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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward

Chapter 8  https://www.patreon.com/posts/25363365 


Chapter 9 Royal Blue

Crowler's decree did stop a lot of the bullying against Jaden, none of them willing to be expelled. However, this didn't stop the rage from building, and there was already a plan of attack ready, they just had to wait another 3 weeks then they could attack the red dorm.

“Alexis, you should take part in the next test war.” One of the blue dorm girls told her.

“And why would I do that?” Alexis was reading a book. She didn't bother looking up from it either.

“Come on Alexis, you are the strongest girl in the blue dorm, one of the Royal Blue!” she closed her book with a snap.

“I didn't ask to be one,” she stated firmly.

“Yeah but your skills made you one.” some of the girls looked over in class and saw Jaden hanging with Syrus and Bastion. “To think one of our own would betray us, what could he be thinking.”

“He doesn't know who he's messing with if he goes too far the royal blue would take him down.” Alexis got up and left. “Alexis...”

“The Royal Blue are dead.” The Royal Blue referred to the number 1 duelist in each year of the blue dorm, they were given the title of Royal Blue. In the past, the trio had crushed both the red and yellow dorm in test wars and helped raise the Blue dorm to the position it was today. However, the second seat has remained empty after one of them mysteriously disappeared.

While it was true Zane was the number 1 third year, and Alexis was the strongest in year 1, the titles of Royal Blue died with him.


Alexis had a lot on her plate, but she wasn't blind. She was there when Jaden defeated Doctor Crowler. She took note of his grades taking the top spot in the new applicants. When he stood up for the red dorm and declared a Test War she thought he was crazy but interesting.

The girls were always gossiping about him, calling him crazy, or a slacker who just got lucky. The fact he was defending red students here and there, not letting them be bullied or pushed around. To think he would start a test war, disturbing the balance of Duel Academy.

She wasn't dumb, she knew how elitist many of the Obelisk Blue students were. Threatening their easy lifestyle like this, the retaliation was quirk and wicked. She had seen some of it herself, she found it disgraceful, but in her mind, she wasn't a snitch and it wasn't any of her business anyway.

After a week Jaden never said a word, and he was the one who took the brunt of the abuse. Yet, he continued to smile and walk forward, and he was even countering some of the pranks. She had a feeling Crowler wouldn’t listen anyway if Jaden was one of the Red students he’d have tried to expel him already. It must be driving him mad that one of his precious Blue students was supporting the slackers, what’s more, he can’t punish Jaden for siding with the Red Dorm either, all he can do is wait, and if Jaden loses he can be demoted.

Alexis didn’t believe it would be so easy, from the way he dueled, though she wouldn’t know how strong he was until she dueled him herself. She had a feeling once the month was up she’d be called upon to do it. While she had no interest in the war she would like to duel Jaden.

She had her own worries, dueling was her passion, but she was at Duel Academy for another reason. ‘Big brother...what happened to you?’ she scoured the archive trying to find an answer.

Alexis even went to the gate of the abandoned dorm, it was forbidden to step inside. As far as she could find, her brother and other students went missing from this dorm. The purpose of this dorm was shrouded in mystery, the files on it were all redacted, it seems the only thing she could find out, it was built during a test war, but those involved in the war were unknown.

‘I won’t give up, I will find you.’ she left a rose at the gate, but too her shock it wasn’t the only rose there. ‘Maybe someone on this island knows what happened to him.’


Some of the blue duelists had turned to Zane, but he knew the rules. Third years can’t get involved in the wars so early, especially since the red dorm had no third-year students, most drop out by the second year. Most third years had no interest in the wars, focused more on graduating.

Zane had a lot of pride in his skills, he truly was the best student of the third year class, his record was flawless. He'd seen Jaden duel as well, and he could see something was different. The boy had fun dueling, but behind those eyes were ones that had seen battle.

In samurai terms, Zane could see he had yet to use his true blade, in dueling terms, its as if he's dueling with his left hand, but he's really right-handed. He also didn't approve of the hazing, but no one in his group had done any such thing it was the juniors.


Despite the bullying, it didn't stop Jaden from spending time with Syrus. All week they found time to be together, Syrus was finding it easier and easier to function with fewer hours of sleep. What's more, his oral skills were steadily improving. He was able to take more of Jaden's cock at a time, he was learning to breathe through his nose, which allowed him to swim in the manly and heavenly musk Jaden emitted.

Syrus was enjoying sucking Jaden's dick so much he actually came from it. He was embarrassed at first, but Jaden never scolded him or made him feel less. Jaden was so proud of Syrus, he let him have a go at his centaur cock. The monstrous 24 inch one between his horse legs.

He got to feel the weight and heat of it, even with both hands he couldn't hold all of his girth. It was hard to believe it was gonna be inside him one day. He didn't think it was possible at first, but he trusted Jaden.

It wasn't like he wasn't noticing any changes, he did feel different just couldn't really explain it. He crawled under Jaden and began to make out with Jaden's massive beast dick. The taste was so powerful, coaxing Syrus to lap more. Then the pre-cum started to pour out, and Syrus began to make out with the piss slit, drinking down the essence like a man in the desert who just found water.

It filled his belly and made his body tingle. His own cock weeping like a waterfall between his legs. He used his hands to pump half of Jaden's shaft as he continued to make out with the massive dick. His tongue wiggled and wiggled against the slit and before he knew it his tongue slipped inside Jaden's pipe.

Jaden's heavy balls lurched an unloaded a heaping helping of thick centaur cum, some got in his mouth, but the rest covered Syrus in his seed. The poor boy was drenched from head to toe, you couldn't even tell that he had cum, his seed vanished in the sea of white. He crawled out and without missing a beat, started sucking Jaden's second cock. “You are beautiful Syrus!” he looked so damn cute with his mouth around his cock.

By the end of the second week, Syrus had gained a tiny bit of muscle, and his cock had physically grown an inch, but best yet Syrus could suck 12 inches of Jaden's human cock now.

It was very good progress, Jaden believed by the end of the month, Syrus could be ready. Maybe not for his centaur dick but his human one certainly. He also believed it was time to bring Bastion into the fold.


Bastion had been called to the Blue Dorm by Jaden. The boy had been on his mind for some time, there was no denying his strength. Jaden's dueling skills certainly excited him, among other things. The events of the locker room had not left his mind, try as he might.

He was such a serious young man, so he didn't partake in self-pleasure, not that he would turn down a bona fide offer. As studious as he was, he wasn't opposed to a party. The more he denied his body, the more Jaden haunted his dreams, things getting wet.

Bastion reached Jaden's dorm room and found the door unlocked. “Alright, I'm here what did you...my word!” Bastion's jaw dropped, his heart skipped a beat, and his blood rushed south.

Jaden and Syrus were both naked in Jaden's bed, the boy was sucking Jaden's massive dick with gusto, what he couldn't fit in his mouth was caressed with his hand. A large vibe buzzing away at Syrus' ass, and his free hand was pumping his twitching cock.

Bastion gulped and licked his suddenly dry lips. Jaden was basking in the pleasure, hands behind his head as he let Syrus work. “Hey Bastion,” Jaden waved. “Thanks for coming.”

To be continued...Bastion Joins the Fold


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