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Dragon ball parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/29174453 

Chapter 2

Raditz was right, his brother did survive sent to the planet Earth. There he was found by Gohan, and elderly martial artist and hermit. He gave the boy the name Goku. He noticed strange things happening around the boy. Concerned he sought help from his master’s sister Baba, also known as Fortuneteller Baba, she was a witch. She used her gifts to help people and make a profit at the same time.

Upon seeing Goku Baba was able to see his affinity for magic she could also see he wasn’t human. Using her powers she was able to see his true name and the fate of his people. Gohan decided to raise the boy and teach him martial arts, training his body. Baba agreed to teach him magic, she couldn’t ignore the boy’s talent and potential. She didn’t stay with Gohan, but she paid a visit now and then.

Goku was able to learn the power of Telekinesis, he used it to help Gohan out as often as he could. Gohan taught him that if he was gonna learn magic he should use it to help people. He learned Telepathy and used that to stay in contact with Baba. With the combined teachings Goku trained his body up, creating a proper vessel to use his magic. They taught him about the Ozaru form and the dangers of the full moon, with this knowledge Goku trained and meditated seeking to gain control of this form.

The ability was a part of him, if he could master it he could use the power to protect people. So with this knowledge in mind, he didn’t hurt his grandfather and was able to learn a lot more from the man. He learned to tap into his ki, he learned more fighting techniques, even Gohan was impressed that Goku was able to master the Kamehameha so easily. Gohan also taught him necessities like learning to read and count.

Baba over the years gave Goku training exercises to, as she put it, work his magic muscles. When she visited she taught him various magic spells. He learned Magical Materialization, he was able to store things with his magic, and later pull them out. He mostly used it to store food. He also learned a Hypnosis Technique, a pretty powerful one. She also helped hone his Dream Visions, an ability that let him see into the future when he dreams.

She gave Goku a book of spells, the spells in the book were beyond her magic capabilities but Goku had loads of potential. He learned the art of Healing, he was able to create a barrier known as Shell. After using the spells enough he could use them without incantation. Some of the spells were intense even for Goku so he needed to work on his magic muscles as well as his actual muscles.

Baba was also able to teach him the value of money explaining her work. Goku was able to learn a lot from both Gohan and Baba, strengthening his tail so it wasn’t a weakness. He was also given time to develop his techniques and even work on his own spells. Sadly all the magic and training in the world couldn’t prepare him for Gohan’s death. The man had lived a long life, done many good deeds, helped people, he had watched Goku grow up into a fine young man, but his time was running out. His ki was fading, his body weakening and even Goku’s healing magic wasn’t able to fix it.

Gohan passed away from heart disease, all Goku was able to do was ease his pain, his healing magic couldn’t cure him, but it could ease his pain. He held on pushing his limits to help him pass on peacefully. “You are a good boy Goku...no Kakarot...I’m proud of you, I want you to live on. Continue to grow strong and help people.” Goku promised, and the man passed on, dying with a smile on his face. Baba came to collect him, Gohan leaving behind his dragon ball and the power pole.

He went to live with Baba and became one of her warriors so he got to fight a lot of strange and strong people. His experiences helped him develop his magic, some fools tried to force Baba to use her powers with weapons, he created a spell known as Dissolve. The spell did not harm living things, it instead destroyed weapons, armor, clothing, and even tanks. His matches helped him develop his fighting techniques.

Baba eventually set up Goku going to the School of Transformation, the school would further Goku’s education as well as give him the keys to mastering his Ozaru form. Baba was famous so her recommendation got Goku in without an issue. As a parting gift, she gave him his own crystal ball.

His time there wasn’t wasted, not only could he transform himself, he could use his magic to transform objects into something else, his teachers were surprised he could master such a high-level technique. They told him to never use it to kill living things.

He used his crystal ball and was able to see his parents, it was just an image, he had been so excited when he first attempted it. The image was a memory he could no longer remember. He kept the crystal ball next to his dragon ball, it was like having his family with them. He would always say goodnight to them before going to sleep. He often wondered if he was ever going to meet another saiyan…then a thought occurred to him, with his magic could he make another Saiyan?

Goku finished his training, the transformation technique itself didn’t interest Goku that much, but holding the transformation worked his magic muscles. Still, it could come in handy one day. His teacher was a fox anthro and was impressed with Goku’s magical properties. He left him a card to find him if he wants to learn other forms of magic.


Goku graduated and was ready to leave. His fox teacher saw him off. He returned to Baba’s palace and just in time, there was some trouble brewing. “Listen you old hag, I want to know where the dragon balls are!” A tall man with wild hair and a scar on his cheek was yelling at Baba.

“And I already told you, you can either pay my fee or fight my fighters!” Baba said.

“Heh, you don’t know who I am, I’m Yamcha the Bandit the terror of the Diablo Desert.” a floating cat came forward. “This is my companion Puar!”

“Right, so show my master some respect!”

“I don’t care who you are, rules are rules.”

“Listen here...”

“Baba!” Yamcha was cut off. “Everything okay?”

“Just the usual stubborn fool. Welcome home Goku!”

“Glad to be home,” he smiled.

“Ah, Yamcha look!” Puar pointed out, Yamcha did and saw the Four-Star Dragon Ball tied to Goku’s belt.

“A dragon ball!” Baba had told him what it was long ago as well as the legend of the Eternal Dragon. Some wishes could be quite dangerous, Baba said all magic had its limits even the dragon’s but its powers were far beyond even Goku’s power.

“I’ll be taking that ball from you,” Yamcha said and drew his sword.

“I don’t think so, how do you know about the dragon balls?”

“Heh, beat me and I’ll tell you!” he took a fighting stance with his sword. “Your name is Goku, fight me then!”

Baba could tell just by looking at him, Yamcha was no punk, and he was no ordinary bandit he had skills. “Fine, I will fight you.”

“Tell you what, I’ll bend the rules just this once, if you can defeat Goku then I will reveal the location of the dragon balls to you.”

“Yes, go get him Yamcha!” Puar cheered.

Yamcha wasn’t so arrogant. “She must have quite a lot of faith in you.”

“Oh yes, he’s my prized student.”

“Granny taught me a lot about magic.

“So you are a magician, well I’ve faced your kind before, with my speed I’ll beat you before you can work your magic.” Yamcha charged at Goku swinging his blade about. Goku dodged, reading his moves well as Gohan had taught. ‘Is he reading my moves?’ He turned on the speed, but Goku was light on his feet dodging his attacks as they came. “You...are you really just a magician?” he pointed at him.

“I’m a Saiyan...” Yamcha had no idea what he was saying.

“To be accurate he’s a Saiyan shaman, while his magical abilities are great his physical strength is nothing to sneeze at, plus he was raised by a skilled martial artist for years.”

“I see who was this martial artist?”

“Gohan, my grandpa, he trained me, but he passed away some years ago.”

“No way!”

“I just finished training at the School of Transformation, under Kura the Fox!”

“Waaahhhh!” Puar gasped. That was his school, he had spent many years there learning the art of transformation, but he didn’t have the magical power to learn any of the advanced techniques.

“So I’m plenty strong!”

“We’ll see just how strong!” he charged at him again.

“Dissolve!” Goku cast his spell, causing Yamcha’s sword to dissolve, not only that his upper armor was turned to dust.

“Oh my!” Baba gasped. Yamcha was ripped, fine pecs washboard abs, he was seriously toned.

“Not bad, but my skill in the sword is nothing, compared to my Wolf Fang Fist!” he charged at Goku, and indeed he was skilled. Goku had to block instead of just dodge.

He whistled. “You are strong, you got a lot of potential, a shame you are wasting it being a bandit!”

“Shut it, I will crush you and get the dragon balls.” he even went after the one

“We’ll see,” Goku fought against Yamcha, with neither side backing down. Puar was cheering for Yamcha but even he couldn’t believe Goku’s strength.

“Hurry up Goku, finish him off and we’ll have dinner,” Baba called.

“Dinner!” he licked his lips. It was like flipping a switch. His attacks became wilder. “Hiyaaahhh!” Goku countered one of his blows and he had him, Goku began to whoop his butt before one final powerful hit sent him flying out of the ring. Yamcha broke a tooth from the blow and he was down.

“Oh, no master!” Puar cried. “Oh no, please don’t be dead!”

“He’s not dead, just knocked out. I may have gone a bit far.” his hand glowed, magic rippled out, and Yamcha’s swelling went down, his wounds healed, and even his tooth got fixed. “A good nights rest and he’ll be fine.”

Puar bowed. “Thank you!” he carried Yamcha to a car that came out of a dino cap. He transformed and took a human form, he was male with blue hair cat ears and a tail. He drove off, but not too far.

“That one will be back for sure.”

“How do you know?” Baba simply chuckled.

To be continued


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