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Bleach parody: patreon reward

Chapter 12  https://www.patreon.com/posts/normal-life-not-28069599 

Chapter 13 Some Scars Don't Heal

Grimmjow wasn't one to fuck around, he was a proud pet and took his position very seriously. His master was hurting, he could almost feel him shrinking with every word this little shit spoke. He was always trying to picture the one who hurt his master so, for the one who left a scar on Ichigo that so many didn't even know was there. Ichigo wasn't allowed to be himself, just from this little bastard's words he felt the pieces fall into place. He may have spent only a short time with the Kurosaki family, but he could tell they were good people, their home was warm and inviting. To hear Uryu spit on their names so, it angered him to no end.

Renji was just as pissed as Grimmjow was, he may not have known the Kurosaki family for as long, but he and Ichigo have been friends since he had come to their school. Ichigo was his master, and to have him insulted was maddening.

The only reason he didn't punch the creep was that Grimmjow beat him to it. “Dang I wanted to hit him Grimmjow.”

“You can have him after I'm done with him.” Grimmjow cracked his knuckles.

“You hit me...you damn ruffian...” Uryu scrambled up, and he cupped his sore cheek. “I get it, you are a freak just like him!”

“Keep running your mouth, give me more reasons to knock your teeth in.”

“Stay back, stay away,” he began to back away but Grimmjow was on him, socking him in his jaw following through with a blow to his belly. Uryu was dropped to the floor, the air leaving him. “Gah!”

The boy looked around, seeing Ichigo was still stunned. “I get it...you've fallen for him...” he gave a weak chuckle, Grimmjow narrowed his eyes on him. “You don't know him...not like I do...he might seem sweet...but he's not...”

He got up. “He's a pervert...his lust isn't natural...he just wants you to get off!”

“You don't know anything then, maybe if you thought about your partner instead of yourself...” Renji snapped.

“Save it Renji, this guy doesn't deserve Ichigo, he couldn't handle him so he hurt him!” he grabbed Uryu by the shirt. “Say goodbye to your teeth!”

Uryu screamed, but the blow never came.

Ichigo hugged Grimmjow from behind. “Grimm...stop...” his voice sounded so shaky.

“Ichi...don't stop me...this fucker deserves it!” he shook Uryu for emphasis.

“Grimmjow please...let's just go...” he was trembling. “Please...” his hands tightened on the bluenette.

“Fine,” he growled. He tossed Uryu to the ground. “Red, let's go!” Renji was gonna protest but saw Ichigo wasn't in a good state. He grabbed their things and headed off, throwing Uryu one last glare.

‘I’ll make you pay...you freak!’


The road back to the Kurosaki house was a quiet one. Ichigo hadn’t said a word since leaving Uryu where he was. It was making Grimmjow nervous. ‘Does he still have feelings for that creep?’

Renji was thinking the same. Ichigo had stopped Grimmjow, even though Uryu was saying such horrible things to his face, he had a bad feeling what their past was like. Ichigo was shaken up just seeing the other male. He didn’t know much, but he knew Ichigo was in turmoil and he didn’t know how to help.

The boys made it back and Ichigo was still quiet. “Welcome back boys did you...” her eyes widened when she saw Ichigo. “Sweetie, what happened?” Ichigo shook his head.

“Renji dear, why don’t you bring Ichigo up to his room and put that stuff away.”

“Uh sure,” Ichigo moved like a zombie, being led by the red-head and not saying a word. Once he was out of ear and eyeshot, she turned to Grimmjow.

“What happened?”

“Ran into his ex, he was some piece of work.”

“Oh no,” she got pale. “I was afraid of this, he always got this way when Uryu did something to him, he wouldn’t talk to anyone and no matter what Uryu did Ichigo never wanted to take any action against him.”

“I did!” he growled. “I socked him for talking shit about Ichi and your family. I would have done more but he stopped me.”

“Uryu was Ichigo’s first love, and he hurt Ichigo very deeply.”

“Does he still love him?” he needed to know.

“I don’t know, all I can say is he left a scar on Ichigo’s heart, and some scars don’t heal easy.”

“I thought I could help him, I thought...” Renji came down and was caught up to speed. “How is he?”

“Still not talking, he’s just sitting there.” he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Sit down you two, now that you’ve met him, you need to know, what we know, maybe then Ichigo can fill you in on the rest.” She gave them the rundown on Uryu and his history with Ichigo. From childhood friends to first loves, to the bad end. There were holes in her story, but she told them all she knew. “I don’t know when things went south, Ichigo was always smiling even when things seemed off, but after everything fell apart, he stopped smiling. I haven’t seen him in a good mood for so long until you came into his life Grimmjow-kun.”

Grimmjow was touched. “I’m glad!”

“I want to help him too, I had no idea he was even hurting. I feel like an idiot.” Renji groaned.

“Don’t feel bad, Ichigo has a bad habit of hiding his pain, he acts tough but stuff does get to him. After everything happened, he tried to be “normal” but I always felt he was forcing himself.”

“I don’t get it, if things were so great, what happened? If I was Ichi’s boyfriend I wouldn’t have given that up for the world.” Masaki and Renji stared at Grimmjow, who blushed.

“I always suspected...you see Uryu’s father and I were engaged to be married.”

“What?!” the two gasped.

“We were close, and while we liked each other we didn’t love each other. I left him for Isshin.”

“So could it be, that Uryu’s father poisoned him against Ichigo, out of spite or maybe jealousy?” Renji asked.

“I...I don’t think it was him. I believe it was his grandmother, the woman was stuck in the old ways. The way she saw it, women had no place outside of the home, and if you wanted to do anything outside of the norm, you were tainted, corrupted, or scandalous. She got mad at me once for wanting to learn the piano.” Their eyes widened. “Come to think of it, she passed away shortly after Ichigo and Uryu first started high school.”


Uryu made it home, wounded and messed up. His father found him. “What happened to you?”

“Father...I...” the man’s eyes narrowed on him.

“You went near Ichigo Kurosaki didn’t you!” he snapped. “I told you not to go near that boy!”

“Father, you should have seen him, he’s dating two boys, he isn’t right, he’s a...” Slap!

“No doubt you got those wounds from one of his boyfriends right? Running your mouth?”

“Father, that whole family is off, you should know that better than anyone.”

“You don’t know anything, listening to the words of that bitter old woman.” he gave Uryu a stern look. “Take those lumps as a warning, stay away from Ichigo.”

“You aren’t gonna do anything? That ruffian nearly knocked my teeth out.”

“Don’t go picking for fights then boy, those wounds will heal, what you did may never.” he walked off.

‘Damn it, damn it all!’


“Boys will you take care of Ichigo, I know he won’t respond to me.” from the look of her, she’s tried before, but got nowhere. “I hate to ask this, but if Ichigo shuts down again, we’ll have to move, and I don’t think Ichigo will properly recover again.”

The two made their way to their master’s room. Ichigo hadn’t moved a muscle. As per their contract as soon as the door shut the two got naked. Ichigo saw them and blushed. “Guys I’m not in the mood for...that...” he said and crossed his arms.

“We know, that’s not what this is about,” the two helped him disrobe.

“This wasn’t how I wanted to spend today, I wanted us to have fun and properly welcome Renji.” He soon was naked and the boys were tucking Ichigo in.

“I’m in no rush master when you feel up to it, I’ll be ready!” he kissed the back of his hand.

“Get some sleep master,” Grimmjow said.

“Grimmjow...Renji...am I a freak?”

“No!” they said in unison. Ichigo didn’t respond, so the two were gonna sleep on the floor.

“Hey guys,” Ichigo spoke. “I don’t want to sleep alone...would you two...cuddle with me?” he asked.

“Yes!” they said in unison. The blanket was pulled back and the two joined Ichigo in bed. Pressing their naked bodies against Ichigo. The orangette relaxed.

“I don’t like feeling like this,” he said, hugging them both.

“Ichi...I gotta ask...do you still love that guy?” Grimmjow didn’t want to ask this, but he had to know. He was scared of Ichigo’s answer.

“I...I don’t...I don’t know...we have such history together, and it wasn’t all bad. I wanted to forget him, but I think I was just running away. Seeing him again, made me realize I never truly tried to move on.”

“I got some scars Ichigo, my ex messed me up, so if you need to vent I’m here,” Grimmjow said.

“I’m here too, I don’t have a lot of experience but I can lend you an ear.” Renji nuzzled him.

“I’m sorry,” he began to cry.

“Don’t be,” the two kissed away his tears.

Ichigo captured Renji’s lips in a kiss, before kissing Grimmjow. “I know one thing, Uryu doesn’t make my heart flutter anymore. I want to move on!”

The two mentally cheered. “If he ever bothers you again, let me hit him this time,” Renji said.

“He’s not worth it, I don’t want you two getting in trouble because of him.” he hugged them tighter. ‘I need to get over what happened instead of running from it.’ he thought. ‘Uryu has changed, he’s not the little boy who liked to wear girls clothes and was happy being my girlfriend.’ He closed his eyes and snuggled between his pets.

‘I’m not gonna let that bastard hurt you again Ichi!’ Grimmjow thought, hugging his master tight.

‘Master, I’ll be here for you, let me bare some of your burdens.’ he thought and hugged Ichigo. Scars don’t heal, but they can fade with time, and even if they don’t it doesn’t have to define you. The trio fell asleep, Ichigo going first, with the two watching over him for some time.

To be continued Time to Heal


Damion Andrew

My heart... it still beats. I love it!