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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 17  https://www.patreon.com/posts/26436060 

Chapter 18 Copy Cat

Duel Academy was abuzz with news, it appears the King of Game’s deck was going on tour, with all the favorite hits, minus the Egyptian God Cards. It was such a big event, tickets were selling out fast. Not only that the card shack was decked out in Yugi posters, posters of the Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. There was merchandise that was gonna be offered and more. The card shack was packed as Jaden approached the massive sea of people. He managed to slip past the mass of students and stood next to Bastion. “What’s going?”

“A duel, Yugi’s deck is going on tour, and the last ticket is being dueled over.” Syrus stood across a Ra Yellow duelist. The boy was named Dimitri, and oddly enough he was imitating Doctor Crowler.

“And now young scholar I use Heavy Storm, to clear the field.” The spell card destroyed two of Dimitri’s face downs and cleared Syrus’ field of face downs.

“I remember this move.” Jaden gasped.

“That’s right, Dimitri is copying Crowler’s deck, and is using the same methods he used in your duel.” Bastion pointed out.

Dimitri sacrificed the wicked tokens and summoned Ancient Gear Golem. He had it attack Syrus’ Jetroid, which allows Syrus to activate its effect. Syrus had the Trap Card in his hand known as Magic Cylinder, and thanks to his monster’s power he was able to activate it from his hand.

Ancient Gear Golem’s attack negated and was thrown back at Dimitri and dropping his life points down to 0. Syrus won!

“That’s game!” Syrus cheered. Jaden smiled, the boy had gained so much confidence. He dueled calmly and focusing on his cards effects, working them with his spell and trap cards.

Syrus went over to shake Dimitri’s hand, but the boy didn’t take it. “Syrus, here’s your ticket.” Miss Dorothy said, the boy went over and got it.

“Great job Syrus, shame you couldn’t win two tickets,” Jaden said wanting to go.

“Two tickets did you want to invite someone else?” Syrus revealed he already bought his own ticket. “I won this one for you!” Jaden blushed, he hugged the boy and kissed him lovingly. Syrus wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him back.

As for Dimitri, the Obelisk and Ra yellow students began to mock him for his failure. “Another loss for Dimitri.”

“What a joke, losing to a Slifer Red student.”

“He’s a disgrace to Ra Yellow, when is he gonna be demoted already.”

“It’s gotta be soon, no matter who he copies he always loses.” The crowd dispersed, leaving Bastion.

“Well, I think that’s the worst of it.” Dimitri punched the ground.

“Sure until the next time I lose!” he got up. “Well I’ve had it!” he ran off.

Bastion felt bad, Dimitri was smart, he was able to study various formulas to match various deck builds. The problem was he relied too heavily on that person’s deck. Which was how he lost today, Syrus kept his trap card in his hand cause he knew Dimitri was setting up the Heavy Storm Wicked Token combo to summon Ancient Gear Golem. It wasn’t impossible for someone to use a certain card or archetype like someone else, but they still had to make it their own. Dimitri didn’t have a passion for the decks he copied, he relied on the person he copied for power and didn’t put himself in the deck.


It wasn’t like Dimitri didn’t like a certain card. His favorite card was the card Copycat. People mocked him saying his card wasn’t enough to build a proper deck around. So he tried to copy the greatest duelists, Kaiba, Zane, even Doctor Crowler. All his good test scores meant nothing if he kept failing in duels.

He looked at his favorite card Copycat, one last time before putting it away. ‘I can’t win by simply copying other duelists. I’ll have to become them!’ he put the card away and opened the drawer. Inside was a strange blue and brown mask, it had two jewels one in the forehead and a second in the chin, the face was a yellow palm with a red eye in the center. “With this power, I’ll become the King of Games!” He put on the mask, the shadow charm awakening. It fed off of Dimitri’s negative emotions, his rage, his desire, and his despair.


Jaden’s eyes widened. He’s been staring at his Winged Kuriboh card for awhile when he felt the pulse of a shadow charm. ‘Another shadow charm?’ he felt his own charm resonate and even got a coo from Winged Kuriboh.

“What’s wrong Jaden?” Syrus asked, his voice hot.

Jaden turned and smiled at the trio. Harrington was acting like the proper pet, getting spit-roasted by Syrus and Chumley. Syrus was pounding his ass, and Chumley was getting his cock and balls serviced by the tennis player’s mouth. Harrington slurped and sucked on Chumley's fat cock, stopping only to lap at his balls. Syrus was going to town on Harrington's ass, pounding him so hard and fast, there was a steady clap of skin striking skin.

Syrus wanted to celebrate his victory, so he got to fuck Harrington, and Chumley joined in cause he liked to party. Jaden was gonna join in, after a bit, but sensing the shadow charm meant that fun times would have to wait. “I'm gonna go out for some air for a bit, you two stay and have fun. I'll call if anything happens.”

He leaves the three to the fucking and follows the sense of the shadow charm.


Crowler wanted a sneak peek at the deck, so he offered to relieve the security guards. Since he was a professor, the guards left him in charge. He'd be responsible if anything happened to Yugi's deck. Using the keys he slipped into the special event hall where Yugi's deck was stored in a special case.

He took the keys and unlocked the door. 'Just a peek couldn't hurt.' he looked inside and saw a strange masked man. “Ehh!?” the masked figure suddenly changed, his body morphing into an exact duplicate of Crowler. “It's me!”


Jaden bumped into Bastion. “Guess you couldn't wait to see the deck either?” he rubbed the back of his head.

“Something like that. You haven't seen anything weird have you?”

“Weird how?” he asked. Before Jaden could answer they heard a scream. The followed the sound and found the door to the exhibit opened. They entered and found the case broken, the deck was stolen, and Crowler the only one in the room. “Crowler?”

“Did he steal the deck?” Jaden asked. Crowler began to sweat.

“Let's go get security.” Bastion said, and Jaden nodded.

“No, wait!” Crowler jumped on them. “Please I didn't steal the deck, it was a man in a mask, and then he changed to look like me!”

“What on Earth are you talking about?” Bastion asked.

“Search me, I swear I don't have the deck.”

“I believe him, we need to find that deck,” Jaden said. He called up Syrus. Syrus and Chumley had just finished, and Harrington was giving Chumley a rim job.

“What's up Jaden?” Syrus asked.

“Someone stole Yugi's deck, we need to find it fast.”

“What the deck was stolen!” Syrus gasped. “We'll help look.”

“Syrus be careful.” the call ended and the two got cleaned up, dressed, and headed out to search. Bastion checked the Ra Yellow dorm. Jaden was looking around, he had a feeling the one who had the shadow charm also had the deck.

Syrus and Chumley were having difficulty, as Dimitri was using his new power to fuck with them. He turned into Syrus and sent Chumley on a wild goose chase, and accidentally bumped into Syrus as himself. “What the heck?!”

The fake Syrus smirked and dispelled the transformation revealing Dimitri behind the mask. “Dimitri!”

“Who's this Dimitri?” he put the mask back on, and he transformed transforming into an older version of Yugi. “I'm Yugi!”

“You...you stole the deck!” Syrus accused.

“You can't steal what belongs to you.” he loaded the deck into his duel disk. “If you want this deck back you have to prove I'm not the true owner!”

Syrus got out his duel disk and tried to duel him.


Jaden, Bastion, and Chumley met up. “Find anything?”

“No, who could have stolen the deck?”

“I bumped into Syrus, but he was acting weird.”

“Weird how?” Jaden asked. The question wasn't answered as they heard a large explosion. They heard Syrus cry out, and they raced towards the noise. “Syrus!”

“I'm okay, he stole the deck, I tried to get it back but I lost.” Jaden's eyes narrowed, he could feel the other was covered in mystical energy.

“Is that really the King of Games?” Chumley asked he looked just like him.

“No its an imposter,” Jaden was given Syrus' duel disk. “And I'll prove it!” He loaded his deck.

“You think you can beat me, the Heart of the Cards is on my side!” the fake Yugi said.

“That's enough, let's just duel. Get your game on!” They each drew cards.

Jaden/Dimitri: 4000

“Jaden, its Dimitri, I don't know how he did it, but he looked like me, and after he took off his mask, he put it back on and turned into Yugi.”

“My word,” Bastion gasped. “How is this possible?”

“I'll explain later, but first let's get that deck back,” Jaden said. They agreed that if he won, Dimitri would return the deck, but if Jaden lost the deck would remain his.

Dimitri went first. He started things off with Polymerization, and he fused Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts and Berfomet into Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast in attack mode.

ATK 2100

He sets Call of the Haunted face down. “Let's see how you handle this.”

“That's some move,” Jaden said and drew a card.

“Syrus you dueled this guy, got any advice?” Chumley asked.

“None, I tried everything I could and I still lost.” He wasn't able to even beat Dimitri's Chimera.

“That's not surprising. Dimitri is a very good duelist with a powerful memory. He's studied many dueling tactics and uses them when he copies other decks. Usually, the way to beat him is by exploiting a deck's weaknesses. Since he's copying Yugi it becomes more difficult as that deck's weaknesses aren't so simple.” Bastion explained.

Jaden looks at his hand. He had Lamia's Hunting Ground, Lamia Medusa, Lamia Little Sister # 2, Snake in a Jar, Predator Gaze, Double Summon.

“Alright first I'll play the field spell Lamia's Hunting Ground!” he activated the field spell, changing the area into a forest with large bushes. “Next I summon, Lamia Medusa!”

Lamia Medusa

a small chested snake girl with snakes for hair and pointy ears, her scales are a stone gray color and tough as stone to.

4 Stars Water Reptile/Effect: Once per turn you can target a monster your opponent controls that monster's attack and defense are reduced to 0 until this card is destroyed. Should any card also attack this card and fail to destroy it reduce that monster's ATK and DEF to 0.

ATK 1800 DEF 2200

The snake girl appeared on the field. She gained a power boost from the field spell, her attack boosting to 2400.

Thanks to the effect of the Lamia's Hunting Ground, Medusa was able to surge forth and destroy Dimitri's face down. “My face down!”

“Now Medusa, work your magic!” Jaden said. The girl's eyes glowed and Chimera was turned to stone, his ATK reducing down to 0. “Now attack!” With one flick of her tail, she smashed the stone beast, breaking him into pieces.

Dimitri: 1600

Jaden set his two trap cards face down and ended his turn.

“My move,” Dimitri draws. “I activate Card of Sanctity.” It allowed both players to draw until they had 6 cards in their hand. Dimitri was able to replenish his hand, while Jaden got to draw 4 cards. “Next I play Fusion Restoration!” This spell card allowed the user to remove from play a fusion monster from the field or graveyard and increase your life points. So he removed Chimera.

Dimitri 3700

“I'll set 2 cards face down, before activating Monster Reincarnation!” He sent his Dark Magician to the graveyard to add Gazelle to his hand. “I normal summon Gazelle in Defense Mode.”

DEF: 1200

“To end my turn I play Swords of Revealing Light!”

“Not good, with that card, Jaden won't be able to attack for 3 turns.” Bastion gasped, as glowing swords rained down upon Jaden's field.

“No big deal all Jaden has to do is summon a lamia and that spell card is gone!” Chumley said excitedly.

It was Jaden's turn. He draws.

Jaden's Hand: Lamia Little Sister # 2, Double Summon, Winged Kuriboh, Lamia Sister # 4, Supply Squad, Double Strike, and Lamia Apophis.

He weighed his options and began working up a plan. “Alright first I'll summon Lamia Sister # 4.” Using the effect of the field spell to destroy swords.

“I got a trap!” Dimitri revealed Dark Renewal. It's effect offered up Gazelle and Lamia Sister # 4 and allowed him to summon Dark Magician. Even Jaden had to admit he was star struck, this monster was quite powerful and held a powerful spirit. He was trembling and he caressed his shadow charm.

Jaden thought about using Double Summon, but with the face down there was no telling what he had. Not backing down from the challenge…

“Hate to do this, but I gotta bring him down. Medusa!” she used her ability and turned the Dark Magician to stone. His ATK getting reduced to 0. “Next I activate Double Strike, allowing my monster to attack twice this turn!”

“If Jaden makes this, he'll win the duel!” Medusa charged but Dimitri activated his trap, Negate Attack! Medusa's attack was drained and the battle phase ended.

“Aww man, I'll end my turn.”

Dimitri draws. “I activate the spell card Thousand Knives to destroy Medusa!” the knives rained down and Medusa was destroyed, Dark Magician's attack returned to normal.

ATK 2500

“Now attack him directly.” The Dark Magician charged an attack, but before he could let it fly.

“Hold it, you aren't the only one who has a trap. Predator Gaze!” The trap card revealed and a big snake came out with glowing yellow eyes. Dark Magician was frozen in place, his attack negated and the battle phase ended. “I end my turn.”

Jaden draws. He gained Lamia's Jungle.

“I summon Lamia Little Sister # 2 in Defense Mode.”

Lamia Little Sister # 2

a young lamia girl she is longer than other snake girls. She wears an orange button up vest that matches her scales.

2 Stars Water Reptile/Effect: Cannot be destroyed in battle.

ATK 1400 DEF 1500

With that he ended his turn, choosing not to activate the field spell. Her ATK got boosted to 2000.

Dimitri draws. “I summon Obnoxious Celtic Guardian!” The monster was summoned to the field.

ATK 1400

“Go Dark Magician, destroy his monster!” Dark Magician blasted the lamia girl, however, she curled herself up in her lamia tail, and was not destroyed.

“Sorry, this little sister can't be destroyed by battle.”

“I'll end my turn.”

Jaden draws. Lamia Sister # 1 “I'll summon Winged Kuriboh in defense mode, and end my turn.”

Dimitri draws and he starts laughing. “I activate Mystical Space Typhoon.” It destroyed Jaden's field spell. “Next I'll play this card face down, next I'll equip this to my Guardian. Sword of the Just!” the guardian gained a new sword that was glowing and his attack got boosted by 400. “Not only does it give my monster an attack boost, but it allows him to attack you directly.”

Obnoxious Celtic Guardian jumped over the Lamia Little Sister and attacked Jaden directly. “Ahhh!”

Jaden 2200

With that, he ended his turn.

Jaden had a bad feeling about that face down. Yugi's deck was well balanced, between monsters, spells, and traps. His cards had a synergy that helped protect each other and their master.

He drew the trap card, Kuriboh Guard. It was a trap that had Winged Kuriboh on it when your opponent attacked this card forced them to attack a Kuriboh monster on the field. If this card was in the graveyard, you can remove it and the Kuriboh from play to negate one of your opponent's monster's attacks. Jaden set the card and ended his turn.

Dimitri draws. “I activate the Spell Card Pot of Greed.” with this card he was able to draw Watapon and Kuriboh.

“Not so fast, I got a Trap!” He revealed Snake in a Jar, forcing Dimitri to send the two monsters to the graveyard. He wasn't able to use it on Card of Sanctity since it allowed both players to draw cards.

Dimitri frowned, he hoped to summon Dark Magician Girl, with the help of the special effect of Watapon, it would have been special summoned and then he could sacrifice it and summon the other Dark Magician.

He went into his battle phase and had the guardian attack Jaden directly again.

Jaden: 400

“With that, I end my turn!”

“This is bad, one more attack from the guardian and Jaden is gonna lose!” Syrus gasped.

'Jaden was holding his own for a bit but Yugi's deck is truly a monstrous force.'

“My move,” he draws. He got Double Spell. “This is it!”

Dimitri raised a brow at him. “First I switch Lamia Little Sister # 2 into attack mode.”

“Next I activate Double Summon!” using this effect he summoned Apophis and Lamia Sister # 1. Thanks to the effect of Lamia Sister # 1 the lamias gained a power boost.

Lamia Sister # 1 ATK 1900

Lamia Little Sister # 2 ATK 1800

Lamia Aphophis ATK 2300

Dimitri simply smirked. His face down was Mirror Force, no matter what Jaden was planning, if he attacked his monsters would be destroyed.

“Next I activate Double Spell,” he sent Supply Squad to the graveyard and was able to use a spell card in Dimitri's graveyard Mystical Space Typhoon. The spell was used to destroy Dimitri's face down. “Yugi's deck is amazing I'm not taking any chances.”

He went into the battle phase and had the little sister, destroy the guardian since they shared the same atk points, but was able to survive thanks to her effect. Before he ended his turn he activated Lamia Jungle, changing their surroundings to thick trees and large snakes.

It gave his lamia monsters an extra boost.

Lamia Sister # 1 ATK 2300

Lamia Little Sister # 2 ATK 2200

Lamia Aphophis ATK 2700

“Now Jaden has a monster that can destroy the Dark Magician!” he and Chumley high fived. Bastion watched Jaden duel feeling his heart pound in his chest.

Dimitri draws and starts laughing at their cheers and celebration. “Sorry, I just found your friend's cheers a bit more premature. This duel is far from over!” He removed Watapon and Kuriboh from play to special summon a far more powerful monster. “You thought sending those monsters to the graveyard saved you, you allowed me to summon my deck's most powerful monster.”

Bastion couldn't believe it. He knew of the two powerful monsters summoned in this fashion, one of them being banned the other not due to its scarcity.

“Behold Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning!” Dimitri summoned the powerful monster with a whopping 3000 ATK. “Apophis isn't the most powerful monster on the field anymore! Now attack!”

The Luster Soldier charged at the strongest lamia, only to be intercepted by Winged Kuriboh. “My trap card activates, allowing my Winged Kuriboh to block the attack.” the monster got destroyed, it's effect shielding Jaden's life points for the rest of the turn.

“Your life points might be safe but not your monsters. Since my soldier destroyed a monster by battle it is allowed to attack again.” So the monster did, only to be blocked by Winged Kuriboh's spirit.

Jaden used the second effect of his trap card. 'Thanks buddy, you saved me again.' The Winged Kuriboh cooed.

“I still have one more monster, did you forget my Dark Magician, go Dark Magic Attack!” the powerful magician blasted the Lamia Sister # 1. His life points were safe, but his monster was blasted. “I'll end my turn.”

Jaden draws getting his own Pot of Greed. He activated it getting 2 more cards. Lamia Shirohebi and Snake of Rebirth.

“We are still in this!” He looked at Little Sister who nodded. “I activate Snake of Rebirth!” he sacrificed the Little Sister to bring back Lamia Sister # 1. “Next I summon Lamia Shirohebi, and I'll be using her effect to bring back Medusa!”

Jaden had 4 lamias on the field. Medusa used her effect to turn Black Luster Soldier to stone, dropping the ATK to 0. Next, he entered the battle phase, and had Aphophis attack and destroy Dark Magician. Thanks to her effect, instead of going to the graveyard, he was coiled and pulled over to Jaden's field.

“No my monster!”

Dimitri: 3500

“Don't worry he was never yours, to begin with,” Jaden said. He had Dark Magician destroy the Black Luster Soldier.

Dimitri 1000

The remaining lamias charged and struck him, bringing his life points down to 0.

Dimitri's transformation failed his mask cracking, and falling off his face. “I lost...but how...I had my...I mean Yugi's deck.”

“You lost because you were relying on something else. When you copy other people's decks its empty unless you put yourself in it too.” Jaden came over to Dimitri. “You have to be you, you are a smart guy, I bet you can build a great deck that's all your own.”

Dimitri blushed. “You...you really think so...” Jaden nodded and gave him a smile. “But I need to ask you, about that shadow charm.”

“The mask? I was sent it, I don't know who gave it to me, but there was a note explaining its power.” Dimitri hung his head. “I thought with its power, I could become the best duelist. I wouldn't just copy the duelist I'd become them, but I still lost.”


It appeared the duel had drawn some attention, Zane and Alexis and several other students from each dorm had heard the commotion and watched the show. A lot of students were impressed with how Dimitri handled Yugi's cards. The shadow charm business was a surprise, but the Millennium Items were well documented.

Zane managed to convince the other students to keep this all a secret. Since they got to see Yugi's deck in action many agreed. Dimitri had to be punished, so he agreed to be demoted to Slifer Red. The deck was returned and Jaden was even able to fix the case thanks to his shadow charm.

Crowler was so pleased he wasn't going to jail for the theft he didn't question it. The next day the exhibit went off without a hitch, the deck was placed in a special system allowing his monsters to take form in digital stands. Students got to take pictures with Yugi's monsters.

You were able to buy posters t-shirts and exclusive packs. Jaden helped Dimitri work on his deck, building it around Copy Cat and getting monsters that supported it and had similar abilities.

-x-Later that Night-x-

Jaden met with Zane and Alexis out at the lighthouse. “Jaden, why did you call us here?”

“It's about your brother Alexis, I haven't found him yet, but I think I have found a clue to what maybe what happened to him.”

“You do?” Alexis was amazed.

“What do you know about shadow charms?”

“I've read about them but...they are just a myth right?” Jaden shook his head.

“The strange things that have been happening lately were because of shadow charms.” he showed them the mask. “This is just one of the recent shadow charms I've come across.”

“Jaden, how do you know this?”

“It's because I have one myself.” he showed them his. “So far its pieces of a puzzle, but with the abandoned dorm, these strange new charms. I think someone was studying them, not just in theory but was trying to experiment and make new shadow charms.”

“You think my brother disappeared because of these experiments?”

“I believe so,” Jaden said.

Zane put his hand on her shoulder. “It's certainly a lead.”

“Thank you Jaden, I hope to find my brother.”

“If we can find the person who not only helped make these shadow charms and sent them out, we may get a bigger lead.” she hugged him. She had hope, and she believed Jaden. With his help, she may just find her brother yet.

To be continued.


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