you take you are mine!" His eyes rippled with more light. "Even if we are far apart who is your master?"

"You are!" He moaned.

"Good boy!" Ichigo said and Grimmjow shuddered in delight. Ichigo spent the next several hours making Grimmjow his prime pet and vassal.  "Now it is time to sleep my pet."

Grimmjow hesitated. It wasn't normal for hollows to sleep, out of fear of losing themselves and regressing back. "It is okay, remember you are safe in my coils." Grimmjow smiled again and happily drifted off to sleep.

Ichigo wasn't done with the hollow yet, he fed the sleeping kitty his reiatsu. Doing so he was able to connect with Grimmjow on deeper level. He combed through his soul and purified any hollows that were trying to fight him for control. Those that wanted to remain became truly a part of Grimmjow allowing him to reach new strength.

Grimmjow truly was close to evolving but it was some of the other hollows he had devoured holding him back. They bore a grudge against him and while constantly fighting him for control also chained him down. He just needed one more piece, a catalyst for his awakening.

A matter for another time, Ichigo sought to stretch his coils and explore the human world. He waited until the others of his pack were about to awake, caressing Grimmjow before he released him. He opened a Garganta and slipped away.

To be continued Ichigo's Travels and Grimmjow's Mission


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