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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: tier 1


Demon Suit

A strange demon has come to the human world, it’s considered a parasite and not very powerful but fools, he was no parasite, he didn’t feed on his host, it was a symbiotic relationship. He just needed the right host, he finds Yusuke. Admires his strength and iron will, and hey the boy could use a friend. Symbiote Yusuke/Harem

Chapter 1

Because of the barrier, powerful demons were not able to pass through into the human world, B rank and higher were safely locked back and kept in the demon world. C class and lower could still cause trouble in the human world, so Spirit World often monitored to make sure they didn't hurt innocent humans.

So it was rare for such a creature to escape their watch. Something that could easily slip through the barrier, no one paid close enough to him. He was just a parasite, as far as his demon peers were concerned. Not that he didn't see why it was hard for them to survive without a host.

He was a symbiote, their relationship was one of mutual benefit. They got to survive and feed off the host's energy and DNA, in exchange not only will they help protect their host in a fight, becoming armor or even weapons, they also help the user obtain great strength, reaching to become their best self. A union was not always perfect, if the emotions, DNA, or body don't match the symbiote, the creature will leave taking enough energy to survive until it finds a new host.

Their kind has been hunted, by old hosts becoming yandere and saying if they couldn't be together than no one will have you. For this symbiote, he was tired of living in the demon world and was seeking a new host. They can call him a parasite, but he was a symbiote and he wanted to find the perfect host.


Yusuke Urameshi was a young punk/delinquent, from an early age he learned he had an excitement from fighting. He often got into fights, usually for noble causes. Yusuke used to beat up bullies who picked on other kids, he kicked their asses, who ran home and cried to their moms, who then went after Yusuke's mom, who intern punished him even though he did nothing wrong.

Rumors spread about, spread from parent to parent, and then reached the kids, who spread it about, like a virus. Some kids started teasing Yusuke, and even kids Yusuke defended stayed away from him, both because their parents told them to and feared getting bullied as well. Yusuke grew up tough, having no one to turn to, his mom took to the drink, his dad left.

He eventually met a girl named Keiko, who was being messed with by some boys, so Yusuke beat them up. She thanks him and Yusuke's growling stomach gave Keiko the idea of inviting him back to her family's restaurant to give him food as thanks.

The years passed, and rumor's of Yusuke's evil reached the ridiculous levels. Yusuke did train and keep himself strong, and all the fights he had certainly toughened him up. He's tough and very strong, but not as strong as the rumors say. He's never beaten anyone while being tied up, he can't destroy a pole with a flick of his pinky, he can't stop a speeding car with his bare hand, he can't break through chains by flexing his muscles, he doesn't run a gang of 5,000 henchmen.

Some rumors were blown out of proportion or details left out, Yusuke did steal once, he was hungry and locked out of his house, so he stole a hotdog from a food vendor. The rumors spread and now people seem to think Yusuke is a criminal mastermind, who steals from anyone and everyone, young or old.

Keiko knows they aren't true, but she was but one tiny voice, and despite her being the closest thing to a sister to Yusuke, her friends who barely know him, seem to think they know more than her. What didn't help was people of authority Mr. Iwamoto and Mr. Akashi not only condone the rumors but encourage them.

If Yusuke was dealing with jerks trying to beat him up, in Iwamoto's eyes, Yusuke was always in the wrong, believing if he wasn't such a delinquent or wasn't trash then he wouldn't be getting into so many fights. Akashi wasn't much better, even on Yusuke's first day he was cruel to him, picking him out when he knew Yusuke didn't know the answer just to humiliate him. He had no problem talking to people behind Yusuke's back encouraging more and more violence against him. With these teachers, Yusuke felt more isolated and stopped caring about his education, going as far as to not even wear the school colors of blue, and wore green instead.

Half the time he was just coming to school to try and get a free meal. Takenaka tried to help Yusuke, he saw the potential the boy had when he put his mind to something he was unstoppable, but Yusuke didn't trust easy. He thought all the teachers were the same, even though Takenaka was the principal but he did teach a few classes too so…

He didn't care if he had friends if they didn't understand him so what, it was probably for the best anyway. It's why he stayed away from Keiko, better to stay out of the splatter zone. The one person who was close to understanding him was Kuwabara, sure they fought a lot, sure Yusuke beat him into the pavement, but there was something special about their relationship. They didn't talk, just quipped back and forth before the fists went flying, but it was one of the few times Yusuke legit felt happy.

Yusuke didn't feel happy at home, at school, not even on the streets really...in a fight he actually got excited. Video games were nice, but with no money they were few and far between, he was lucky to hustle a few people at the arcade for a chance to play.

He felt like an outsider looking through a window at the world. It was hard to feel invested in a world that seemed to not want him, while he was quick to throw a punch but he knew when to hold back, nothing set him off more than when people insulted his mother. She was far from perfect, half the time he was lucky to see her get out of bed, she often blew their food money either gambling or going drinking, and sometimes Yusuke found himself locked out of their place, so he had to go sleep in the park. All that in mind, she gave life to him so if anyone insulted her he'd punch them out.

Yusuke and Kuwabara both lived on their own honor code, Kuwabara's a bit more chivalrous Yusuke's was a lot more complicated. He felt defeated by the world's rules and didn't know if he was ever gonna escape it.


After a long day of dealing with people talking about him behind his back, someone using his name to rob some other poor soul, and even after Yusuke tried to get the wallet back for the victim, Mr. Iwamoto saw Yusuke, the boys, and the wallet, and immediately thought Yusuke was mugging them for...their wallets! After telling him trash like him should just disappear Yusuke ditched school.

He went home, to find his mom had gone out drinking and had locked him out of the house in the process. He wandered around a bit and bumped into Kuwabara and his group. Hell, he needed some cheering up so he kicked Kuwabara's ass keeping his win streak of 99 fights...now an even 100.

Yusuke continued to walk around looking for something to do, he came upon a little kid who was playing soccer by the street. Knowing that was super unsafe, he brought the kid to the park and notified the neighborhood watch committee person, they went to find the kids mom, and he played ball with him until his mother came by and picked him. “Mommy, mommy, this guy was really nice to me, he made silly faces.”

“You should be careful, that kid of yours was playing by the street.”

“Thank you for looking after him for me.” she hugged her son and took him home. Yusuke had vague memories of him and his mother like that and wondered where it all went wrong.

The head of the committee found him after. “Good work son, I bet the world would be a better place if there were more young men like you out there.”

Yusuke laughed. “You'd lose that bet, later.” he walked off back home only to find it still locked. No doubt his mother was on a bender, and wouldn't be home until tomorrow. So it was back to the park to find a place to sleep.

Little did he know he wasn't alone, the symbiote was looking for a host, and so far no one he'd seen met his tastes. Then Yusuke showed up. The boy's emotions were radiating off him like a fine cologne. The symbiote blushed, bubbling in delight, even to its humble senses he can see Yusuke was jacked, and that was just the tip of the ice burg he could see the potential that lay beneath. Imagine its joy when Yusuke came right to him and sat on the bench he was hiding under.

Yusuke was exhausted, physically, emotionally, even spiritually. He was tired...so tired...he closed his eyes. Drip...drip...drip… 'Rain?' he opened his eyes and saw some kind of slime hanging over him, a row of pointy teeth appearing. “What the he….” he didn't get a chance to finish as the symbiote descended.

To be continued...Rumble!


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