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One Piece parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/25636929 

Chapter 2 Rumble in Alabasta

As Luffy fought Crocodile, and while he distracted the logia user, Vivi and the Straw Hat crew made their way to Alubarna. Crocodile wasn't worried, even as Luffy fought him his agents were already on the move.

Mr. 2 was impersonating the King and the royal army and was attacking people, stirring the rage of the rebels into a frenzy. Kohza was the leader of the rebel army, and he was also Vivi's childhood friend, he'd been waiting for her return in hopes of settling things peacefully but preparing for the worst. However, thanks to Mr. 2's deception there was no going back, a match had been struck and the flames of war were ignited.

Crocodile knew that if Vivi met Kohza the war could be stopped so he ordered his agents to not let this happen. The officer agents were lying in wait to apprehend Vivi, but the Straw Hats had a plan, using cloaks and the Super Spot-Billed Duck Squad they rushed to Alabarna towards each of the gates.

Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger had encountered Zoro and Nami. The green haired swordsman faced off against the terrifyingly strong Mr. 1 who ate the Supa Supa fruit, it allowed him the ability to turn any part of his body into sharp blades, his fruit combined with his martial arts made him a fearsome enemy.

Zoro had his hands full with him allowing Miss Doublefinger to go after Nami. She was having a hard time with her as Zala aka Miss Doublefinger, had the Toge Toge fruit, allowing her to deform her body into deadly sharp spikes.

Mr. 2 aka Bon had eaten the Clone Clone fruit, allowing him to change his appearance to anyone he touched. This proved dangerous as he took a few of the Straw Hat's faces, but not to worry they had a plan to deal with him. He found Usopp and a camel called Eyelashes and beat the two up.

Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas ended up chasing Sanji and Chopper. So none of the agents knew where Vivi was.

Turns out she was standing in the way of the rebel army, literally. She knew Kohza would be leading the charge, so she and Karoo were standing before a stampeding army. She called out to Kohza but her voice was silenced as one of the royal army canons fired, creating a smoke screen.

This was one of the Baroque Work million agents, Crocodile had slipped quite a few of his people into both sides. Vivi's plan failed, the two friends not meeting. Vivi was almost trampled to death but Karoo shielded her body.

Things went bad, as the rebel and royal army began to clash. Karoo was alive but could no longer move, and things went from bad to worse as “Usopp” showed up seemed to help, only to be revealed to be a fake. Zoro had come up with a plan of a two-part fake out, they each wore a binding around their arm, but that was just a cover for the mark hidden underneath, this mark showed their bond and friendship.

When “Usopp” revealed his arm he had no mark. Mr. 2 tried to kill Vivi, only to be met with Sanji. The blonde cook facing off with the okama ballet agent. Usopp ended up with Chopper, facing off with Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas.

Vivi made it through all the fighting and reached the palace, and tried yet another plan to try and end the battle. She met up with Alabasta's other guardian Chaka, the King was missing, but the Rebel army was the priority right now. Her plan now was to blow up the palace as a symbol to end the fighting.


Zoro was fighting Mr. 1, he was a tough opponent in general, but Zoro had to be able to cut through him in order to beat him. He remembered his promise to Luffy, not to lose again. “You think you can stop us, you are just a weak swordsman, from a weak pirate crew, with a dead captain.”

“What did you say?” Zoro growled.

“Sorry, spoilers. The boss has taken out your little captain and left him dead for dead in the desert,” he smirked as Zoro filled with rage.

'Luffy…' His time with Luffy flashed before his eyes, things he's said and done, and the things he's yet to say.

Thinking he had an opening Mr. 1 attacked Zoro, only to be blocked. “My captain is still alive. Your boss might be tough but my captain doesn't give up, he'll be back and he's gonna kick Crocodile's ass!” Their fight grew more and more heated, Zoro taking damage and even losing his swords.

He retrieved one and focused, all his training, all his lessons, his teacher told him of the swordsmen who are capable of cutting nothing. That ability and control; is what leads one to be able to cut anything even steel. Mr. 1 aka Daz Bones, was a literal walking sword, who changed any part of his body into steel blades which made it difficult for Zoro to cut.

Zoro had taken so much damage and lost a lot of blood, two of his swords were lost in the rubble, he had only 1 sword to fight with. Mr. 1 had grown confident as it had taken all of Zoro's swords just to evade and block his powerful attacks, now with only 1 he thought he was easy prey.

“One Sword Style Drawing Technique: Lion Song!”

Mr. 1 changed the bottoms of his feet into blades and used them as skates on the ground to increase his speed. The two clashed, and Zoro finished him with a sheathing of his sword. He defeated Mr. 1 cutting through him and knocking him out. “I thank you, I can grow even stronger from here.” He felt he's scratched the surface of the next level of power, for only a moment he transcended.

In the end, this fight was his victory. Zoro only had a moment of rest, before needing to find his swords and carry on the battle. 'Luffy don't you die, you are my captain, I won't accept it.'


Nami did her best against Miss Doublefinger, her devil fruit power made her a difficult opponent. She was trying to use the Clima Tact, a weapon designed by Usopp but seemed to be just party tricks. Using a bit of know-how, and a bit of luck Nami was able to use her new weapon to not only evade but defeat the power holder.


Usopp and Chopper weren't doing that great, Usopp kept falling into the coward mode, which made him no help to Chopper. So the reindeer human, was stuck fighting two powerful opponents. Miss Merry Christmas had eaten the Mole Mole zoan devil fruit, allowing her to make tunnels in the sand. There was also a gun that ate the dog dog fruit, and he was able to fire specially modified bullets that looked like baseballs. Even if you managed to dodge those, Mr. 4 would just hit them right back at you.

The trio was a terrifying combo, while Usopp and Chopper weren't working well together at all. For his cowardice, Usopp got smashed through buildings twice, and he was gonna run away, but…

“So weak, so weak, it's a good thing your captain is already dead, he'd be appalled with how you act.” Chopper was shocked and Usopp stopped his cowardice and tried to fight.

In the end, it was Chopper using his Brain Point to figure out the weakness. Using the dog gun, he tricked him into launching a barrage of ball bombs into the tunnel, blowing the mole woman up, and even Mr. 4 taking some damage. The fight wasn't over and Miss Merry Christmas wanted revenge, she grabbed Usopp and planned to drive him into Mr. 4's four-ton bat.

Thanks to Chopper, the two were switched, using his Horn Point, he lifted up the mole woman and with a smoke bomb from Usopp, she took a four-ton bat to the face! Mr. 4 was finished and the trio was blown up by one of the gun dog's bombs and they were finished.


Sanji faced off with Mr. 2, in a heated flurry of kicks. Mr. 2 pulled out his bag of tricks, changing into Zoro and Usopp to try and keep Sanji from hitting him. It was an assassin technique, change into a friend or loved one and then land the killing blow.

The cook, however, had no problem kicking Zoro or Usopp, saying that he knows its not them, so he doesn't have to hold back. Mr. 2 uses Nami's form which actually does stop Sanji, because of his policy of not kicking women, and he did fall for her boobs. He does get his ass kicked a bit, but to use his full power he had to switch back to his original body. This gave Sanji some leeway in fighting the okama.

Mr. 2 tried one more form, Luffy's. To Sanji's shock, he did have a bit of hesitation attacking his captain's form. With Luffy's body, Bon was able to draw out some power to fight Sanji. “Stop it, don't use his form!” Sanji growled.

“Why not, it should be fitting since you won't be seeing him again.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Sorry to tell you this, but our boss left Straw Hat dead in the desert. Your crew no longer has a captain.” he laughed using Luffy's face and voice.

“Shut up!” Sanji gave a chilling look that even made Bon flinch. “Stop using his face, or I will fillet you!”

“Forgive me, I've shared many faces, but none have shown love like yours.” he reverted back.

“Love?! Wait a minute!” he blushed.

“The love between men is a sacred thing, in honor of your love, I will fight you as myself, with all of my strength!” Sanji didn't know what to say but decided to end this fight.

He beat Mr. 2 and got back Usopp's goggles. “Luffy is just my captain, and he's not dead. He's too stubborn to die.”

Bon cried such strong manly love was too beautiful.


While the fights were going on Vivi was preparing to destroy the palace, her plan once again didn't go well. Crocodile showed up and severed the dynamite. “I can't have you destroying my future palace.”

“Crocodile...where is Luffy?” she demanded.

With a sick smirk. “He's dead!” Vivi's blood ran cold.

“You liar,” she hissed. “Even if he did lose, he wouldn't have lost his life to the likes of you.”

“Oh dear princess, he didn't lose his life because of me, he lost it because of you.”

“You monster!” she shouted.

Nico Robin, had the king and was keeping the other soldiers out of the palace. She was forced to back off when the Tsumegeri Guards attacked, they were elite soldiers of Alabasta serving under Chaka. “You fools think you can stop me?” Crocodile laughed at them.

“We can be bet our humanity on it!” Hyota says. Hyota was the leader, Brahm, Arrow, and Barrel made up the rest of the team.

“You lot, you didn't, you drank the Monster Water?!” the answer was shown sure enough as the four began to change, their clothing ripping off their bodies.

Hyota gained a pig snout and some tusks, and his ears became pig-like, his muscles grew larger and his manly hair became fur. He had become an Orc.

Brahm grew larger his legs morphing and becoming snake-like, his scales were brown, his ears became long and pointy. He had become a lamia.

Arrow sprouted wings and his feet became like talons, his legs becoming bird-like, his feathers were green. He had become a harpy.

Barrel's sprouted horns growing larger, his skin color became a bit green. His teeth became sharp and pointy. He had become a goblin.

“WE SHALL DEFEAT YOU!” the four were able to keep their senses, and they charged at Crocodile.

Hyota attacked him with a larger butcher-knife blade. It didn't effect Crocodile being a logia, but he wasn't finished. “Feast!” he unleashed his monster skill, creating three tentacle-like demons with mouths and teeth that charged at Crocodile. They bit him and took chunks out of him. Crocodile cursed as he felt the bites, he was able to regenerate with his sand but it still hurt like hell. “You pig!” he grabbed the man by his arm, and sucked the water from it, shriveling it up.

He wasn't given a chance to finish him as Arrow took to the sky, and wailed on him with a barrage of feather arrows. They didn't do any damage but gave Hyota time to withdraw. He ripped off the husk of his arm and was able to regrow a brand new arm, bones, muscle, tissue, skin, and fur in all.

“Wrath of the sky!” Arrow unleashed a tempest of wind, that struck Crocodile and did cause damage. He was able to reform, but again that hurt!

Problem was, now Crocodile was taking things seriously. So when Brahm started spitting poison at him, he dodged it quickly. Barrel began to play his flute axe, unleashing a sound attack to disorient Crocodile.

Too bad, on a normal opponent that would have given the perfect opportunity for a killing blow. Crocodile, however, whipped up a sand storm disorienting the trio on the ground long enough to make his move. Using his hook he ripped out Barrel's throat, and for good measure cut him down with his own axe.

The roar of the sand storm had cut off his sound attack and made it difficult for him to maneuver. Next was Brahm, who Crocodile grabbed by the throat, and drained him of all moisture, leaving him just a shriveled husk of snakeskin.

They didn't even get a chance to scream. Hyota used Feast to swallow up the sand storm and gasped in horror seeing his slain comrades. “You bastard!” he unleashed Feast on Crocodile. While Crocodile dodged, sand began to pour around Hyota's feet, and before he knew it, it was too late.

The sand rose up and swallowed Hyota up. “Desert Burial!” he squeezed his right hand and the sand crushed Hyota in an instant. Arrow charged in, tears in his eyes. “Desert Spada!” he unleashed sand made blades and cut Arrow up, his pieces fell to the ground in a bloody mess.

“The power of monsters is truly a pain, had they waited and prepared they might have defeated me, but they lost themselves to their emotions and were not able to use their powers together.” he was glad he got rid of that spring after all.


Pell was flying Luffy towards Alabasta. “Are you alright?” he asked.

Luffy flexed his hand, he felt strange, awakened, it was taking a bit to get used to his new senses. “I'm fine, I think?” he said. The red snake hissed at Pell. “Azaspa says not to worry about me, and focus on flying.” the second snake had formed a small staff for Luffy, this snake was Bazel. “I don't know what I've become but I know what I gotta do, I gotta kick that croc bastard's ass!”

Pell did his best to explain, much like with devil fruit users upon eating the fruit the holder gets some knowledge of how their power works, but its bare minimum knowledge. It's up to the user to properly hone the power. Luffy knew there wasn't time to master his new abilities, so he wasn't planning on relying on them. “It's gonna work out somehow.”

To be continued...Baroque Works Falls


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