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Pocket Adventures parody: patreon reward

Blessings of Rapidash

The time of Pokemopolis was coming to an end. Many of the kaiju level pokemon were either sealed or going to rest. Rapidash left its blessing upon a certain family. This blessing gave the human a monster form, allowing the family to become a centaur. It's well known in Pallet Town, but the world is in for quite a surprise. Switcher Ash/Harem

Chapter 1

Pokemopolis was an ancient city in the Pokemon world, along side Pokelantis. The humans lived along side of the ancient pokemon. The giant Kaiju sized pokemon, ones that brought havoc to the world were called the powers of destruction, and the giant pokemon that protected humans, they were called the powers of salvation.

One of these Pokemon was a Kaiju sized Rapidash. It battled against many powers of destruction. Its flames were only dangerous to his enemies, those it trusted and sought to protect the flames were gentle and warm. However, peaceful times could not last forever and some people didn’t trust the powers of salvation, saying any great power could become a threat.

Factions began to form, and some of these factions began harnessing powerful magic to seal the Kaiju Pokemon away. Some believed this power would be a good thing, used for sealing the powers of destruction away, allowing the powers of salvation to thrive. This appeared to be the case, but as the powers of destruction were sealed, many of the good Kaiju level pokemon were going to rest. An imbalance began to occur, and more destruction spread.

Rapidash didn’t believe this would end well, fearing the worst he bestowed a blessing upon a family that had taken care of him and tried to help Rapidash in battle. He granted his power upon them, a power that could be passed down the family line. They transformed gaining monstrous power.

He was right to be concerned. Some humans didn’t trust even the good Kaiju level pokemon and began sealing them as well. Chaos and destruction began to spread across the land, with no proper balance the world faced unspeakable horrors.

A mad man turned the sealing power on Rapidash. “Begone from this world monster!”

“Stop it!” a man with wild dark hair charged in trying to stop the sealing ritual. His form came as a surprise, his upper body was human but his lower half was that a beast. He stood on four legs and wielded a monster’s power. “Why are you doing this?”

“The only good Kaiju is a sealed Kaiju, now that we had the sealing power, we don’t need them!”

“You are insane, humans and pokemon must live side by side, you bring imbalance!”

“Seize him!” Some men began to bind the man with ropes. He struggled and thrashed, but this was merely a distraction. Rapidash didn’t fight them, didn’t resist as the chanting began anew.

“Rapidash-sama, run away!” No one could catch him if he ran. Rapidash shook his head and instead used his flames to free the man. His eyes widened. ‘You want me to run?’ Rapidash nodded.

The man obeyed, he fled and took his family escaping what was to come. “You act brave but you are still a monster! Begone from this world demon!” they sealed Rapidash away.

This divided the humans further and they fled with the hybrid. On the cusp of victory, they learned their folly. A giant Alakazam and a giant Gengar were drawn to Pokemopolis, their respective counterparts were sealed so there was nothing to stop them from clashing.

Their war brought Pokemopolis to ruin. The sect tried to seal the two beasts, but their powers were far stronger than normal kaiju level pokemon. With their power, they could immobilize people, and Gengar could absorb people and feed on their energy for his own. Alakazam trapped people in horrifying displays. The most they were able to do was create the sealing tools for them.

The sky warped from their terrifying battle and many feared that this would be the end. The centaur man found a sealed kaiju pokemon, one of the good ones. “Please, I beseech you stop the destruction.” he used his new power to free the kaiju.

Jigglypuff appeared and used his power to stop the world’s end. With the Kaiju asleep they were able to be sealed into the items. Jigglypuff returned to slumber, returning to the item that had sealed it before.

The balance had been distorted, but the ancestor of all Pokemon Mew, was able to restore balance, filling the world with Pokemon, with less power than their Kaiju counterparts. People and pokemon would live side by side. Pokemopolis fell and their legends faded with time.

In the town that formed after the fall, they knew of the blessing Rapidash gave them. They know of the centaur family and respect them as time marched on.

-x-Time change-x-

Humans and Pokemon live side by side now. Scientists and professors seek to understand the many mysteries of pokemon to further better the world and the bonds between humans and pokemon. New professions began to appear such as trainers, breeders, coordinators, and many more began to pop up. New technology was made that allowed people to capture pokemon and train with them, battle with them, work with them even.

Trainers and their pokemon competed in gripping matches known as Pokemon Battles. Pokemon enjoyed them battling to test their skills, growing stronger and even evolving. Battles had rules, regulations, provided entertainment, and a challenge for both people and pokemon.

The world was moving forward, it wasn’t perfect there were some people who either hurt pokemon or used them to commit evil deeds, but good people existed to, ones who helped save pokemon, and helped heal them.

It wasn’t much but their world was worth defending. Once trainers came of age they were allowed to go on a Pokemon Journey, getting a starter Pokemon from their respective town. In the Town of Pallet, trainers received either a Bulbasaur, a Charmander, or a Squirtle.

In this town there lived a centaur family, Delia Ketchum and her son Ash Ketchum, they were the last of their kind. They knew their history as a bedtime story passed down through the ages. Ash’s father was a trainer, who went off a journey and disappeared before Ash was born. When he asked about his father, his mother simply said she had a thing for bad boys, and left it at that.

Ash was born a centaur, his mother was a centaur, and she taught him how to control his unique powers. They could control and manipulate flames, the first thing Ash learned was to control his natural flames as to not hurt those around him. Once he learned that he was allowed to attend Pokemon School with the other children.

He could understand Pokemon, which helped him do well. He couldn’t wait to become a trainer and travel with his own pokemon one day. His mother was a bit worried about it since she didn’t want anything to happen to her son. “Not to worry Mom, I’ll train and get extra strength, plus I’ll have my Pokemon with me.”

Ash trained every day, studying Pokemon, practicing with his power, and working out every day. This went on for years, he had grown into a handsome centaur, his coming of age day was just around the corner. Ash was doing his daily run around the town, a covering over his horse half, only his fire tail could be seen.

“Good morning Ash!” Professor Oak waved at him.

“Morning Professor!” Ash trotted over to him.

“You are looking good this morning,” the boy blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “Hard to believe, it feels like only yesterday you were learning how to walk, now you run so strong, it's amazing.”

“Thanks, Professor,” Ash chuckled.

“Are you excited about your Pokemon Journey?”

“You know it, I’m excited to get my first Pokemon.”

“By the way, have you seen my Grandson Gary? I checked on him this morning before coming out to inspect the Pokemon.” he crossed his arms. “He was missing, that boy loves to disappear.”

“Oh I’m sure he’s around, I gotta run Professor, see ya!” he ran off. Once he was out of sight he relaxed. “If he only knew, right Gary?”

He lifted the sheet, Gary Oak was tied up in the best ways, his arms and legs were tied up behind him and he was hogtied underneath Ash. His muscular form was stretched tight beneath him, his firm pecs heaving with each breath through his nose. His ass was stuffed by Ash’s monstrous 24-inch dick, the massive man meat-filled Gary to the brim, his stomach bulging from the massive size. The massive cock was rubbing and nudging his insides as Ash ran, his massive balls spanking Gary’s ass as he went.

Gary had a ring around his cock, but it wasn’t binding his release, it had two straps connecting to his nips, so every bounce and bob of his 7-inch cock tugged on his big sensitive nips. A catheter was plugged into Gary’s cock and the hose went right into the ball gag. So Gary was drinking his own cum while being flooded by pre-cum.

He continued to run about, Gary’s moans getting muffled by the gag, he lost count how many orgasms he’s had, and how much cum he’s drinking. The boy’s balls were adorably small due to how often Ash milked him but compared to Ash’s massive nuts anyone’s balls would be small in comparison. He came, his semen surging through the tube into a specially made hole in his gag, allowing him to chug his own man milk.

Once Ash finished his run he came, flooding Gary’s insides with thick hot cum, the brunette’s eyes rolled up as his belly swelled with seed. Ash undid him, and he dropped to his hands and knees, his ass was a lovely shade of red, and his cock spent.

Ash’s cock slipped from his hole, leaving him gaping. “That was a good run!” he removed the items from Gary, earning whimpers and groans. The brunette waited patiently until the last toy was removed, the ball gag. He let out a small burp, as he had drunk too much cum.

He was still hungry though, as he crawled beneath Ash and began worshiping his massive dick. Believe it or not, this was Ash’s rival. Gary Oak had become quite the naughty boy since becoming Ash’s mate. Ash just couldn’t resist him, he was the cutest tsundere ever.

Right now he was riding high on the pleasure and monster musk, but…

Ash moaned as Gary fondled his huge nuts, his climax went and the human opened his mouth wide. Ash’s release was a solid stream, Gary got some in his mouth, but he was covered head to toe in semen.

The brunette stood up licking his lips. “Well this was fun, but I’m out of here.” his hole was still gaping, and his legs felt like jelly.

“You want a ride back?” hard to believe he could act so high and mighty covered in cum.

“Feh, I don’t need your help.”

“Oh no?” Ash slapped his ass, and Gary crumbled like a tower of Geodude, his swollen belly was pressed and Ash’s cum gushed out of his ass.

“Fine, I’ll take a ride.” Ash scooped him up, carrying him bridal style. “Hey!”

“You wanted a ride right?” he chuckled.

Gary was too weak walk but tried struggle, pushing at Ash's stupid handsome face. “This isn’t what I meant, put me down, idiot!”

“You know you are cute when you are covered in my cum.” Gary blushed and stopped resisting, letting Ash carry him like the spoiled princess he was.


“Love you too Gary!” He let Gary shower at his place to get cleaned up.

To be continued


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