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Digimon Tamers parody: Patreon Reward

 Chapter 4  https://www.patreon.com/posts/25170128 

Chapter 5 Boost and Boom

Impmon was keen on the mystic arts, his powers were getting stronger having fed and absorbed Takato’s semen. Now he had Guilmon’s and Henry’s semen, and he could feel his power growing beyond his limit. He could feel the ability to work some magic he couldn’t before.

Takato really was the perfect one to go for first, so much potential, now he’s gained two more pieces. He could practically drink the sexual energy the group exerts. Such a glorious feast, like your favorite food, mixed with fine wine.

So instead of getting drunk on his own power, he decided to share it. Guilmon and Henry were sleeping beside Takato, the humans were naked. Henry must have been having a nice dream as he was humping Takato’s leg, his cock hard and throbbing. ‘Such a horny human, he’s gonna love this too.’

He climbed up onto Takato. ‘Just you wait Takato, this is a gift for both of us.’ he created a magic seal on the bed. He started to lick Takato’s chest, drawing patterns with his tongue. He moved from the left pec to the right, going back and forth, making runes with saliva, this strengthened the magic he was conjuring.

“Ohhh,” Takato moaned, the pleasure was radiating from the runes, dancing across his skin going straight to his cock. Impmon moved down, creating runes with his tongue where Takatao’s abs would be. Going lower and lower until he reached Takato’s hard cock.

He brought his hands together and began to chant. “Boom boom boom, bada bada boom!” magical rings began to appear around Takato’s dick. “Boom boom bada BOOM!” he created an orange flame and infused it into the boy's dick.

Takato moaned but didn’t awaken. Impmon was conjuring powerful magic, but as a rookie he still had limits. It took a lot of concentration, a lot of preparation, but the pay off was gonna be glorious. He’s gained two mates since becoming Impmon’s. He boosted the boy’s stamina before, now he was gonna boost something else.

His spell reacted with Takato’s digivice, allowing the modification to take hold. Takato’s cock throbbed and pulsed, his length extending twice, and his girth expanding once. He was still a growing boy, and with Impmon’s help, he’d grow the right way.

Impmon smirked, eying the boy’s now 10-inch dick. “Mmmm,” he took a whiff, and he even smelled manlier. It had his cock hardening and throbbing. 'A gift for us all!' he licked his lips and marveled at the larger size.

He started licking the boy's long hard dick, while his hand fondled his heavy balls. Impmon wasn't a size queen, no sir, not one at all, but he could appreciate a tasty piece of man meat when it was right there. He licked and kisses each inch, loving the extra two inches.

As he licked the head his free hand caressed his long length. He was so big, he dropped his balls, and used two hands to stroke his long cock. Impmon moved to wrap his lips around the head, slurping and sucking it, while his hands worked the shaft.

Takato shifted, making Henry moan as his leg brushed the boy's hard length. Takato panted and groaned, but just as he was about to cum, Impmon squeezed his dick denying him. 'Hold on there, I'm not passing up a ride on this.'

He climbed up onto the boy's dick and sat on the fat head. 'Ride 'em cowboy!' he thinks as he sank down onto Takato's fat cock. “Ohh yes!” he took the first 8 inches easily, like his body saying hello to an old friend, the last two needed some extra work. “YES!”

The last two inches sank in and his belly bulged. His pupils became like hearts. “Ahhh,” he rubbed his belly, feeling the dick bulge. 'Ohh he's twitching inside me!' he takes a moment to enjoy the fullness, feeling his toes curl. He starts to move and learns he can't even reach the tip, so he's got 2 inches of cock in him at all times as he rides Takato. 'Oh yeah, oh yeah, ohhh yeah!'

His own hard cock bounced and slapped Takato's stomach, as his balls were tickled by Takato's pubes. “Mmm,” Takato moaned in his sleep. His cock continued to pulse deep inside the wicked little Digimon. Impmon felt the boy pulse inside of him, the pre-cum was overflowing inside him.

He moved faster increasing the friction. “Bada boom!” he cried out as he came, his cock jutting up as his cum unloaded all over Takato, hitting his face, chest, and stomach. His clenching inner heat pulled Takato over the edge.

Takato's cock erupted pumping cum deep into Impmon's body. “Nnnh,” he loved it, he felt his belly swell from the excess of cum. He rubbed his swollen belly, pleased.

After pulling off Takato's still hard cock he smiled. 'The others can take care of that when you wake up.' he chuckles and fondles the boy's slick cock. Impmon would have taken another ride, but he had other business to attend to. Impmon sipped out of Takato's bedroom and went off into the night.


Digimon were truly a marvelous thing, born from data, gain strength by absorbing data and by joining forces with a human. Digimon have been able to gain new strength by partnering with humans, and as Impmon learned can be even taken to the next level. Digimon can draw strength from the human spirit, through the bond they shared, the greater the bond the more they could grow.

Renamon has been trying to increase his bond with Rika, being a fox-like Digimon he had some unique abilities of his own. Including the ability to change their form, from male to female, and vice versa. Becoming Rika's partner he's done his best to serve the girl's needs, but in kind has gotten his own needs ignored.

He hasn't been satisfied for a while now, and his furry balls were starting to itch with unshed cum. He left Rika in her bed and went outside. His cock was out of his sheath, long and hard, his furry balls hanging beneath his length. Renamon sighed as he waited for the cool night air to calm his heated length.

Renamon was too proud to self-pleasure so he simply sat and waited, his hard cock throbbing between his furry legs. “Didn't come tonight did ya?” Renamon tenses and turned and saw Impmon standing n a nearby tree.

“What are you doing here, I'm busy so get lost.”

“Busy getting blue balls.” Impmon eyed him. “They look bigger than last time.”

“You are a pest.” Renamon folded his arms.

“Ever think that topping is not for you, that'd you'd find more pleasure in receiving.” Renamon blushed.

“What nonsense are you speaking!” he stood up, his hard cock bobbing as he moved. “Submission is for the weak, I am not weak. My size is bigger than most rookies could even dream of.”

“I think you were born with a cock too big for you to handle.” Renamon lunged at Impmon, only for him to dodge, flipping over him.

“Now I see, you act cocky but I can smell the cum in you. You submit because you aren't strong enough to dominate!” Impmon understood what Renamon was talking about, in the digital world power was everything, if you were strong you could do whatever you want, and the weak were happy to serve you.

“I'll tell you what toots I'm proud to top and bottom, the versatility is what makes me stronger.” he bent over and spread his cheeks showing off his cum filled hole.

Renamon's blush deepened and he attacked Impmon again, only for the Digimon to dodge again. 'He's faster than before.' Renamon thought, he took a fighting stance.

Impmon summoned his purple fire, which Renamon didn't see as a threat from the tiny fireball. “Let me show you what you are missing.” Renamon charged and Impmon launched the ball that exploded in front of Renamon's face.

The anthro fox Digimon stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes followed the purple embers. He closed his eyes and tried to resist, but Impmon got close to him and grabbed him by the balls. “Ahhh!” his furry legs buckled as Impmon fondled his big nuts.

“So sensitive, it seems I found your real weakness.”


“Bada Boom!” he gave Renamon another dose of the purple fire. His eyes glazed over, and he slumped down to his knees. Impmon planted his foot down and pinned Renamon's cock, so much pre-cum began to spill out.

“You are quite the proud Digimon, denying yourself true pleasure, thinking it makes you weak to submit to another.” he started rubbing his dick with his foot.

“Ah-ahh ah ah ah!” Renamon panted, with such little touch he was already about to explode.

“Time for your first lesson!” he kissed Renamon hard. In this one kiss, Renamon was consumed by passion and skill that made his cock throb and his hole tighten. His fur bristled as Impmon dominated his mouth, and before he knew it he came. Blowing his load all over the roof they were standing on.

Despite the powerful orgasm Renamon was still hard and twitching. “Cumming from just a kiss, you really are pent up, not to worry I'm gonna help drain those balls of yours, and then bring you to Takato.” Renamon was listening, but his head was also swimming in the orgasmic sensations, and this was just the beginning.

To be continued...


Lord Zero 1606

Love the chapter. I sould have expected Impmon getting stronger through all the sex. Happy to see him sharing it with Takato. Finally Renamon makes his appearance, can't wait to see what'll happen next.


Ditto, loving how strong and horny Impmon is getting~