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Naruto parody: Tier 1: Redux Original text 2568 Redux text 3356


Puppet Clone

Naruto is a skilled puppet user, passing the genin exam was just his first step in becoming a great ninja. He must deal with enemies and rivals but with his puppets and his lovers at his side he may become the Hokage.

Chap 1 Genin

Konoha was one of several hidden villages that trained ninja. Once students came of age they took part in an exam, showing off everything they learned either from school or their families.

It had been a hard test, Naruto Uzumaki managed to pass the exam under special circumstances. Mastering both puppetry and the art of substitution, the first giving him high marks in chakra control and weapon use, the second a staple in ninjutsu.

Some students passed by making shadow clones. While he couldn't make clones, he made a puppet in his exact likeness. He had others but his doppelganger was his favorite and most used.

Naruto Uzumaki, son of Minato the former Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki. He was the vessel of the 9 tailed fox, Kyuubi. He was meant to be seen as the village hero, for containing the fox but ended up as the punching bag, people were scared of him. Despite the order from the previous Hokage, it didn't stop people from whispering about him or keeping the children away from him.

In the end, Naruto spent many nights alone, that is until he found a scroll teaching him about puppetry. He put his efforts into becoming a ninja and grew stronger and stronger until he passed the genin exam. It was better to train and study, then think about how quiet his apartment was.

It wasn't easy either, Naruto's puppet building and late-night training made him sleep in class or miss school altogether. His grades slipped, and Naruto did like to play pranks, so a lot of others thought he wasn't taking things seriously. When he slept in class, he often had his puppet record lessons.

He got his hitai-ate and joined the rest of the genin in celebration. “Oh man, I can't believe you made it to genin blondie!” Kiba Inuzuka came up to him, throwing an arm around him.

“You are one to talk puppy,” Naruto eyed the brunette with his red marking on his cheeks.

Kiba blushed. “Grr, don't call me a puppy!” he lunged at Naruto. The blonde dodged, and quickly put him in a headlock.

“Aww you'll always be my puppy, Inuzuka.” he ruffled the brunette's hair. Kiba on his part was frozen in place, as a ninja, he could have escaped but as an Inuzuka his strong sense of smell was currently being overwhelmed by Naruto's manly musk.

The smell of the blonde, made his blush grow bigger and his blood rushed straight to his crotch, making his penis swell. 'Oh, kami he smells so good!' In the way of the headlock, no one could see the happy look on the dog boy's face. The icing on the cake was getting his hair ruffled.

Akamaru sighed seeing his master. The two had always been close, often competing with each other in friendly rivalry. This went on for years, Kiba often picking fights with the blonde just to get his attention. Just as Naruto pulled pranks to get attention.

Though Naruto considered them friends Kiba, was wanting something more, lots more. Akamaru was his nin dog, he's been with Kiba since he was a pup. He knew his master and he was kinda dumb, not knowing how to tell the blonde how he felt.

“You submit?” Naruto's words were innocent to him, but these words were strong for an Inuzuka. He shivered, his cock throbbing in his pants.

“Yes...” Naruto released him, much to Kiba's dismay but he sat down trying to hide his hard-on. Akamaru came up to him, giving him a look. “Shut up,” he turned away blushing. Kiba Inuzuka was a member of the proud Inuzuka clan, who raised ninja dogs, it was possible for these ninjas to train and communicate with them. Though for many years he was Naruto's friend, and the two even helped each other out when it came to preparing for the genin exam.

The dog nin craved more, he wanted more of his touch, more of his scent, to wrestle for dominance, not that he cared who came out on top. He's dreamed of both honestly...his partner Akamaru was one of the few who knew of this. He didn't want Naruto to find him disgusting, so he kept holding back.

If Naruto was a member of the Inuzuka Clan, he'd have smelled Kiba's arousal. Akamaru found humans so silly, worried about such trivial matters. In his opinion, Kiba should just strip and present himself properly and if Naruto wanted him he'd mount him.

Sakura and Ino were pumped, as ninjas, they were considered adults. “We should celebrate.”

“My dad is out on a mission, we can have a party at my house!” the two smirked. Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka, these two were childhood friends, turned rivals over a boy. Though upon becoming ninja have formed a semi bond. Sakura's family has a special bloodline called the inner soul, which made genjutsu and mind control not work on her. Ino comes from the Yamanaka clan a skilled group who uses body transfer/mind transfer techniques. Their nicknames for each other are Pinky & Billboard Head from Ino, teasing Sakura about her pink hair and her large forehead. Ino-Pig and Ino-Cow from Sakura teasing her about her weight, though hers seemed pettier.

“Hey everyone, we are going to have a party for all the genin!” they yelled in unison, a lot of the students cheered. Shikamaru sweatdropped.

Sakura went up to Sasuke. “You'll come won't you Sasuke-kun?”

“I suppose,” he says and the girls squeal. Sasuke sighed and left. Sasuke Uchiha, one of the few surviving members of the Uchiha clan, they had a special power called Sharingan. An eye technique allowing them to copy any jutsu they see and see through genjutsu and the like. They had black hair and coal-black eyes. Sasuke was one of the last, as it seemed a bounty was put on the Uchiha clan, more importantly, their eyes, the clan was nearly all but wiped out by an unknown enemy, and Sasuke's older brother Itachi left the village to find the one who did this and find the lost Uchiha eyes.

“How troublesome,” Shikamaru grumbled.

“Will there be food?” Chouji asked he was told yes, so he was in.

“Nah it'll be fun, we should celebrate all our hard work,” Naruto says.

“Fine, I suppose” Shikamaru gets up. “Probably be a drag though.” Naruto pats his back.

“There is the Nara spirit.” Shikamaru Nara brunette, a member of the Nara clan, they were best known for their shadow manipulation jutsu and medical/herb knowledge. Shikamaru himself was a genius but was a tad lazy.

“Hope there is good food,” Chouji said. The teen was Shikamaru's best friend. Chouji Akimichi was a plump young man, and his family was the master of the body expansion jutsu.

“I'm sure there will be it's a party after all.” Naruto laughed.

“I suppose it will be fun!” Naruto jumped as Shino seemed to appear out of nowhere. Shino Aburame a brunette shades wearer. Naruto didn't know much about him or his family, outside of the fact they are bug users. It seems they all suffered the same fate, most don't notice their presence. Even Shino's father was forgotten about at times among his ninja peers. It was hard not to, they all wore shades and high collars and thick clothing. He was also best friends with Kiba Inuzuka and he was one of the few people who knew of his crush on the blonde.

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. “Well I'm going, it sounds fun.” He was a genin so he was invited.

Shino went over to Kiba. “You are going to that party.” he put a firm hand on his friend's shoulder.


“You are going, and you are gonna confess to Naruto,” he whispered. Kiba blushed. Looking between Shino, Akamaru, and Naruto who was still chatting it up with Shikamaru and Chouji.

“I...can't...what if...” he looked at the blonde.

“Look, he's a ninja now making him a man, if you don't act fast he'll end up being with someone else,” Kiba looked away. “Man up and tell him you want him to pin you down and make you feel amazing.” he gave the dog boy a thumbs up.

“I'm never telling you anything, ever again!” he had told Shino one of his dreams.

-x-The party-x-

Before the party started Sakura and Ino were making preparations. The punch was made and it seemed Sakura added something extra to the concoction. “Sakura is that?”

“Oh yeah, a little of my dad's best booze, this party is gonna be fun!” She sing-songed the word fun.

“You thinking what I'm thinking?” Ino smirked. They both imagined Sasuke drunk. In their heads, if Sasuke was drunk he'd be all over them. The two clapped their hands together, deciding they would make their move.

Guests began to arrive and they waited for the perfect time to deal out the refreshments. Everyone was excited about passing the exam, people were chatting hoping to get on the same team. Some were dancing, some were chatting, some were eating. After awhile Ino and Sakura brought out the punch, hoping to kick the party up a notch.

Kiba who was nervous kept drinking the punch, his mind slowly losing control. Everyone who drank the punch slowly became intoxicated but more than that. A blush forming on people's cheeks as things started to stir. Even Sasuke who was being a wallflower.

Sakura and Ino, of course, had to drink to ease their nerves. Naruto was the only one not affected, the benefit of being a vessel for a demon alcohol did not affect them. Naruto not being invited to many parties didn't notice anything strange until...people were starting to get overly friendly with him, so he decided to relax on the balcony. Shino nudged Kiba. The dog nin took one last swig of his “punch” and headed out to peak to Naruto.


Sakura and Ino's plan was backfiring as even though they only had one cup of punch they clearly couldn't hold their liquor. Their vision was blurred, they each grabbed onto a guy they thought was Sasuke, and wouldn't let go. They confessed their feelings and started making out with whoever they had their hands on.

As for Sasuke, after a few drinks of punch, he disappeared.

Back with Naruto and Kiba

“Hey Naruto,” the dog nin came out, stumbling a bit.

“You okay Kiba?” he saw the brunette was red, blushing from ear to ear. He went over and felt his forehead. “You are really hot!”

“No you are hot.” he glomped onto Naruto, nose nuzzling against his neck. “Oh, kami you smell so damn good!” He sniffed Naruto, before panting.

A strange smell hit Naruto's nose. 'Oh crap he's drunk!' taking a look behind and things were going crazy in the party.

Most of the teens had started hooking up. Shikamaru was getting a blow job from Chouji. The plump ninja was going to town on Nara's cock, bobbing back and forth, and when his nose hit Shikamaru's pubes he let his tongue slip out and play with his balls. Shikamaru was panting and running his fingers through Chouji's hair.

Shino was in the corner laughing and giggling, his pants were down around his ankles and he was playing with his cock and balls. His hands were covered in pre-cum.

Sakura and Ino were mia. He wondered what happened to them. Things were becoming an orgy in there. What Sakura didn't know is the booze she grabbed was a special blend her dad used when feeling romantic. It had a mild aphrodisiac effect, Sakura and Ino had no idea, they just thought some booze would make their party more adult.

Kiba hugged onto Naruto. “Naru...have I ever told you I like it when you call me puppy!”

“Kiba you are drunk, you don't know what you are saying.” The blonde said trying to get away from Kiba.

“I'm not drunk...hic...maybe I am...but this isn't a one-time thing!” he ground his arousal against Naruto. “I've been dreaming of this for so long. Naruto...I love you!”

The blonde was shocked a bit, and Kiba was clinging so tight. 'He might be serious, even still I need to put a stop to this. He's not in his right mind...no one is...' he gently pushed Kiba away, just enough to look at him. “Kiba I can't believe you right now, you are drunk I think the punch was spiked.”

“You don't love me?” his eyes became wet. Kiba sniffed and began to get upset.

“That's not it, but I don't want a drunken confession I need to hear it from you.” he pets the dog nin.

“I'm serious!” he growled and he tried to jump Naruto. The blonde was prepared, he spun chakra threads and tied Kiba's hands behind his back.

“So am I!” Kiba whined, rocking his hips unable to get any sort of friction.

“Please Naruto, it hurts...” he whined, legs trembling as the bulge in his pants twitched.

“I'll take care of you, puppy, for now, relax I got you,” he tossed the male over his shoulder. Kiba moaned at being called puppy.

Naruto went back into the party, the place reeked of lust and hormones, even for someone like Naruto he could smell it. First things first, he spilled the punch on the floor. “No more of that.” he got some water and began throwing it on the drunken teens.

Shikamaru and Chouji gasped, looked at each other and blushed. “Come on guys, don't worry with the hangover you won't remember any of this.”

“I knew this was gonna be troublesome.” he blushed, trying to pull up his pants.

“Least I got to have something yummy!” he gave a playful wink to Shikamaru. Nara blushed but smiled.

“Alright, alright lay off the flirting, you both are drunk. Help me get these guys home.” Naruto had a feeling it was more than just drunk, there were lots of different wines and booze for ninjas to get that little something extra.

“Right!” They broke up the madness and started sending nin home, it wasn't their fault the punch was spiked. Shino was embarrassed, glad he was speaking gibberish so no one knew who he was thinking of as he touched himself. “Right who we missing?”

“A couple of nin from class, Sakura and Ino are mia, and Sasuke is also missing.”

Naruto sighed, he rubbed his temples.

“How troublesome!” No one was feeling up to tracking the others. Kiba was in no shape to track, Shino couldn't control his bugs, Shikamaru's head was spinning, and neither Chouji or Naruto were sensor types.

“Well let's get home and rest we get our team placements tomorrow. They should be fine.” he hoped.

“What about Kiba?” the dog boy was rubbing against Naruto hard, rubbing against his back.

“I'll take care of him, his mom will freak if he comes home like this.” accident or not, Kiba's mom would still punish him for this.

“Home...with...Naru...” Kiba mumbled. Shino, Shikamaru, and Chouji parted ways. Naruto carried the dog boy to his apartment. “Please, Naruto it hurts.” His pre was overflowing making a big wet spot.

Once inside he untied Kiba's hands. The boy's eyes were glazed over, and he was drooling. “Oh Kiba how much did you drink?” he rubbed the boy's back.

“My clothes...too hot...” he clawed at his clothes.

“Alright puppy, I got you,” he removed the boy's clothes, feeling his hot skin. His nipples were hard and perky, his skin glowing. Down went the pants and boxers and his hard 7-inch dick snapped up.

“Ahhh,” he moaned, his tongue hanging out, it felt so good to be free and naked. Naruto folded the clothes and when he looked back Kiba looked absolutely adorable. He had his hands up in a puppy beg position, his legs spread wide, revealing his ass and puckered hole. His hard cock weeping all over his 6 pack abs.

“Well aren't you naughty,” he poked Kiba's dick watching it bob, he was positively overflowing.

“Please need you, need to cum! Make me cum!” he whimpered and moaned. His hips jutted up, his cock wagging for attention.

“I can't Kiba you aren't in your right mind, but I have the next best thing.” he summoned his puppet, the puppet had a seal over his crotch, with a poof he was sporting a huge dildo. Kiba moaned seeing the 10-inch rod. “And Kiba it's modeled after my dick.”

Kiba was sold, in bed, his arms were tied above his head with puppet strings, Kiba was on his knees, getting fucked hard by Naruto's puppet. “Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah fuck ah ah ah ahh ahh ahh!” the pace was insane, and it made sense no matter how tight Kiba got, no matter how much those inner walls squeezed and sucked on the thrusting rod, it wasn't a real penis and the puppet could go for as long as Naruto wanted.

The dog boy's penis bounced with every thrust slapping his abs and making his balls bounce. The puppet's hands were toying with Kiba's nipples, pinching the perky buds. Kiba's tongue was hanging out and he was panting like a dog in heat, which he sorta was.

Naruto watched and found his cock was swollen. “You are so hot Kiba!” he cupped the male's cheek. Kiba moaned and let his tongue swipe at his hand. Kiba came hard shooting his load all over Naruto's bed. His cock was still hard, so the puppet kept going.

With a slight adjustment, he began pelting his sweet spot. “It made me happy when you confessed to me Kiba, so I'm gonna hope that tomorrow you still feel the same.” Kiba howled in pleasure.

Naruto couldn't help himself anymore. He'd take a few things. He kissed Kiba and played with his tongue with his own. Kiba closed his eyes in bliss. Kiba moaned into his mouth his next release coming all too quickly.

The blonde moved down and sucked the dog boy's dick into his mouth, drinking his hot cum. “Sorry Kiba, your first kiss, and first blow job I've stolen them from you...” he went back to sucking on his penis, and he activated his puppet's special feature, chakra surged through the dildo and it began to vibrate.

Kiba howled, the vibrations shooting through his channel had his clouded mind lighting up like fireworks. His penis lurched, pre overflowing like a river. “So much stamina!” Naruto said, pulling off a moment to stroke his dick.

Naruto consumed him again and caressed him with his mouth and tongue, the extra stimulus made Kiba cum even faster. The blonde drank him down. With a quick flick of his wrist the puppet moved even faster pelting his sweet spot, the vibrating rod made Kiba yell. “Master!”

The blonde's eyes widened. He couldn't help but smirk around Kiba's penis. He fondled the brunette's balls and helped milk a few extra spurts.

He milked the boy of cum until his cock finally relaxed. The dog boy passed out, a look of pure bliss on his face and Naruto released him and had his puppet pull out. Kiba whined at the loss, Naruto was touched. He cleaned Kiba up and tucked him into bed.

Naruto went to get a shower, and relieve his own need. After getting off a few times, thinking of his cute puppy. “Please Kami, tell me Kiba still will love me in the morning.” he gave a prayer as the last of his seed washed down the drain. He put on some night pants and put his puppet away. He laid in his bed and smiled when Kiba cuddled up to him, resting his head on the blonde's lap.

To be continued


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