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Bleach parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 11  https://www.patreon.com/posts/normal-life-not-26517299 

Chapter 12 The Broken Strawberry

Seeing Uryu brought it all back, his mind flying back to the first time he met Uryu. The boy really was his first love.

It began when they were children, Ichigo had been invited over for a playdate with Uryu. The boy was a tad shy. “Do...do you wanna play house?” the boy with glasses asked.

The young Ichigo smiled. “Sure!”

“Okay...I’ll be the mommy and you’ll be the daddy.” Ichigo nodded, and the two went off to play. In their time together Uryu often took the female role, even when they got together Uryu was often introduced as the “girlfriend” which Uryu just giggled at that. He never bothered to correct Ichigo, cause he wanted to be Ichigo’s “girlfriend”.

Uryu liked cute things, he liked frilly clothes, soft sparkly fabric, stuffed animals, dolls, and even liked to wear girls clothing. For Uryu it was like Ichigo accepted him, he was his oasis, he could do things and share things with Ichigo that he couldn't with anyone else. Ichigo was a simple guy and he thought Uryu was cute, and for a time Uryu thought it was cute when Ichigo called him his girlfriend.

Then they got into high school and it wasn’t cute anymore. People thought it was weird, so Uryu snapped on Ichigo. The orangette was confused and shocked, Uryu liked a lot of feminine things and he never cared about titles before, it wasn’t like Ichigo called him a she, he just used terms like Girlfriend and Future Wife, and Uryu never complained before.

Ichigo smiled and hugged him. “Then you are my boyfriend!” He wanted to make Uryu happy.

“That’s better,” Uryu said and hugged him back. This was just the start of the things that followed, Ichigo liked to hold his hand and walk home together. Uryu started shutting that down, often taking extra classes and activities just so he wouldn’t walk home with him. When Ichigo tried to hold his hand, he’d slap it away.

“We are in public!” he’d snap. This was his same excuse whenever Ichigo tried to kiss him, even on the cheek. Ichigo didn’t understand what was wrong. Uryu started hanging out with a new group of people, and they didn’t seem to like Ichigo much.

Ichigo noticed, that Uryu was changing. He stopped sewing, he ditched all his girly clothes, he stopped collecting his stuffed animals. Uryu put more distance between them, only ever being affectionate with Ichigo in private. “We need to keep our relationship a secret, not everyone will understand.”

“But why, did I do something wrong?”

“No it's just...” he went quiet for a moment. “Ichigo you love me right?”

“Of course I do, so much.”

“Then you have to trust me, you trust me, don’t you?” Ichigo nodded. “Then this is the way it’ll be, for now.” Uryu began playing Ichigo like a fiddle, whenever he questioned Uryu’s actions he’d play the love card, and always get his way. It got to the point where he didn’t even tell Ichigo he loved him unless he was trying to get his way.

Ichigo was trying to keep Uryu happy, doing whatever he can. He tried to buy stuffed animals for him, sewing stuff, even an outfit from a designer Uryu liked, and Uryu continued to scold him.

Then came the time Uryu decided to have sex with Ichigo. The orangette wasn’t sure they were ready, not that he didn’t want to. Uryu played the love card, whispering trust me, but when the clothes came off Uryu screamed. “What the hell is that!?”

“What do you mean, it’s my cock?” Ichigo was fully erect, his massive dick pointing right at Uryu.

“That huge thing, no way it’s freaky!” He was clearly twice the size of Uryu.

“Uryu?” he approached him.

“Stay away from me, I can’t believe you were gonna fuck me with that, what is wrong with you?” he started grabbing his clothes, his cock going soft.

“Nothing, it's just me...”

“Then you are a freak too!” Uryu got dressed and ran off, he left Ichigo heartbroken and confused. He knew he was a bit bigger than the other guys, but his parents had given him the talk and explained things in embarrassingly detail. He knew about prep and lube, and everything he needed to make the first time a good time. Uryu didn’t even give him a chance, and when he went to school the next day, Uryu and his new friends had spread the news about Ichigo’s big dick. It wasn’t as great as people think it is, he was always being whispered about, with people always staring at him, guys were always messing with him trying to take his towel or his underwear trying to get a look at the monster.

Ichigo tried to ignore it, at first but it just didn’t stop. It only got worse as Uryu kept teasing him, and deep down Uryu was Ichigo's first love which made his betrayal and what came after hurt all the more. Ichigo finally demanded why, why he did all this, why he would do this to him.

Uryu ignored his words and kissed him, as much as Ichigo hated to admit it he let his guard down, he fell for Uryu's kiss and touches, getting hard. Then Uryu left him, for a guy with a normal libido this was a dick move but Ichigo's libido was more advanced stronger.

His cock pushed painfully at the fabric of his pants, he was so hard he broke his zipper and popped a button. Once he got Ichigo hot and heavy, he ditched him. He left him dazed and aroused. Ichigo couldn't go back to class like this, his cock was so hard it hurt.

He tried to get off, but one shot wasn't enough. 'What is wrong with my body, why won't it go down!' he thought frantically jerking off to try and ease the pressure. By the time the teacher found him, he had cum for the third time finally going soft, but he was covered in semen. To say he was in trouble was an understatement, and this incident solidified the rumors about Ichigo. His parents were called in, and thankfully the teacher had a feeling something was going on, but since Ichigo wouldn't talk about who was bullying him. Masaki and Isshin knew who it was, Ichigo's “girlfriend” but Ichigo despite everything still loved him. They knew something was wrong their sweet Ichigo was losing his smile becoming colder, distant...heart break was hard, but to be bullied by one you loved, it was no wonder Ichigo put up walls.

His parents arranged for a school transfer to keep this incident out of Ichigo's permanent record. There were no long good-byes, even the friends Ichigo had turned their backs on him because of the rumors.

Ichigo didn't even see Uryu again until moving day. Uryu showed up. “What are you doing here?”

“Seeing you off, I figure I'll honor our past and give you some advice.”

“Leave!” Ichigo snapped.

“Don't get snippy with me freak, it's not my fault you aren't normal. Though based on who your parents are its no wonder you are the way you are.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” he hissed.

“Didn't you know, your mother and my father were engaged to be married. Your father stole her from my dad!”

“Is that why you did all this, some twisted revenge?”

“No, its to give you a wake-up call, my grandmother told me Isshin corrupted Masaki, lured her with perverted wiles, and took a sweet girl and made her not normal. You are the product of that, you aren't normal Ichigo, you will never have a normal life. You are a perverted freak of nature Ichigo, just like your parents.”


Uryu's cheek burned from the strike.

“Go Fuck Yourself!” Ichigo said. “I loved you, I would have given you anything, everything, I'll show you, I will live a normal life. You can go rot in hell.” Ichigo walked off leaving Uryu stunned.

And that was the last time Ichigo saw Uryu, from that day Ichigo devoted his life to living “Normal”. Anything he thought might be weird or odd, he repressed. He even thought about getting a normal girlfriend one day. He had been doing well for 2 years, and then Grimmjow tore into his world…


Ichigo was frozen in place, the memory opening up old wounds. He couldn't move, stuck like a deer in the headlights.

“It seems you couldn't have a normal life after all. You really are just like your father corrupting others with your perversions.” Ichigo was shaking. “Not that I was expecting much, from a freak like you!” Ichigo was losing it by Uryu's words, everything was coming back to him. His heart was racing and panic rising.


Grimmjow punched Uryu. “You got some balls insulting my master right in front of me, I'm gonna enjoy feeding them to you.” he cracked his knuckles. And approached the boy on the ground. “So you were the one who hurt Ichi? Nice to meet you, the name is Grimmjow, I'll be kicking your ass today!”

To be continued...Some Scars Don't Heal


Damion Andrew

Awww.... Shit's getting real!! Fuck this Uryu!! I hope he gets his comeuppance whether by Grimmjow or someone else!!