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Bleach /Shield Hero parody: Tier 1

Ichigo's shields

Orange Shield: +2 Defense

Yellow Shield: +2 Defense

Red Shield: +4 Defense

Leaf Shield: Collection Skill + 1

Mush Shield: Plant Identification 1

Fish Shield: Angling Skill + 1

Green Mush Shield” Apprentice's Compounding

Blue Mush Shield: Simple Compounding Recipes

Petit Medicine Shield: Raises Medicine's Effects

Petit Poison Shield: Poison Resistance (Small)

Rope Shield: Can turn to rope to be used. Air Strike Shield Skill

Silk Spinner Shield: Armor Stat Boost +1. Silk Weaving Skill + 1, Steel Thread Skill.

Two-Headed Black Dog Shield: Alert Shield Skill, Dog Bite Skill

Wood Shield: Lumbering Techniques 1

Rock Shield: Defense + 3

Pipe Shield: Shield Prison Skill

Pickaxe Shield: Mining Skill +1

Egg Shield: Culinary Boost

Flying Egg Shield: Beginner Cooking Recipes

Calorie Shield: stamina boost

Energy Shield: SP boost (small)

Energetic Shield: Stamina consumption decrease

Rabbit Leather Shield: Agility Boost +1

Pikyu Pikyu Shield: Beginner's Rank's Weapon Repair Techniques 1

Butterfly Shield: Paralysis Resistance (Small)

Light Metal Shield: Defense + 1 Magical Enchantment Defense

Chapter 5  https://www.patreon.com/posts/bleach-legend-of-24643851 

Chapter 6 Duel! The Slave Crests Are Removed?!

After the wave, Renji and Grimmjow cleaned up the monsters raising Ichigo’s level to 21 and Renji and Grimmjow was now tied at 26. Renji was so proud but Grimmjow was sure that he’d be ahead of Renji in no time. He also gained some new shields from the monsters he fed to it.

Dimensional Locust Shield if gave him a defense boost of 6. Dimensional Bee Shield gave him an agility boost of 6. Bee Needle Shield gave him an attack boost of 1 and some offensive skills, Shield of Needles and Bee’s Poison (Paralysis) it could come in handy. He also fed the zombie monsters to his shield, they were called Dimensional Corpse Eater Demons, so he got that shield which granted him Decay Prevention small.

-x- Before the Party-x-

Bazz-B stopped Bambietta and asked to speak with her. “Sure Bazz-sama!” she waved Askin and the other girls off and went to speak with Bazz-B in private. “What can I help you with?”

“I want to know, why you falsely accused Ichigo?”

“Who?” she feigned ignorance.

“The Shield Hero!” he hissed.

“I didn’t falsely accuse him, he assaulted me and ripped my clothes apart, I was barely able to get out of my room naked.” she began to shed crocodile tears.

“That’s a lie!” Bazz-B snapped making her take aback.

“I went through some of the evidence, the underwear found in Ichigo’s room was completely intact.” Bambietta began to sweat.

“We were both drunk I don’t remember clearly!”

“Not according to your tab, the table only had two drinks, and I was able to get a peek at his passive skills, he has Large resistance to alcohol.” Bambietta’s eye twitched.

“He assaulted me, he’s evil!” she exclaimed.

“He’s gay...” her eyes widened.

“What?!” realization set in, why her flirts and charm didn’t work on him.

“Ichigo Kurosaki is gay, so I do not believe he’d be interested in you. It’s possible he might be bi, but judging from your reaction I’m guessing you tried to seduce him and it didn’t work.”

“Tch,” she calmed down. “So you found me out, I admit it, he never touched me.”

“Why would you do this?”

“That’s my business so stay out of it. You don’t know who you are dealing with.” she released a dangerous aura.


“Do you think it was my goal to frame him, oh no I just thought it’d be more fun to watch him suffer. I intended to kill him.”

“You...you’re a monster...”

“Sticks and stones, but I’d watch your mouth, I can still do it you know. He’s weak, I could kill him any time I want. I have support that not even Askin-sama knows about.”

“So he’s a part of this?” he tightened his grip on his bow.

“Nope, but I got him wrapped around my little finger. I know how to get a rise out of him if you know what I mean.”

“You bitch...” he readied his weapon and she charged some magic.

“Ah ah ah,” she wagged her finger. “Mess with me and the Shield Hero dies.” her words, she meant it. He saw Ichigo’s level recently there was too large a gap.

“He’s a legendary hero, I doubt you could hurt him so easily.”

“True, but attacking him isn’t the only way to hurt him now is it, his little demi-human whores, if they should die, I could hurt him that way.”

Bazz-B grit his teeth. “You have a special place in hell well fighting you.”

Bambietta chuckled. “That’s where you are wrong, I serve a higher power. Any actions I do, lying, hurting innocent people, cheating, all will be forgiven.”

‘She’s insane.’ she approached him and he tensed up.

She patted his cheek. “So just stay out of my way and do your job.” she walked off. “Do enjoy the feast.”

Bazz-B felt something was off with her, but there were pieces missing. How could he help Ichigo if he didn’t know what he was up against? Plus why target Ichigo, what was so bad about the Shield? Little did Bazz-B know there were cloaked figures wearing masks in the shadows observing all of this.


The Shield Hero and his party were invited to the palace for a feast, however, Ichigo was not so pleased. Just being there with those people made him feel on edge. The King praised the Heroes for defeating the wave, but it was like his efforts to protect the village were meaningless. Everyone was talking about how great the Sword, Bow, Axe, and Spear heroes were. Even that jerk of a captain in the royal knights was taking credit. Though it seemed Bazz-B wasn’t enjoying himself like the others.

It seems Ichigo’s efforts to protect the village did help, the casualties were in the single digits, compared to the hundreds who perished in earlier Waves. It made Ichigo feel a little better, but he was honestly not interested in any feast, not just because he still couldn’t taste anything, but everyone was stroking the other hero’s egos.

People were gathered around the other heroes and their parties, Ichigo was in the corner by himself. He was waiting for the party to be over, so he could get his reward and get the fuck out of there, being in the castle was suffocating.

Grimmjow was taking the chance to really stuff his face, the rich food was delicious, but he preferred Ichigo’s cooking more. As he dug in there seemed to be some form of nobility looking at him and murmuring to each other.

“What’s that demi-human doing here?”

“He looks like a savage.”

“Didn’t you hear he’s a member of the Shield Hero’s party.”

“Disgusting, taking in a demi-human, how low will he get?”

“No way, do you think he assaulted them like he did his other party member?”

“Probably, I heard they are slaves they have to obey him.”




Grimmjow growled. He didn’t care if some rich bitches were talking bad about him, but insulting his master it was souring his meal. He simply moved away and collected some food to take to Ichigo.

Renji was one step ahead of him, he was so excited his tail was wagging. He was slipping around trying all kinds of tasty things, it did upset him that Ichigo wasn’t eating, so he at least brought him a plate and some water. “Ichigo-sama!” He passed by Askin’s group, some girls were hitting on him and a few guys too, but his attention was quickly drawn away from the fanboys and girls to Renji, he tried to stop the demi-human only for Bambietta to stop him.

“Askin-sama...” she began to whisper things into the hero’s ear. His eyes widened…


Renji came over with the water and plate, which Ichigo took the water but set the food to the side. “Ichigo-sama won’t you come eat with me?”

“It’s fine Renji, I’m not hungry, go ahead and enjoy yourself, like Grimmjow.” Renji looked to his fellow demi-human, Grimmjow was eating, but he also could hear the whispers about not just Grimmjow but him as well.

“I’ll go find something tasty, I’ll be back!” Renji tried a few things along the way and Ichigo had to admit at least it saved him on a meal. Renji and Grimmjow had probably not seen such fancy food before and wanted to try it.

‘Feast smeast. I don’t have a clue how much shit went down last time, but I have got a million questions about what’ll happen next time.’ he looked through his Icon and found a help guide.

About Battles During a Wave

Before the hourglass indicates a summons will take place, if all preparations are conducted, those who are registered will be transported simultaneously.

‘This...does this mean that the knights could be transported with the heroes too? Did no one else try that, why didn’t they use it? If I had known before...but I guess it wasn’t a big deal this time.’ He’d try to make better prep for next go around.

Renji and Grimmjow came over with plates of food. “Ichigo-sama!” they stopped; glaring at each other in rival sparks.

“You two seem to be having fun, go ahead and eat as much as you want.”

Renji paused, a blush spreading across his cheeks. “Ichigo-sama, do you prefer men on the stouter side?” he had heard there were exercises that could tone the body in certain areas.

“I neither like or dislike them, getting a little fat won’t hurt you in battle. What’s the problem?”

Grimmjow snorted as Renji’s hair and fur puffed up. “I-I told you I’m not fat! I’ve grown up.”

“You both are still growing kids!” Grimmjow stopped laughing. The two shared the dislike that Ichigo kept treating them like children, minus a few exceptions.

“It’ll save us some money, go ahead and enjoy the feast.” He tried to keep scrolling through his help screen.

Renji sighed. “That’s right...I’d forgotten that’s how you were.”

Ichigo closed his Icon. “Huh?” Renji took a piece of food and aimed it at Ichigo.

“Let’s eat it together.” Ichigo was taken back. “I’m sure it's delicious.” Ichigo wanted to refuse since he couldn’t taste anything, but Renji was giving him what best could be described is the puppy dog eyes. He caved like a house of cards.

He took a bite, the scene looked like he was being fed by Renji. “Is it good?”

“No...it’s not...” Ichigo looked sad.

“Here try mine, try mine.” Grimmjow shared his food with Ichigo, the orangette sighed and took a bite. Askin grit his teeth glaring at the trio.

“Nope...no good...” Ichigo couldn’t taste a thing.

Askin removed one of his gloves and stomped over to Ichigo. “Don’t move Kurosaki!” he through the glove at Ichigo.

“What is this?”

“Are you stupid its a symbol of challenge, I’m challenging you!”

Ichigo raised a brow. “Why?”

“I heard about it, I heard about the two cuties travel with are actually your slaves!” the whole party had gone quiet and was staring at them.

Ichigo didn’t even deny it. “Yeah, they are my slaves so what?” Askin was taken aback by this. Askin had put his hands on Renji and Grimmjow. “Don’t touch them so freely.”

The rich and nobles were gossiping already. “A hero had a slave most unorthodox!”

“Why you...let’s not forget that we, people from another world, should not take part in such actions!” Askin snapped.

“That’s your logic, not mine.”


“This country doesn’t even outlaw slaves if you bothered to open your eyes a lot of merchants have demi-humans as slaves.” Askin had no response to that. It was true publicly it was frowned upon but no one said anything when it was a demi-human being used as a slave. They were seen as beasts less than human, even though they had the same intelligence as a human.

“That’s not the point, we are heroes we have to set a better example.”

“I’m done with this, I didn’t come here for a lecture. Renji, Grimmjow, let's go.” he was blocked by Askin’s spear.

“I’m challenging you if I win you let them go!”

“Wait a minute don’t we gotta say in this,” Grimmjow growled.

“Don’t worry, I’ll set you free soon,” he blew Grimmjow a kiss.

“Ichigo-sama let me fight this guy!” he growled.

“No, we are leaving,” Ichigo said. “Grimmjow stay away from him, you’ll catch his stupid.” the bluenette jumped back. They made their way out of the party hall.

They were stopped by soldiers. “Let us pass,” Ichigo ordered.

“You will accept the Spear Hero’s challenge,” Ichigo looked up to see the King and the bitch standing behind him. “I heard all about it...a hero who would dare use slaves, of course, it would be none other than the criminal Shield Hero.” he rubbed his temples. “In comparison, Lord Askin is a compassionate man, I will permit this duel, and you will fight!”

“Not a chance, I have nothing to gain from this stupid duel.”

“Please, I’m not with Ichigo-sama against my will. I want to serve as his sword.” A guard snuck up behind Renji and quickly gagged him, he caught his hands and tail and held him tight, a second guard holding him up at sword point.

“Renji!” “Red!” Ichigo and Grimmjow shouted.

The bluenette charged in without thinking, and was quickly caught by the guards, it took quite a few to hold him down. They bound his legs and soon got his arms. “Poor things you are bound by a curse that compels you to protect your master. Not to worry The Spear Hero will set you free.”

“Release them now!” Ichigo roared.

“Certainly once you accept the duel.”

“Are you mad, I’m the Shield Hero I need them to fight.” he glared at the guards. “Release them now, or I...WILL...KILL...YOU!” The guards got a chill, feeling the boy’s rage.

“Do not fear, there is nothing he can do, he is but the Shield.”

“Your Majesty, I think this is going too far, they want to be with Ichigo, why not leave them alone,” Bazz-B said.

“You are new to this world, Lord Bazz-B, the slave crest is a powerful curse, but once the duel is won, the court magician can dispel it, it's just a matter of time.”

“Hear that, you can’t run away from this.” Askin chided Ichigo. They were planning to take them away by force.

“You scumbag!” even Askin was shocked by the rage in Ichigo’s eyes. “If I win, you better return them to me.”

Bambietta laughed. “And how exactly will you win, Shield Hero.” Bazz-B glared at her.

‘Did she set this up?’ Bazz-B grit his teeth. He was torn from taking action and running away with the trio, but it didn’t matter, no matter where they ran the hourglass would simply summon them back. ‘Damn it!’

Ichigo was in the waiting area, full of cheap armor and weapons. He was looking over his Shields when Bazz-B came in. “Ichigo this is a trap, it has to be. Don’t do this!” he couldn’t shake what Bambietta said about having Ichigo killed.

“Doesn’t matter, I have to get them back.” he tried to touch a sword only to get shocked and the warning message pop up. “Damn it!”

“Do you have some kind of plan?”

“I got something in mind, don’t know if it’ll work.” Bazz-B approached him. “I’m not the same type of person who will lay down and lose.”

“Then a kiss for luck then.” he kissed the orangette making him blush. “I’ll be cheering for you.” he playfully patted his ass.

“Stop messing with me!” Ichigo snapped at him.


The duel began, Askin came out and was met with cheers and applause. Ichigo came out and was met with dirty looks. “The shield hero fighting the spear hero, this won’t last long.”

Renji was muzzled and bound with rope, Grimmjow had a full on muzzle and was bound in chains. ‘Ichigo-sama win!’

“The duel will now begin, the loser will be decided when one of the combatants is pinned or admits defeat.” Since the match was being held before the king it was an official match.

Bambietta was in the ring waving at Askin. “Askin-sama good luck!” he blew her a kiss and waved to the audience.

“Do you know the tale of the irresistible spear and the immovable shield?” he asked. It sounded similar to a tale about the unstoppable spear and the unbreakable shield, but whatever, different parallel universes. He twirled his spear around, showing off again. “Be a man and admit defeat already.”

“Not gonna happen.” he readied himself. He changed his shield into the Light Metal Shield.

“Even if this wasn’t a duel between the spear and the shield, you are in the wrong and justice is on my side!” His spear changed. “I’ll save poor Renji and Grimmjow soon.”

“Shut up, I’m tired of listening to you blabber on. You don’t know anything, not about them and sure as hell not about me.”

“Begin!” Askin charged at Ichigo, only to get blocked by the spear. He pulled back and struck twice more and yet Ichigo blocked it both times.

“You stopped it? As expected of the lowly shield hero.”

“You lose...” Ichigo said, holding off his attack.


“In this battle between spear and shield you were talking about, you lost the moment you couldn’t pierce my shield!” he knocked Askin back.

Askin checked Ichigo’s level and he was way lower than his 43. “We’ll see,” his spear changed. “Chaos Spear!” he launched a rapid-fire attack that Ichigo tried to defend against, he blocked a few shots but got pushed back and cut up from the volley of strikes.

‘Ichigo!’ Bazz, Renji, and Grimmjow thought. ‘Ichigo-sama!’

Ichigo wasn’t down, instead he charged at Askin. He blocked Askin’s sword strike, and changed his shield, he then swiped at the man’s face. Askin had to jump back

Bambietta snorted. “An attack from the shield, as if it would do any damage...” she was cut off as Askin screamed like a baby, it seemed Ichigo had scratched his face. “What?”

Ichigo smirked and changed his shield again, he just used the Bee Needle Shield, but he switched to the Animal Needle Shield, a shield he unlocked from absorbing the quills of that porcupine-like monster before the wave.

He started fighting Askin using martial arts, mentally thanking his mom and dad for signing him up for it as a kid. Armor was only as good as the weakest link, so while he used his martial arts skills to block Askin’s attacks he also kept striking him with the Animal Needle Shield.

Striking...striking...and striking...until…

“Gah!” Askin hissed as a large quill was embedded in his shoulder. Ichigo found a weak spot in his armor, the guy was so arrogant, he probably bought fancier armor cause it looked cool not for proper coverage. He began to stick Askin again and again.

Askin attacked in a rage and Ichigo blocked him with the two-headed dog shield, the physical attack triggered the Two-Headed Bite Skill, as the dog heads lunged forward and bit into Askin’s shoulders, deepening the wounds and making him bleed.

“Impossible the Shield Hero is injuring the Spear Hero!”

“He must be cheating!”

Askin’s body was slowly getting slower. He was finding it hard to move which allowed chances to parry and hit him. “What did you...do to me?”

“Figured it out huh?” he changed back to the Bee Shield. “This shield grants me an offensive attack, making my strikes contain a poison.” Askin’s eyes widened that small scratch. “It may have been a small dose, but it was so close to your brain, and this fighting has caused it to spread.”

“You think a small bit of poison is gonna stop me?” he struggled.

“Good point!” he swiped at his legs which had little protection, cutting him up and dousing him with more poison. He changed Shield to rope shield and launched an Air Strike Shield right to his gut.

“Gah!” he struggled to get up, he was so arrogant he didn’t try to get skills that helped prevent poisoning, let alone paralysis. “Ichigo!”

Ichigo changed shields again. “Shield Prison!” he trapped Askin inside a metal ball. The Spear Hero slashed at the cage, not only burning his energy but allowing the poison to spread. Ichigo looked up to the king, but the dark-haired man didn’t call his victory.

“He’s holding his own, even though their levels are so far apart.” Uryu points out.

“Askin underestimated Ichigo, he was taking this too lightly.”

“Damn it!” Askin cursed, his legs felt numb, and his body tingly.

“Give up, you can’t win at this rate.”

“Hehehe, you think so? Let me let you in on a little secret, just as your shield has skills that can protect you in battle, the other sacred weapons have support skills to.” it was a skill he hadn’t honed and he could only use once a day, but it was true the spear could nullify status effects, but it took time, based on how powerful it was and how much he was inflicted. The Bow Hero’s skill was one of haste, it could temporarily quicken its master allowing for faster charge and quicker fire. Sword’s skill was one of sacrifice, he could sacrifice his mana and health to launch a grand attack. The Axe had one of destruction, capable of damaging if not breaking magical weapons and armor, it didn’t work on the sacred weapons though if used on another hero it inflicted a temporary state of weakness upon them lowering their attack and defense stats.

“What?” Ichigo gasped.

“Go ahead, keep me in your stupid ball, I’ll use my treasure’s sacred skill and cure myself.” it didn’t heal wounds just nullify status effects. He activated the skill and waited for it to heal himself. He already had his ultimate skill charged up, he just needed one good shot and Ichigo would lose!

“I can just negate the prison and keep attacking you then. I’ve got you good, let’s just stop all of this. You need to get to a healer, if you continue I won’t hesitate to wail on you.”

“Shut up! I don’t need your pity, you lowly shield hero!” Ichigo twitched in anger.

“That’s it, I’m dispelling this prison, I wonder if your manhood will still work if I jab it with a bunch of poisonous stingers!”

“No wait stop!” Before Ichigo could attack, he was blasted away by wind magic. He looked over and saw Bambietta her magic still pulsing in her hand.

“What the hell...you...you bitch!” he roared.

Sadly this distraction allowed Askin to recover he broke through the prison and hit Ichigo with his lightning spear. Ichigo coughed up blood and collapsed and Askin went to pin him.

This didn’t sit well with the little balloon monsters Ichigo had stored up, they jumped out and tried to attack the Spear Hero, trying to keep him at bay, Askin quickly crushed the valiant little monsters and pinned him. The arena lit up with cheers. “Lord Askin is the winner!”

Renji and Grimmjow were in shock, horror, and rage. ‘Why was this happening, we don’t want to leave Ichigo-sama?’ They wanted to go to him and make sure he was okay.

“Hold on, that win doesn’t count.”

“Sore loser much?” he laughed.

“Your teammate used magic against me.”

“What are you babbling about?”

“They saw it, I know they did,” Ichigo looked to the crowd. “That was obviously interference.”

“You think?” the two looked to the crowd, but no one spoke up for Ichigo. Ichigo looked through the crowd but couldn’t see Bazz, Uryu, or Cang Du.

‘No, they had to have seen it.’ Ichigo felt his negative emotions rise higher and higher. He felt like he was suffocating.

“there is no need to listen to the words of scum.” The king said, and Ichigo’s heart sank lower. “Spear Hero, you are the victor!”

“Ahh, just another lie to cover your ass, how pathetic, Shield Hero.” Bambietta ran over to him and hugged him.

“I knew you could do it,” she pressed her boobs into his arm. “Askin-sama!”

‘Why? Why won’t anyone believe me?’ he felt cornered trapped. The crowd mocked him for being the lowly shield hero, saying, of course, the Spear Hero won. ‘No! It’s wrong! I was so close, that bitch...she cheated!’

Bambietta approached him. “Shield Hero, I know you feel terrible.” she smiled gleefully. “It’s really too bad that you’ll have to go back to fighting alone.” she started to laugh, and Ichigo’s blood boiled.

The shield responded to his growing negative emotions, the core glowing faintly.

The king came down. “You were brilliant, Lord Askin.” he put his hand on his shoulder. “My daughter, Bambi-chan, was right to pick you.”

“Of course, Papa.” Ichigo’s eyes widened. She ran over to hug Askin.

“I was so shocked to find out Bambietta was the princess.”

“I am, but I fight to contribute to the world’s peace.” The pieces fell into place, and the horror of this world became so clear.

‘So these guys planned everything...the daughter framed me to get in the food graces of her favorite hero...and the father distorted the facts for the sake of his daughter.’ he grit his teeth. ‘This duel really was a setup all along, too!’ He was never gonna win no matter how hard he fought.

Bambietta had tricked Askin, whispering what he needed to hear to rile him up and challenge him, even telling him to save the two demi-humans. It was all bullshit though Bambietta didn’t care about demi-humans, the only reason she didn’t enslave them herself was that she found them to be disgusting.

‘Why...do you all wanna see me suffer that badly...’ his shield began to leak out a ghastly fog, that no one seemed to see. ‘...I didn’t come to this world because I wanted to. You’re the ones who summoned me!’ the fog turned black as his anger and despair increased. ‘Why must I alone go through this?’ the people around him seemed to become more distorted and terrifying.

“The boys that have been enslaved by the Shield Hero has been freed by the Spear Hero!” people began to talk about how they never should have summoned the Shield Hero in the first place, and all they needed was the other four. They wanted to get rid of him, he was criminal, he was scum, all because he was the shield.

They started to call out for his head. “God damn it...” he roared. He punched the ground, he was down on the ground broken.

Renji and Grimmjow were brought out, still struggling. Their curse marks were exposed roughly. “As promised, we shall get rid of their curses.”

Ichigo looked up from his spot on the ground, however, he didn’t see them in their mature forms, he saw them back as they were when he met them. This is how he’s been seeing them, much like how he could no longer taste. ‘Renji...Grimmjow...’


Ichigo could see it, their perfect little story, how the great and noble spear hero defeated the poor slaves from the evil shield hero. It was their story, one they would pass down forever staining his name. He was evil in this world!

It wasn’t true, it wasn’t right, how could they do this to him.

“No...stop it...” his stats appeared before his eyes. As they removed Renji’s curse, he vanished from his party screen. “Stop it!” They did Grimmjow next, and he vanished from his screen. His eyes widened and tears stung his eyes.

“You are free now. Be grateful for the charity Askin-sama showed you.” Bambietta said before she undid the gags and bindings.

Ichigo’s view of reality had become twisted further by the dark fog, as he saw it the child versions of Renji and Grimmjow were leaving him. He screamed! He tried to toss the shield and for metaphorical sake, it did leave him for a moment only to return to his arm. “This is hell.”

The horrific tragedy of the wave...those two act as if it’s a problem separate from themselves, heroes who still think this place isn’t real, and it’s just a game, not caring for the lives they ruin or don’t bother to protect, people who act as if they’ve seen nothing. Traitors, Liars, Corrupted, they are the ones who are scum, not him, not him!

Do you hate this world?”

“Yes...I do...”

Do you wish to see this world burn?”

“Yeah, that’s it, they should burn, they should be punished!”

Good!” Cursed Shield Series Unlocked!


“Now Lord Askin, you’ve freed this two go ahead and take them as your own.” Askin smiled and ran over to the two males expecting a hug. Renji slapped him and Grimmjow punched him.

“Renji-chan?! Grimmjow-chan?!” he clutched his sore cheek.

“How dare you filthy demi-human lat a hand on Lord Askin!”

“Shut up bitch!” Grimmjow snapped.

“When did I...” Renji was pissed, body shaking with hurt and rage. “...when did I ask you to “save” me!”

“I didn’t need no fucking saving!” Grimmjow growled.

“Huh, what? But, you’re a slave, right?! You were being mistreated and...”

“Keep talking and I’ll rip out your throat!” Grimmjow glared.

“Ichigo-sama, only ever used the curse on me, was to make it so I could fight when I was too frightened to do so!”

“He only used it on me, so I would behave not killing idiots and not fight with Red.”

“At no point, did Ichigo-sama make me do something I couldn’t!” they said in unison. “What the hell do you know about Ichigo-sama!”

“You don’t get it, the fact he forces you to do things like fighting is a problem. Nobody should be forced to fight!” Grimmjow was annoyed, he talks about forcing, and yet he forced them to be “saved”.

“I like fighting,” Grimmjow said. “If not for the things Ichigo taught me, I’d be tearing all of you apart!” Askin sweatdropped.

“Ichigo-sama can’t use any weapons!” Renji snapped. “Someone has to fight for him!”

“It doesn’t have to be you two. You don’t know what he’s done, what he’ll make you do, he’ll abuse you till you break...” the two shut him up with a shared growl.

“Ichigo-sama protects us!” Grimmjow said.

“He lets me rest when I’m tired!” Renji said.

“No, he’s not that type of guy.” Askin took a step back.

“Are you capable of extending a hand to a diseased slave on the verge of death?” Renji asked.

“Are you capable of taking in a slave who wants to fight?”

“Ichigo-sama fed me everything I wanted to eat!”

“He cooked me whatever food I wanted and only got cheap meals for himself!”

“He gave me valuable medicine to treat my illness!”

“He bought me weapon replacements even though I kept breaking them, he didn’t even scold me. He’s short on money he does the best he can!” As they spoke, relaying their experiences with Ichigo, he heard it but didn’t want to, at this point he didn’t even believe he was a good person.

“Are you capable of that!? They asked in unison.

Askin flinched. “O-Of course I could...”

“If that were true, you would have a slave by your side, too!”

‘But I doubt that bitch would allow it, I’ve seen her look before, the eyes filled with hate towards demi-humans.’

Askin looked to Bambietta but that only further solidified Grimmjow’s theory.

“Knock it off!” Bambietta snapped. “How dare you, damned demi-humans?” She was about to attack.

“That’s enough!” Uryu, Cang Du, and Bazz-B entered the arena.

“It’s the other heroes!”

“What are they doing there?” the crowd murmured some more.

Uryu stepped forward. “Bambietta-san, I’d like to ask about your illegal interference in the duel.”

“Whatever do you mean?” Askin was confused. He seriously thought Ichigo was lying.

“You lost the duel, Askin,” Bazz-B said.

“Your party member did fire a spell at Ichigo when his back was turned, such foul play.” Cang Du grumbled.

“It was hard to see, but it was clear wind magic,” Uryu added.

“Bambietta!” Askin gasped.

“You must’ve imagined it,” she shrugged. “The audience didn’t see a thing.”

“The King has told them not to speak out,” Bazz-B said, fixing her with a glare. ‘So this was what was going on, she was a damn princess, no wonder she acts so high and mighty.’ he pointed at Askin. "You'd know too if you bothered to look around.

“One look at their eyes and body language makes it obvious.” Uryu adjusted his glasses.

“I can’t believe royalty would debase the sacred duel.” Cang Du glared at the king. He looked away immediately, he had no rebuttal. "I'm not siding with him or anything, but breaking a one on one duel leaves a sour taste in my mouth."


Renji and Grimmjow approached Ichigo who was still on the ground wallowing in despair. “Ichigo-sama...”

“Don’t come near me!” he snapped, making them pause.”


“Why did you come back?” he opened his eyes. “To laugh at me?”

“I...” Renji started.

“Go away!”

“Ichigo-sama we are not leaving you.” Grimmjow snapped.

“I don’t need traitors.”

The two shared a look. “We heard rumors.”

“They called you the horrible hero who forced himself on a party member,” Grimmjow said.

Ichigo’s eyes widened.

“We don’t think that you’d do...” Renji was cut off.

“I didn’t do it!” he yelled. His poor heart couldn’t take this.

“He’s lying if you stay with him, you’ll become victims too!”

“What a moron!” Grimmjow facepalmed.

“How did you come to that conclusion? Ichigo-sama isn’t that type of man. “Ichigo-sama please listen to us.” They tried to touch him and he slapped their hands away.

“Don’t touch me, get away, I didn’t do it, why is everyone making fun of me?” Bazz-B’s eyes widened. Ichigo was crying, repeating over and over he didn’t do it. He was shaking. “Please just leave me alone.”

‘So that’s why he didn’t realize how serious I was.’

“You can’t believe anyone but a slave who cannot disobey you…?” the two share a look and approach Ichigo one more time.

Ichigo’s inner world was full of darkness, his shield burning with his rage. “Calm your anger. Please listen to what we have to say. So that we may be trusted by you.” the two appeared in his world as children.

“Shut up!”

“What can we do to have you believe us?” Grimmjow asked.

“I can’t...you betrayed me!”

“We will always be by your side, come what may!”

“Lies!” he gripped his head. “You’re both just saying that to trick me again!” he gripped his shield. “No one accepts me, no one believes me.” he was spiraling deeper into the darkness, any logic that existed was getting swallowed up.

“Unlike the world that looks down on you for everything you may do...” they reached out to him. “We will stay by your side!” They spoke in unison, hoping their combined voices would reach him.

“No this shield is a curse, I hate it, I hate it I...” his shield was getting ready to transform. Renji touched it as Grimmjow touched Ichigo. Light spread and cut through the darkness.

“This shield has saved me many times,” Renji said, his words finally reaching him.

“And during the Wave...even though you couldn’t fight, you defended the villagers using it,” Grimmjow added.

“You saved many, many lives.”

“Not just our own,” Grimmjow added.

“No, I’m not that nice a guy. I was just using you two at first, I needed a sword...”

“But you saved us!”

“No!” the two hugged him, their light spilling into Ichigo.

“We know you better than anyone else in this world.”

“I know how kind you are.” Renji shared his memories with Ichigo, from his perspective.

“I know how strong you are.” Grimmjow shared his memories with him, his perspective shining bright.

“We know how great you are!” They hug him tight. “So even if the whole world speaks ill of you, we’ll tell them they’re wrong.” they pulled back and smiled. “We know you didn’t do it!” the darkness was ripped apart and Ichigo could see them as they were now.

‘Those words, I wanted to hear them so bad.’ he realized Kisuke and Bazz be had believed in him too. ‘I just didn’t hear them before...’

“You are the one who saved our lives, trained us, and showed us our purpose in life.” The flames from the shield began to dispel.

“You gave me a sword!” Renji said.

“You gave me my freedom!” Grimmjow said.

“We believe in you...the Great Shield Hero!” the inner world faded and they were back in the arena. Ichigo was confused.

“Who...who are you?” Renji and Grimmjow were gone, and there were two older hot guys in their place.

“What are you saying?” Renji smiled. “I’m Renji!”

“And I’m Grimmjow!” he flashed his pearly whites.

“But...Renji and Grimmjow are kids.” He really couldn’t see them, now the veil was lifted.

“This is as good a time to tell you.” Renji hesitated.

“Demi-humans are not humans, there’s a reason we’re discriminated against as demons.” Grimmjow explained. “When we raise our levels as children, our bodies will grow in the most efficient manner.”

“If we stayed as level one, we’d have grown normally.”

“Our bodies, our minds, and our souls have matured.”

Ichigo was stunned.

“If you still don’t believe me, then please place the curse upon me,” Renji said. “Consider it my oath to serve you forever, a sign of my trust and loyalty.”

“We will be your blades, we might mess up, but we will do our best.” their words reached him and Ichigo began to cry.

Renji and Grimmjow pulled him to them and he cried, embracing them, they held him tenderly, creating a touching scene. This scene did nothing for Bambietta and the King, and they walked off in silence. Their kindness not reaching them in the slightest.

Askin gripped the spear tightly. “I didn’t do anything wrong!” he said in frustration. “What’s wrong is a hero having a slave!”

“You really are a fool, those two are free, they want to be with him,” Bazz-B said.

“They could be brainwashed or something.”

“I’m not sure about that,” Uryu said.

“It’s amazing you can say that after seeing them like this.”

“It must have been so painful bearing all this on your own.”

“But from now on, let us share in your pain, we will carry it together.” Ichigo closed his eyes and stayed with the two all night.

-x-In the morning-x-

Renji and Grimmjow worked together to make some leftover sandwiches. “You guys made this?” the two bickered about who did the most, but it was really just leftovers and bread. He stared at them for a bit.


“You two...are you really Renji and Grimmjow?”


“I’m just not used to it yet. You two really grew up.” They smiled at him.

Ichigo tried it and blushed. “I can...I can taste it!” he gasped. “For so long I wasn’t able to taste anything in this world.” he continued to eat, digging in like he did when he first came to this world. “Delicious...” It was more than just the flavor of food, he felt a warmth spread through him.

“I’m glad, I was worried about that.”

“Heh, from now you better let us share in all your pain, no more hiding from us,” Grimmjow said biting into the food himself.

“I’m sure we can rise above anything if we stick together...” Renji started to dig into his food.

Nothing has changed in this world, the Waves were still a threat, and he was still seen as a criminal hero, but… “Renji, Grimmjow...”

“Yes?” they asked in unison.

“Thank you!” he kissed them on each on the cheek, turning their faces red. They had saved him, stopped him from becoming the monster everyone saw him as.

To be continued


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