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One Piece parody: Tier 1


Beast Pill

Breed wants to do away with humans, so he kidnaps Caeser from the Straw Hats, he gains another asset via Chopper, combining the rumble ball tech with Caeser's research he creates the Beast Pill. It causes what's known as the ancestral animal to awaken inside a human and grant them beast traits. Law didn't know what he was up against he gets caught up in things, but these things were bound to happen with Luffy involved.

Chapter 1 Caught

Trafalgar Law, a boy who ate the Ope Ope no mi, and Monkey D. Luffy who ate the Gum Gum no mi, and became captains of their own respective pirate crews had formed an alliance. Two years after the War of the Best, the Straw Hats had reunited after growing stronger, they saved Fishman Island and picked a fight with Big Mom one of the Four Emperors.

After arriving on Punk Hazard they formed an Alliance to capture a mad scientist named Caeser Clown and destroy the SAD factory. Law had become a warlord for his own purposes, but it gave him access to government restricted areas. They worked together and with the help of Smoker a marine Vice Admiral, they took down two of Joker's aka Doflamingo's best agents Monet and Vergo. This was a heavy blow, not just a loss of his agents but a blow to his business.

Law's plan was to cut off the way for Doflamingo to getting SAD, a substance used for making an artificial devil fruit known as SMILEs. These artificial fruits were big in the New World, some pirates would kill for an army of devil fruit holders. One of the Four Emperors, in fact, Kaidou. Law had a plan of getting Kaidou to kill Doflamingo for him, by pitting the two against each other. This was serious even for Doflamingo.

He had destroyed the machines to make it and kidnapped the only person who knew how to make it. This put Doflamingo in a serious position. He HAD to get Caeser back at all cost or risk Kaidou coming to kill him. So far the plan was going well, not perfect but well…

Luffy was a bit of a wild card, and they had two samurai tagging along. Luffy was his biggest problem at the moment, he's never met anyone so wild and free, he was certainly interesting. Being on his ship, being so close he began to notice things, things that stroked his curiosity. The way he smiled, the things he said, there were times Law would have sworn Luffy's gaze fell on one of his comrades and it was not a normal friendly look.

There was warmth on his ship, not the ship itself; though it was impressive, the crew, Luffy, there was warmth with them, and Law found it difficult from being pulled in. He tried to keep his distance, but Luffy would simply stretch his arms and glomp him. Law didn't get how he could be so carefree, he wasn't used to this kind of stuff. He was trying to focus on the mission.

The crew was on guard, out of fear of Doflamingo's attack, unaware if he'd send someone or come himself. So the crew was a bit on edge despite trying to keep busy. Luffy was bouncing around from one crew member to another it seems.

An attack did come but not from one of Joker's group. It was a man named Breed who was using a gang of animal pirates to do his bidding. Breed had the power of the Peto Peto no mi, it gave him the power to control living things. The animal crew was forced to attack Luffy and his crew, even though they didn't want to.

The Sea Monster Pirates was a gang of sea creatures, led by a familiar Kung-Fu Dugong, they had a black belt penguin, a sumo capybara, an octopus boxer, and a group of sea lapahns. They bumped into Bree and he used his power to make them his pets. Using their strength, they attacked the ship and snatched Caeser and took him away.

Luffy, Law, and Chopper, decided to go after them. The rubber boy left Zoro in charge and whispered something to him before they departed. Law raised a brow at his actions, but again shook his thoughts and stopped starring at Luffy and focused on the mission. They used the Shark Submerge 3 and went after them.


While Luffy reunited with his former disciple, yes the kung-fu dugong was one Luffy had met before, back in Alabasta. He was so inspired by Luffy's words and teachings, he decided to go out to sea himself and become a pirate.

Breed met with Caeser, the gas man thought he was working for Joker, but no Breed had his own plans for Caeser's skills. He confronted the intruders and Luffy was confused about Breed's powers but he was happy to show them.

He got a green collar on Chopper and forced him to attack Luffy and Law, but to his surprise, he used a rumble ball and went Monster Point! He grew massive and beastly and gave Luffy and Law some trouble.

Law wanted to stop him but Luffy didn't want him to hurt his nakama, and the distraction allowed Breed to strike and the two were collared. He made Chopper stop and ordered Luffy and Law to sit, like dogs. The two were greatly embarrassed, more so by Breed's laugh, he was toying with them. This guy was crazy, he hated humans and claimed animals were better so he wanted to turn humans into beasts and make them better. “Humans are stupid creatures, with silly rules, and foul beliefs, animals follow instincts and they are far more loyal and trusting,” he said.

“You crazy bastard!” Luffy growled, only for Breed to crack his whip.

“You two are my pets now, and you will do as I say.” their collars glowed. “I was just after Caeser, but it seems fortune smiles on me, that mystery ball you used would make an excellent distribution system to humans. Caeser, take Chopper here and get started on the experiment. You two will work with your full ability to make my dream come true.” Their collars glowed and Caeser obeyed.

“Chopper!” Luffy called out, only to get cracked with the whip again.

“Be quiet! Kneel!” he snapped, and Luffy's collar glowed and forced him to obey. “I have big plans for you two, you'll be the first to become part of my new world.”

'He plans to use us as guinea pigs?' Law began to sweat.

“First things first, pets even you incomplete pets have to follow the rules. Pets do not wear clothes!” he said with sinful glee. Law blushed and his eyes went wide. “If you need me to be clear, I order you to strip!”

Their collars glowed and the two began to obey. Their clothing cast aside, from their hats, respective shirts, pants, boxers, shoes, and sandals. Law blushed, his whole face was red, this was humiliating, he was completely naked and exposed, his soft 7-inch dick exposed for all to see.

He knew he shouldn't, but he spared a glance at Luffy and gazed at all his naked glory. He felt his heart flutter at the sight of him. 'He's so big!' Luffy wasn't even hard, his cock was a solid 12 inches soft. Benefits of going through puberty as a rubber man he supposed.

“Don't worry once you become proper pets, and earn your place, I might dress you up,” he said. He ordered their clothes and weapons locked away. He ordered Luffy and Law to their pen, which was basically a sea prism stone cage, and they were each given cuffs with sea prism stone in it.

The duo was locked up for hours. Law kept stealing glances at the very naked Luffy who kept attacking the bars, despite the backlash. He was glad he was so focused, Law was having at not so little problem. His cock was hard and wanting, and even as he tried to calm himself down and will it away, he'd make the mistake of looking at Luffy and he'd get hard all over again. “Straw Hatter, this is bad, we don't have any back upcoming and we don't know if...”

“Three Days!” Luffy said.


“We agreed, if we didn't come back by three days, to send a search and rescue party.” Law realized what Luffy was telling Zoro.

“Bit long isn't it?”

“It'll be fine, we still have Chopper, and we have each other, if we can't find a way to escape ourselves, the others will come,” he said.

“Why do you have such confidence, Straw Hatter?” Law looked and it seems Luffy zonked out, he was laid out and snoring. Looks like the sea prism stone finally wore him out. “Guess we just have to survive.”


The first day seemed to pass on in a blur, they were given food, water, and taken out for “walks”, Law was counting the time till he could cut off Breed's head, with or without his power he wasn't sure yet.

Breed was so happy, he thought it would be days to create it, but with Caeser and Chopper, he was able to make something even better than SMILEs, the Beast Pill! By mixing the SAD formula with Chopper's Rumble Ball formula he was able to create something new.

“Time to test it.” They had made two prototypes, and they had two guinea pigs, that was perfect math. While Chopper could move he couldn't disobey Breed because of the curse.

They stepped before the pen and found Law covering his crotch, and Luffy banging against the bars. “Enough!” Luffy's collar glowed and he was forced to stop. “Now then I have a treat for you two.” He showed the two the beast pills, they were the same size as Chopper's rumble balls only these were green.

“Please stop, don't give it to them,” Chopper begged.

“Oh did Chappy make a bad product?”

“No, it'll work, I'm sure it will, it'll tap into their legacy gene and find the animal in it and cause their bodies to shift, but if you do this there won't be going back, there's no way to dilute it in such a short time, if they even survive at all!” he was tearing up.

“Silly Chappy, that's what I want.” he tossed the pills inside the pen. “Take your medicine!” he commanded. The two tried to resist, Law ignoring his arousal and gripping the collar trying to rip it off, but to no avail, the put the pills in their mouths and crushed the pills with their teeth.

Luffy gasped. His body felt hot, it was like going gear second and gear third at the same time. He choked as he tried to breathe, body shaking and thrashing as his cells, flesh, and bone began to change. His hair grew wild and a touch longer. “Gaaaaahhhhh!”

“Luffy!” Chopper cried.

He looked like he was having a fit, his canines grew larger and more beastly. Black fur spread around his wrists and ankles, his pubes turned into a treasure trail up his abs. His cock grew by an inch soft, and his balls grew larger. Luffy's already plump ass grew plumper and more fur, and shock of shock a monkey tail sprouted up at the base of his spine. The transformation hurt...like hell...like his very soul was boiling.

Law fared no better, his fur matched Luffy's except his looked softer, and his pubes spread fur down and covered his balls making them plump and furry. His cock gained an inch of length, and the base of his penis swelled to form a knot. Law whimpered it hurt worse than he had White Led, he thought he was gonna die, his ears morphed to become fuzzy and canine-like and he sprouted a doggy tail.

“Not bad, not bad very good.” he clapped. “You are full pets now,” the two glared at him. “Now don't be that way I can be a very good master. Law...” the male tensed. “I've been watching this whole time, you've been so pent up, Luffy help Law get off!”

Law looked at Luffy, saw his collar glow and he gulped. Luffy turned to see Law, his hard 8 incher throbbing between his legs. The look Luffy was giving him was making his tail wag. “Traffy...”

To be continued...Sex and Rewards



I'm really enjoying this one so far. Good luck getting this done.