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Kingdom Hearts parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 1 and 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/27620627 

Aladdin 10 inches soft 12 inches hard

Rajah 10 inches hard

Chapter 3 New Arrival and Stolen Hearts

The boys had grabbed their clothes and went to the source of the crash. Riku trailed behind, embarrassed as cum and juice leaked out of his ass, running down his legs. The ship made it's way to the beach, and the boys hid in some tall grass.

Aladdin and Rajah came out of the ship, still naked, and coughing. “Well, that was embarrassing.”

“It's my fault, I thought the auto-pilot could handle things, looks like it's not good for world entry.”

“Let's chalk it up to experience. We both screwed up, but I don't regret being with you.”

Rajah smiled. “Me either,” the two kissed.

Sora and Riku watched the two, a blush on both of their cheeks, as their dicks were hardened. They'd not seen someone like Rajah before, his appearance was oddly erotic. He was tall muscled and furry. Both boys were 7 inches long, the only difference between them was Sora was cut, and Riku was uncut. Sora didn't know where to look, he felt his hole twitch as he eyed their big cocks. Sora's never seen cocks so big before, it lit a fire inside him. Riku had just lost his anal virginity and seeing such long cocks had his insides wanting more, Rajah's thick monster exciting him.

They started weeping pre-cum, wiggling as they felt their lust in their ass. Aladdin's hand came down to fondle Rajah's plump ass, giving the two peeping toms a show off his stretched cum filled ass. They gulped and licked their lips.

It was hard to believe such a sexy beast of a man bottomed. It gave Sora who wanted to top, a feeling of acceptance that it was okay to bottom, no matter how big you are, how muscled you are, or how big your dick is. The way the two kissed was so loving and tender, full of passion.

Riku felt a surge of dominance wanting to tap Rajah's furry ass while taking Aladdin's dick. Riku's fantasy even had Sora filling his mouth. He peeked over at Sora who was watching intensely and already started stroking himself. A sudden surge of jealousy gripped Riku's heart and he pounced on Sora, kissing the brunette heatedly as he began to frot against him.

Their moans were muffled, as things got hot and heavy.


Aladdin finished the kiss. “Should we explore the island?”

“Go ahead, I'll hang back and try to work on the ship...” Aladdin gave him a look. “Genie said it mostly fixes itself, the engines will need to cool, but by applying some magic I can get the repairs rolling.”

“If you are sure...” Rajah chuckled.

“I'm sure,” he licked Aladdin's cheek. “Go explore, but you might want to put on some pants.” Aladdin blushed.

“Right!” he put on some pants and went out to explore.

Rajah was a bit nervous being in a new world, even with Aladdin. The ship did need repairs but it was basically an excuse. He went back inside and started the repairs.


Aladdin wondered around, he enjoyed the water and sand, finding flora he's never seen before. He was starting to think this island was deserted until he found a strange cave. He entered and looked around, sensing some kind of energy. 'What is this place?' He found some drawings on the wall, carved in by a stone, it seemed to be pictures of two boys. “So there must have been someone here at some point.”

Just as he was about to leave, he felt an ominous sensation. He turned and saw a haunting door in the cave. Aladdin could feel it, the door seemed to have light and dark magic clashing behind it. He approached the door and touched it.

Soon this world will be connected…”


This world will fall to the darkness...

“Who are you?” A shadowy figure appeared behind him, and when Aladdin turned the figure simply shifted behind him again and again.

Not even those chosen by the keyblade can stop us!” the figure reached out to touch Aladdin. Only for Aladdin to summon the keyblade, and the cloaked figure vanished. “You know so little...I wonder if your heart will be strong enough...” his voice echoed.

The door vanished, making Aladdin feel like he was hallucinating. “Maybe I have a concussion...” he heads back to the ship.


Riku and Sora returned to their home covered in cum. Riku showered first, needing to clean his ass out in kind. He was wearing boxers, by the time Sora finished his shower. “That new guy was cool wasn't he?”

“He was alright,” Riku said, making Sora chuckle.

“I saw you looking at him, both of them. They must have come from another world. That means there are other places beyond our island.” he jumped into bed, making Riku bounce.

“Hey!” Sora laid out next to him.

“Maybe we should ask them for a lift. They can take us out of here.” Riku felt another weird strange thump in his chest.

“We don't need them, we can make it on our own.” They had their raft, and their stuff was packed.

“Don't you think it'll be fun, the more the merrier right?” Riku rolled over.

“Whatever, we don't know those guys, they could be pirates, thieves, or who knows what?”

“That's true,” Sora blushed. “I dunno, I got this feeling ya know, I don't think he's a bad guy.” Riku huffed, and Sora sighed.

He didn't know why but when he saw Aladdin, he felt his heart skip a beat. He hadn't felt this for another guy other than Riku. “I can't wait to sail, I wonder what we can find out there?”

“Bet you looking for my ass to tap,” Riku said, only for Sora to giggle.

“Don't be like that, you got the only ass I wanna fuck.” he kissed Riku's cheek. He made the silver-haired boy blush. Despite his words, a strange bubble of doubt clung deep in Riku's mind. “I'm beat let's get some rest.”

“Yeah...” While Sora drifted off to sleep, Riku's doubt and fear continued to fester. He looked at Sora. “Hey Sora, what if we didn't set sail, I don't need to see the other worlds so long as I have you. You are my world.”

The boy didn't hear him, snoring softly. Riku groaned in frustration. He loved Sora, and the last thing he wanted was for someone to take him away. Riku saw the new visitors and felt their power if they wanted to they could take Sora and there would be nothing he could do to stop them. 'Damn it…'

He closed his eyes and cuddled with Sora, the brunette responding to his warmth and embracing him.

Little did the two know, their world had become connected by the darkness.


Aladdin got back to the ship, and Rajah welcomed him back. “Al, what's wrong your shaking?”

“I saw...felt...I dunno I think I must have knocked my senses out of whack.” Rajah hugged him tighter. “How's the ship?”

“The engine has cooled, and most of the systems were repaired.”

“That fast?!”

“Well um, my magic power may have been boosted, my body absorbed the semen you gave me, and my magic power sorta...” he twiddled his fingers blushing.

“I've heard witches could recharge their magic through sex, I wonder if its the same?” Rajah didn't know but believed it was similar. “Well, let's call it a bonus. Let's go to bed.”

Rajah's fur puffed up as Aladdin kissed him. He was finally gonna get to sleep with him, and not just at the foot of the bed, humanly, lovingly, pressed against him, maybe he could try that spooning thing. He was more careful this time, setting on the stabilizer and ship defenses.

The bed came out from a panel in the ship. They climbed in, and Aladdin didn't wait to press into Rajah's furry muscled body. “Hmm, so warm!” Rajah purred at Aladdin's words and hugged the boy close to him.

It was a good thing Rajah put of the shields. With the world connected to darkness, it allowed a dark portal to open up and a familiar figure to invade.

-x-The Next Day-x-

The sky was darkened by clouds, and heavy wind was blowing. Riku was loading their raft with supplies, while Sora was taking one last stroll, swinging his old wooden sword around. He decided to take one last look at their secret base, but he failed to notice the sand behind him turning black.

Sora found a strange man with a glove in their base. “Who are you?”

“Mozenrath, Master of the Land of the Black Sand.”

Sora glared at him, sensing danger from him. “What are you doing here?”

Mozenrath chuckled. “This world has been connected, the power of darkness has spread.” Sora aimed his wooden sword at him.

“Get out of here!” he hissed.

“I don't think so, I'll be taking your heart.” Sora backed up and bumped into Mozenrath's goons. Mamluks filled the base, but Sora wasn't gonna back down without a fight, even with only a wooden sword, he's had training and he could fight!

“Ooohh, he thinks he's tough.” Mozenrath chuckled.

While Sora fought the Mamluks, Aladdin and Rajah had finished repairing the ship. They would have set off, but the ship was picking up a strange disturbance. “Let's check it out!” The two went outside and Aladdin gasped seeing the sand had turned black. “Mozenrath!”

“What's he doing here?”

“Don't know, but if he's here, there's trouble.” He summoned his keyblade, while Rajah took hold of his hammer. They found the Mamluks and began to tear through them.

Sora had managed to beat the ones that came after him, which earned some applause. “Not bad, not bad, let's see how you handle these.” he snapped his fingers and from the shadows rose creatures with glowing yellow eyes.

The boy tried to attack the creatures only for his weapon to phase right through them. “What...What are these things?”

“These...these are the heartless. Take a good look, once you lose your heart, you'll become one of them.” The heartless pinned Sora down and proceeded to strip him. “Hold him still!” he readied to steal Sora's heart.

“Not so fast!” Aladdin came in, and using the keyblade he cut down the heartless. Rajah was easily dispatching the zombies. “Are you okay?” he helped Sora up.

“I'm fine, thank you for saving me!” he hugged Aladdin.

“Ah Aladdin, always the hero.”

“Mozenrath, what are you doing here?”

“Wouldn't you like to know?” he smirked.

“He said he wanted my heart,” Sora said.

“Oh, it's the heartless who wants his heart, I'm just helping.” Mozenrath was as smooth as ever.

“So you sided with the heartless why am I not surprised?”

“Oh Aladdin, I'm hurt, but the leaders of the heartless have agreed to help me get what I want. What I truly want.” He said.

“We'll stop you!” Rajah growled, not liking the way the sorcerer was looking at Aladdin.

“If it isn't the big kitty, looks like the genie worked his magic on you. It's not some glamor either, you want to be in that form I wonder why?” he smirked, looking between him and Aladdin. “I have no use for a fur ball, so I'll get rid of you.” His glove glowed with blue flames.

He blasted the two, only to be met with Aladdin's fire magic. “Fire!” Aladdin's flames were cast, surprising the sorcerer.

The two flames clashed before canceling each other out. “You have magic?” he had to think of a new plan, things were about to become more complicated. He felt the darkness grow stronger. “No matter, this world is done for!”

He opened a portal and escaped. “What do you think he meant?” Rajah asked.

“I don't know, but let's get out of here!” Aladdin looked to Sora. “Come with us.”

“I...I don't know...I need to find my friend...”

“We'll find him, come with us.” the boy was uncertain. “Do you trust me?” Aladdin asked. He looked Sora right in the eye, Sora blushed and nodded. “My name is Aladdin, this is Rajah, what's your name?”

“Sora!” he said with a smile.

“Well Sora, let's go find your friend.” he offered his hand to the brunette. Sora took his hand and the trio got out of the base.

Heartless were popping up all over the island as a storm raged overhead. The sea was raging, as thunder and lightning fought in the sky. The rest of the citizens were grabbed and dragged into the darkness.

“Rajah, go get the ship, I'll stay with Sora and find his friend!” the furry male nodded and ran off. Aladdin was able to fight through the heartless and the two found Riku.

“Riku!” Sora called. The boy turned, his eyes looking strange. “Riku?”

“Sora...” he drew out his name.

“Riku...What's wrong with you?”

“Nothing I feel great!” Darkness was pooling at his feet. “Sora...Come with me!” the darkness began to rise up as it spread towards them.

Heartless tried to jump them, but Aladdin fended them off. “Riku, you're scaring me!”

“The darkness isn't to be feared, come with me and no one will ever hurt you. We will be together forever.”


“Don't do this, don't give in to the darkness. I know it can be hard, but when you try to cling to a false power everything will crumble.”

“The darkness is true power. I can feel it!” he tried to take Sora by force but Aladdin protected him, but while he defended the blast, the darkness pooled at their feet and tried to drag them in. “Sora...you are mine!”

Before he could claim them both, Rajah swooped in with the ship, the weapon system was online, and he blasted concentrated magical energy to blast the ground. Aladdin grabbed Sora and jumped getting into the open door of the ship.

Sora looked at Riku. “Don't worry, I will find you Sora. Nothing will keep us apart.”


The door in the base appeared and began to shake, a heavy pounding could be heard. Aladdin just managed to get the door shut before the door burst open, darkness pouring out on mass. Their ship got blown away from the island as the world was consumed.

Riku was fine, his heart becoming tainted by it.

To be continued


Lord Zero 1606

The story develops nicely so far. Really interested to see how you are going to adapt the plot to the new setting.